It is a dark day for the US government and all of us. The total truth of what they have become should awaken the most faithful and captured. They are horrified of RFK, Jr. and what he stands for. His legacy of courage, truth, and standing up for the American People, will only get stronger and stronger, as their corruption is exposed into the light. May RFK, Jr. be protected by our love for him.

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The last thing RFK Jr. needs is secret service "protection." His family has had enough of that already.

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Your point is well taken, but it is also true that agencies like the Secret Service are made up primarily of well-intentioned, rank-and-file public servants seeking to do the best they can by their country. It is in the positions of leadership and the bureaucracy where these proto-totalitarian policies are enforced. And of course, there are always bad eggs with a badge or a security clearance. But it seems the real disservice here is being done by Secretary Mayorkas.

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You are in my prayers every day. May God carry you to lead us.

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From their perspective, RFK Jr. already has enough stature and legitimacy as it is. They certainly don't want to do anything to highlight that with government supplied motorcades. And based on their embarrassing performance embracing censorship, their focus is on destroying him, not protecting him. They have certainly enthusiastically retreated from the high ground.

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Excellent observation, John.

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Initially, I was so upset by this I couldn't read the articles. Then I remembered the effect the censorship hearing had on the public. This is just one more example of what a corrupt government will do to harm, to destroy those who threaten the tyrannical forces within the government . Just keep writing, and spreading the news.

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Thank you, Margaret. RFK Jr.'s voice grows louder by the day.

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How LOW can our so-called leaders sink? How petty! How irresponsible! Shameful! We can only hope that decent Americans will protest such callous behavior by writing/speaking loudly and by contributing mightily to Kennedy's campaign.

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Shameful display of Washington Mafia rules & protection for mob insiders only!!

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Well put, Pamela. Americans see right through this.

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I would like to sign the petition, but I am an overseas voter. This means my phone number in Germany exceeds that which is allowed on your petition.

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Your support is appreciated nonetheless, Elizabeth. Thank you.

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The Democrat party doesn't want RFK, Jr. as president or in any position of power. They want him out of the picture.

They don't want a man of integrity, courage, rationality, constitutionality and incorruptibility like TFK, Jr. They want corrupt puppets like Biden, Harris, Newsom and others like them.

This is why Democrats have ordered media censorship of RFK, Jr., and why they plant hit-pieces to falsely discredit him, and why they won't offer him protection.

I believe the Democrat party will rig the primaries to prevent RFK from winning. I hope he's aware of this and is taking action to ensure clean, honest elections.

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It seems that RFK Jr knows full well what he's up against, and is approaching the challenge with excellent strategy and flexibility.

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That's good to hear. 👌🏽

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Still can't believe RFK Jr. supported this treasonous, dementia-ridden, depraved pedophile Mafia Lieutenant fraudulently installed into the Oval Office and the Clinton Crime Family for the Office of Executive of the United States.

Further, can't imagine how anybody can proudly claim to be Democrat when the IMPERIALIST UNIPARTY THEY CONTROL is Fascist and murdering The Constitution of the United States in the process of World Coup to install slavery as government of 'The People.'

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I am just barely old enough to remember RFK Sr.'s campaign in 1968, when I was six years old. My mom was a Democrat activist, and she pulled me out of elementary school to see his campaign appearance at the outdoor Mall in Pomona, California on May 20th, 1968 ( https://www.dailybulletin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/IDB-L-ALLENCOL-0606-1.jpg ). I was too young to fully understand what it was all about, but I did know RFK Sr. was running for President, and that he was a pro-peace candidate (an issue my mom cared a lot about; even if younger peace activists at the time preferred Gene McCarthy).

My mom and I were positioned close to the curb in front of Robbie's Restaurant. I didn't quite get to shake hands with the candidate as he was passing by, but when RFK Sr. stopped at the corner shortly afterwards to give a speech to the crowd, my mom hoisted me up on her shoulders to get a view of him (we had moved from the curb closer to the center of the sidewalk, so I was surrounded by people a lot taller than I was). I don't remember the speech, but I do remember holding my hand up and flashing a peace sign (the antiwar movement had appropriated the "V for Victory" gesture used in World War II). A photographer did catch a wide-angle view of the scene from across the street, though at that point I think I was probably behind the tall tree ( http://www.insidesocal.com/davidallen/files/import/28008-rfk.jpg ).

When RFK Sr. was assassinated a couple of weeks later, I was strongly impacted by it. Being so young, I wasn't so conscious of the earlier assassinations of JFK and MLK like all the older people were, so this was the political trauma that first opened my eyes. When my class had an art project for us shortly afterwards, where we were making finger-painted paper-mâché bowls, I turned my bowl into a memorial to RFK Sr., tacking his picture and a picture of a hand making the peace sign into the center of the bowl.

What I didn't learn until many years later was that after his speech, RFK Sr. then went into the restaurant for a fundraiser, where according to the night manager a couple of individuals had attempted to gain access several times without permission, at one point by climbing over a stair railing--none other than Sirhan and one of his handlers, the infamous "women in the polka-dot dress." One of Sirhan's diary entries about assassinating RFK was dated May 18th ( https://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/images/6/61/Photo_rfk_SirhanDiaryMay18_lrg.jpg ), so there is no absolutely doubt that if Robbie's staff hadn't been as vigilant as they were, the assassination would have occurred in the lunchroom at Robbie's Restaurant on May 20th and not in the Ambassador Hotel kitchen on June 5th.

Of course, if the Secret Service had been protecting RFK Sr. in 1968, such indoor venues would have been secured by some of the best-trained professionals in the world, and the history of this country might have taken a very different turn. Denying RFK Jr. such protection now is in defiance of the obvious intent of 18 USC 3056(a)(7), but keeping the documents about JFK's assassination hidden is in defiance of the obvious intent of 44 USC 2107 too. The question is, does a regime whose legitimacy is already tottering on the brink of collapse dare let another state-engineered tragedy afflict the Kennedy family and dare to lie about it again? Didn't regimists learn anything about how the assassinations and other forms of covert lawlessness, lies, and cover-ups of the 1960s and early 1970s, displaying utter contempt for truth-telling dissidents and for the intellectual abilities of the general public, back-fired disastrously for them in the long run? Why would anyone want to bring America back to the dark place we were in then, or send it to an even darker place, when even the pursuit of their own goals are greatly frustrated by doing so?

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This post is incomplete. I read the Newsweek artlcle to see how the MSM was handling this. They reported that the law calls for protection to start on January 1 of the election year. This vital detail was omitted from the article, making it seem like outrageous favoritism drove the decision.

The question now is whether the 67 page report laid out a foundation of heightened risk. While I suppose it did, that should have been the crux of this article, not the denial of protection.

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RFK needs to drop the Dems NOW and run as an independent.

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Jul 29, 2023Edited
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Hatred is certainly the wrong course of action. It is alarming that such vitriol would be weaponized in the way you describe.

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