Great piece.

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The Children's Health Defense, RFK, and the whole group of you folks do not speak for people with chronic illness. You have no mandate to speak for us. A recent study showed that 83.5% of people who report to have chronic fatigue syndrome are women; and you guys do not ever speak to us directly about these issues, so I am here to say that you cannot speak for us without speaking to us.

I am not a supporter of the Obama-Biden-Harris-Gates regime, not by a million miles. And I have been accused recently by someone in the ‘health freedom movement’ of shooting inside the tent. I would like to point out that I am not inside your ‘tent.’ I am constantly treated like an outsider by most of your little misogynistic clique. And if I were in your tent and in your clique (and relax, I don't tend to conform so no worry that I want to be in your tent now or ever), I would tell you that from where I stand right now your tent is a three-ring fricking circus tent.

Seriously, since when does the War on Fruit Loops eclipse the harms from the mRNA shots? I didn't get the memo that told me the dog whistle was going to blow instructing all of us to follow Calley and Casey Means off a cliff and abandon all other concerns. The Means siblings do not speak for people with chronic illness. RFK does not speak for people with chronic illness. Jack Lyons-Weiler does not speak for people with chronic illness. Lou Conte does not speak for people with chronic illness. Why don't you guys ask someone who has lived a lifetime of chronic illness, someone who has overcome intestinal failure, heart failure and a bigoted medical system, to speak for people with chronic illness.

cont'd below

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Yes, the fricking Fruit Loops are a problem; but they become a much greater problem in people with epigenetic vulnerabilities, in people with underlying pathogenic infections, in people with cholesterol mutations, in people with excessive embryogenic mast cells which convey the frailties in the first place. This is an intentional limited hangout, it is BS, and I object to this whole charade. And I say this from the tent next door- you know, the tent with the actual sick people. People in your tent keep misrepresenting people in my tent, and I am here to say cut it out and to tell you to ask us ourselves how we feel and what our lives are like. Stop hijacking our very real issues and stop misspeaking for us.

I am angry, Jack, and it is your fault, and RFK’s fault, and Lou Conte's fault, and it is bad for my health. You see, these are, at their root, endothelial diseases and researchers have now proven that anger causes endothelial inflammation. You, RFK, Pierre Kory, and the rest of the people going along with the War-on-Fruit-Loops-to-avoid-talking-about-the-Covid-Vaccine-Genocide-to-Appease-Orange-Jesus are now harming our health because this is enraging for people like me. I dare say that few people understand the reality of bad food more than someone like me who survived a year and eight months on a feeding tube. I know the processed and engineered food is a big part of the problem. But I also know people who were diagnosed with turbo cancers recently and I dare you to even try telling me it was all caused by the Fruit Loops. I dare you, Jack.

To borrow an expression from my father, RFK is throwing around a bunch of horseshit and hand grenades right now, and his sheeple have followed suit. Horseshit and hand grenades, while people lay dying from a genetically-engineered virus and the genetically-engineered injections they deployed to finish the job. It is the immune compromised people, my people, who are the target. Stop minimizing the genocide, stop misappropriating other people’s challenges for your own political narratives, and stop blaming it all on the Fruit Loops.

Without peace, and off the reservation, from the truth-tent downstream,


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These true facts remain hidden to non readers. Everyone who reads this should e mail this to any of their Kamala loving friends. With a Trump victory, we get what we rally want, Kennedy's policies and a healthy future for my grandchildren. It is too late for my immuno compromised son, but not too late for other children.

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I pray for RFK Jr. He is what we desperately need to help stop the corruption in medicine. I’ve spent 30 years in healthcare and it is broken. I can’t even go to the doctor without questioning everything. If Covid didn’t wake people up, then it is time they do. Most of the people getting Covid today are the vaccinated. We need to quit making big pharma and corrupt politicians rich by making us sick!

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I received this by email, and I want to thank you for the article. Mainstream news is killing Americans and yet most people I know believe what is reported on it. I will share it with some other activists.

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Regarding the Center for Countering Digital Hate's campaign against misinformation, what has misinformation got to do with hate? Isn't that outside their remit? Their very name is misinformation. They're not for "countering" hate or misinformation, they're for censoring it. They work to ban those they oppose from access to a digital audience.

This fraudulently named hate group is English and is of course oblivious of the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which has no free speech exception for either "hate speech" or "misinformation." The NY Times should know better but has to plays its part as leader of the Mighty Wurlitzer, now out to save our democracy from Trump, as in "We had to burn the Constitution to save it."

The NY Times and the CCHD are not countering hate, they're stoking it. Just scan the comments to the referenced NY Times article to see it at work. Here are the first four comments that came up when I logged in:

"The fact that RFK Jr is now a shill for the Trump 3-ring circus says it all."

"RFK Sr must be spinning in his grave so fast that smoke is rising from it. What a disgrace!"

"God forbid this charlatan be given the reins of public health policy."

"This guy is simply psychologically damaged."

And similar for the rest of the 190 comments, with few exceptions.

For the record, in 2021 the CCDH got $1.1 million--75% of its fund-raising--from the Schwab Charitable Fund. https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/center-for-countering-digital-hate/#easy-footnote-bottom-29-25493

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The quoted editorial in The New York Times misses the point, probably intentionally and definitely horrifically, when the writer talks about "concerned" so-called experts about the issue of public health.

In all my life, I have seen so many of these public health "experts" being factually incorrect about their statements, that I can't believe in any reason to trust them about their supposed expertise in their subject matter. And I am NOT talking about these Orwellian terms related to disinformation and its cronies, malinformation, misinformation, and conspiracy theory. I am talking about LIES these people tell us.

When others want to come up with different terms that imply the opposite of the truth, but they won't use the term, "lies," then something is wrong with their statement.

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The fatal fallacy in this essay may be discerned in its core unconscionable naivete. Your argument is based on a false premise -- namely, that Trump acts honorably and thus can safely be taken at his word.

Mr. Kennedy appears to have learned nothing from his studies of deep systems. He exhibits not a scintilla of the requisite instincts and refined abilities essential to the detection, analysis, and countering of political guerilla warfare.

Trump's masters, propagandists, and Brooks Brothers goon squads will abuse Mr. Kennedy first by marginalization, then by forcing him either to sign on to programs and pogroms akin to those that his father and uncle gave their lives in vain to defeat, or to walk away and be branded for life as an unbalanced betrayer of trust.

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., a brilliant and honorable man, will come to recognize that he is still trapped in a crossfire emanating from criminal political, economic, and media assassins.

Sound familiar?

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It's all about money, isn't it? Big Pharma and its shills rake in trillions of dollars from a population that is chronically ill, or afraid of being ill, and willing to choke down prescription drugs by the handful and submit to vaccinations by the dozen. Only Bobby Kennedy is able and willing to say so. Whoops--Big Pharma also is one of the corporate owners of the New York Times and other presstitute organs.


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Excellent piece on CIA Hitman Bumgutter... who must have gotten a bonus for that tripe..

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FYI- rescue. The Republic is streaming live on RFK juniors Facebook page

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They can't break ranks. If they do, they'll be adamized.

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Kennedy and Trump trying to work together to fight censorship by the MSM.

Anyone who even smiles at Trump is a prime target for attack by The NY Times and the rest of the IN THE TANK MEDIA.

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