All of my favorite people together in one place! I have found my tribe 🥰

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Posted the Notice of the Event on Facebook.

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Dear Mr. Kennedy,

Today is the perfect day for you to jump ship! The USS Trump is sinking quickly. Wake up! Don't go down with the ship! The Harris sharks tasted blood during Tuesday night's debate and they are now moving in for the kill. Mr. Trump can not win, but you can if you will just pull your head out of your bubble and come down to where I live, on the ground, in the real world.

Don't get tricked by Mr. Trump's disparate offer to be his Vice Presidential running mate. He needs you. You don't need him!

* Acknowledge the serious missteps you made back in August when you endorsed Mr. Trump.

* Apologize to your volunteers. Do all that is humanly possible to repair the damage your ill-fated Trump Endorsement Strategy heaped upon your fiercely loyal volunteers and your inspiring campaign.

* Then, go to the pier, get back onboard the USS Kennedy, call for: "All hands on deck!", roll down your beautiful purple sails and get back to sailing your previously chartered middle way course with a newly found sense of what it really means to be a captain.

Wake up!


John Martine

A Still Loyal Kennedy for President Volunteer

Florence, Mass.


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What a great idea!

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WOW!! What a great rally coming up this September (29?), in Washington D.C.!! Definitely will have a strong impact on these corporate elites, corrupt politicians, and all the collaborators judges, DA’s.. so many anti-American entities?? Wish you complete success and best of luck, for peacefully demonstrating to Washington, the American People want change!!

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Wish I was on that coast for the event. I think you’ve grossly underestimated the number of people that might attend.

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and -- 600,000 by Christmas...

Judge w/Nader: Since Oct 7 2023 Jews Have Murdered 300 000 Gaza Civilians


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Kennedy supports genocide. Ukraine war bad, Israel genocide good in his book. a very hypocritical stance

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We ALL know that, of course.

But his war on Pharma and for children health makes him valuable.

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Will this be live streamed?

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"Rescue the Republic" is an important event. Wish I could be there. I'll be praying for you and everyone.

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Here we go

Another tempest in a tea pot.

Like the other rallies- all thunder no rain.

If the size of the weekend boat gatherings Did not show them we want change

If the size of the Trump rallies did not show them we want change

If electing Trump The first time did not show them we want change

If electing Trump a second time did not show them we Want change

If Jan 6 did not show them we want change

It’s the firearms and ammunition sales that have been going on for the last 20 years have not shown them we want change

Do you really think another gathering is gonna make any difference?

Word of the wise boys and girls do not take your personal cell phone.

If you’ve got to have a phone buy a burner phone with cash 200 miles away from where you live And do not allow any identification to be put on the sale.

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He needs to add more rally's in swing states. Help tip VA, hit Arizona hard. Godspeed RFK!

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According to a trustworthy source (timeanddate.com) high noon on Sunday, Sept. 29 in the DC will be at 12:58 p.m. The sun sets at 6:53 p.m. Both times are local DST

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is this event 7-10 EDT? Thank you. Isabelle

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Light workers !!! 🗡✨🤍🦅🇺🇸🕊🌎

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Good to hear from you again, Mr. Conte.

I wish the unity message was more peacefully delivered. Everything out of the medical freedom camp is very aggressively stated all the time. Everything is posed in war terminology. I agree that this is a fight, and many hard battles must be fought. I just don't find room for any dialogue to evolve beyond the same stuff that has been shouted at us and published and said for almost five years now. And all of these people attending and headlining this event have media platforms which they promote. It's an underinformed three-ring circus at times.

I am immune compromised with serious challenges and I try to carry a message for my fellow members of the immune compromised population, but it is not heard or it is ignored and even ridiculed by some in the 'medical freedom' movement. There is no bridge building. The CHD has no representation when it comes to the adult immune compromised population. And it is scientifically impossible for all of these 'experts' to have studied Covid and the C19 injections without understanding that mast cell disease is at the root of the vulnerability, and mast cell disease is also at the root of understanding the pathophysiology of both injuries. But it is complicated science and unsexy and does not allow for the same vitriolic headlines all the time.

Please wisen up everyone and stop screaming the same things you have been screaming for five years now and learn something new- something that can actually help the injured. And, the term "thought leaders" ought to be banned from your literature. You don't assume that position for others; and, doing so is more elitism. You don't lead my thoughts; God does.

With peace.

PS It takes a lot for me to say all of this so I hope anyone who reads this will be willing to watch the following video presentation on mast cells and Covid. Sorry for the rant and thank you for listening.

Diane Kane: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome in COVID-19 and Beyond


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