While I appreciate the Immense amount of good Kennedy has done he is a Big Hypocrite regarding the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians! He is Overwhelmingly Supporting the US Military Industrial Complex and Israel to the Horrendous Detriment of the Palestinians. Disgraceful. Who is he beholden to?
While I appreciate the Immense amount of good Kennedy has done he is a Big Hypocrite regarding the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians! He is Overwhelmingly Supporting the US Military Industrial Complex and Israel to the Horrendous Detriment of the Palestinians. Disgraceful. Who is he beholden to?
I like Curtin a lot and have been an admirer for a long time and do not disagree with him. Something tells me however this is not about hypocracy with Kennedy. I can't quite put my finger on it because there is information we do not have. It's just an instinct. Anyway this might be important to read: https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-deep-spring-a-few-words-in-favor In light of what could happen in the world with the loss of the REAL US of say the 1960's before it was usurped by globalists, our collective condemnation of him might be an error.
The fact that you "can't put your finger on it" is because of his silence. If he spoke out and explained it it would become clear. This is a problem with most politicians no matter how progressive they are. Look at Bernie. The Israeli lobby is strong and they can and will destroy you. If not them then the CIA. I think his candidacy is already over as many including me are pissed.. How will he implement any of the issues if he is afraid of the Empire? Maybe if he explained that too, he'd get win back those who have left and gather more.
if you want, you can reach a very different conclusion about silence other than approval. Silence can sometimes be not about not caring but be about fear of speaking up due to retaliation. Have you not been quiet sometimes about something you should speak about for fear of how your loved ones could be treated? Is this such a stretch or is it a very real possibility? He's not Superman. Bullets don't bounce off him. Silence does not always mean compliance. And sometimes that is exactly what it means. We don't know.
Albert, I felt and to some extent still feel exactly the same as you. I read a recent piece, however, that gave me a different perspective. It did not directly discuss the Palestine Holocaust but it gave me greater insight into Kennedy's psyche and the inner work he does on a daily basis: his "practice" one could say. If I can locate it, I will post it here on an edit.
But truly, I don't expect you to be open. Most people who express things like what you said aren't open to seeing the error of their perceptions. But, if you are the rare one, please become informed.
While I appreciate the Immense amount of good Kennedy has done he is a Big Hypocrite regarding the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians! He is Overwhelmingly Supporting the US Military Industrial Complex and Israel to the Horrendous Detriment of the Palestinians. Disgraceful. Who is he beholden to?
I like Curtin a lot and have been an admirer for a long time and do not disagree with him. Something tells me however this is not about hypocracy with Kennedy. I can't quite put my finger on it because there is information we do not have. It's just an instinct. Anyway this might be important to read: https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-deep-spring-a-few-words-in-favor In light of what could happen in the world with the loss of the REAL US of say the 1960's before it was usurped by globalists, our collective condemnation of him might be an error.
The fact that you "can't put your finger on it" is because of his silence. If he spoke out and explained it it would become clear. This is a problem with most politicians no matter how progressive they are. Look at Bernie. The Israeli lobby is strong and they can and will destroy you. If not them then the CIA. I think his candidacy is already over as many including me are pissed.. How will he implement any of the issues if he is afraid of the Empire? Maybe if he explained that too, he'd get win back those who have left and gather more.
if you want, you can reach a very different conclusion about silence other than approval. Silence can sometimes be not about not caring but be about fear of speaking up due to retaliation. Have you not been quiet sometimes about something you should speak about for fear of how your loved ones could be treated? Is this such a stretch or is it a very real possibility? He's not Superman. Bullets don't bounce off him. Silence does not always mean compliance. And sometimes that is exactly what it means. We don't know.
RFK Jr has never been higher in the polls.
Albert, I felt and to some extent still feel exactly the same as you. I read a recent piece, however, that gave me a different perspective. It did not directly discuss the Palestine Holocaust but it gave me greater insight into Kennedy's psyche and the inner work he does on a daily basis: his "practice" one could say. If I can locate it, I will post it here on an edit.
Here it is....it was actually on the Kennedy Beacon. I would be interested in knowing your insights about what he states here. Somehow I think it is linked to the current fiasco in Palestine but I am not sure how. https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-deep-spring-a-few-words-in-favor
Thank you.
RFK JR is a deeply spiritually anchored man.
Joanna - I would appreciate it if you could post the article you mention, TY
It's in the link above. I am interested in what you think. I feel there is an unwritten indirect connection in some way.
There is no genocide or ethnic cleansing. That's an incredible twisting of truth. Here's info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fWoiWwpXNI
But truly, I don't expect you to be open. Most people who express things like what you said aren't open to seeing the error of their perceptions. But, if you are the rare one, please become informed.