Why is CNN even holding this “debate”?

It won’t be a debate, it’ll just be the “moderators” for biden and against anyone else on the stage.

If I were Mr Kennedy, I would be working on setting up a real debate and let the others accept or decline.

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Bloody great idea! I would too! That would also challenge Trump, who said he would look forward to Debating Bobby! I am not a Trump supporter, but once again he had a chance to stand up & be counted here. He could have said either Bobby was included or he wouldn't do it ~ but like the whole COVID fiasco, he caved in!

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I agree. RFK Jr. and his team would be better served to set an independent debate.

If streamed on Twitter or Tik Tok would be seen by way more people. Joe Rogan or

Tucker Carlson could moderate.

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Great idea as then you would have real moderators, not advocates masquerading as moderators.

CNN and its fellow ‘news channels” are threatened by both DJT and Mr Kennedy.

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Exactly, it might better be called Dem talking points brought to you by da dotard.

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What a charade... It was becoming evident that our democracy was close to non-existent four years ago. But this?!... A new low. This "debate" is a joke and insult on the American people.

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BTW: Canadians can’t even see CNN content on IG, never mind comment on it. Because, democracy. What a 🤡 show.

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Kennedy should simultaniously answer the same questions on X (and/or other social media) as if he were a part of the debate!

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If RFK Jr. is not in the CNN Debate, I will not be tuning in for the Dumb & Dumber Dystopian Comedy Routine. I will catch the short video clips post debate on Jimmy Dore or other independent journalists podcasts. (the goofs and blunders)

CNN's decision makers really don't get it. One reason the network is vanishing and becoming obsolete is its decision to bow/grovel to tyrannical partisan power by not showing a nanoparticle of backbone

in holding a legitimate debate.

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Not interested in watching Biden try to speak on any topic. If he can get a thought out, I will wonder who is speaking in his ear (because he will have some kind of earpiece to help him focus). Trump just gets off topic and spews. Will not watch even if they were to allow Bobby to do this debate because he is the only one capable of debating at all. Trump doesn't know how to debate and Biden just can't. This will be Trump spewing and getting his mic turned off to cut him off and Biden will start talking and as soon as it turns to nonsense his mic will get turned off so he doesn't look like he has dementia. Just undemocratic and nonsense.

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this is a paid for show, not a "debate"

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Sue; they have too much money anyway if they think they can do anything they want. It would be an act of kindness to alleviate them of some of it & apply it to television ads with other networks. They might be upset at first, but eventually they will thank you for bringing them to their senses from the edge of complete madness.

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Yep! My share & comments on Bobby being allowed to Debate got blocked by Facebook! Bloody Bad! No happy at all. Even though I am not American. I have supported Bobby all the way! This is Scandalous! Totally proves all our News Services are so corrupt. Doesn't matter which country.

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More Banana Republic tactics. Disgraceful, but not surprising.

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Bingo, Ernesto!

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The only thing surprising here is that CNN allowed Trump to participate in the "debate."

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CNN lost all credibility years ago and hast lost 70 % of its audience and counting. It does not inform, it indoctrinates. Just one more boring main stream media channel with commentators like Tapper as intellectually stimulating as watching grass grow.

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Trump and Biden sell tickets - RFK does not - at least not yet, not enough well known

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I wonder if it's too late for Elon to organize a Townhall for Bobby on X on the same day at the same time as the debate.

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CNN is bad, and so are most of today's media -- on Kennedy. Will a debate moderator ask how the law cases against Biden's censorship of Kennedy are going? Not likely; but they are now before the Supreme Court, after all the lower courts displeased Biden. Not a worthy news story?

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