Some of the latest attacks on RFK are just too rich. Now claiming that he's something like a climate change skeptic and has abandoned his historical environmentalism. He's practically the only actual environmentalist politician on the left. The rest of the environmental movement only talks about one thing. CO2 levels. They don't talk about habitat destruction or toxins in the air and water anymore. Why would they? Their corporate masters greatly benefit from a single-minded focus on CO2. It allows corporations to continue to destroy habitat and dump chemicals in the air and water as long as they can pay farmers in Ecuador to plant some trees to offset their carbon emissions.

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That is an accurate assessment. We are witnessing the destruction of the Democratic Party.

There are still Covidiots, and Climatards. As you mention the issue is corporate green lighting

to anything toxic with nearly zero repercussions. Gender bending hormone mimicers anyone?

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I am not sure about RFK Jr's Israel stance, as I tend to be a peacenik. I look forward to him fulfilling his promise to debate Blumenthal on the issue. However, every other big presidential candidate is also on Israel's side. And, for me, every other position he takes makes WAY more sense to me than anyone else in the field.

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If Trump is on the ballot, I will vote for him. If he is not, I will vote for RFK Jr. I don't think I'm alone in this. I think RFK Jr. would be well advised to point out the weaponization of the "justice" system against Trump; it's the right thing to do and if the lawfare wagers somehow do manage to keep Trump off the ballot next year you will find an even greater number of ticked off voters checking your independent box.

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Kennedy’s sibling interviewed in Town & Country — I have no doubt that the “1 percenters” are keenly interested in reading about their trauma while waiting for a hot stone message at some exclusive resort or other.

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Those who believe the anti-Israel propaganda that has been ramped up in the past few years (decade) don't understand that just like all the other truth RFKJ speaks, here he is also speaking truth. I find it hard to understand how people who see through all of the other lies, don't see through this. Calling Israel an apartheid state is insane. It's veiled anti-semitism barely veiled. RFK knows the truth through being a brilliant person who knows the history. Jimmy Dore (whom I generally respect) in this area bought BS just like those who believe vaccines are safe & effective. In the words of Bob Marley, "If you know your history, then you would know where your coming from." Just like the other issues, learn the actual history, not what the pronoun wearing folks say is true.

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Having empathy for how the Palestinian people in Gaza are having to live, does not make you 'anti-Israel'. This is the problem with black & white thinking.

It is possible to recognize that people in both countries have suffered horrendously, and hold both those truths together at the same time, without having to 'take a side' or a position against the other one.

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Yes, I agree, in an existential frame. In the day to day, people are calling Israel an apartheid state, boycotting, etc. Israel was created to be a homeland for the Jewish people, a people who literally have no other place on this Earth where they can govern themselves. Palestinians have the entire Arab world (their brethren) at their disposal. And there are basically no Jews in Arab nations anymore because they treat Jews like dogs. If they can't co-exist, let Arabs go to the countries where they can live a good life. If people are honest with themselves, they would stop pointing a finger at Israel and protest and boycott the countries that are crushing their own people (China, S. America) or where outsiders are invited in to crush them for whatever resources are there (Africa). There is an asymmetrical condemnation of Israel that can only be anti-semitism rearing its head.

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After what RFK Jr. wrote about Israel and Palestine, he pretty much lost most of his support. We don't need any more war mongers in government, and he stated that he was. Sad to see. He probably lost a lot of support over the weekend.

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I was already well aware of Kennedy's ridiculous position on Israel. I stopped working for him for a few months after that. You don't give "unconditional support" to anyone or anything. But I swallowed hard because he still is better than every other candidate out there. Except Cornel of course but Kennedy is a lot more viable.

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I don’t agree with him on everything either & I think there maybe a lot more political intrigue lurking beneath the surface to this Hamas episode to warrant hasty conclusions. But to your point, what are the other choices: placeholder Joe & his clown show or he-who-was-badly-played-by-the-insiders Trump? Polls are clear voters want an alternative & preferably one with some hope of winning.

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Whose support did he lose???

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Mine, as well as most of the crew and audience from Jimmy Dore.

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We just got to give him a chance! We need to get rid of the D and R! I believe JD will give him a chance!

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Did you read his Tweet about Israel and Palestine? Full on Neocon to a level that even John McCain would have been proud. We don't need another forever war party. We gave him a chance and he blew it, spat in our faces. So sad to see him fail on such a monumental level.

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Hoping he will change his views. He is Def against forever wars ! He will change. I can feel it!

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I hope he does. Good luck, and peace.

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Yeah, his statement to Glenn Greenwald was to the right of Biden and even most of the Democrats in Congress

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Americans are obsessed with Israel is the main thing I have learnt from tuning into their presidential election process for the first time. Obsessing about the one thing they all agree on seems to sum up Americans and their free speech to a tee. Free speech isnt free: it shows the idiocy of the speaker most of the time. If you are a voter in America, you will have to vote for a pro-Israel candidate....... The only real consideration is how sincere are they in stating they support Israel?

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Like 1789 France, they're not going to see this coming.

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It's so disingenuous how a fake news organization like CNN claims that having 20% of likely democratic primary voters prefer him over the incumbent is "not many.". It's been a long time since a primary challenger to an incumbent Democrat president claimed 20% or more of the primary votes. And the last one to do that was one of his uncles. 🤔

Patrick Buchanan got almost 20% in the primary against George HW Bush in 1992 but not quite. Ronald Reagan almost took out Gerald Ford in 1976. Interesting that it's more common for a Republican incumbent to be challenged from within their own party. And they say Republicans don't believe in democracy.

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I wonder What trump says about current ME situation. with msm censorship trumps voice is not easy to find

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"half of my supporters are clueless" isn't that great

some think killing babies is a choice, some were dense enough to buy into the global warming non science, and those who thought they could trust the medical cartel consider the quaxines life saving when the data shows otherwise. Let us sing three verses of Kumbaya

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-- H I P H I P P !!!!! .... H O R R A Y

H U R R A Y ...!!!!

... T O A L L O U R -- B R I G H T

B R A V E B O L D M E N,




A N D, . . .M O T H E R S , ... A N D,

G R A N D M O T H E R S ! ! !

-- F A M I L Y I S R E L A T I O N S H I P










! ! ! ! ! ! !

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