The Congress better vote RFK, Jr. in because RFK, Jr. is part of the reason WE the people voted for GOP. We the people don't care about old politics, instead we vote for the people we want in charge. This Congress better accept our vote and process the Trump people or those who don't vote for them are out next election! We are not fooling anymore! It's what the American people want and we want RFK, Jr. IN!

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Absolutely! We Kennedy supporters voted R for the first time. And We the people want Bobby in charge of HHS! Congress needs to get Bobby confirmed. It’s the Will of the people!

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imo if Harris had embraced him, she'd be in the WH. Who's worse? The Rs who don't want to regulate Big Ag/Pharms, or the Dems who pretend they do?

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The dems are worse in my opinion! They embrace censorship and Harris was a joke. #MAHA

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They really need to change their name. They don't believe in democracy, but they do believe in forever wars, censorship and corporations, especially Bad Pharma.

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Destiny guided US otherwise

...paix et priere

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Not even close to being accurate. The "plan" was to out the Dems for what they have devolved into. RFK was a team member. He was wrong about several things and has modified those false beliefs. Beaconites not so much.

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Nearly all Dems will oppose, fortunately they are not currently in control...

What did you suggest about "Trump" people. RFK is a Trump person and eternally

greatful to DJT in case you had not noticed.

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should be 80,000...

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Dr Means is new to the this movement. I would think there are more long term prominent doctors on that list who RFK Jr has worked with that support his nomination.

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RFKJr was/is 'way ahead' in reframing healthy life style. The path to healthy lifestyle will be monumental effort considering American diet, exercise regimen and heredity.

Many, many Americans, immigrants are birthing babies with inherent physical, psychological inadequacies. Going back several generations maternal, paternal health contributes much to genetic inherency.

Promotion of parental self respect may be priority in furthering future generations toward individual holistic health for mind/body/spirit

Pour votre SANTE!

(Angels about RFKJR, Healthcare workers.)

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Hmmm, beg to disagree. RFK was not remotely ahead.

What he has done that others have not is to go after Big P and the Chemical polluters. Physicians that deal with the health crisis of clueless people were actually the forerunners. That has been true for a minimum of 40 years. If RFK can package this in a way to prevent the aforementioned from their relentless assault, then a way forward has been established.

RFK gave THANKS to DJT for making his lifes work possible to come to fruition, just days ago. Those are the untold facts...

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New or not, politically ambitious or not, she wrote a book is full of common sense and elevates the mitochondria to their pride of place. My only fear is that the lot of them will do a Neville Chamberlain to the corporations.

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Mitochondrial recussitation was not news in 1990. Now that the phoney genetic "cause" of cancer has gone away, we are on to the powerhouse of the cell and what affects its ability to function. Toxicity is and always has been the issue...

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I didn't say her book was groundbreaking. It's full of common sense and is good for ppl just now trying to become at least somewhat scientifically literate. Yes, the somatic theory has been discredited.

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not trying to upend your comment

Mine relates to setting the record straight for countless others.

Some of us have known for 3 decades and we were not early...

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I come from a family of doctors and I see how they can be products of their generation. My mother, a surgeon, came back from her postdoc work in Paris in 1936 knowing that tobacco caused cancer, because at the Curie Institute she was among scientists who replicated even earlier work done in Germany about tobacco and benzenes. Yet she had no idea about the dangers of antibiotic overuse nor did she understand the dangers of pharmaceuticals. The same holds true for my grandfather, who was born in 1882 and was a GP, a cancer researcher and professor of medicine at Columbia P&S. My point in saying this is that doctors can know some things but miss others.

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Many years ago I had an important task to achieve with time being an important factor. I worked day and night researching, writing and revision. It was a long standing issue in my community and I knew it could be solved effectively in order to save many lives at risk. The government was remiss and needed some data to get them to jump on board … as in yesterday. After I completely my brief I went outside with a coffee to sit on my deck to breathe. Out of NOWHERE suddenly there were hundreds of Blue Jays flying into my backyard. This amount of ‘Jays’ was unheard of. Blue Jays are spiritually a power bird. I understood. Today I send those hundreds of Blue Jays plus hundreds of Ravens to RFKJr. His courage, determination and wisdom much be honoured and supported! Trump will do what Trump will do. As will America’s favourite son ‘Bobby’ do what he is INSPIRED to do. Changing Parties was only the first step. Bonne Chance ! 💫

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Thank you for sharing this blessed fragment of your life with people unknown to you.

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Thanks. Sometimes it just feels like the ‘right’ thing to do. 💜

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Work it!!! Great post as Kennedy goes to the Capitol this week.

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Walking down to Washington to shake hands with ...Kennedy!

Pray for US!

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I suspect that many doctors are outright fearful of signing the letter for fear of repercussions. Not good enough. They have their consciences to respond to as at this stage there are mountains of irrefutable evidence that the Covid witch brews cause death and injuries. Puppet quacks like Hotez of course will keep their mouths shut.

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Yes, fearful and I encourage Trump to instill in medical boards to stop their nonsense and witch hunt accusations that are not valid!

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WHoretez won't keep his trap shut. I'm pretty sure he's come out against RFK

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A Fitting and Just nomination!!!

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Thank you for your information and your Kennedy Beacon post, Mr Adam Garrie! I along with many voting Americans, am aware of the current political administration’s redundant rhetoric, and lame duck politics (both sides)!! Seems many people in congress and state governments have forgotten to protect American lives, border, homes!! The government keeps spending and growing, without any beneficial solutions to issues in American people’s lives!! I’m very hopeful for the appointment of RFK JR!

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Sure beats the 71 noble prize winners…only about 25 of whom were in medicine and of those most had interest in funding from pharma. Kennedy isn’t perfect but he’s asking the right questions.

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While very pleased with RFK Jr.'s placement into HHS as yet to be approved through the Senate...

Am also a bit sad since it's simple to see in his public presentation of feeling a bit out of place; the smile and body-language is off kilter though he's strong and taking advantage of this opportunity to advance his MAHA Movement.

He doesn't to feel appear authentically himself with this group of people or perhaps, he feels isolated...Not certain.

Praying for him as his time is now to do what he can for the betterment of humanity or maybe progress/finish what his uncle and Father began 64 years ago.

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I do not feel the same negativity about Kennedy's presentations, smile and body language or especially that "He doesn't seem to feel [sic] appear authentically himself . . .." He is an attorney---not a politician.

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What you notice is true. In the fog of war, it is only possible to make the best possible decision as he has done. He has also made some serious errors in his past.

Had DJT done so it would have been character assassination...

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What are his serious errors?

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I would rather see America's medical system turned from a sick-care system to where we seeing people maintain their basic health.

That was why I got on the RFKjr bandwagon in the first place. And I want that to be the model for America to the future.

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JFK Jr et Washington elite can guide US toward healthy lifestyle

However, as we by living and education only the individual must do the hard work of change from accustomed 'comfy' ways to disciplined, rigorous action


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Americans now realize that we are at a critical crossroads.

We can either continue to be increasingly the nation of the chronically ill and disabled, OR we can change course and become a nation focused on real health care, not just sick care.

PERSONALLY, my focus has long been on the massive damage from an ever-expanding, unchecked, unsafe vaccine schedule mandated on every child in America.



The controversy over vaccine safety could be ended overnight if the never vaccinated children have the same rates of AUTISM, ADHD, DIABETES, ALLERGIES, ASTHMA AND SEIZURE DISORDER as the fully vaccinated children.

With so many parents now too frightening or too well-informed to vaccinate, the study group is out there. Why hasn’t it been done?

In truth parents have been calling for this research for decades and health officials refuse to do it.

That in itself is most telling.

Anne Dachel

Age of Autism https://www.ageofautism.com

Loss of Brain Trust https://www.lossofbraintrust.com

Substack Anne Dachel https://annedachel.substack.com

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Now that DJT has become Time's Person of the Year, he is unstoppable.

In the recent past the Derangement Syndrome was the most reliable feature here on

the Beacon. My how things have changed.

RFK, it would appear has serious momentum and he just THANKED DJT FOR GIVING HIM THE CHANCE TO COMPLETE HIS LIFES MISSION.

There is no way to make American anything as all have free will. There is a way to hold Big P and the chemical companies feet to the fire. Let us push of a swift appointment, with the will of the people behind the collaboration.

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All this destruction of young men, is by design…. True evil. Viva Kennedy!

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I hope Dr. Mercola signs the letter backing RFK, Jr.'s nomination, if he hasn't already. We need many voices of support because there are so many corporations and government officials who will stop at nothing to block RFK Jr.'s leadership. Not to mention the globalists who use both parties to advance their anti-human agenda. Thank you, Robert Kennedy, Jr., for devoting your life to defeat those forces, and thanks to everyone who joins this fight!

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well, a lot of those people believe that everybody needs to be vaccinated so I don't know how I feel about that.

What was unleashed on us was a biochemical weapon not a vaccine and vaccines haven't been the same since the 1960s .

I know Kennedy is not anti-VAX his anti-bad vaccines. Hopefully he won't be manipulated such as others have that have gone in by the money we seen it happened so many times before I don't wanna give up help and I would've voted for him if he would've kept running for president because I honestly don't like either party I don't think they're out for our best interest at all. It's been proven time and time again.

Let's just hope it's a different this time. I guess we'll see. Is the new year rings in.

I'm not gonna give up hope but I'm still gonna remain very cautious .

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