"Do we really trust Plotkin, Orenstein, Chen, and their cheerleaders Offit and Hotez to suddenly churn out legitimate science after misleading the public for decades?"

Do we need more than a look around us at the sickest population in human history, plagued by chronic disease, consuming potpourri of chemicals & enduring toxic assaults on our bodies, to see that public health runs the biggest drug mob on the planet & rivals weapons for death & injury?

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Their 'paper' said nothing about the decades of obfuscation, gas lighting and just plain ole lying this cabal enacted and promoted. They try to set themselves up as truth bringers when in fact, as stated above, they just want to eat more from the public trough.

NIH, NIAID, CDC have had their true colors uncovered. The Cabinet position and Agencies should be terminated. There is no reform here. Maybe, MAYBE, the Congress (we the people, hopefully) would consider allocate some portion of their current funding to the states.

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Spot-on, as always, Louis. Thank you!

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Thanks, Catie!

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In a way I am glad that Trump said that RFK jr should have SS protection. On the other hand, it has been documented that SS protection is not necessarily secure. It would be safer i feel to have private security such as it has been handled.

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Your concerns are very valid, Sue. Thanks for sharing.

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Next time he chats with President Trump..”I'm just a mom waiting for other moms to question how 8 shots at once is okay, when babies can only try 1 food at a time.”

#Turtles all the way down

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“The Times added, ‘Mr. Kennedy and the organization he co-founded, Children’s Health Defense, have for years promoted claims about the health risks of childhood vaccines that have repeatedly been refuted by studies.’

“And this is where the Times, ever a supporter of Big Pharma, overlooked recent developments and played fast and loose with the facts.”

In an interview by Dr. Phil, Kennedy described the power and control that the vaccine makers have over our regulatory agencies.

RFK Jr. on vaccines: "We need oversight, safeguards"


“This is the only product that you can’t sue. As you know, the Vaccine Act passed in 1986. You can’t them if you’re injured, so there’s silence about injuries.

“What I say is, if they know they can be sued, they behave better.

“The four companies that make all 72 of the vaccines that are now mandated for our children, those four companies have paid something like $79 billion in criminal penalties over the past 20 years for other products they make for which they can be sued.”

“The government has shown that it’s too corrupt, and its relationship with the pharmaceutical industry is too corrupt to trust them on these issues.

“We need oversight, and we need safeguards. That’s my position on vaccines.”

Anne Dachel, Age of Autism https://www.ageofautism.com/

Loss of Brain Trust https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/home/page/3

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Thanks for the helpful links, Anne!

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During a recent appearance on the Dr. Phil Show, Kennedy made it clear, there is no oversight by our federal health agencies. The industry has bought the regulators and both parties.

RFK Jr. reveals the "corporate capture" of our regulatory agencies, media and political parties


“The principal objective of FDA today is to serve the mercantile interest of pharmaceutical companies, and that’s why you see FDA not only approving all of these drugs that shouldn’t be approved, but they are also out to destroy things that are actually shown to be good for you, that do not make profits for the pharmaceutical companies.”

Anne Dachel, Age of Autism https://www.ageofautism.com/

Loss of Brain Trust https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/home/page/3

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“Kennedy has been courageously right about vaccine safety, and he has been wrongfully censored and verbally abused about this truth for too long.”

If anyone is interested in the truth that Kennedy uncovered about the corruption and cover-up rampant among health officials in charge of our childhood vaccination schedule, just check out his recent interview on the Shawn Ryan Show.

RFK Jr on the biggest cover-up in medical history


“Here Kennedy talked about SIMPSONWOOD, which was a clandestine meeting of health officials, scientists and vaccine makers held at a secluded conference center in Norcross GA in June 2000, 20 miles from CDC headquarters in Atlanta.

“During this two day meeting attendees talked about the evidence of a clear link between the vaccines kids were getting and the explosion in neurological disorders, most notably autism.

“On the first day they talked about the evidence they were seeing, and the second was all about how to cover it up.”

Anne Dachel, Age of Autism https://www.ageofautism.com/

Loss of Brain Trust https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/home/page/3

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The MSM continues to show who they are and what they stand for. And morality and health are not what they stand for. The fraud of vaccine safety and efficacy is being dismantled and trust in vaccines will collapse on the weight of its own fraud.

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Amen, Ted. Thanks for your thoughts, and for all your good work with Vaccine Choice Canada.

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About time people think for themselves and stop trusting doctors who work for big government and big pharma

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Amen, Marianne.

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Any number of researchers as RFK Jr., Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Catherine Witt and Sasha Latypova have documented the contents of all camouflaged 'Vaccines' that are in actuality Nanolipid enclosed Heavy Metals commonly used for electronics, Graphene and endless varieties of Polymers. All are in actuality BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injections.

They have researched and found documents production standards in Quality Control with Engineering to be non-existent, and REGULATIONS SNEAKED INTO THE U.S. CRIMINAL CODE FOR OVER 120 YEARS to legalize all evil now undertaken. From NULLIFICATON of The United States Constitution, to removal of responsibility and accountability for 'Vaccine Injuries/Deaths' to shield Corporations as well as Frontline Workers DELIBERATELY distributing the POISONS; all completely lack accountability, CONGRESS REFUSES TO REMOVE THESE HEINOUS, EVIL REGULATIONS. CONGRESS REFUSES TO IMPART ANY MEASURES TO CLEAN-UP THE SEWER OF D.C. INCLUDING TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESSIONAL MEMBERS DUG-IN DEEP TO MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO FOR POWER TO THEMSELVES INSTEAD OF 'THE PEOPLE'.

Am disheartened to hear about Trump declaring his goal of reducing the doses of BioElectroChemical NanoWeapons Injections. NOTHING of NANOTECHNOLOGY, DNA/RNA GENETIC THERAPY MUST BE USED AS VACCINES.,,NOTHING. Regardless of classification as EUA Countermeasures by the Military. It is deception to define TOXINS as Demonstrations/Prototypes by HHS that are camouflaged 'Vaccines' by FDA, CDC when THAT IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE.


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I don't believe for one minute that Kennedy supports genocide.

The article itself is very good. Thanks, Lou.

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RFK fully supports the "elimination of Hamas" to achieve "peace." Israel's "conditions for ending the war [are] ... the destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel" https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c888p5p2zvxo

These conditions are impossible to achieve. Hamas will not surrender. Even if Hamas was totally destroyed, a group with a new name will replace them (probably more radical). Turning Gaza into a parking lot and killings tens of thousands has just created many more former civilians willing to fight Israel for freedom and to avenge their loved ones.

My wife's father and family fled Vienna in 1938 to Argentina (it was sad to visit graves that have very few visitors today and the former homes of her grandparents). Last month, I read in the the Jewish Museum in Vienna that the Nazi's called it "transfer"; I've heard the same term used by Zionists for Nakba #1 and the on-going Nakba in the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel's hoped for aim, stated by several in their government, is the "evacuation" of Gazans (i.e. their death or being pushed out of Gaza to other countries, or being placed into concentration camps). The same thing done to the Jews of Vienna in the 1930s (the fortunate ones with the money and family overseas to get out; the rest died in the Holocaust).

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“The only sin is pride.” RFK's father quoted that line from Sophocles's play in a 1968 speech against the Vietnam War. "Conflict in Vietnam and at home":

“... a third great cause of discontent is the course we are following in Vietnam: in a war which has divided Americans … I am concerned … that the course we are following at the present time is deeply wrong. … that we are acting as if no other nations existed, against the judgment and desires of neutrals and our historic allies alike … that our present course will not bring victory; will not bring peace; will not stop the bloodshed; and will not advance the interests of the United States or the cause of peace in the world. I am concerned that, at the end of it all … they may say, as Tacitus said of Rome: "They made a desert, and called it peace."

“I was involved in many of the early decisions on Vietnam, decisions that helped set us on our present path. It may be that the effort was doomed from the start … But past error is no excuse for its own perpetuation. Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live. Now as ever, we do ourselves best justice when we measure ourselves against ancient tests, as in the Antigone of Sophocles: "All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only sin is pride."

His son, RFK, Jr is also fond of that quote. He used it to preface his 2016 book and in a 12/11/23 tweet.

So, it's tragic RFK hasn't followed in his father's footsteps to apply Sophocles's advice and reconsider his support of the on-going Gaza Genocide today. Unfortunately, RFK is still parroting the same BS Israeli hasbara propaganda as he did 8 months ago. He hasn't learned a thing. It appears pride is RFK's sin, his Achilles heel, and that he refuses to admit his error and make amends.

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Recently, I listened to RFK's Podcast "The path way to peace in the Middle East with John Aziz and Einat Wilf" Here's a comment I left:

Yaniv Cogan's piece on Israel's “the no day after” plan for Gaza was posted today by Jeremy Schahill https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/israel-is-reviewing-a-proposal-to?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=2510348&post_id=146763639&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=105v9&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email The Israeli “Pathway to Peace” reminds me of Tacitus’ quote: “They make a desert and call it peace.”

“On Thursday, the Israeli Knesset voted overwhelmingly to thwart any effort to establish an independent Palestinian state … doubled down on Israel’s longstanding project of confining Palestinians in increasingly isolated and uninhabitable ghettos.”

“… Israel appears dedicated to implementing a policy of “no day after” for the Palestinians in Gaza. … … leadership remains committed to the implementation of a genocidal policy that would render Gaza permanently uninhabitable. … undermining claims that the assault on Gaza is a targeted operation focused solely on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”

“Dan Schueftan … explained, “Ground invasions should be carried out, perhaps under the banner of ‘harming enemy forces,’ but their real significance is the devastation they leave behind them. I don’t mind that as a pretext we claim that there is some military objective, because that’s required by all these International Law people, so we can bring in some lawyer to explain how to do it ...”

“Blaming Hamas for Israel’s destruction of Gaza is essential to the plan to replace it. … “Can Hamas be eliminated?” He emphasized that Israel’s destruction of Gaza was an essential component of the efforts to marginalize Hamas: “Once you make it clear that [Hamas] not only did not win, but that it has brought about a horrific catastrophe upon itself, and also upon its people ... and when this ends with Hamas’s metaphorical and non-metaphorical corpse laying on the floor, robbed and finished off, this will have a very positive echo.”

Gaza is more than an echo of the German's crushing of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. When their soldiers had difficulty fighting the Jewish freedom fighters, they burned the place, along with most of it's inhabitants, to the ground.

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Just listen to him on Gaza. So much for Childrens Health Defense as long as the children are not Palestinians.

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Yes, can you share what he said please on video.

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There are plenty of Podcasts you can listen and watch, note especially the ones with Kennedy and Smut Merchant with his Daughter Rabbi Shmuley. BTW: I have been a supporter of Kennedy for 20 years for his good fight against vaccines etc but if you are too Cowardly to Call Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of almost 200,000 mostly Defenseless Women and Children you are either ignorant (lack of knowledge which he surely is not), a moron which he surely is not, a Prostitute for Zionist Jewish money and/or Blackmailed by Epstein/Mossad.

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You mean as the Muslims have been doing since Mohammed's Massacre on Medina?...


Suggest you apply to the Jew Nazi Sympathizer Soros...Needing immoral/unethical sods as you for the Nazi Uniparty BLM/Antifa Militia behind this travesty ORDERED TO EXIST BY THE BANKERS OUT OF THE CITY OF LONDON; THE REAL ENEMY.

The ROOT of evil must be dug out of London, City of London and Switzerland...And, Israel is a mere branch.

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You have completely misjudged me. I'm for humanity of any race or ethnicity NOT BEING MURDERED, GENOCIDED, TORTURED, APARTHEIDED BY INSANE SADISTIC PSYCHOTICS. I am nothing near a nazi or BLM/Antifa. So you equate somebody being empathetic and caring about humans and not wanting them to be destroyed as I noted above means they are soros/nazis and BLM/Antifa? Go get your mind right.

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Perhaps he's "just" afraid?

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Very possible Daily as I noted. So we want him for our Commander and chief?

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Thank God there are people willing to support the fight to remove Hostages of the United States from those kidnapping them under violent means with diabolical intent.

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You mean like Israel has been doing to Defenseless Palestinians by the tens of thousands for decades who are hostages in Israel? Or are you referring to the 186,000 DEFENSE MOSTLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN GENOCIDED AND ETHNICALLY THE PAST 9 MONTHS BY THE ISRAEL OCCUPATION FORCES? Get you facts and ratios straight.

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Please share Kennedy's video comments on Gaza and genocide. Proof or you comment is not meaningful at all.

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Maurine there are dozens of them. Just go to You tube and search.

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Loved hearing two guys just discussing anything as people do over the phone every day...


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Trump's conversation with Kennedy should be broadcast far and wide. If Trump is elected, he should make Kennedy HHS secretary to reform FDA, NIH, and CDC!

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Kennedy would never work under Trump. You must be joking.

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“anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist” - cherished words engraved on the Medal of Valor given to the Wise and True Truth Teller in these evil times.

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Kennedy is the Remedy❤️🇱🇷

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