"But those who want to reclaim their freedom and power are growing in numbers and in conviction."


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Fauci has been a murdering psycho for the last 40 years.

Started with the AIDS crisis.

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Fauci was nailed by RFK Jr when he wrote the book The Real Anthony Fauci! Note he didn’t call him doctor since he is a medical bureaucrat who didn’t pay attention to in med school! Never treated patients and just listened to the Con from Big Pharma!

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When people I know use to hang onto every word Fauci said, I would tell them that Fauci never treated one covid positive patient in the hospital or in any setting.

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These Congressional hearings never accomplish anything. It’s all theater. No questions are ever actually answered. Senators do some speechifying, in between their poorly-worded questions. It’s all a load of bullshit.

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Fauci isn't squirming. He's doing his usual obfuscation, waving of hands, laying of blame elsewhere deflections that he's perfected since the 1990's, at least. He's got too many hooks into the deep state, the administrative state...and probably some nastiness on certain politicians, to ever be brought to justice.

Can RFKjr do that, bring Fauci to justice? Is that his promise?

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I have to vent, Just spent a weekend with my brother and sisters celebrating my fathers 90th birthday. All of them without exception (2 of them are MD's) declared the Fauci was so eloquent and so brilliant and that he was science. My Dad is ready for his 10 shot and there is nothing to be said that would convince them otherwise. (the majority of them are consumers of the Lies from the MSM MSNBC, CNN NPR NYT etc. I am so sad that our society has allowed the monster Fauci to live.

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RFK JR Still our ONLY HOPE!!!!! "Talking him up" to people I meet EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!

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After reading THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI, by RFK, (sold millions without advertising, bestseller list, 2,000 footnotes and research, all proceeds to charity) I am certain he knows the corruption inside and out. Addressing corporate capture, I don’t see how Fauci and his cohorts won’t go down in history as infamous. Changing the system is critical for the safety of future generations. Although I’d like to see it, revenge for Fauci’s actions will only touch the surface.

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Bobby will prosecute the Evil Fauci! Kennedy24🇺🇸❤️

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Until he says it out loud where everyone can hear that promise, I 100% doubt it. Cause too many others shud be in Girno with him. Criminals all of them. Ugly human waste of skin.

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Your write-ups are amazing, dear writers for The Kennedy Beacon. This one is... I don't even have a word for it--TRUTH is the best I can say. And as discouraged as all of us are with the depraved situation in our country, we HAVE to keep plugging along with truth. Like I want to deliver copies of this article to all the cars in the hospital parking lots in our town and mail one to each and every doctor's office. Post a copy at medical & nursing schools. IMO, the BS they've swallowed is part of their RELIGION, in a way. It is the thing that gives them hope--hope that with whatever goes wrong in life, SCIENCE will help them out of it. Medicine, specifically. And every human deserves to have hope but theirs, unfortunately, is FALSE hope. And I believe they don't YEARN to know and discover truth like I believe we do. Ugh, we're in a bad situation, people, but God of TRUTH, help our country, I pray.

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In a world where you get fired and convicted for a failed flirting attempt it's ridiculous that these people are still walking around.

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Updated Timeline 23.6.2024 for the evolution of Covid-19 virus from 1966 and its ultimate extermination process of humanity, down to around 250 million from 8.5 billion by 2025/26?

Including the MILITARY SECRET WEAPON installed - and my free salt water cure for all viruses - at the end on my free substack if you are interested - scare your socks off, to be sure.

Coronavirus has been in play as a biological weapon agent since 1966. Most people first heard about coronavirus in 2019 but “the fact of the matter is it has been around since 1966 as a biological weapon,” Dr. Martin said.

“Since 2002, there has not been a coronavirus; there has been an engineered pathogen. Engineered by Ralph Baric at the University of Carolina Chapel Hill where, in 2002, he patented the’ infectious, replication defective, clone of coronavirus’,” Dr. David Martin said.

“The ‘coronavirus’ that has been branded to be part of covid-19, does not exist. What does exist is a pathogen modelled off of properties of what was once upon a time isolated as coronavirus,” he explained. “Properties that increased its pathogenicity [and] increased its toxicity but … decreased its transmissibility … In 2002 it was patented to be non-transmissable.”

In other words, since 2002 coronavirus has been man-made and has not been a pathogen of nature. Why would they do this?

AND now they are playing around with bird Flu to make it a human illness

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I have zero hope that either Kennedy or Trump can clean up the mess of politics in the US. Only thing that fixes it is 200% breakdown. And when communism fails AGAIN, a new union of humans arise. Unfortunately the burnings won’t be those who deserve it but the innocence or the peeps with a mind that works.

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