I wouldn’t count on the secret service protecting

Bobbie. Not much help for his uncle

Or his father. Better rely on private security unconnected to the deep state

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RFKJr is an amazing man...extremely intelligent, and a UNITER...

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Biden has a black heart and an evil soul 👿

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hard to imagine he works or could be worse than his predecessor, but yup, slid right past him on his way down the $hithole and into the swamp bottom

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conflating Bid with DJT, either you are clueless or a troll?

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I wish that we had a revolution in mainstream media, so many of us do not trust or follow a lot of their products. A real revolution might entail producing good news about good deeds rather than always trying to create fear and doubt and worry in those who are willingly giving away their power over their own lives, to big media.

If Big Media wanted to push to help RFK Jr. they could publicize this issue which most voters are unaware of.

It seems obvious they like to pit the GOP against the Democrats over and over and many times they invest in both parties so they can always have an "iron in the fire" no matter who wins.

They dislike independents because there is no party mechanism, no Independent Party per se. They cannot buy the Independent Party because it is not an actual political party but rather a terminology. Biden of course just goes along with his puppeteers.

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you are making the case that mainstream is repairable

It is not. Alt media, like Subs, Rogan, Carlson, X and countless others have taken over

We are watching the turds circle the bowl awaiting the final flush...

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big media is controlled by pHARMa with 70% of ad revenue, so don’t hold your breath waiting for msm to get honest

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Louis would have us believe several odd things. Polling is one, without a shred of evidence.

Strongly suspect Secret Service protection is highly undesirable as the SS is likely compromised.

Somehow his father was killed, and RFK has named the killer. Wonder how that happened???

DJT is ahead by so much he has already won. RFK has publically stated that the CO ruling is beyond horrible. Had he not Louis would write an editorial agreeing with it...

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It’s crystal clear the Democrat party wants RFK, Jr. gone - and they don’t care how that happens. Dead is fine with them.

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I think that is true and they are also hoping for a miracle of sorts politically wherein they become relevant to voters other than special interests.

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I agree Joe.

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a dear friend of mine sent me the clip of Bobby playing harmonica for his granddaughter , and another clip i saw from cnn with now over 20 % of people aware and ready to vote for him, 2024 let’s go bring it on !!

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"These are the times that try men's souls." I attended a word-of-mouth demo for Palestine this afternoon (Christmas Eve) at NYC's Union Square which has been turned into a gift mall. Only four of us showed up including some guy from Newburgh who vociferously offered free buttons. We were literally ignored by the parade of holiday shoppers. He'd experienced the same in Yonkers. Someone sent out this vid that afternoon. I've registered but haven't been able to fully accommodate the horror of the past month. Seeing this vid tonight finally allowed me to cry.


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Kennedy one more NWO Puppet who bows and scrapes to the RACIST PSYCHOPATHIC INSANE ZIONIST MASS CHILD SACRIFICERS! The difference between him and biden/trump is Kennedy seemed to be fighting the Good Fight for Humanity but he is fully Exposed as a big faker NWO Puppet.

What a shame! However it does demonstrate that Politics is not the path forward. They are virtually all bought and paid for Prostitutes and Blackmailed Pedophile Cowards.

Kennedy is a Sham!

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if he acknowledges the genocide we still can have hope

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