Thank you for this excellent expression of your journey to this point in time. Your contributions to our work have been enormous.

All of us have had to evolve, reconcile and compromise. As we go forward, the important thing for all of us is to respect each other - even with our differences.

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Amen, Louis.

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My deepest respect for all my brothers and sisters in the health and peace movement, and equal respect for those who have not yet found their way. We are all we have and all we need.

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Forget the candidates, this election is about Tyranny / Censorship vs Freedom / Free Speech.

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It's about restoring the regulationally SUSPENDED U.S. Constitution guaranteeing Unalienable/Civil Rights including the Second Amendment which was created to protect the First Amendment.

Time to REMOVE the regulations SUSPENDING THE CONSTITUTION allowing endless Novel Warfare the Uniparty Nazi's of the Sewer thrive on.

Also time to remove the Obama Maneuver allowing lies, propaganda and such to be decriminalized...THIS LEGALIZATION OF EVIL has almost destroyed all Public Discourse and is the true threat to 'Free Speech'.


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So powerful: V. N. Alexander’s words on Trump’s Supporters

“I trust the MAGA supporters who booed Trump in October of 2021 at a rally in Alabama when he advised them to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Later, in December of 2021 in Dallas, Trump’s audience again showed their disapproval when he said he had gotten a booster and urged others to do so too. Trump fired back, arguing that Project Warp Speed — by-passing safety standards and common sense to give emergency approval for the COVID-19 vaccine — was his greatest achievement. His supporters did not agree.

Trump doesn’t talk about Project Warp Speed anymore. He hasn’t said a peep about it since 2022. His supporters have opened his eyes to the fact that they do not respect him for what he did for Pfizer.

When I look at my ballot in November, I will consider the thousands of Trump supporters who shouted, “Bobby, Bobby, Bobby,” when Kennedy joined Trump on stage in Arizona. What do they love about Bobby? Not his persona necessarily, as with Trump. They love his work to end regulatory capture; his desire to make our food and water safe to consume; his drive to end the brutal, wasteful, polluting wars; and his commitment to make our children healthy again.” YES.

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Oct 23Edited

Thank you for a well written piece. Yes!

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At this juncture, it is not about voting for a single person, but rather for a truly brilliant team! We know who we are getting with Trump. The best of what we can hope for going into a deeply concerning future. Kamala is a shill for the corporate oligarchy. What we get with Kamala is a face with more of the same behind it.

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This is key. The president is important, but in terms of the function of government, is largely a figurehead, and indeed, a role model. More important is the team that surrounds the president, to whom executive authority is delegated and responsibly used to exercise the will of The People.

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It is amazing to me that the most globalist candidates - those who are clearly serving as water carriers for the WEF and friends - the "Democrats" - or "Liberals" - have managed to screw up so very badly.

They have managed to make their arch enemy a towering populist figure in American and World politics.

Let us hope that Trump-Vance-Kennedy - and the Musketeer - really do have the inner strength and spiritual where with all to make a difference.

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Bravo - 100 percent agree, and so well written!

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You got my vote. Always have. I think with Trump you will be far more powerful for changing this country!!

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Thanks, Theresa!

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Insightful optimism, let's hope.

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Amen, PJ.

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I feel the same. Trump it is. Although sadly.

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Well said, Tori!

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Awakening is not always easy but it is wonderful to pull back the curtain.

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I was just in Frankfurt Airport talking to a couple from the UK.

They asked me about the election. I happily told them I am voting for Trump. The husband asked me if it was because people are afraid of a woman being elected President.

No, it isn't that, I replied....Kamala is lazy and stupid and will destroy the US.

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A couple from the UK?

The UK is in collapse. Even the City is shedding jobs by the hundreds of thousands. Yet they are imperialists through and through. They can't understand that the Empire, with the US providing the muscle, is over.

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They told me that they live in France now and the husband travels back and forth couple times a month for work.

The wife sure had a scowl on her face when I said that I was voting for Trump.

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To those of you still reeling from RFK Jr.'s decision to support Trump's Unity Alliance -- from a longstanding RFK Jr. supporter : You saw and felt his passion when he announced his decision following much discernment. He yearns for our Republic to survive and to grow strong and peaceful, to be an international ambassador for peace, morality and health. He trusts that Trump will facilitate his ability to fulfill his longstanding need to save children and to guide the United States to medical, psychological, social, economical, and ecological health. I pray continuously that this extraordinary and uniquely equipped hero will be allowed to do what no other person is qualified to do; and I trust his decision that the fastest way to accomplish this will be as a member of Trump's Cabinet. Hence I have eagerly voted for Trump, as Mr. Kennedy has requested.

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There was NO discernment involved. This was a plan all along. If your looking for a facist government, you can always get the hell out of the US and find one to live in. This Kennedy BS is…BS!

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There are a multitude of qualified scientists but few in the halls of power.

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Agree, Trump is a far cry from RFK Jr but a much better choice than the Cackler/Traitor.. especially when you add the probability RFK Jr, and Tulsi G somewhere in the administration..

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