...noone will beat DJT45, thus a Trump - Kennedy ticket would be awesome...

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I don’t think trump would drop his ego to be vice president.

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EXCERPT FROM "ADVENTURES IN TURNIPVILLE" Copyright 2023 by John Martine and Joyful Pictures Sound & Press


My Fellow Citizens,

This is a speech I thought I would never have to make. As you know I love my father and uncle deeply. They were once stalwart members of a once-great political party, known as the Democratic Party. Both my father and uncle loved that party and all that that house stood for. It was the hopeful home of Franklin and Eleanor Rooselt, The New Deal and The Nuclear Test Band Treaty. A home where new, fresh and exciting ideas were welcomed in with warmth and enthusiasm. Where the family of natioanal caregivers worked day and night to create a nation free of depression, despair and idleness. Women and men who brought forth a new nation equipped to grow and thrive in the last half of the 20th century. I had ALWAYS assumed I would ALWAYS be a proud Democrat. But, you see, something happened, something terrible happened. Something called The Democratic National Committee has driven a wedge between myself and my beloved Democratic Party! Few things would have made me prouder than to be able to say: "I am The Democratic Party's nominee for the Presidency of our great United States". But, you see, this very small, small-minded group of people known as The Democratic National Committee has made this impossible. They have changed fundemental, long-standing party rules, moved the goal posts, and made it so only President Biden is eligible for The Democratic Party's nomination. Naturally, I want to win this mighty primary contest fair and square. Let the person with the most votes be nominated! by all means! But, if I fall asleep at the switch and don't read the small print written in the playbook the DNC has concocted for me, I will be headed down the primrose path to oblivion! Well, I'm here to tell the DNC that I am wide awake and I am on a path alright, the path to the White House!! If run for president in the primaries as a democrat, and the DNC has their way under their new set of dictates, every single solitary vote I receive from you, would be given to President Biden or simply erased. In this situation, if you had vote for me, the DNC is going to steal your vote and steal your voice. In a perfect country, the kind of country our founding fathers and mothers envisioned for all of us, I would not have to make today's speech. But these are the punishing cards the DNC has dealt me, so I must act swiftly and decisively if I am to become your next president.

The small-minded Democratic National Committee's unfair and cruel scheme for me brings me to this illustrius city, this stage and this place in time with all of you, today.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''And so, my fellow citizens, I will close with the this:

While these are envigorating and exciting times in which to live in our beautiful country, America,

today's announcement brings me little happiness. I do not want to depart from the long-standing traditions of my father's and uncle's party. But I am at peace with my decision because I know that faced with the exact same immoveable corruption, heartlessness and fear both my father and uncle would have departed that den of darkness to seek a brighter world.

Thank you.

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Helps us understand how people like Kim Jong Un win 100% of the vote in their countries.

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Some of us have a country to save, as under Democrats, the country has been sold.

Hard to say which are worse the RINO's or the Rats...

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"Unsavory " Republicans? They're trying to stop the outrageous spending that is leading us into a level of debt from which there is no return. They're resisting both most of their own party and the Democrats. They are truly courageous and heroic. If you want to consider true unsavory, check out the steelworkers union -- you are well-versed in that area.

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In your opening comments you state that two of the “unsavory” Republicans are now vying for McCarthy’s seat. I know you don’t like Republicans but you need to get the facts straight. Neither Scalice nor Jordan voted against McCarthy. This type of inflammatory language is not what RFK Jr is all about.

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A Democrat tried to kill Scalice and other Republicans at a ball park. A Democrat went to a Supreme Court Justice's home with intention to kill him. A well known Dem Senator threatened the Supreme Court conservative justices while standing on the very steps of the Supreme Court in order to rile up the attending mob. Dem VP Harris publicly encouraged blm/anti rioting and announced it must continue until they get their way.

Why would anyone who actually thinks subscribe to such a Party or to such nonthinking individuals. MAGA 2024! Latinas for Trump!

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In the last election, my mom was going to vote for Biden and I was going to vote for Trump. But I was able to convince my mom to vote for Jo Jorgensen along with me so that we wouldnt have to vote for either Biden or Trump. This arrangement mathematically made it so our votes did not get "thrown away" by voting for Jorgensen . If Kennedy can get that message out: collaborate with someone who shares your distaste for both parties and both candidates the parties are preparing to offer but would prefer the other candidate than yourself, and vote for Kennedy -- I think he can get a lot more people voting for him. My mom dislikes Trump more than Biden. I dislike Biden more than Trump. At this juncture, I plan on talking to her and asking her to join me in voting for Kennedy. If some other third candidate comes about that I want to win and has a decent chance to win, maybe I will ask to her vote for them, but Kennedy is at this moment that candidate. If people who might vote for Kennedy look for people "on the other side" who might make a deal, it could be very helpful.

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I would have agreed the two-party barrier would never let an independent be elected until--ta da!--covid. I hope we are finally on a new playing field.

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In 2020, based on polling and belief system, I voted for an independent for the first time...Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. I thought she’d garner about 6-7% of the vote, thereby gaining a seat at the table of whoever won. Unfortunately I was wrong...she only got about 1% of the vote. I later felt I had wasted my vote.

I adore RFK Jr and am willing to vote for him. His polling, popularity and last name are much higher than for the person I last voted for. Again I’ll hope that he either brings in a surprise win, or at least rattles the establishment enough to gain enough power to reform the huge institutions (like Health and Human Services) that he has so aptly dressed down for their corrupt, bought-and-paid-for incompetence.

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So Daniel, why exactly are the patriot Republicans who facilitated the ousting of McCarthy "unsavory"??? Without Gaetz the ousting could never have happened. Very tiresome to hear liberal hit words! TIRESOME

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JFK, Jr., is an hero for his research into the c19 vax, etc., definitely. Also for his research into the gov's murder of his uncle and father. However, unless he presents at minimum with the values of the Democrat Party of his father and uncle, it would be too risky to try any Democrat ever again. That Party is thoroughly lost and should never be trusted again. In fact, so many Democrats actually deserve to be locked up in prison for what they have done to the borders here, for what they have done and are doing to our military, for what they have done and are doing to our DOJ/FBI. Anyone supporting such sedition merits prison time, including the original election denier Hillary, especially after the garbage she vomited yesterday about "re-education". What a scumbag. She broke laws in her last campaign. Her crimes merit investigation by a real AG.

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Excellent article, very informative! This most recent Gallup poll certainly seems to affirm the Pew findings: (Gallup’s annual Governance poll, conducted Sept. 1-23, 2023): "Support for Third U.S. Political Party Up to 63%....Sixty-three percent of U.S. adults currently agree with the statement that the Republican and Democratic parties do “such a poor job” of representing the American people that “a third major party is needed.” This represents a seven-percentage-point increase from a year ago and is the highest since Gallup first asked the question in 2003. https://news.gallup.com/poll/512135/support-third-political-party.aspx

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It actually, ad hoc, is addressing the UniParty.

A serious cleaning is needed in DC of both Partys. In fact, rinos may be worse than Dems because of the deliberately try to deceive. We know Dems lie and misrepresent, so they are comparatively easy to read. However, rinos are wolves in sheep's clothing. They want to increase our debt to $50T and promote war in Ukraine.

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please tell me you are not really promoting "polls" really? We don't need a third party we need no parties. Gallup????? Cannot believe any thinking person pays it any attention...

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Thanks for writing about that Pew poll Daniel. Very encouraging data and analysis.

I have a question about the pie chart that shows the percentage of independents at 47% and the percentage of Dems and Repubs being 26% and 25%. I can't find those numbers in the Pew report, though I haven't read all of it. Can you tell me where I can find the source of that pie chart? The reason I ask is that the Indie percentage is quite a bit higher than I'd seen before (e.g., I believe a fairly recent Gallup poll had Ds and Rs at 28% each, and Indies at 41%.


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...maybe you should drop yours first...

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The most important question is will Kennedy actually be on the ballot in all 50 states, as both major parties consistently work to keep minor parties and independents off of ballots. If Kennedy were to accept the nomination of the Libertarian party or any other minor party he would likely have a little more chance of getting on the ballots.

Lawyer Sarah Isgur who has held high positions in the Trump administration despite not liking Trump and also has been a CNN commentator was on Bill Maher's "Real Time" show on Friday. She said it would take about $50 million and plenty of lead time to get an independent candidate for president onto the ballot of all 50 states.

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Is RFK Jr. a social justice warrior? Based on remarks he made to the striking auto workers it seems that he is but the social justice argument is refuted by the distinguished economist Thomas Sowell in his recently published book.

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"Workers should be able to afford the cars they make, Kennedy said."

“That really ought to be the theme of every industry in the country," he said. "And that’s no longer true.”

That is clearly an inane thing to suggest. Should Tesla workers who work on rockets be able to afford the rockets? Its really just utterly stupid and empty of sense.

Kennedy is a politician, and a lawyer, he isnt Thomas Sowell. And we still, unfortunately, cannot expect our politicians to think as nimbly as Thomas Sowell does about so many things -- but even Thomas Sowell, bless his heart, expresses ignorant things.

With regard to Kennedy, I am only judging him on whether he is better than all the other viable candidates -- and those are Biden and Trump. Until there is substantial election system reform (e.g. proportional ranked choice voting), settling for the lesser evil is what me must live with. I wouldn't classify him as a social justice warrior, he is more complex than that, but some of his views do overlap with progressives, just as some overlap with MAGA republicans.

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