I hope they can be a good balance to the Trump bombast. That is the piece that will be hardest to overcome in all of this, is the perception that Trump is so "nasty" or "mean". The casual voter likes the joy rhetoric and the show that the DNC puts on. I desperately hope that there are still enough people who think issues matter instead of the theater. I was not, and likely will never be a huge Trump fan - but he is the necessary vehicle at the moment to get the lion share of goals accomplished. Our system is very broken and unfortunately it's set up so that third party candidates fail. Bobby got as close as anyone could have and it still was objectively short.

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Well said, Aaron. Kennedy in particular should be a good stabilizing force in the coalition.

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Deliberately speaking for what is now called the coalition.

Has the Derangement Syndrome run its course?

Lets just assume the best, Shallllllllll we?

The Commander in Chief is DJT, the way forward is alongside him now as before.

Once a snowflake melts, it is liquid. It can change form.

Welcome to the party Beaconites, now hunker down and watch your former party, wreak havoc...

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I don’t think most people really know Trump. He’s been dealing with a manipulative and evil media a lot longer than Kennedy has. Everyone’s impression of him has been formed by sound bites and doctored videos by the MSM and his opposition. In private, he is supposed to be a really warm and kind man.

Trump’s strengths are many, but they never were the kind needed for the political stage. That’s why we sometimes groan when he doesn’t answer questions eloquently and succinctly like we wish he would. His skills and personality is better served in a board room or in other business meeting ventures. In those places he dominates and belongs. But the political stage is a different animal that he never really was groomed or trained for the way someone like Kennedy was. But make no mistake, Trump is good at business and recognizes truth and talent and knows how to corral it. He shines by finding the best people to do something and putting them in place to do it. His first time around he trusted very untrustworthy people because he was out of his field and element and had no idea just how deep the swamp went. He never would have made those same mistakes in the business world, and I’m sure he’s fired many people in his line of work rather quickly before they hurt his businesses. But politics was a different animal. We ALL are just now learning how very corrupt it is and how deep it goes. We can’t expect him to have known his first day in 2016. And he tried to fight during his first term many times and congress was constantly sabotaging him.

Things will be different this time. He is less trusting. He is surrounded by sounder minds that aren’t part of the corruption.

I say we give the poor guy a break and be thankful God put Kennedy in his path to help him. This is truly a dream team.

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Well put. As you put it, "His skills and personality is better served in a board room or in other business meeting ventures. In those places he dominates and belongs."

As President, Donald Trump's business sense suits him well for the office, since the President heads the executive branch of the federal government. Cabinet meetings, meetings with the Joint Chiefs, etc. are akin to corporate Board and executive staff meetings. The CEO is expected to dominate, to control the pace and tenor of the meeting, and to make assignments and decisions. Likewise, for the President of the United States, meetings with other heads of state should be akin to a corporation CEO sitting down with CEOs from other companies to hammer out deals, agreements, etc.

The difficulty for Trump is the getting to the position of CEO, of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States. The President is not hired by a board but by the people on a state-by-state basis. So in that process, the brusqueness that serves Trump well IN the CEO position hampers his "interview" with the voters.

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DJT is an alpha's alpha in a world inhabited by Beta snowflake social justice warriors. This is war there will be and have been casualties.

Zuck the weasel capitulated in election meddling (censorship) 2020 and is now finger pointing directly at the Gubmint. Why now???

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I used to wince at the lingo DJT chose. He isn't talking to the educated.

When he introduced A Barret for Supreme Ct. inaug. he was far more polished that JoBama ever was... It is strategy. DJT is an alphas alpha, he is formidable, honest, and speaks the truth. Consistently. Clueless peeps do not comprehend... That is on them...

You can't please everyone, however fish move in unison once they are done cheerleading...

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Michael Kane has melted and taking his TDS with him. His "articles" have been removed from the Beacon archive. What a shame. However the internet is forever. On May 20th Mr. Kane published this Deranged Drivel:

On May 20th M Kane responded to being called out for backpedaling and the Derangement Syndrome

That Beaconites, was over 3 months ago. I have the exact screen shot something Subs have no provision for posting. Here is the exact text:

"No I am not back pedaling, I am making clear Biden sucks as much as Trump.

You want to put this in a binary two party paradigm.

That is the entire point of Kennedy '24. It ain't binary no more.

After about 30 comments in this Substack thread from you, your writing is hardly even coherant."

It's the tracks in the sand that get 'cha, Kane. Journalism 101.

So Kane had and likely has false beliefs. He may silently go lick his wounds or perhaps he has character enough to publicly admit his Derangement Sydrome and that RFK saw a very significant

COLLABORATION. M Kane (as well as all Beacon editors) was and likely is clueless.

That suggests that the main purpose of the Beacon was to cheerlead. Brilliant, low comprehension, divisive, and simple minded.

Now that Beaconites have moved off the Dem plantation, time to find residence.

Requires some pillow beating sessions and vision...

The country has fallen, it is up to We the People to Take it back. 2020 was the most egregious theft in the world's history RFK most definitley knows this but more importantly, so did the visionary Commander in Chief, Donald J Trump.

The collaboration party is open, some % of Beaconites will attend.

The lesser peeps, well that is on them...

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Snowflakes melt when the flamethrower turns.

Perception is the fake news echo chamber and the FACT that former

Dems, (just off the plantation) have the residual TDS syndrome...

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Nearly half of U.S. voters identify as independents, while Democrats and Republicans each have only about 25% of registered voters. You'd think if independents and one legacy party--in this case Republicans--joined together they'd have a cake walk into the White House. But somehow the Democratic candidate went from obscurity to front runner virtually overnight and raked in $350 million for starters. How is that possible? Well it isn't--except for the 350 mil. It's hogwash I say, but we'll find out for sure come election day and the battle-royal sure to follow.

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You raise excellent questions, hobnob. Thank you.

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Very simple, fake lying Corporate Media. They aided and abetted in the overthrow of the Republic. DJT and the Patriots are taking it back. RFK is front row and center as is E Musk.

Polls are fake. DJT has at least 75% of registered voters!!

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polls are no more than a continuation of campaign rhetoric. they talked about that on the above mentioned Darkhorse as well.

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indeed, in '16 the Dems assured Americans ( backed up by hundreds of repeating media shills) that HC would landslide with 80%

THEY LIE, and have been meddling in elections a very very long time...

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you might be interested in the latest Darkhorse podcast, in which they bring up the huge amount of 'fundraising' text messages people are receiving from Democrat groups, claiming dubious '700% matching donations'. Brett and Heather hypothesis that either these are meaning more to give the illusion of momentum than raise actual funds. OR else it actually IS some fund raising scam in which the 'matching' claim is a backdoor to illegal donations. very interesting conjecture.

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Likely both, accurate assessment incoming. Well done

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All 3 of them are former Democrats!! They are aware of the corruption and descent into evil of the Democratic Party. Trump now knows what he is dealing with, and Gabbard and RFK Jr have experienced the wrath of that party. Trump can use their expertise to wade through the mud slung at him. Together, with other like minded leaders, they can help form a cabinet that is loyal and understands the goals of their unity. Project 2025 is merely a template of possible actions offered to both parties by conservative groups. The Democrats have weaponized it as they have done with so many things. My prayer is they get the chance to implement their vision. The future of America depends on it.

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Thanks for sharing your perspective, VictorDianne!

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Not quite. DJT has experienced more wrath that 10 others combined.

He ALWAYS knew. Beaconites are seriously late to this party, some have deserted.

They have a couple months to recosider... 2020 was stolen from DJT, that is simple fact.

RFK and Tulsi have taken some arrows, and are still standing.

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I believe that citizens of the USA are weary from their own and their children's medical issues, concerned that their children will not be able to afford houses, depressed about their taxes supporting war, alarmed over lack of a southern border, and no longer trusting the government, alphabet agencies, or allopathic medicine which medicates behavioral symptoms rather than preventing illness. I deeply hope that consequently there will be widespread support for the Unity Party, Justice League, or whatever the new coalition will be named. I hope that exposure of DNC lawfare and censorship will lead to extinction of this evil organization due to lack of endorsement by an informed citizenry. (Please don't refer to Kennedy as a "former candidate" as he remains an Independent candidate for the Presidency.)

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Excellent point to highlight, Randall - Kennedy is still on the ballot in most of the country, and has urged his supporters to vote for him in firm red or blue states.

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Your concern will be abated. What you say is true. It was also true 25 years ago to a markedly lesser extent. The People were in a daze, time to wake up.

DJT has north of 75% or registered voters in support. When the evil oligarchs controlling the DNC escalate the attacks it is likely to increase to 85%. We the People are taking back this Constitutional Republic. The Fake News Echo Chamber is in freefall along with Big P and the Medical Cartel. Do not picnic on the RR tracks.

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Bobby is the generational politician of our time. Canada supports him and respects his momentous decision to put his country first.

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Oh Canada! Thank you, Martin.

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I am in disbelief at the cheerleading.

"Bobby" is not running. He has handed off to DJT the mastermind.

Dispence with the TDS already.

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Yeah?? Canada has fallen to commie JT.

Would be a great thing to realize this.

Now recognize the mastermind DJT is expertly steering the recovery vessel...

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RFK and Tulsi joining it good but not enough. They need more high profile Democrats to do the same. Remember the walkaway movement - it did some good, but no enough. The core issue in my opinion, is Republicans are labeled as bad people and the democrat voters buy into this. Both Tulsi and RFK realize the truth on censoring, war and healty - bog giant issues - hidden by the press. Some how some way this needs to be communicated in a new walkaway movement.

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DJT would have at least 75% and north of 300 Electoral College points were the election held and fairly counted yesterday. All other projectins are FAKE NEWS.

Cheating abilites markedly restricted. Expect further attacks, hunker down.

Anyone living in a liberal metropolis does so at their own peril...

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The only direction for a walkaway is to walk away from Trump. He's dangerous and mentally/ emotionally unfit to lead. He's morally incapable of being part of any unity party or justice movement. He screws everything.

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And you seriously think Harris is fit to lead? (Or be led, more accurately)

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There are many who had ruled out voting for Harris under any circumstances. Some of those same folks had previously ruled out voting for Trump under any circumstances, but are now changing course because of their support for Bobby. One high profile example is Bret Weinstein!

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Partially true, DJT welcomes dissidents. The extra 4% added to the greatest landslide in history forthcoming. The examples are innumeral.

Personally enjoy the BLK voter flip flop seen in the steet wise of Chi Town...

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His interviews have been great!

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There is help for the Derangement Syndrome however the prognosis for tertiary Dx is dismal. Blathering on about moral incapability, and coupling it to nonsensical assertions. This is a mind controlled and co-opted by the fake news echo chamber.

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How did he screw up the first time he was president? So, you are a Kamala fan? He ran the country just fine. He is not dangerous or mentally unfit. Biden is mentally unfit which IS dangerous. Kamala should be showing us right now how she could run the country but she can't even give an interview that is live and unscripted without notes.

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Arvella has a tertiary case of the Derangement Syndrome. Prognosis not favorable

Yours is the clear winner of stupidest post the 29th August...

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If this is a movement that can get America away from the nefarious influences of the deep state, then I will be active in supporting it. I just hope it's more successful than the Tea Party was.

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"RFK has a chance of influence if Trump wins"? Trump doesn't"get" RFK, he just intends to use him. Trump will demand obedience and fealty from RFK, and will try to prevent RFK from touching even one hair on the head of the profit potential of America's billionaires and big corporations. MAGA "gets" RFK. RFK could walk away from Trump anytime during the next 70 days (or beyond) and take at least half of Trump's base with him. Why? Because RFK has a brain, heart, and courage. Trump is the cowardly lion in a fake Superman suit, and RFK is the kryptonite to his Superman. The cause of justice is far bigger than Trump, and RFK can articulate it to MAGA base and lead them. They love RFK!

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Arvella is now performing Psycho Analysis, a simpleton ploy. "RFK could"non sensical blathering in a public forum. Then this Deranged person offers up his attempt at reasoning layering on adjective word salad. RFK is a collaborator. DJT is the mastermind...

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RFK is certainly a collaborator but DJT is no mastermind except at manipulating people for his own ends.

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If you were a true RFK jr supporter, you would trust him in his decision.

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Look I can’t support Trump, ever, for any reason. I know too much.

I trust Bobby will remain true to his principles, but he will end up dumping Trump unless . . . Trump admits that fossil fuels are a threat to health - which he won’t. Bobby won’t abandon his advocacy for the environment which intersects with his advocacy for health.

Did you notice that during Trump’s debate that the only time he looked happy was when he talked about supporting the development of fossil fuels and carbon capture. Trump is expecting a big paycheck from that industry, and he’ll have no more need for Bobby after the election. If Bobby stays with Trump for awhile, he can expect censoring from Trump to stop the donors from complaining and threatening to cut off funding from the GOP.

Politics makes strange bedfellows for everyone. Harris has to stand 100% with Biden until she sets her own course for “a new way forward” after the election. Because she cares in a more detailed way about the common good than Biden, and is so much more in tune with the future, Harris’s “new way forward” will be the best place for Bobby’s advocacy.

Bobby was desperate, and I totally forgive him for making the wrong decision (supporting Trump) instead of waiting for a clearer, cleaner, faster path toward our common goals. Bobby thinks he’ll be crowned when Trump bows out but he’ll needs 50% to get there. Not all of the Kennedy’s are destined for that role and the fossil fuels industry owns the GOP.

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A little condescending with the "I know too much" without telling us what it is you know. What I noticed during the debate is a man who is passionate about his country. What I noticed during the debate was a woman who has no clue how to run this or any country because she cannot answer questions with knowledge. Her interview yesterday- further proof she is not able to run the country. Bobby is also passionate about this country and Tulsi is as well.

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RFK was hardly "desperate" What about the best possible decision do those with Derangment Syndrome not comprehend??? COLLABORATION GENIUS

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if you "look" perhaps try seeing.

Blathering about the fake news "debate"??

it was a gang up fest, Kamel Hair had a mic on her ear.

She almost certainly was spoon fed the questions ahead of time.

None the less DJT put the cards on the table, face up

she Kackled on demand and said nothing of substance for very simple minded "viewers"

"Bobby" is the 6 yr old neighbor kid. RFK is a 70 yr old patriot that "knows" many things you do not. Then you actually posit what you suppose.

Is that because you "know" too much??

RFK is your senior in knowledge and wisdom. Blather not...

Fossil fuels are renewable and not from fossils. Jeez...

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A balanced article, emphasing the salient truths. Very neutral.

Plenty of praise for RFK and TG, acceptance of DJT while accurately assessing

and denouncing whatever the DNC has become...

This phrase however is simply not true or accurate:

"Its success will depend on breaking the spell cast over the American public by the regime’s propaganda and, if victorious, following through on its promises."

The victory depend ONLY on stopping the Dems and their globalist masters from cheating as they

did in 2020. The spell has been broken months ago.

The collaboration is brilliant, after RFK blew an irreparable hole in the Dem battleship.

Prior to the success the ride will make a Top Thrill 2 rollercoaster seem tame.

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Truth seeker. I hope you are right, but some, and I know this for a fact, are so mired in the propaganda of the Democratic Party they will never break free.

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Sadly I must report the same experience among my local community here in Blue til you’re blue in the face Santa Cruz, Ca.

The conditioning or indoctrination or hypnosis or spell (whichever way you want to describe it) is so deep and suffusing that otherwise good people cannot peel themselves away.

Respect and gratitude to those who have freed themselves and prayers for clarity and courage for those who may yet shake themselves loose!

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concur with that here in Chicago. over the past week, I've had two close friends try to bombard me with links to smear pieces on Bobby. 'I'm looking out for you by sharing this', she says. (yikes!) sorry but I already know about all the stupid shit he admits to doing before he got sober. do you wanna debate policy goals? *crickets*

Another friend wanted to lecture me on why I should hate DJT, over Jan 6, since they are all 'cop killers' and my oldest son is a cop. uh really? after the liberals chant 'defund the police' during BLM riots, in which police stations were burned down?? don't think so. when that didn't work, she tried to trigger me with some crap about Republicans making fun of Walz's son with autism (which turns out not to be true anyway). oh you mean the guy who as gov of MN, established a phone line to tattle on your lockdown thwarting neighbors? sorry no.

nothing excuses bad and/or criminal behavior but you're not gonna cure me of my 'wrong think' by parroting inflammatory propaganda. needless to say, neither friend is speaking to me now, even though I did not initiate either exchange; THEY did.

I have massive appreciation for all independent, critical thinkers! I hope there are enough of us to prevail!!

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We are his legion warrior mom! I love your posts!

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thank you. so nice of you to say!

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We are both right. The American Revolution was won with less that 5% of Americans in support. There is a clueless contingincy that are like fish. They move in unison for unexplained reasons.

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nice analogy. school of fish.

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Please share this widely, that the mainstream media is mistakenly saying RFK Jr gave up and is not in the race. But RFK hasn't pulled out of the election, he has just suspended his campaign and will still be on most state ballots. He explains the reasons in many places, such as this interview with Dr Phil, which I encourage everyone to listen to.


After relentless legal warfare attacks by the DNC to try to keep him off the ballot in state after state, draining his funds and keeping him in the courtroom instead of campaigning, and numerous other dastardly, un-democratic DNC tactics, he and his team analyzed the situation and discovered that he could inadvertently be helping to elect Harris, who has no interest in RFK Jr's causes or those of the majority of Americans. Trump, on the other hand, is aligned on the most existential issues: ending the endless wars of choice, stopping the government-run censorship and surveillance regime, and reversing the chronic disease epidemic of children and adults which is now costing us five time the military budget and causing untold disability and death, especially concerning American children who are the sickest children on Earth.

So, RFK was compelled to switch gears, but he hasn't given up.

It's clear that he wants to achieve what his uncle and father set out to do, and unify the country to tackle the existential issues. It's clear that the current Democratic party has abandoned its former values and now promotes war, surveillance, censorship, industrial monopolies, mandates, and authoritarianism, and a Harris administration would be more of the same in all these ways.

Here's what RFK Jr is suggesting:

In battleground states, a vote for Trump is needed to keep RFK on the path to achieving his vitally important goals re children's health, war and censorship. So, vote Trump in battleground states. In all-blue or all-red states, where your vote won't make a difference in the outcome, VOTE KENNEDY. This will help achieve many things if Kennedy gets 5% of the popular vote nationwide, including a viable third party in the next election and future elections and much-needed public funding, recognition, visibility, debate access, etc.

If he gets 5% of the popular vote, there will be a seismic shift away from the two-party, Uniparty duopoly. This would be a major milestone for independent politics, and a critical step toward sustaining this movement for years to come. Such funding would be transformative, clearing many of the organizational and financial obstacles designed to suppress independent campaigns and sustain the stranglehold of Washington insiders. If Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, Kennedy could still be in the running and end up in the White House.


NEW INFO FROM RFK Jr – he emphasized as of Sep 5 that rapidly increasing censorship and totalitarianism, which is suddenly sweeping the globe, represents the biggest threat, for if we lose free speech, all other goals evaporate. He released a statement Sep 5 urging EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR TRUMP in all states as the best and only way now to advance RFK's goals and their shared goals of restoring our children's and nation's health and ending the forever wars and censorship. Trump needs a landslide victory in both the popular vote AND the Electoral College in order for it to not be contested and challenged. A vote for Trump is a vote for Kennedy.

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RFK was "forced" is simply a false belief

No one forced anything. The decision: twas the best possible decision.

Collaborations are like that.

Put that in your rationalization pipe and smoke it.

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I appreciate your feedback. Perhaps compelled is the better word; I'll make that change.

RFK shifted gears because he promised he would never be a spoiler, meaning someone who takes votes from others without a clear chance of winning. After relentless media shunning and being locked out of debates, combined with endless MSM hit pieces, as well as relentless legal warfare attacks from the un-democratic DNC, suing him in state after state to keep him off the ballots and draining his funds and keeping him in the courtroom instead of campaigning, his clear path to victory was no longer evident. And after the Herculean effort to get on all 50 ballots, RFK Jr and his team analyzed the situation and discovered that he could inadvertently be helping to elect Harris by taking fewer votes from her than Trump. This, combined with the fact that President Trump reached out to him after the assassination attempt and they had meaningful, intense, substantive discussions about their shared goals of the things that are critically important to save our country and her people.

I trust RFK Jr's instincts and integrity, as well as his agility in responding to the ever-changing current situation. What may appear to some as a confusing blurring of the conventional lines might be leading to a welcome and healthy paradigm shift and an unprecedented collaboration to put people above politics and country above party.

Let's keep the faith and trust that this team of collaborators can strive for and achieve the best possible outcomes.

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Interesting that you are certain enough to suggest reasoning.

RFK NEVER had a path to victory or even in the running.

He always knew this. The idea regarding the collaboration is speculative, regardless of "articles"

There are issues, in order

1 stop or prevent WW3

2 close the borders

3 mass deportation of illegals

4 fix the economy

5 teach clueless Americans about health

6 stop the corporate hog, refuse to fill the trough

As you suggest the best possible decision yield the best possible outcomes

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Sounds like a good idea but with Trump in power how long before we hear :"Your'e FIRED" ?????????

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there are pillow beating parties!

You most definitely will hear "your fired" as the swamp draining ensues

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The Trump-Kennedy-Libertarian Alliance is our best hope for preventing a massive war. Check out Nicole Shanahan's latest video: https://x.com/nicoleshanahan/status/1829972000150077754?s=46

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Thanks for your article Michael. Change / growth happens incrementally. Big change, like getting the greed and power out of our government will take many twists and turns. Many frustrated Democrats and Republicans to see things differently, and many Americans to unveil their blind spots.

I'm not a fan of DT by any means. I know his history and I'm not fooled by his rhetoric (Norman Cousins had a great student in DT). I even have a personal experience of what I consider "criminal behavior". But the man had a bullet fly past his head. He had an assassination attempt, and I believe that can have an effect on a person. And who did he call? A man who has been there, in that experience, who he has a relationship with. Although RFK sued him twice and won, as fellow New Yorkers I'm sure their paths have crossed. RFK, Jr is a Kennedy, but beyond that, he is an extremely successful man of character.

I don't think the twists and turns are done yet, people are learning truths everyday, and hearing RFK and Shanahan words of truth and wisdom. It's not over until November and possibly beyond. But I remain grateful for RFK, his family, his staff, the volunteers and supporters who have been enriching my life through their presence.

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Yvonne's acceptance. She is not a fan. Brilliant Yvonne. Greed is a human trait last I checked hardly exclusive to Gubmint. There are two successful men of character, the alpha in a very different unpopulated league of one. That takes nothing away from RFK.

Words of "truth and wisdom" are hardly exclusive they simply contribute, a small but welcome amount.

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I believe you are correct that the bullet brought some light to Trump, similar to Bobby getting sober.

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I’m in awe of “all” the changes going on in the American Geopolitical arena, for the Presidential elections for 2024!! I understand the alliance of former candidates, to the “Trump campaign”, and urgency to fight against the DNC, Democrats’s extremism, lawlessness, corruption of media, lying to the American public..whew! At this point in time, with both conventions over, and only a couple of months away from voting!! I really think the Democratic Party will stop at nothing to impose themselves to power?? God Bless us all!! This whole mess just might turn to total civil chaos?!

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You are most definitely right. Hunker down and prepare, some attack is about to be implemented. Fomenting civil unrest is the end game. The Demon Rats are dangerous

though have mortal wounds...

Wise people everywhere are appealing to the Divine, as does the visionary, DJT...

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What an amazing time we live in! I pray everyone with these same goals join DJT, RFK jr, Shanahan, Vance & Tulsi to help accomplish them; BLESSINGS TO ALL THOSE FIGHTING FOR OUR NATION'S FUTURE!!

May they have the Angels of God strengthening & protecting them all!!

🙏 🙏 🙏

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I just something in an Facebook Kennedy Group that Bobby isn’t on the New York. Is this true? I’ve been waiting for word about it. Also there are 4 states where the DNC blocked Kennedy from being taken off the ballot, NC, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. What’s going on with that because it may have people in these swing states vote for Bobby (and I can’t blame them) but that might help Harris. These people are sneaky and evil. Wondering if the Kennedy campaign is getting the word out because this is trickery from the DNC.

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The trickery is the Dems suing him 11 times and ready to do it 16 more, which is why he suspended his campaign. Billions to Ukraine and a one time check for $750. to Hawaii. I have never liked DT, but an assassination attempt can change a person. I'm totally with RFK and I trust his and the creators plan.

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He knew the attempt was coming, having already survived more than a dozen.

DJT does not care nor need your "liking" him. You are not going to lunch.

Realize (at some point) RFK is directing peeps with the Derangement Syndrome to

a clinic that can help. Then taking back the Republic is on offer...

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