The free speech battle must be won if the American experiment is to survive. It is amazing to see RFK, Tulsi and Trump aligned on these issues.

However, I fear this battle will be lost if Trump loses.

The key weakness from Trump is his lack of ability to win women's votes. Change this and he wins for sure.

The Kennedy Beacon may be well placed to influence this outcome. However it needs to do the following:

1. Champion a way to reach women voters - by asking readers to forward certain articles. You need something viral they want to forward.

2. The articles must have a video included or a link and an image. The video must be such they can access and post on social media.

3. The videos need to have Nicole Shanahan speaking - she can reach women.

4. She needs a variety of topics - all directed to left leaning women and explaining why Trump winning gives her and RFK the platform they need to a make the difference they want to make.

5. Need to do 5 different videos a week attached to a substack article.

6. Recruit other substack publishers to send out her message.

Only the Kennedy Beacon can organize this I think.


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Maybe Shanahan and Melanie together? Aren’t both their children affected by injury from vaccines?

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I like that idea. Trump has never admitted vax injury in his son while Nicole has. If Trump would admit a specific, acceptable and rather benign condition other than ASD, i.e. allergies, that would help.

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he continues to miss the opportunity at acceptance by a significant chunk of the population, by denying his son has a diagnosis. I honestly don't understand why but suspect that its his wife's choice to do so.

there are SO MANY OF US, I can't imagine why it would be perceived as unacceptable. all I can think is that maybe its a product of his wife's culture? idk.

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as far as I know, Trump has never acknowledged that his son Barron has ANY disability whatsoever. many of us in the autism community thought it was fairly obvious to US, from watching the boy's behavior and mannerisms during the election night festivities, back in '16. during Trump's presidency, I noticed the Barron 'toe walking' and holding his mother's hand (at the age of 12 or 13, I believe) while walking away from a helicopter. Melania Trump has done a very good job at keeping their son completely out of the public eye. what president or former president has kept their teenager literally 100% out of the press? I find it disconcerting at very least.

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Wow. I don't know who wrote this, but it seems like an out of touch male. I honestly don't think the ideas will reach real women. Real women don't have time for videos attached in Substack...nor do they have time for five watered-down msgs per week. I applaud someone taking all the time to dream up this plan. But the plan and the thinking behind it are archaic, and will not win any election.

Get Bobby's best people on that outreach. Shorten the plan detailed here.

Make the message HARD HITTING and detail the many rights and freedoms Americans will lose under the current admin.

Above all do not underestimate the voting American woman. Her vote is not public record. Her vote is private unto herself. American women are very smart and they will make the right choice - we American women know the truth - that the country was better under Trump's leadership. We also are fully aware Joe & Kam have been in hiding for four years. Please give serious, intelligent American women more credit.

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Sorry to reply in dispute with a small portion of your note, and please do not take this as derogatory. I am not an out of touch male, I am a highly analytical engineer. The facts speak for themselves, I merely use them. Fact: 8 days ago — In a new NBC News poll, women's support for Harris was at 58 percent, 21 points ahead of Trump's 37 percent. As you can see, many more women favor Kamala. Trump has a huge shortfall from women voters. JFK has not changed that. Current methods to reach them and tip the balance have not worked. The press is slandering RFK, with a fake affair. However, RFK has a young VP that is also a woman that people, women included, can relate to. (The 58%). She needs a bigger role.

Your point of getting Bobby's best people in that outreach is spot on and in agreement with me suggesting using Nicole as she is his best person.

PS - I give intelligent women all the credit in the world, but this appears to be those that are not 58% of women.

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Great article! Thank you for your free speech! I am sorry you have been fighting the truth with your children for so long.

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Louis, please consider my "like" to be times a thousand. As parents, we know when something is wrong and why. As providers, we also know. The fear of reprisal would end if all providers just stood up...not 2 or 3 or a dozen...ALL! Your sons, as always, are in our prayers. Thank you for all you do.

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Thank you.

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Free speech is our most precious of rights!

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It's well beyond time that the pharma companies lost their immunity.

For everything.

AND the money that's been passed around between the politicians, scumbag media, and healthcare executives should be tracked and used as evidence in the investigation of the biggest fraud to ever have been foisted on humanity.

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We should also end licensed professions and completely reorganize regulatory approval. Here is a path forward for the latter: https://www.wildhorsewisdom.xyz/p/i-trust-my-herds-ways?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Congress will never do that.

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VA still pushing the covid DeathVax for veterans.

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And many other poisons as well, especially "statins." Please pass the word!

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check out your local drug store too.

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The minute you are born as a US citizen

you are endowed with (among other things) the RIGHT of free speech.

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Sure, agreed. But that doesn’t stop the extremist left from trying to take those rights away.

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STOP going to doctors. Doctor yourself. OK bye.

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I have two autistic kids as well

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I hope that your kids are doing well. I intend to write about autism in the near future. Thanks.

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please do, Louis! those of us in the OG (old guard) need to continually reach out to the newer parents to make sure that they know they are not alone and don't need to 'reinvent the wheel'

also, I'll bet you (same as me) realize that we autism activists are at the base of the pyramid yelling 'we're here! we've been here for a LONG TIME. wake up and join us!'

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There is nothing more unjust to the human spirit, than speaking truth to deaf ears.

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So true

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Revolution is here--at last.

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Not only is it forbidden to raise suspicions about vaccine safety by members of the medical community, but as this radio interview from Ireland shows, doctors there can’t talk about what’s causing the autism increases when parents ask.

IRELAND: Doctors can't talk about autism OR 'they’re going to be struck off'



“I don’t know what’s causing it, but we as parents find it impossible to ask questions. . . .

“Through the years, because of having the epilepsy with the children and all that, I’ve been in different hospitals at different times, and I often have conversations with different doctors, different consultants.

“And four or five them told me, they can’t talk about it. If they do, they’re going to be struck off.”

Very powerful forces are in control of what doctors can and can’t talk about.

Anne Dachel

Age of Autism https://www.ageofautism.com/

Loss of Brain Trust https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/

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Thank you journalist Louis Conte for this written report! We’re pass the acknowledgment of fear with doctors being able to have freedom to openly talk, dued to fear losing their “médica- license”, I get it! What I don’t get is our ”elected- politicians”, not doing their jobs and getting paid to represent the people in their States?? Who’s in charge?? We need to call out names of people responsible directly in the pharmaceutical industry, and the agencies responsible on the medical-side, by out “elected-politicians”!! These politicians need to prosecute those in power, hurting people because of their so-called “vaccines”!! Bring in to senate-hearings, judicial court, and sued them for reparation!! Too many kids, babies, people are suffering side-effects, because of the carelessness and stupidity of political favoritism to pharma and medical entities! When is all this madness going to stop??

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All the madness involving the influence of big corporate money in government will stop when we elect people who will pass campaign finance reform. It's really on us to get a clear picture of the problem and figure out how to fix it since the Constitution gives us a Democratic Republic, but we have ended up with an oligarchy.

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#ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus … #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG

By The Exposé on April 30, 2023

Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna Inc., the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 vaccine injection, is responsible for creating it in a BioLab and patenting it in 2013 #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.

Don’t believe us?

Then read the exhaustive evidence below and check for yourself.

By a concerned reader who is a qualified cell biologist

STEP 0: The genome, the complete genetic code of Covid19 is found here – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_045512.2/ The genome of Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 is found here – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN996532

One can compare these two genomes, letter by letter using the BLAST Genome alignment comparison tool at https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&BLAST_SPEC=blast2seq&LINK_LOC=align2seq

Just put NC_045512.2 in the Query Sequence Box and MN996532 in the Subject Sequence Box. Then choose the radio button:: More dissimilar sequences (discontinguous megablast). Then hit BLAST. Then when the results appear (a few second later) choose the Alignments tab and you will see both genomes compared perfectly.

The American case will serve to raise awareness of how much skulduggery has been deployed by governments against their own people. Few people realise that the ‘vaccines’ were developed and coordinated by the military, through pseudo-legal mechanisms that enabled them to evade normal regularity processes designed to protect populations from potentially dangerous pharmaceutical products, to which private commercial companies are subject. The US case is a civil lawsuit for damages against the Department of Defense (DoD), which is the de facto developer and distributor of Covid vaccines, and names Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III as defendant. This case is important because for the first time it targets the Department of Defense at the top of the pyramid of malfeasance. Please see Sasha Latypova’s testimony and her discussion with bioweapons expert Dr Meryl Nass.

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Can we talk about how you care so much about the health and safety of our children? But you don't mind Israel destroying the children who are not Jews? Do I have that right? I was wearing my blinders and trying to see only all of your "good". I was blind, but now I can see. I see Jill Stein.

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Here is an explanation of causes of Autism from a trusted source: "THE TECHNOLOGY OF LIGHT

Is autism caused by nuclear radiation? Can autism and Alzheimer’s and other radiation-related diseases be cured or are these people destined to live with these conditions for the rest of their lives? (January/February 2009)

Autism is not always, but often, the result of nuclear radiation in the atmosphere. Can it be cured? At the present time, no. In the future, hopefully yes, or to some degree, and Alzheimer’s similarly, with the Technology of Light. This means, not


immediately but some time ahead, with an advanced form of genetic engineering and the energy of light available through the Technology of Light, people will go into a clinic for a few hours and come out again with a healing of the brain. What happens in Alzheimer’s is that the brain actually physically shrinks, so there is less and less brain matter to create the connections that make our responses. In the new time, it will occur less frequently and only later in life.

In the clinics of the future, the relationship between the Technology of Light and an advanced form of genetic engineering will mean that we can have renewed hearts, livers, kidneys, different organs of the body in just a few hours. So even the most advanced surgery of the present will be made redundant and people find themselves completely cured with new parts to the body depending on the need. Transplants will become unnecessary. It will take time but there is a positive outlook for both Alzheimer’s and autism.

In other cases, autism is frequently the result of a soul limitation of its vehicle. The soul has purposes life after life and if it sees that the personality is not carrying out any of the soul’s purpose then it might in the next life limit its apparatus. So it might be an autistic or a Down’s Syndrome child or have some limitation, physical or mental. In the following life, after that period of limitation, the person would be renewed in their impulse to life and would make good progress from then on. Today we do not know if we are dealing with the results of pollution or of karmic limitation – which is one and which is the other? It takes a Master to tell." The Gathering of the Forces of Light": https://www.share-international.us/learn/ForcesOfLight/

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