Excellent piece & thank you for this. Mother Jones is Exhibit A of what all of these originally progressive organizations have become: captured shills for the powers-that-shouldn't-be such as NOW, SCLC, ADL, Planned Parenthood (from a women's rights organization to a promoter of the trans cult). I held many leadership positions in NOW, i…
Excellent piece & thank you for this. Mother Jones is Exhibit A of what all of these originally progressive organizations have become: captured shills for the powers-that-shouldn't-be such as NOW, SCLC, ADL, Planned Parenthood (from a women's rights organization to a promoter of the trans cult). I held many leadership positions in NOW, including sitting on its board, & I left the organization in disgust when it became a neoliberal, Woke arm of the Democratic Party like all the others. There is no political "left" in the US.
Well said and again I refer to Naomi Wolf's great insights in her new book "Facing Down the Beast" about the sort of American apartheid by which the unmasked and unvaccinated have been pushed aside as a new type of second class citizen by the neo-liberals.
Hear! Hear! NOW has gone totally Woke, as have all the other 'liberal' non-profits and ngos in DC's Swamp!!!
I started seeking assistance from NOW about probs. in family courts from Terry O'Neil in 2010, but she always told by Renee Beeker handled 'that'. Unfortunately, as has been the case elsewhere Renee Beeker and many other (ie. Joan Meier, Carrie Bettinger Lopez, Women's Link Worldwide, Amal Clooney, Dee Martin & Eleanor Smeals of FMF, Gloria Allred & daughter Lisa Bloom) have just ignored me and other victims of domestic abuse revictimized by family courts for reasons only they can provide.
My case in Spain (2007-12) challenges the 2nd jurisprudence of VAWaHRV, Gonzalez Carreno vs. Spain (2014, CEDAW) w. govt. claiming judicial error and a failure to exhaust domestic remedies. Not only do I demonstrate that 'judicial errors' are intentional manipulations of misogynistic and incompetent lawyers, judges and court personnal. But, that 'domestic remedies' which ultimately fall under the purview of their King & Queen as is the case in other constitutional monarchies are a JOKES. Instead of fighting w her bimbo mother-in-law, and amending the Spanish Constitution to assure that her daughter Leonore becomes Queen. Letizia should have been more concerned about the 60-70 women in Spain that are killed each yr. by family members, rampant violation of rights of citizens in court systems and labor markets, human trafficking and money laundering in her country, economic probs., etc..
Letizia's marie-antoinette existence will precipitate calls for King Felipe's abdication, just like in the case of his father Juan Carlos. He shot and killed his younger bro when he was 18 and Alfonso was 14 over jealousies of a golf tournament the child had won!! It was the 'ladies' in the Spanish royal family who came up with a 'magic bullet' theory covering up the murder in the family!!!
Welcome to the world of 'respectable' upper crust families!! Societies and economies are facing VERY SERIOUS probs, while all the queens, socialites, and feminists 'do lunch'!
Excellent piece & thank you for this. Mother Jones is Exhibit A of what all of these originally progressive organizations have become: captured shills for the powers-that-shouldn't-be such as NOW, SCLC, ADL, Planned Parenthood (from a women's rights organization to a promoter of the trans cult). I held many leadership positions in NOW, including sitting on its board, & I left the organization in disgust when it became a neoliberal, Woke arm of the Democratic Party like all the others. There is no political "left" in the US.
Well said and again I refer to Naomi Wolf's great insights in her new book "Facing Down the Beast" about the sort of American apartheid by which the unmasked and unvaccinated have been pushed aside as a new type of second class citizen by the neo-liberals.
Hear! Hear! NOW has gone totally Woke, as have all the other 'liberal' non-profits and ngos in DC's Swamp!!!
I started seeking assistance from NOW about probs. in family courts from Terry O'Neil in 2010, but she always told by Renee Beeker handled 'that'. Unfortunately, as has been the case elsewhere Renee Beeker and many other (ie. Joan Meier, Carrie Bettinger Lopez, Women's Link Worldwide, Amal Clooney, Dee Martin & Eleanor Smeals of FMF, Gloria Allred & daughter Lisa Bloom) have just ignored me and other victims of domestic abuse revictimized by family courts for reasons only they can provide.
FINALLY, victims have found a lawyer (also victim) in FL, Barbara Stone to submit our grievances to the Intl. Criminal Courts - https://quenbywilcox2.wixsite.com/takingbackamerica/post/intl-criminal-court-icc-submission-against-family-courts-for-crimes-against-humanity. Unfortunately, the intl. community (including UN, World Bank & UN) have embraced 'Wokism' with a vengeance, and the ICC is 'sitting' on the case.
My case in Spain (2007-12) challenges the 2nd jurisprudence of VAWaHRV, Gonzalez Carreno vs. Spain (2014, CEDAW) w. govt. claiming judicial error and a failure to exhaust domestic remedies. Not only do I demonstrate that 'judicial errors' are intentional manipulations of misogynistic and incompetent lawyers, judges and court personnal. But, that 'domestic remedies' which ultimately fall under the purview of their King & Queen as is the case in other constitutional monarchies are a JOKES. Instead of fighting w her bimbo mother-in-law, and amending the Spanish Constitution to assure that her daughter Leonore becomes Queen. Letizia should have been more concerned about the 60-70 women in Spain that are killed each yr. by family members, rampant violation of rights of citizens in court systems and labor markets, human trafficking and money laundering in her country, economic probs., etc..
Letizia's marie-antoinette existence will precipitate calls for King Felipe's abdication, just like in the case of his father Juan Carlos. He shot and killed his younger bro when he was 18 and Alfonso was 14 over jealousies of a golf tournament the child had won!! It was the 'ladies' in the Spanish royal family who came up with a 'magic bullet' theory covering up the murder in the family!!!
Welcome to the world of 'respectable' upper crust families!! Societies and economies are facing VERY SERIOUS probs, while all the queens, socialites, and feminists 'do lunch'!