RFK Jr seems to be the only candidate who tells the truth about the economy. Regardless of his other positions on hot button world events, he is in fact the only man or woman who is standing up to the enormous grip that the bankers, Wall Street and corporations like Black Rock and State Street have on the regular hard working people of our country. If this globalist agenda is not stopped and soon, there will be no United States of America any longer. We are quickly heading to a fractured, warring, debilitated USA and no one benefits in the long run by that. It is a sad ending that only Kennedy is talking about in any way that matters: RESISTANCE and RESTORATION.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023Liked by Aaron Good

TO: RFK Jr. I have been a supporter for a long time. I think however given your strong spiritual practice and your historical legacy you carry with you, a direct response to this is more important than whatever reasons you have for not speaking out. I am asking you to respond to this: https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/11/13/photos-more-death-and-destruction-in-gaza-as-israeli-attacks-continue Sir, how do you react to this?

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I appreciate this Joanna. For sure he is a Deeply Spiritual man. Which is why there is no excuse for his stance on Palestine!

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unless he is protecting his life and children? no one seems to be making the link

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This is a great explanation of our US dollar and the corrupt capture of our monetary system. The 80’s with Reagan also caused more damage. Would like to see RFK’s plan to handle this huge, entrenched problem!

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While I appreciate the Immense amount of good Kennedy has done he is a Big Hypocrite regarding the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians! He is Overwhelmingly Supporting the US Military Industrial Complex and Israel to the Horrendous Detriment of the Palestinians. Disgraceful. Who is he beholden to?

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I like Curtin a lot and have been an admirer for a long time and do not disagree with him. Something tells me however this is not about hypocracy with Kennedy. I can't quite put my finger on it because there is information we do not have. It's just an instinct. Anyway this might be important to read: https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-deep-spring-a-few-words-in-favor In light of what could happen in the world with the loss of the REAL US of say the 1960's before it was usurped by globalists, our collective condemnation of him might be an error.

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The fact that you "can't put your finger on it" is because of his silence. If he spoke out and explained it it would become clear. This is a problem with most politicians no matter how progressive they are. Look at Bernie. The Israeli lobby is strong and they can and will destroy you. If not them then the CIA. I think his candidacy is already over as many including me are pissed.. How will he implement any of the issues if he is afraid of the Empire? Maybe if he explained that too, he'd get win back those who have left and gather more.

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if you want, you can reach a very different conclusion about silence other than approval. Silence can sometimes be not about not caring but be about fear of speaking up due to retaliation. Have you not been quiet sometimes about something you should speak about for fear of how your loved ones could be treated? Is this such a stretch or is it a very real possibility? He's not Superman. Bullets don't bounce off him. Silence does not always mean compliance. And sometimes that is exactly what it means. We don't know.

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RFK Jr has never been higher in the polls.

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Albert, I felt and to some extent still feel exactly the same as you. I read a recent piece, however, that gave me a different perspective. It did not directly discuss the Palestine Holocaust but it gave me greater insight into Kennedy's psyche and the inner work he does on a daily basis: his "practice" one could say. If I can locate it, I will post it here on an edit.

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Here it is....it was actually on the Kennedy Beacon. I would be interested in knowing your insights about what he states here. Somehow I think it is linked to the current fiasco in Palestine but I am not sure how. https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-deep-spring-a-few-words-in-favor

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Thank you.

RFK JR is a deeply spiritually anchored man.

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Joanna - I would appreciate it if you could post the article you mention, TY

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It's in the link above. I am interested in what you think. I feel there is an unwritten indirect connection in some way.

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There is no genocide or ethnic cleansing. That's an incredible twisting of truth. Here's info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fWoiWwpXNI


But truly, I don't expect you to be open. Most people who express things like what you said aren't open to seeing the error of their perceptions. But, if you are the rare one, please become informed.

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Thank you Mr. Good. RFK Jr. tells the truth and that is why he has my full support.

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Why is it all you “Palestine” Hammas supporters are ignoring the atrocities that started Israel’s defensive positions? And you are also ignoring the centuries of Jewish occupation of the land in question. If your position is Israel has no right to exist, I suppose you are also Nazi holocaust deniers. Try looking at the whole, historical picture here. This is no “illegal occupation” situation.

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Excuse me? Hamas supporters? Seriously? People are deeply upset about the holocaust currently taking place of ordinary people, children and their families. Anti semitic name calling? Nazi Holocaust deniers? That's your response? Name calling of very very upright and compassionate people? Back up Rebecca....you are WAY out of line and the anti-Semitic trope is getting real old

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I am not “out of line” to point out the apparent disregard for the atrocities committed on Israeli people on October 7. Nobody I have read here is even mentioning that.

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That RFKJr. opposes the anti-American policy of the globalists I had not previouslly known.

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Mr. Good,

Everything you say is TRUE. And, as you can see the IMF (and World Bank & UN) are just continuing with the same policies and trajectory. (Pls. see https://quenbywilcox2.wixsite.com/takingbackamerica/post/my-beef-w-imf-icd-staff). But, NO ONE is calling out some of the actors currently involved. I worked in the IMF Institute for Capacity Dev. (ICD) for 4 yrs. (2011-15) and 2 yrs. in IMF Family Assoc. (2009-11), and have 'whistle blown' against discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, and retaliatory terminations (for competence and diligence in my work) in both depts. which are in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other US federal laws. However, I have been unable to find a lawyer to assist me in bringing suit, or even having a 'conversation' w its Mgt. about its internal mismanagement problems. (Pls. see https://quenbywilcox2.wixsite.com/takingbackamerica/post/toc-of-letters-to-imf-world-bank-staff-mgt).

Furthermore, even though I opted out of a promising career in the fin. mkts. (and was a 'whiz' in math and intl. econ. as a student long ago), I did NOT opt-out of life as an 'expat, trailing spouse' (Paris, Madrid, Brussels, and Bogota) to a Spanish French (crash and burn) banker. My perspectives of the IMF, WB, and probs. in economies and banking systems are different. But, they are based on the real lives of the people involved as well as academic research of the policy and practices of the IMF and World Bank. Unfortunately, what the IMF's university (ICD) is doing is training staffers in treasury depts., central banks, and regulators for 'follow the lead' of the Americans in creating boom and bust economies.

What ICD is 'teaching' and promoting for govts. & economies is excessive spending, over indebtedness, high risk w no regard for yield mentalities amongst govt., investors, business community, and consumer spenders - under the guise of 'modernization' of societies and economies. This is resulting time and time again in socio-economic problems, breakdown of societal and political institutions, rising civil unrest and violence, and autocratic govts. and military dictators.

But, since none of the 'experts' seem to notice what they are doing, they keep on going, while the damage being done becomes greater and greater. As I keep pointing out the much-lauded SDGs are producing the same socio-economic and geo-political problems that Reaganomics 'trickle down' has in the past 40 yrs in USA, for same reasons. But no one, not even David Stockman seems to notice!?! And taxpayers are paying 'social media influencers' billions to disperse propaganda on the Internet and speeches!! (Cara Kennedy Cuomo is an SDG influencer - and Deerfield / Wharton graduate!)

You are correct in that RFK, Jr. is on the right path, and asking all of the hard questions, and pointing to many of the problems which plague the country (and world). However, as you point out, he has not released a comprehensive monetary plan. I do not know who his advisors are. However, some of the 'ghostbusters' he might want to call in putting one together are, Joseph Stiglitz (who was 'ousted' as Chief Economist of the World Bank in 2000), and hedge fund mgrs. Naomi Prins, Peter Schiff, Michael Burry, and author Michael Lewis is another who has been following these events and hasn't been drinking the Kool-Aid.

As Michael Lewis told Christine Lagarde in a One-on-One at the IMF/WB Annual Mtgs. when they put women in positions of power, they are usually looking for a 'fall guy'. She nervously laughed him off. Whereas she should have heed his words. She is now at the EU central bank, whereas former WB/IMF stellular career, Nemat Shafik was Pres. of London School of Economics, and now Pres. of Columbia Univ. And, Sharmini Coorey is still Director of ICD in the IMF, while its MD is Kristalina Georgieva. As seen the 'breaking glass ceiling' women who have entered positions of Power have not 'changed the rules of the game' and 'Save the World' from its Patriarchal past, as they contend. They have just replaced the ivy league frat boys, puppets of high wealth indivs. and corporations of the past with newer versions.

By calling out the bullies and party politickers in the IMF, World Bank, and UN is a 'back door' into confronting the problems w/in these orgs, and those who control it thru Discrimination, Exclusion, and Intimidation (DEI) practices and policies. However, it would be much easier and more effective than criticizing them in public forums, but not advocating for Accountability for implicated staffers at present.

JFK, Jr. is enjoying great popularity in the polls at present, because American People are tired of party politicking in DC, and lack of Accountability. He can win by a landslide if he shows that he is willing to take ACTION in addressing the problems he is discussing in interviews, town halls, and social media campaigns.

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There are countless historical examples around the world of a Nations Fiat currency becoming worthless Paper [every continent has several examples] because it's so Easy for Governments to create it rather than practice Fiscal self restraint.. America's Fiat will prove again to be the same....[ the WEF is all set to jump on it's collapse] unless RFK Jr can reverse this? Possibly.. though it would be the first time at the [11th hour of Empire] a nation will have abandoned its Fiat.. before it becomes worthless..

A New currency backed by what hard asset? RFK Jr is absolutely right but which would it be. Gold and Silver are the historic assets of choice.. they of course would have to be revalued.. what are the others?

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The idea of moving from what is essentially an unsecured loan to a secured loan is usually accompanied by a reduction interest rates. In the US's case as the debt is currently unsustainable, it would probably result in the assets being seized.

Far better in my opinion is to drastically reduce the Federal debt by cutting the budget. Senator Rand Paul each year proposes reasonable budget cuts that address this problem. Each year it is rejected. I think if Kennedy supported Paul on this matter I would be a LOT more comfortable.

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Agreed FL! Rand has been one of the only sane, truly responsible voices regarding Fiscal policy... in American political leadership.. for decades as his father Ron was .. We need more leaders like RFK Jr and the Paul's...

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Thank you for that statement and this link!!! It's an honor to have an IODINE specialist here!!:)

"That you have not defended the children of Gaza and condemned their massacre by the thousands has shocked and sickened me."

Me too, despite of having a great, deep respect for everything what RF Kennedy did, so far. Personally I'm for the Americans, who care and fight for their totally destroyed food, lands covered with chemicals/GMO's and who fight against the now genetically modifying covid injections. I'm for those, who condemn wars and KILLINGS. To build a country, one needs healthy, critically thinking HUMANS, and it looks like the entire medical cartel, absolutely does not want that. That topic, genetically modified humans, destruction of the human genome (except for RFK one time mention of it and later on retracting the statement), was the NO 1 issue for me, and unfortunately Children Host Defense with all the staff writers, never wanted to talk about it or be consistent about naming the covid injections properly.

The Palestinian issue is very much similar in the importance, and as you said, is NOT touched by RFK. That is very disturbing to say the least, as it was the GMO topic. SO far only one presidential candidate touches the topic of the Zionists, Dr. Shiva.

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Good thinking Joanna. Though he said he has the Courage to do what his Creator put him here to do which means he should have the Spiritual Strength Not to be intimated by the Scum who would do that. If that is the case he is not a True Leader. Understandable but not acceptable or America is just lost to Intimidation, Bribery and Blackmail!

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Yes, I am convinced RFK Jr. is the Best Candidate by far.

However a huge FLAW he is committing it to throw the USA in the total Fallacy of supporting the Zionist Totalitarian and Human Rights violation Israel representatives have been enrolled in for YEARS...

When there is a voluntary confession by the perpetrators of the crimes no other proof is needed.

Mr. Robert Kennesdy, do your country and yourself a favor and spend some time reading this compilation of Crime Admission by those you chose to support:


The first 54 quotes are direct from the Zionist leaders.

The rest has some opinions of impartial and credible analysts intermixed.

It is not a few cherry picked examples... IT IS 160 PAGES LONG.

When one realizes he is Wrong, he does not lose, on the contrary he WINS because he stops BEING WRONG. We need all pretending leaders to apply this philosophy for the good of The People.

Truth is Truth except when it is OMITTED it may easily become a LIE

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How does he square this with taking side in the Israeli Hamas situation?

"Perhaps most notably, Kennedy has the courage and wisdom to connect these issues to the US Empire and the ways in which the American war machine has sucked money and resources away from human needs and into corporate profiteering"

I would love to see him neutral and see the US part in it.

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Great post. RFK Jr. is effectively an eco-terrorist who is right on certain issues, but I have zero trust in his potential economic policy at this point. Trump did the next best thing by tightening monetary supply, unleashing hydrocarbon energy, and lowering our corporate tax rate from the highest in the world(39%) to 21%. We had the highest purchasing power of our lives with almost zero inflation. He was kicked out of office for it and it is why they are trying to take his freedom.

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Disgustingly Criminal! And this is what the Man of Peace RFK Jr. Stands for?

Is he Bought and Paid for, Blackmailed or both?

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