I really do not understand how people can ignore facts. It boggles my mind.

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They are under a mass hypnosis.

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Ed Dowd's book is utterly heartbreaking. Perhaps we can find a ray of hope in the fact that the LA Times has at least refused to endorse a presidential candidate. What a change a shift in the power structure in DC will bring! But sad that it has to get so very awful first.

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Steve Kirsch has a Substack and a foundation, the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, that has been documenting Covid deaths and injuries since the early days of the Plandemic. His work is brilliant and has been corroborated by many other mathematicians. His estimate is at least 200,000 dead from the vaccines in the US alone.

One can only hope that the Covid Crimes are prosecuted under a Trump administration.

For a heartbreaking look at Covid vaccine injuries and death including from the hospital protocols, see the movie VAXXED III from the Children’s Health Defense.

See also the Substacks of Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Jessica Rose and Igor Cummins.

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So glad you added all that. Steve and Ed are the data guys on this subject! CHD is probably compiling stats from their vax injury tour of the US and making of VAXXED III.

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Great article. The collection of records of EMS response to emergency calls for vaccine-identified injury is brilliant. The data should be collected from every jurisdiction in every state where available. Kennedy is the guy to organize lawyers across the country to dig for it and make FIOA requests. This is another important mass of data to add to Ed Dowd's data and all the rest, making an incontrovertible case against the mRNA "vaccines" and their pushers.

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"turn the page"... no, let's close the book and fire Harris, Walz, Fauci, Collins, etc, etc, etc. Shut down the CDC and reject censorship.

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Fire and prosecute please! Then shut down.

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Loved CAUSE UNKNOWN, now a new update. Why haven’t any of my friends been aware of it!

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Because they only listen to the mainstream media (the Corrupted Corporate Media).

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I should have said acquaintances. I don’t believe they even follow “news” or investigate subjects.

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the catchy slogan phrases like 'turn the page' and 'never go back' are quite interesting, aren't they? perfect for those that have no interest in accountability.

I for one, would LOVE to 'go back' to the rule of law, in this country.

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"Turn the page," is code for "forget about it, move on, so we can do it again (or something similar)".

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Dr. Pierre Kory reported the same findings with data from Westchester. I hope more EMS workers speak up.

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Re: other areas that have requested FOIA's - Allan Stevo has some info from the San Francisco area. He has a substack and you can message him there https://substack.com/@realstevo

Also this paramedic wrote a book and is active on X: https://x.com/harryfisherEMTP and here's his link for his book: https://fishersbook.com/

The information is out there, but not in the mainstream NEWS. Until people fully understand the NEWS is the propaganda arm of the government (via distortions, lies, misinformation AND feel-good distractions such as sports, movies, etc.) we still have God's work to do, leaning on Him as we "plant seeds".

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Thank you for this article, Louis, and for calling attention to the public health catastrophe resulting from the mRNA COVID "vax."

Evidence has been pouring in from around the world on the adverse effects of the "vax."

The recent book "The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity," edited by Dr. Naomi Wolf, gives us a good place to start in beginning to understand what Big Pharma and their U.S. government enablers have wrought in their attack on humanity.

From the overview of this book on Amazon:

"The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective. The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called 'CoVax Disease.'"

While we watch the essential work going on to bring Pfizer and their enablers to account, there is also an effort underway to understand better exactly HOW the "vax" acts to harm or kill its victims. In the forefront of this effort is Dr. Lewis Coleman, a retired medical researcher who has been spending the past few years researching and writing about the Mammalian Stress Mechanism.

The basic idea is that environmental stresses on the human body, including adverse drug reactions, activate a specific physiological mechanism that affects all organs of the body in similar ways. The symptoms of these outcomes vary with the particular organs or bodily systems affected. The hope with this research lies in the fact that if the mechanism can be identified, more effective treatments can be devised.

I have been in close touch with Dr. Coleman on his research and have published articles by him, including on my substack, Three Sages. Recently, I asked Dr. Coleman to comment on statements being made about the "vax" adverse reaction mechanism, and he wrote as follows. Note that this is a highly technical explanation--or hypothesis--that Dr. Coleman is in process of developing into a longer article that will appear on Three Sages shortly. Dr. Coleman wrote to me as follows:

The injections consist of mass-produced weaponized coronavirus RNA using modern enzyme technology that rapidly replicates DNA and RNA.

The weaponized “novel” coronavirus RNA does what all virus RNA does, only it’s more virulent than the “normal” coronavirus RNA. It attacks and hijacks the cells of the vascular endothelium to cause the cells to replicate the viral RNA, which is released into blood and propagates throughout the body. This explains the “self replication” they are yapping about.

The resulting systemic inflammation and damage to the vascular endothelium causes the vascular endothelium to release BOTH von Willebrand Factor (VWF) AND tissue factor (TF) directly into systemic circulation in excessive quantities. It’s like a “silver bullet” that hits the bulls eye of the stress mechanism. Depending on the relative quantities of TF and VWF released into blood, and where and how fast they are released, this mimics just about every form of disease known to medicine.

The VWF activates factor VIII, which adds cross links of vitronectin, fibronectin, plasminogen, and Gelsolin to soluble fibrin to produce monomers of insoluble fibrin that polymerize into strands that entangle blood cells and increase blood coagulability. Insoluble fibrin is inherently unstable because its plasminogen cross links spontaneously deteriorate into plasminogen that attacks and dismembers the insoluble fibrin into “fibrin split products."

The TF activates factor VII, which converts soluble fibrin into collagen monomers, which are called “amyloid protein.” The amyloid polymerizes into collagen. Collagen is normally formed in extravascular tissues where factor VIII is absent, so it lacks cross links and plasminogen, so is far more stable and strong than insoluble fibrin.

The only difference between insoluble fibrin and collagen is the presence of cross links in the insoluble fibrin, and their absence in collagen.

Normally insoluble fibrin is generated and disintegrated in accord with autonomic balance in capillaries to regulate microvascular flow resistance

When VWF prevails over TF, then insoluble fibrin generation increases blood coagulability above a critical threshold and causes “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation” (DIC) that can cause a form of sudden death. This is a known phenomenon that usually happens in critically ill patients who are dying. It also happens when people are overdosed with Epogen (artificial erythropoietin). This is a pretty horrible way to die, and usually the victim knows he or she is dying, and begins to cough up massive amounts of blood from the lungs prior to death, and bleed from every oriface.

DIC also happens when patients are overdosed with Epogen, which is artificial erythropoietin. This causes excessive generation of red blood cells; when red cell mass rises too high it reduces blood turbulence below a critical threshold, whereupon spontaneous systemic coagulation begins. This usually results in death. In the process it depletes coagulation substrates and causes abnormal bleeding from all sorts of places.

When TF prevails over VWF, collagen generation forms the “white clots” in arteries that are surrounded by amyloid monomers. When this happens, and the amyloid concentration rises above a critical threshold, it polymerizes into collagen in small peripheral arteries, obstructs cardiac output, disrupts oxygen transport and delivery, and causes death so suddenly that the victim barely realizes that they are dying before they lose consciousness due to oxygen depletion in the brain.

Doctors understand NONE OF THIS

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Wow, this needs to be seen by EVERYONE. Absolutely frightening and infuriating. Every person associated with these death jabs needs to be prosecuted. I was pleased to see that Holland indicated Gates for lying about the jabs. I hoped at the beginning of the scam rollout that other countries not involved in US corruption and corporate capture would be the ones to wake up and hold the bad actors accountable. This is a start.

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Amen, Louis. Amen.

And to the rest of us, the readers, the people who know the truth about vaccine (non-)testing, harm, & deaths from vaccines, WE MUST SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT these products, everywhere & often & to everyone we can.

Vaccine harm & vaccine-caused death is THE tragedy of our lifetime.

The corporate news media is Pharma funded & will be, at least until we outlaw DTC ads.

The majority of the research is Pharma funded & will be, until our laws are changed to keep pharmaceutical money out of the research & away from anyone in the federal arm that funds the academia research.

Our regulators (at the FDA) are Pharma funded & will be, until the whole User Fees shenanigans are outlawed, & the revolving employment door between Pharma company execs/employees & the regulatory agencies is outlawed too.

Even 85-95% of our lawmakers in DC today are Pharma funded, & will continue to be, until & unless something happens to reverse Citizens United.

(What else has to change… pharma dollars, not funding the scientific & medical journals? What else?)

Before that happens, WE, the average citizens, HAVE TO BE THE JOURNALISTS & the TRUTH TELLERS ABOUT VACCINES & VACCINE HARM.

It has to be us.

Nobody else is going to do it.

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The graphics and illustrations used are of a professional category from decades ago, when companies had a priority to use quality images to convey a message...I have been meaning to state that for the past year now.

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Yes they do! A big part of that truth is the millions of lives the vaccine saved!! So, be sure to balance your truth with truth!

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You want the truth? Our government covered up the origin of the Covid virus. Why? None of the Covid vaccines were properly tested and the little testing that was done, the findings were manipulated in favor of the manufacturers. From day one they lied about efficacy and safety, and the government and media went along. SAFE and EFFECTIVE was all we heard, when THEY KNEW many would be injured or killed from the shot. Tell these truths to the millions worldwide who were either maimed or killed by the shots, then get in line for your next booster. Enough TRUTH for you?

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Your #’s are GROSSLY exaggerated Daniel! It just goes to show-damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You can contine to push your bs agenda complete with distortions, and garden variety conspiracy claims.

At the end of the day, at the onset of covid in 2020, the vaccine arriving in late November early December of 202O to first responders saved millions of lives. Not only first responders, but our patients as well.

You’re the same type who would be bitching if someone to decided to just allow herd immunity to work it’s magic-in the years that would take. Move on!

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The issue on vaccines is wrongly focus. Regardless a serious debate on whether are or not save and efective, as well as if they have erradicate infectious diseases, which is not true, we know it wlll never be done for obvious reasons. Vaccination can never be mandatory, as any other drug or treatment. Likewise,, it must be accompanied by the corresponding informed consent. In other words, free vaccination is the key.

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