My sister sent me an article on Dean Phillips, who is running as a "younger Biden". I told her he couldn't get into the primary, but she replied with a link to a tutorial on the election process and a link to a September Washington Post article about DNC pushing back against Kennedy.

So, I think the voters need a bit more education on what the DNC is doing and how it affects all candidates.

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It appears to many of us that the US and Israel are in process of igniting WWIII. The cheerleading is being led by Trump, the evangelicals, and right-wing propaganda sites like Fox and Breitbart. Biden is totally the creature of the military-industrial complex and hedge funds like BlackRock that own Lockheed, etc. Please forgive me for being more than a little curious as to where Mr. Kennedy stands on all this. For how we got into this bind, check out my new book: https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/

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Any positive RFK’s statements on current “extermination of human animals” in Gaza yet?

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I’m not hearing much on RFK’s stance on his support of Israel and how he would address terrorist organizations

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Bobby has lost tens of thousands of us because of his absolutely abominable position on Israel. In the face of Israeli genocide in Gaza, his silence is deafening. He will not get my vote and there are thousands who feel the same way. Something is radically wrong with this man.

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…and yet, to whom will you go? “Tens of thousands” not voting for RFKJ surely helps elect Biden or Trump (if they each survive to become their respective party nominees). Are either of these two closer to your view on this “deal-breaker” issue? Doesn’t sound like it.

If I had to take a wild guess here, the silence could be “in keeping with” his overall desire to avoid divisive issues while on the campaign stump — which this surely is. Still, RFKJ was known to have “pro-Israeli “sympathies” from the get-go. Perhaps the only “surprise “is the extent to which they have been revealed. Lastly, I’d say, it might be prudent to see where this conflict — that he has no control over — ends up before making anymore pronouncements on it. But as I have said before, it’s the Third Rail of American politics. One can endlessly speculate on why that is the case.

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The entire Biden admin is a Cesspool !! They Must be Removed ASAP!!!

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Alternatively, one could vote for Kennedy out of hope and against Biden and Trump out of fear that either of them might be in the White House in 2025.

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Maybe read “The Case For Israel” by Alan Dershowitz for a slightly different perspective. I challenge you to do that!

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Keeping good company, there, Bobby. Dr Malhotra is one of the most sane, brave and trustworthy medical voices speaking today. He was battle tested by staking out an informed opposition to the over-prescribing of statins. So for him, mRNA dissidence was relatively “easy,” not to mention that his father suffered (post-inoculation) cardiac sudden death.

Meanwhile, KH has this to say:

“I want to assure everyone that, even though scientifically the vaccine may not prevent infection or transmission, and could stop your heart, science has proven the only way to avoid transmission and infection is to be fully vaccinated and boosted.”

Between 93-97% of Americans have “skipped” getting the current mRNA shot. Looks like the U.S. public is “going the way of Europe” regardless of our government.

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Who is KH? Thanks.

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The U.S. Vice President, who unfortunately often makes nonsensical statements.

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Oh, gotcha. Thanks!

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Really like RFK Jr. and still; facts of


Malone, Kirsch and others,

as well as using Surveillance/Censorship Outlet

to edit Comment Section in CHD...

Raises too many questions and suspicion

to allow for 'HOPE'.

Not a 'silly, stupid woman voting for a candidate

as though looking for a Daddy, Boyfriend, Husband...




including that of the unborn following

at most, 6 wks gestation.

Until certain of the loyalties of a candidate;

won't be giving vote to anybody.

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"Without a Vision, The People Perish" Proverbs 29:18. Thank RFKjr for rekindling a vision for america, the youth and the world!! You have been the candidate that I have looked for the last 55 years, transcending petty politics, being strong on the environment, compassion, integrity, vision, personal feedom and preventive and integrative/functional medicine health systems. Keep working to minimize greed and corporate capture of politicians and institutions . Break the monopoly and domination of big Oil, big Pharma, big Food, big Agra, big Tech. Cooperation is more important than competition if we are to solve the gigantic challenges ahead!! Stay safe, strong to your vision, values, practical solutions and pick people of integrity to run your campaign!! We are praying for you!! Peter and Richelle Wilhelmsson in Falun, Sweden . P.S. I have been a huge fan of Bob Dylan for more than 60 years!!

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Facts rathe than hope should guide a person's vote!

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Kennedy needs a little more transparency on the Secret Service request. The writeup quotes him as blaming Biden, but then refers to the DHS Secretary. Who exactly is denying protection? Please be accurate, because blaming Biden sounds political.

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There are tons of issues we all could blame Biden about

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To get those young people (and everyone) involved, tell them about surety bonds that public officials must have. Let's start holding the elected officials to account: https://bondsforthewin.com/the-big-secret-surety-bonds/

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