Remarkable piece. Thank you for this. The implications are enormous. I'm also disillusioned with the legacy media. At every turn, they decide to do the wrong thing.

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No they don't. They do exactly as they are told and paid to do.

Who's telling and paying is open to speculation.

But most do know.

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People claim the media was more trustworthy in the past. Well, no, I don't think so. To me it seems we simply gained life experience (and the Internet) and realized that much of the "news" we were being fed it actually propaganda. We've been "lied" to for a very long time (my entire lifetime).

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Totally agree. I remember my mother calling television the Boob Tube. We knew when JFK was shot it was an inside job.

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When RFK went down it was pretty obvious something was seriously wrong (and not random assassins).

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I agree. The news industry was much more tightly controlled at the time of the assassination coverup than it is even today. Then, there was no alternative news outside the realm of self published pamphleteers and book authors. The approved media told the public what happened, then told the public what we all thought about it through ridiculously contrived polls. We were told what to think, then told what we all believed about it.

At least today there are sources on the internet (though probably not for much longer) which offer different conclusions to the available facts as well as some verifiable facts which have been suppressed by the MSM. Mr. Talbot's mention of Rob Reiner as an authoritative source of information is at least debatable, since Reiner has long been a promoter of official myths to the point of appearing delusional.

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No question.

The legacy press play the tunes the piper pays them to play.

The so-called reliable BBC played, and plays, an integral part in keeping the agenda on track.

As do the other state controlled media.

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JFK’s assassination represented the takeover of our national government by a criminal conspiracy and the beginning of a long string of abuses on the American people. Tucker Carlson asked the right question. His friend gave the correct answer. It’s all fake. The elections, fake. The news, fake. Political theater, theater. We have all been manipulated, misled and even murdered for money and power.

The immediate resulting national catastrophe was the Vietnam war, in which 58,000 Americans perished. JFK had signed NSAM 263 before the murder most foul ordering all Americans, not just service members, out of Vietnam by 1965. That meant the CIA as well. Before he was buried, that NSAM was reversed.

It is no coincidence that Bobby, who intended to reopen the investigation into his brother’s murder, end our involvement in Vietnam, and seek detent with Russia was assassinated by elements of the same cabal. MLK was a thorn in their side for some of the same reasons.

As time has passed, other truths have emerged, though not fully. We now know that the Gulf of Tonkin excuse was a ruse, a false flag operation, one among many. It is likely that the attack on the USS Liberty was a failed false flag. Did Johnson request Israel carry out those murders to bring us into the war? What about the murder of nearly 3000 Americans on 9/11, a new Pearl Harbor event, which ushered in the global war on terror? Building 7 represents the cabal’s hubris, it being so obvious that it was brought down in a controlled demolition. Money and power. What about COVID and the “vaccine,” both of which have resulted in the deaths of millions and counting?

Most people recoil in horror from asking these questions. The truth is simply too unimaginable. I believe that is why President Trump did not tell these truths. He feared national chaos if the reality were revealed. And it would have been better than where we are today, the political system openly and brazenly using the power of government to silence their opposition. We are a constitutional republic no more. If the truth be known, we lost that status in 1963.

Our nation has been overtaken by pure evil. It may be that God will give us one last chance before He brings judgement. Isn’t it fitting that this one last chance is the namesake of those whose murders ushered in the cabal, Robert F Kennedy Jr? Isn’t it fitting that his message is one of love, and healing and truth? Will America wake up before it is everlastingly too late?

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Harold. Thank you for that beautifully written and heartfelt post.

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Thank you for your post ; however, Trump, too, is one of them - not one of us. Even if they don’t want him, he wants entry into their club, and will always act accordingly.

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Are you part of the campaign to elect RFKJ?

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Are you kidding? He’s a founding member of the club. Besides, he is as bad as either of the other when it comes to Israel. I’m throwing my vote away on Cornell West.

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Israel helped LBJ attack the USS Liberty. They were the ones flying their planes to do the attack. The purpose was to sink the boat and kill 300 US sailors. It would be another Gulf of Tonkin episode to legitimize the US attacking Cairo. Our 9/11 was to sacrifice thousands so the Bush Dynasty had an excuse to attack Iraq and get its oil. Oct 7 was to sacrifice thousands so Israel had an allowed reason to attack Gaza. The back and forth will build to an Iranian-backed attack on US forces, then the US will attack Iran and have its excuse to neutralize the Iranian nuclear weapons program, which is the real end-game of the current preliminary fighting.

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Appreciate your impassioned true words, Mr Gielow although I disagree on one point; God is Love.

Although there are many people who believe in a judging God, I do not. God does not judge; people do. That is my belief. God has given us everything we need to create a paradise on earth. And if we mess that up, that's on us. We suffer the effects of our own choices & actions in this world. We can create hell or heaven right here on earth.

Earth is a planet of free will. That is why Jesus hasn't come down to knock heads together by now . Our Creator has given us the power to choose : fear or Love, good or evil. It's up to US to work it out.

I hope we do and I think we are!. Right now we stand at the 11th hour and it's showtime.

Millions of people have been deluded by the programming. And millions are blessedly awake with more

"coming to" every day.

We are on track for the Great Awakening and as challenging as it is I find it very exciting! GOOO LIGHT BRIGADE!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💖

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God is justice and justice is love in action.

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Yes. Love wears many hats.

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Kindly leave your religious beliefs out of the quest for Truth. You're failing to make the connection between the Kennedy Assassination and the Other Biggest Conspiracy, the UFO Cover-up. My research indicates that The Vatican orchestrated the Kennedy Assassination to keep the Alien Secret, and Rome CIA Head Bill Harvey was involved.

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All the world’s a stage?

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"Robert F Kennedy Jr? Isn’t it fitting that his message is one of love, and healing and truth? Will America wake up before it is everlastingly too late?"

You need to listen more carefully to what RFK is saying. Obviously you haven't managed to wake up yourself.

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Can you expand on that? What is it you think RFKJr is saying that Harold is missing?

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You’re a lion of the heart Mr Talbot.

I was born 8-21-64 9 months to the day and always knew something was awry.

The central media cartel is poisoning and destroying peoples minds in ALL facets.

It’s a “ Brave New World” now.

“We” the people, with Bobby picking up the torch, through his unyielding courage and bravery will finally realign us all with the principles and ideals of those slain leaders starting with President Kennedy who started the fire 🔥 which was almost snuffed out.

Keep up the good work sir.

So “we” can walk in unity with your words of truth and with Bobby’s divinely charged leader ship.

It is time, time for “we” the people to come together, in the love, peace , prosperity and justice for all, which

JFK ,Malcom X ,MLK and RFK all gave their lives for!!

Declare your independence one and all and come join us!!!!

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This is an excellent report. The new series on JFK, now showing nightly on the History Channel is excellent. So far I have only seen up to the 1962 missile crisis. The series is presented nightly beginnin around 8 pm. EST. I have felt it was a conspiracy ever since reading Mark Lane's book many years ago.

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The truth is Maurine, you won't hear any modicum of it on a mainstream source like the History Channel. All the lies we've been told about almost everything, all boil down to this: there was no lone gunman, there were no planes, and there is no virus. Thanks, for commenting.

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The media doesn't mention anything about the JFK assassination for the same reasons why they aren't mentioning RFK Jr.'s independent candidacy for the presidency.

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The Dark Side hates the Light. it makes them wriggle and squirm, run for cover and double down on their evil. But the Light of Truth is stronger than any of this. They are operating from a fear power-control base. But fear is no match for Love, Light and Truth. The FORCE IS WITH US.✨"Love casts out fear" We've got this!

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I realize what I said sounds like a "Them and Us" position.

In a linear sense it kind of is but I know for me personally, the parts of myself that don't behave as nobly as I would like on some days when I get triggered, it's because in that moment fear got the better of me. We all have a shadow side, Earth has a shadow side and Love is the only antidote. Love is the cure. Evil and fear is simply the absence of love. Jesus said " Perfect love casts out fear. Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect." seems like a tall order but we are all up to it! This what we are called to Be. We are called to love that fully in our world Hard to wrap yourself around that when there's so much corruption and evil everywhere you look but that is the ride we are all on. Sink or swim, as John Adams said. My faith tells me we are all equipped to transform this planet into a Paradise. Each of us has a spark of the divine inside of us ✨what Jesus called "The Kingdom of God" in us. That's the same power that creates worlds!! Despite the systematic dumbing down of the planet we are all so much more powerful than we know.

When I feel discouraged I remember that Jesus said "ALL these things I do YOU can do and greater things than these SHALL you do.."

President Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy and Dr King and all the peacemakers who have walked this earth both known and unknown and now Robert Francis Kennedy Jr are all touchstone reminders that we almost made it to the mountaintop and we still can.

I mean that is the whole point of everything and it's why I feel inspired to keep going.

Blessed are the Peacemakers.✨🙏✨

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Why do you think so many wear sunglasses indoor or outdoor?

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Perhaps because we have been programmed to think the sun is bad for you.

I've never been a sunglass person indoors or out except back in the day when we all wore the classic Ray-Ban Wayfarers because they were so cool looking...

Today occasionally while driving if there's a bright glare - polarized lenses can help alot.

I really enjoy eye contact. When I'm talking to someone I can't connect with them unless I can look into their eyes. I would never dream of talking to someone wearing my sunglasses I always take them off if I'm wearing them which I hardly ever do

The eyes are the window to the soul. I forget who said that. Probably Shakespeare. We need the light in our eyes! Now more than ever.

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If you deprive the pineal gland behind your eyes of sunlight, it won't release what the skin needs to prevent melanoma.

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Cataracs develop with too much exposure to the sun. The eyes need some shade when it is a bright sunny day.

When outdoors I take them off to 'reset' the body's chemicals.

Some are extremely sensitive to a lot of bright light.

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All vision problems are more likely if the eyes are malnourished.

The problem is addressed in The Eye Care Revolution:: Prevent And Reverse Common Vision Problems by Robert Abel.

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Why do you think so many wear sunglasses?

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The main stream press has dropped the ball on this from day one. Certain publications have actively ridiculed Warren commission critics. The Times, sometime in the 90s, began the use of the term "conspiracy theory" as it is currently used, a phrase of scorn and contempt. Gore Vidal immediately gave a definition of the term which discloses the intent of the Times. Conspiracy theory, he said, "means unspeakable truth."

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Look up “Operation Mockingbird. George H. W. Bush acknowledged its reality, that the CIA had installed a “minder” (censor) in every major media outlet, with the “caveat” that the CIA no longer pays their salaries. Since then, they’re paid by the media directly. We can trust them to continue gaslighting us until we regain control of our government.

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Big pHARM owns the MSM. That's why we're bombarded with these horrid drug commercials

It's one dark entity with many arms that capture. Time to end the corruption!


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In 2013, as the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination approached, I noticed some plastic-sealed newspapers on the newspaper rack of a convenience store I visited. It was the November 23, 1963, edition of the Dallas Morning News. I purchased a copy to see how a daily newspaper in the city where the assassination occurred had played the news in real time. Remember, Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza at 12:30 p.m. CST (local time) on Friday, November 22. I was now reading a copy of the newspaper that was delivered to the front yards of Dallas and surrounding area early in the morning of Saturday, November 23. Having worked as a newspaper writer myself, I was struck by the number of unattributed "statements of fact" in the Morning News' pages. I could understand, in a newsroom suddenly devoting all its efforts to the biggest locally occurring event that it would ever cover, the here-and-there sloppiness by writers and editors. The one that appeared in multiple articles was simply asserting that Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy without quoting anyone, or even without the clause "Dallas law enforcement officials say" or "according to Dallas police reports." Not one bylined reporter claimed to be an eyewitness to the shooting, yet Oswald's responsibility for the murder of the 35th President of the United States was stated as a "fact," without quote or attribution, several times, as Dallasites read their morning newspaper the day after the assassination. This to me indicated that the coverup was as at least as well planned as the assassination itself. So, indeed, as you stated, "The main stream press has dropped the ball on this from day one."

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Thank you for filling in more details on JFK's assassination.. many of us knew the Warren report to be a joke.. and that the CIA was very much involved.. known this a long time and that the CIA will not release the documents they hold because they fear, it could be their complete undoing...

The public pressure those docs release would create might easily lead to further inquiries into the CIA's other fine activities such as the Agency's role in the Super Colossal Can of Worms, the Psyop... with the DoD, and the current Administration...

Oh no, can't allow that to be exposed.. the Crime of the Century ripped Wide Open..?

Our Nation needs major Surgery in the most Profound Way

We need RFK Jr at the Helm..

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We know it was a conspiracy.

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I appreciated this article. But for anyone who has been listening to Bobby over the past year you would likely have heard him recommend the book "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James W Douglass as the definitive information source on his uncle's assassination. I've read it twice now, and contains much more depth and detail than a ¨who done it" book. Truly scholarly research and cohesive writing. You will also learn more intimate details about JFK here than anywhere else.

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I just began it. It's been sitting in my library for two years. It's a substantial read I can only now deal with. The day JFK was slaughtered is not a day I can ever forget. Most everyone else old enough to recall those cars rolling down the street to Doom are etched into the minds of those old enough to have seen it happen whether in Dallas or on television.

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I also remember the day. One of the most somber and sad in my memory. Especially in contrast to the joyous mood and spirit of the country before that day. The book is a little tricky in that it is not always linear. Somehow the author manages to weave in so much intimate and nuanced detail about many of the actors in that affair. While it certainly is a well documented who-done-it book, it is also a telling of a man struggling deeply with the life and death issues that he faced, and the ways in which he was changed by them. So in that sense, it's a love story. Both tragedy, and victory. Enjoy.

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Lovely to read your insights. Thank you.

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Because -- confirming it would publicly confirm that CIA conducted multiple coups -- in United States.

CIA can’t allow such “malinformation”

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Only the deaf, (very) dumb, and blind still believe that only Oswald was involved. Ultimately, there is one group of people who are much more stupid that "conspiracy theorists" and those are people who actually seem to believe everything that the media and their government tells them!!

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The time is coming when "lone nut" will refer not to Oswald but to the last guy who believes Oswald killed Kennedy.

Meanwhile, here's a recent whodunit article that might interest anyone willing to consider the assassination of JFK and the unspeakable. https://www.unz.com/article/kennedy-assassination-cia-did-it-theorists-are-covering-for-israel/

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Why did he choose someone who would even ever work for the CIA as his campaign manager? Someone who is inexperienced in campaign management? Look up Amaryllis Fox and her family.

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Because not everyone in the CIA, EPA, FDA, etc. are evil. Some see the corruption and become the whistleblowers who expose the corruption. They are invaluable to changing things. (i..e Daniel Ellsberg, Deep Throat, Jullian Assange, etc.) A Fox is a brilliant young woman.

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Hmmm Dan Ellsberg was not I believe in CIA. He worked for Rand Corporation. Assange was in CIA? The way your post is worded seems to imply they were. Is that what you meant?

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I meant they were whistleblowers, not necessarily in the CIA alone.

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thank you

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Yes, she is. She is also a trusted family member.

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What are her qualifications for running a presidential campaign?

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it’s not brain surgery. anyone who is good at organizing and follow through would be able to do it decently. Kucinich maybe not so

much since he did not grow up in digital age.

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I agree Martha Magee, also the fact that she’s been quite successful?

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"B. Scientific Acoustical Evidence Establishes a High Probability That Two Gunmen Fired at President John F. Kennedy; Other Scientific Evidence does not Preclude the Possibility of Two Gunmen Firing at the President .."


We are talking about a sitting US President & Commander In Chief. How is it that this matter was ever laid to rest? How corrupt is our government? As far as I'm concerned, this was an attack on the American people & the start of a war with corruption that we are still in to this day. I woukd go so far as to say that war is heating up. How can we ignore this?

"Late last month, Biden issued a final order certifying documents from the JFK investigation to be released. But the New York Times reports 4,684 of the files remain either partially, or fully, withheld from the public's eye."


This government of the people, by the people & for the people do not support this government to be lied to. And how are we to decide the future of this country when our own employees hide the truth from us about the past?

"Promote then, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened." President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796


"Targeted Justice files $1.3 Billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, & DHS"


It is the same hidden war. Dr. Robert Duncan was a scientist who worked on weapon systems for the CIA & the DoD. This is what he said about Havana Syndrome:

"I hate pointing out the obvious but the State Department is lying or scientifically dumb or both. These weapons are well known since the 1960's and they only have to talk to the CIA or DoD to learn about them. They claim a "handful" of U.S. citizens have complained about the same symptoms but that is a lie. I have seen all the emails and letters to them. It is in the 1O's of thousands. The U.S. government has become so corrupt or incompetent that they don't represent the country's values anymore since Kennedy's assassination."

"A Message to Citizens of America... The Terrifying Truth" - Anonymous Official; Sept. 2023


It' is way past time to clean up this mess & it begins with JFK's assassination.

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You have mentioned many people who have had doubts or have investigated. What about Jim Garrison? Why have you not mentioned him? Noel S. Cowling, Temple, Texas

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“I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.” ― Jim Garrison


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