Albert, I felt and to some extent still feel exactly the same as you. I read a recent piece, however, that gave me a different perspective. It did not directly discuss the Palestine Holocaust but it gave me greater insight into Kennedy's psyche and the inner work he does on a daily basis: his "practice" one could say. If I can locate it, I will post it here on an edit.
Albert, I felt and to some extent still feel exactly the same as you. I read a recent piece, however, that gave me a different perspective. It did not directly discuss the Palestine Holocaust but it gave me greater insight into Kennedy's psyche and the inner work he does on a daily basis: his "practice" one could say. If I can locate it, I will post it here on an edit.
Albert, I felt and to some extent still feel exactly the same as you. I read a recent piece, however, that gave me a different perspective. It did not directly discuss the Palestine Holocaust but it gave me greater insight into Kennedy's psyche and the inner work he does on a daily basis: his "practice" one could say. If I can locate it, I will post it here on an edit.
Here it was actually on the Kennedy Beacon. I would be interested in knowing your insights about what he states here. Somehow I think it is linked to the current fiasco in Palestine but I am not sure how.
Thank you.
RFK JR is a deeply spiritually anchored man.
Joanna - I would appreciate it if you could post the article you mention, TY
It's in the link above. I am interested in what you think. I feel there is an unwritten indirect connection in some way.