Jul 23Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

I support RFKJr as the best antidote to the Deep State infection that is swamping America.

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Thanks, Kevin!

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Jul 23Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

Adam Garrie! You just made my day!!



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Thanks, Rainbow.

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Jul 23Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

What does the poll say if all three (RFK, DJT, and Kamalama ding-dong) are all in the poll/ race at the same time?

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Jul 23Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

Prob in the next poll.

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We're looking forward to seeing those results, too!

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Jul 23Liked by The Kennedy Beacon


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Except that on US genocide in Gaza -- Trump = RFK Jr. = Biden's cabal

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Don't believe it in any way.

Impossilble to seriously consider

anybody choosing Fascist 'Chief Joy Officer' of a Shloomoo Institute'

made a Billionaire by divorcing Big Tech Minion experimenting on human beings

in China for the last 20 years.

Who in any right mind chooses to align with WOKE; which is to say 'FEUDAL TOTALITARIANS'?

There is no Patriot to vote for...The Black Nobility has reached their desire to CHOOSE


which is not real. No Election has been real since Kennedy's Uncle's Assassination.

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This might sound crazy to some of us … but ...

You know … if Bobby worked things out with Rashida Tlaib and Jill Stein

(as only he can do in his skill as one who unifies)

and ended up naming named Rashida Tlaib as special envoy in charge of the affairs of the Middle East and named Jill Stein as The Secretary of State ...

He might just well blow the canvas sky high off the circus tent!

And blow the media wide open as well!

Let alone what would happen if he was able to do similar with Marianne Williamson and AOC !!!

If anyone can pull this union off, Bobby can.

Is there any way to run this by him ...?

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I appreciate all the explaining of the differences of state polling vs other sponsors! Glad Adam Garrie(Kennedy-Beacon) reports on what’s going on..! I’m interested on Team Kennedy-America Strong by polls! I really don’t trust other info coming out! Even some of X.com b is a mixture of mix numbers and information? Thank You Kennedy Beacon!

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I am really turned off by the violent rhetoric and imagery. This is not helping Kennedy.

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Seriously dudes???

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Smash the CIA into a thousand pieces & day is done.

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isn't it democrat nominee

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and just like that RFK "smashes" DJT

absolutely pathetic attempt

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Agree - not sure how this works.

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Lets hear it for the cheerleaders!!

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Adam for the setup. Already know that the DNC and RFK are very very likely to have a kiss and make up call. 10 mins. And magically The Dems are putting up RFK much to the cheerleaders chagrin then acquiescence. Just saying. Fake polls like the fake news, like the fake Covid, like the fake testing,

the fake "Quaxcines"

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Jul 23Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

"truth seeker" - I love your handle!

Finding truth can be easier when our ears and eyes are truly (unbiasedly) open...difficult for most of us as we have been programmed from a very young age...but totally do-able!! Like learning a totally different new skill as an adult...and mastering it!

We find truth when we release our fears and ignorance (antiquated beliefs/programs)...

No worries... most of America is trained the same circus that you and I have been trained in...tricks and distractions for peanuts. Seriously though, it takes an inner commitment and a vulnerability to find truth.

what I have seen you post here, and under a previous article, appears to be coming from an ego mind desperately defending itself... from truth seeking ,in fact...and also alot of unnecessary fearful unfounded negativity...

Its OK to chill out...

What you wrote above doesn't even make sense... RFK is the only candidate supporting medical freedom and who has devoted his career to that cause and is the only one questioning the whole pandemic...but I digress.

***We can't find truth from a place of fear**** (and I can't help but notice that your messages here are riddled with fear, truth seeker)

...to find truth.... we gotta go a little deeper (than the spinning monkey mind). We gotta be vulnerable, take risks, be curious, be willing to learn something new that might shatter our old limiting beliefs. We will know when we find truth. Our life changes...

for the better.

Blessings on the journey...and find the joy! True, inspiring, life-giving joy.

It's seeking for you, too.

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for over 5 decades I did seek and found

I knew the truth about the Quaxcines before RFK incorrectly ascribed Hg to be the worst culprit. Call it Ego if it make you believe your assessment is accurate.

Medical freedom assertion is totally false. DJT suggested no mandates, REREAD

The very recent "leaked" phone call from DJT to RFK suggested that the later was correct re the Quax's. Timing is everything.

What "appears" to be is not necessarily accurate. If what I wrote does not make sense to you (have 9 years of "higher" education) consider that it is likely a comprehension problem. Try asking better questions.

We do not need at this late date anyone "questioning" the scamdemic

We do need accoutability and more...

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