Well said, RFK Jr.!

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The CNN segment described in the article explains why many people have given up on the "mainstream media" being able to honestly report the news. I missed it because I didn't have CNN tuned in at the right time.

The idea that Pfizer sponsored that segment doesn't surprise me; they'll sponsor anything. Well, anything that doesn't directly criticize their message. And companies like them know that these newscasts need funding to stay on the air. Too bad they can't rely on Philip Morris and Jim Beam to pay their bills. Or the friendly neighborhood unlicensed pharmacist (cocaine dealer).

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The rule itself makes no sense. Even if he did run an insurrection, why would they need to stop him from being on the ballot... Wouldn't voters not want an insurrection in the first place? They would simply not vote for the bad guy... Oh no they pretend like they have to protect democracy.... Hahaha

I think this law, like many old laws were designed to strip any threats to the uniparty system.

Trump is really not a threat, but these idiots just used one of their crazy laws on him, exposing the fraud.

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Discernment 101: A silver lining in the very dark cloud of genocide in Gaza is that its political demarcation sheds light on who's who and what's what.

Here's an antidote to Zionist rhetoric (Kim Iversen w. Shiva Ayyadurai): https://rumble.com/v3s3yug-october-27-2023.html

Michael Parenti, progressive historian, once observed that of course there's a conspiracy--the conspiracy of self-interest.

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I absolutely support Krystal Ball, and we would have supported you RFK Jr. but because of your genocidal attitudes regarding Gaza and the 10,000 children who have been killed, we cannot support your candidacy for President. If you are a pacifist, I would never believe you now. Many people were looking towards you for leadership and our hopes were dashed because we know Israel owns you too!!

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Excuse me but Israel OWNS Genocide Joe and even Trump!!! More of the same !!!

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I absolutely support Krystal Ball in her debate with Mr. Kennedy. Israel took over Palestine in 1948 with an extended campaign of ethnic terrorism and has been at it ever since.

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I agree with RFK, Jr completely.

SCOTUS will overturn all such attempts as Colorado is trying to do, as this action violates, twists and stretches laws and amendments beyond belief to justify keeping Trump off ballots. SCOTUS will rule against any state doing what Colorado is doing, from several legal standpoints.

Even more incredible is that Trump hasn’t even been convicted of ANY felonies yet. Not one. Yet Colorado and other states are treating him as a convicted felon and traitor.

He has never even been charged with “insurrection,” “sedition,” “aiding and abetting enemies of the US” or any similar crime - much less convicted.

So Colorado based their “decision” on

(1) false, twisted and unconstitutional interpretations of laws and amendments, and

(2) “crimes” Trump has never been convicted of or even charged with.

This is a transparent, naked, blatant attempt to undermine the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the entire democratic/election process. This is pure Stalinism, Moaism, fascism and despotism all rolled into one.

I never thought I would see such corrupt, criminal, anti-constitution conduct by a US government. Such banana republic, corrupt and disgraceful governance isn’t supposed to happen in the US.

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Colorado got it right, upholding the Constitution.

(The suit was brought by Republicans and Independents.)

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