This weekend I received a Kennedy campaign button and RFK Jr’s book American Values, these from my sister-in-law who’s also campaign supporter. Happy Birthday to me!

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I read American Values a couple of years ago and loved it! It will remain one of my favorite books of all time. Enjoy your birthday!

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The vicious attacks on Bobby Are only making me More determined! To Vote for him!👍💕Cant wait to see him in the WH👍❤️

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“The program will make capital and resources available to the poorest and most desperate communities in America. These include inner cities, the rust belt, Appalachia, the devastated towns of the farm belt, etc. Yes, because Black people are disproportionately poor, this program will benefit them disproportionately. But the criteria will be indicators like poverty, addiction rates, violence, etc. Not skin color.”

No one should be allowed to quote RFKjr anymore. How do you get reparations from that????? Bobby do your stuff and sue them for lying.

This is a CLASS thing and we have a candidate who is smart enough to recognize it and not go along with bad ideas that didn't work then and won't work now. Let's get out there and work together to get this guy elected.

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Louis, too many issues to comment on. Your take on rolling stone is right on, not worthy of even digital print. Hunter Thompson is rolling in his grave. Fire the staff, put Matt Taibbi in charge of everything, back to real investigative journalists. Newsweek was always cia, nothing but ruler disinformation.

Can't believe even I swallowed the reparations "story" at first, until I read what HE said and not what someone else SAID he said.

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When it comes to the middle east, Kennedy is both conservative and liberal.

In that case might as well vote Trump in, because at least he makes the whole thing look like a farce.

It would help if Kennedy could stop being a hipocrite and be anti war.

He doesn't have to go against Israel, but stop sucking their dcks.

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In my opinion he shouldn’t be anti-war(very very very rarely war could be right), but he should be anti-going-along with and funding whatever vindictive wanton destruction and tyranny the Israeli government wants to carry out. Both parties have been idiotic tools of the Israel lobby for almost a century to the determinant of American security and prosperity. For calling himself anti establishment and the peace candidate, he is demonstrating the lie of that with his position on Israel. When the US government is in egregious debt and can’t even provide decent infrastructure and assistance for its own citizens, it has no business giving billions of tax money to wealthy foreign governments; let alone funding its war atrocities. It’s obscene.

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I see they finally included him in the Harvard poll.

22% and 21%....not bad, at all, because this is just the beginning.

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I don't know where else to write to get a message to the RFK Jr campaign. I have been watching RFK Jr since the COVID days and appreciating his inspiring and very warm, concerned personality. This has been an evolving process and I am totally in his camp for his presidential run.

There has always only been one issue on which I would take issue with him and that is his TOTAL, apparently unconditional support for Israel. I believe that many Americans are evaluating the present war in Gaza and both the Israeli and Palestinian sides to the story. If RFK Jr wants to succeed in his campaign, he needs to open his mind to both sides and alter his viewpoint. He always tells us that he can change his mind, and this is one moment when he needs to express this to his supporters.

Is it true that Dennis Kucinich left due to disagreement on this issue?

I have not seen one comment from Kennedy since this war in Gaza began and it is time to hear from him. I hope that you can share this message from one of his long-time, Democratic supporters who wants to see that amazing intelligence of his adapt itself to the deadly crisis we are facing in the Middle East.

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Unconditional support for Israel, or indeed for anything, is problematic. These stances lessen my enthusiasm for RFK Jr. Especially since Mossad is in the running for likely complicitors in the assassinations of his uncle and father.

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Take a look at Cornel West's strong statement against Biden's "pathetic" speech from the Oval Office. Then listen to RFK Jr's deafening silence.

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RFK is definitely the best looking horse in the glue factory where all the candidates are busy rehearsing their campaign speeches they hope to give if fate is kind to them.

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How is it anybody can refer to the United States as any 'Two-Party System' when in fact it's a UNIPARTY with most in what appears to be BOTH SIDES owned by the Committee of 300 centered in the City of London and ran by the Rothschilds? WE KNOW THIS IS FACT FROM THE VOTE FOR HOUSE SPEAKER THIS WEEK WHEN A TRUE, BLUE PATRIOT AND DECENT MAN COULDN'T GET ENOUGH VOTES AFTER 3 TRIES.


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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

So, Blaze, if you think this is the state of affairs, exactly what are you suggesting is the right response? I suspect you prefer Trump. And I am going to guess you have already heard the arguments from former Trump supporters about why he isn’t a good choice now despite some of his past successes. So I won’t rehearse them here.

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In reality; there is no preference at this time in my choice. Born and raised Democrat and have been an Independent since the 'Hot Mic Moment' between OBastard and Russian, Medvedev. Yes, did vote for Trump twice and an certain to this day of his victory over the the fraudulently installed Third Treasonous Totalitarian OBastard Administration loyal to The Committee of 300 in The City of London.

The only question worth asking at this time among all candidates is,

"What pool do you plan to pull from to fill appointed positions in the Deep State Executive Agencies and if choosing to dismantle them; what is to replace them?"

From those associations, ideas and loyalties, we can better discern exactly what disposition the candidate has to allow better discernment towards RE-ESTABLISHING CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND ORDER as opposed to the Communitarian Totalitarian Law usurping power for the Totalitarians loyal to the evil BIS and Central Banker Family Cartel as the Committee of 300's International Death Cult Mafia.

To be VERY frank...I'd prefer ALL CHOOSING TO RUN FOR OFFICE TO TAKE POLYGRAPH TESTING. Psycho/Sociopathic Predators do not register for any particular lack or infestation of evil and that too speaks volumes about the character and loyalties of someone seeking power.

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RFK Jr had better think twice on the subject of reparations or anything that looks vaguely like reparations. This will be an absolute deal killer for him with many independents, center right, and non black minorities. My friend who is from Korea said he'd vote for Trump if RFK Jr took a hard stance on reparations. There are plenty of other ways he can help the black community that is not so divisive and doesn't create resentment. I think this is a very big problem for him as its no question going to come up in the debates with Trump. He should drop all the race based language on his platform and instead focus on underprivileged regardless of race. https://www.kennedy24.com/racial_healing

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