I think Dr. Peter McCullough said it best when he compared doctors defending smoking in the 1960s to doctors defending the status quo now concerning both food and vaccines. They refuse to see the truth about the phony science.

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Excellent comparison!

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And how many people were killed by Fauci and Bill Gates, yes, also in.Africa and everywhere? I hear that measles during pregnancy are quite dangerous. Yet I wonder how any woman would get measles while pregnant? DId the vaccine fail? If we all get measles during childhood, as was the case in Europe.when I grew up, no one will get measles as adults.

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Similarly, as children in 1950s many got 'infections' of.measles, chicken pox, whooping cough; we

secured 'active immunity.'

We were rewarded with 'ice cream' after recovery; a rarity as few homes had freezers!

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I also had the benefit of getting German measles, mumps, chickenpox and everything else that was going around in the 50s and 60s. I’m still a very healthy 68-year-old, and I think my childhood has bearing on my present health.

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Dec 3Edited

same... had measles a couple of times and chicken pox, the worst part was the itching. The ice cream tasted so good!!!

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Thank you for your affirmation toward healthy being, doing.

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when my sister and I both had measles, in the mid 60's, our mom didn't even bother taking us to a doctor. it was 'going around', she assumed the dx. we stayed home for 10 days and then were fine. no muss, no fuss, nobody thought we were gonna die. I literally don't even remember it.

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Measles Deaths Increased 43% Worldwide in 2022.

So we should decide to sacrifice the lives of those who could be saved by a vaccination. Not to mention the suffering of those who survive it. I also had it and it nearly killed me. So you have a morbid desire for more suffering in the world needlessly. Why?


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This data must be balanced with honest rates of vaccine injuries and failures to mount an immune response. Brain swelling, suffering and deaths occur also as a result of vaccination campaigns.

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The measles vaccine is one of the most effective with the lowest incidence of side effects. There are studies spanning decades including hundreds of thousands of people looking at the safety factor.


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By all means, go and get your shot. Then you should be safe.

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Can it get any clearer that we are living in a corrupt state?

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Louis, I pray for the day that Gottlieb and his ilk see you in your professional capacity. I would sacrifice my dream of meeting RFK Jr for the image of Gottlieb & Hotez strapped to a polygraph. Now, that would be justice!

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Tee hee he...

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A glorious thought, to watch Louis work his polygraph magic on those most deserving!

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Kennedy has a big job ahead of him reforming the healthcare system. His biggest challenge and possibly the one that would do the most good is to convince Trump to admit in a public speech that he is dangerously overweight or even obese. Trump should then invite the public to GO ON A DIET to lose weight and publish his progress monthly. Setting this example would do more for public health than anything else he could do and would connect him to all over weight Americans. He's just gutsy enough that he might do it!.

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Pour votre SANTE!

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RFK Jr has big job in front of him.

Offering incentives for weight loss is probably best motive to gain momentum.

This strategy probably best for materialistic minded folks.

Pour votre SANTE!

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They see their money train pulling out of the station!

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Thank You, Mr Louis Conte, for your informative journalism and “enlightening” article, on Trumps new cabinet appointees, including Mr RFK JR(Bobby)! It’s not only interesting to “know” the names of these American-Treason candidates, who think they sit so high on a pedestal, they’re “above the reach of justice”?? I would honestly be thrilled to know they are ousted of their titles, their jobs, arrested & prosecuted!! Hopefully sued and striped of their supposedly high financial-status, and start repaying all the people they have hurt!! God Bless America!

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We now have names of.nominees for.important positions in health institutions. My only concern is that they are all MD's which continues the god-like "superiority" of doctors in the healing field, with super focus on the human BODY, at the expense of a true holistic overhaul of our health care. We have a chance to make real improvements right now. Reforming Medicine to embrace the holistic.paradigm could and should be one of such changes. With exceptions, MD's aren't trained experts on food and herbs and natural healing.

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Nurses are those who are most concerned about care/cure of patients.

Prayers for US!

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And holistic practitioners from all walks of life?

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If they REALLY believe Bobby is spouting conspiracies they should have no problem debating him on Joe Rogan. Joe would be a great moderator.

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Hunter's Pardon is a Q-proof and evidence for Devolution (Jon Herold's theory that before leaving office, President Trump set up a continuity-of-Government with military leadership to leave patriots in control. You see, now that Hunter is pardoned, he cannot use the 5th Amendment to avoid testifying on all those important cases. 2025 should be a very interesting year.

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But it will not stop Hunter from lying under oath, a Biden family trait.

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Thing is, what Hunter was actually charged with, though felonious (something about guns), is not even .001% of his (and his family's) actual crimes, presuming they were doing the same things others have done in previous color revolutions, when it was "their war."

Whether we're talking Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria, Chechnya, you name it - (and make no mistake, Venezuela is next on the list, that's why there's so much negative press about them based on lies and on the fact that someone, probably Soros, paid to empty their prisons so that those criminals could be imported to the US as "immigrants") - In these color revolutions, massive ratlines are put in place for the perps to traffic children, adult slaves, drugs, organs "harvested" from healthy citizens, and more, while also "privatizing," ie stealing from the citizenry, the natural resources. The reigning trillionaire bankster, usually Rockef, gets the gold and the oil, and the ability to establish their central bank there; and whoever's "war this is," the top-level minion like Biden etc etc, they get the ratline and resource spoils.

So Hunter just got off of charges beyond most people's imagination, had they ever been brought. The fact that the charges that WERE brought amounted to comparatively NOTHING goes to show how stench-filled the system still is.

All I ask in return is that the contents of his laptop be spread far, far, far, and wide, wide, wide; "Here, Biden supporters, here's what your Big Guy has let go unpunished - while he accuses others of witch-hunting because they tried to expose these highest of crimes."

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It’s time to break the big pharma control over our “lawmakers”. The country is FINALLY waking up and one way or another this shit has to stop

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Stand by for Biden's final raft of pardons, which will have to include himself for his Burisma/Ukraine crimes et al. Either that or he'll have to make a deal with Kamala, à la Nixon and Ford, for a "full, free and absolute pardon" in exchange for resigning and giving her a week or two as a cosplay President.

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It will be very interesting to see if he goes the route you describe. Another school of thought is he'll pardon Trump at the same time he pardons himself, as all of the Trump prosecutions are being dropped as we speak anyway.

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Hey, I like that. Dual pardons, Trump and himself. America gets a "clean slate," "going forward," and all that.

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From the Guardian, England: "Kennedy and his anti-vaccine nonprofit Children’s Health Defense reportedly spread various falsehoods about vaccinations across the island of Samoa, in turn resulting in a drastic decline in vaccination rates.

A year later, a measles outbreak on the island caused by a sick traveler ended up infecting more than 57,000 people and killing 83, including children."


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I've always called him Dr. Aul Proffit. The truth will continue to come out regarding how vaccines suppress the immune system by suppressing white blood cells. Prior to the NCVIA of 1986, the CDC classified vaccines as 'immunosuppresants' which is what they still do.

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Big Pharma is a force for evil. End times.

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