Haters are back! Why are they on the Kennedy Beacon????

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Because we're just that cool!

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or that clueless?? but they are not haters they accurately assess

Try it sometime

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I guess this is why you are "winning" - right?

No, you are not fat, you are big-boned!

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They are just Trump trolls, they were all over in the comments of the recorded Real Debate on Rumble. Now we have to deal with RNC trolls as well as the DNC trolls. After Biden's sad performance and Kennedy's good performance they know Dems will be giving Kennedy a closer look.

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Really? what about end stage Derangement Syndrome do you not comprehend??

Here is a safe place for Dem refugees to gather and celebrate Derangement

You once again are making the case that RFK be embraced by the Dems.

Once a Dem always a Dem, except that the gambit is up...

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It is NOT about hate, Shanna... I personally was disappointed in him... He would have been the PERFECT candidate, if not for his "unconditional support" for a foreign State...

Furthermore, his VP choice was another poor choice; he "married" into money...

Also, he is funded by the most anti-democratic type of institutions - Super PACs...

He pretends he is independent, but he 100% acts as if he still was in the Democratic party.

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You cannot agree 100% with any candidate. But Bobby is perfect for America! I am sorry about Gaza but we are dying here in America and Bobby is The Only one who is talking about Americas problems!

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Bobby is the Only one who can defeat Trump!

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No, he is not... he lacks the charisma.

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I beg to differ ! 9 million views on X! Trump and Biden did not want him on the stage they are scared of him!! MSM will not cover him they are scared!

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I heard 11 million today

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I watched briefly too... I got off when he started talking about "fiscal responsibility" ; he understands NOTHING.

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Reality Therapy on the Beacon, it is however not because of charisma,

it is because Americans have already chosen, for good reasons.

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Agreed. Hubris is a classic armchair quarterback.Kennedy is a great choice, best we have ever seen. Nicole is awesome too. Super smart, passionate, hard working. But lots of misogynist dufuses will assume she was JUST picked for money.

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I am wondering who on the Beacon is not an arm chair quarterback??

Best we have seen?? Open them peepers a wee bit wider...

In any case Nicole is awesome, but in no way Presidential.

Odd that the clueless have no comprehension of the difference.

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I agree that he is the best of the 3... but STILL not good enough for the times we are in; in 2016 he would have been a GREAT choice.

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honest answer Hubris, do you also suffer the hate Derangement Syndrome??

if not what is your reasoning??

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Each one of your points is a poor argument. It may not be hate, but it’s negativity in your case because each one is a misguided opinion.

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Give you one more "poor argument":

Kennedy believes that the the Biden regime is not fiscally responsible and that is why we are in debt; he doesn't understand money creation, he doesn't understand the the debt trap laid by the FED... Money created out of thin air by a cartel of private banks CANNOT be paid with interest that hasn't been created, but can be purchased with... interest!

So what would he do if president? Austerity! Cut medicare and Social Security, just like the other two clowns would!

I'd rather have an economist like Michael Hudson president!

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..you haven't been listening obviously

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I suspect he does understand the FED Res. gambit.

And like other Dems is fully on board.

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Yvonne is soft pedaling, its misguided "negativity" Yup

that is the level of reasoning common here on the Beacon...

No reason to step into the error of equivalency pile Hubris.

What evidence for those cuts do you have?? Crickets Hubris Crickets

that is because you are reiterating a Dem assertion which is a very very low bar. Get off the Plantation

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Let's face it; we have NO good candidates... We are at the brink of a nuclear war, which is made even more likely by the red line between all 3 candidates:

The support of a fascist state who WANTS to provoke a larger war in the Middle East and get US involved.

Hug your children and wait for the nukes to arrive!!

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confronting peeps with the obvious is well "negative"

what Dem (one of "us") was not a war monger???

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RJK. RFK would have to compromise his beliefs to rejoin the democratic party. I don't think he would do this. He is gaining popularity because he is honest. Do not forget about the silent majority. And please do not call a man a warrior whose vaccine mandates killed thousands of Americans. If these politicians think that we have forgotten they are wrong!!

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What Dem is not willing to waffle? (and without admission or explanation)

What "mandates" are you referring to??? DJT had zero mandates!!

He was also not in favor of lockdowns!!!

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One name is glaringly missing from this piece. Michelle Obama. Biden drops out. Newsom is made to dance as a trial puppet. He fails. MO stays quiet then rises at the DemoRat convention. She is selected but in reality is a trojan horse. Kennedy runs as an independent but with MO in the race all he does is steal votes from Trump. Lemming libs, moderate women, blacks all fawn over MO. Thanks in part to Kennedy, MO wins in a landslide. MO is sworn in, Barack runs the show behind the curtain (just like he is now). MO steps down after a year sighting “health concerns”. Whoever she “selected” for VP is the real new ruler of the corrupt world.

With what is at stake, how is this not plausible if not probable?

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MO would never allow Barack to tell her how to run the country. She doesn’t want to be president either

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Republicans will CRUCiFY her! And she will not be willing to go thru it!!

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she self crucified, needs no help

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Mike is not Presidential and his "husband" has been outed

Newscum Whitmer H Clintonista are all well hated

as another poster realizes there is no way forward for the Dems... tisk tisk

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Thank you for your comments on behalf of the thousands of lurkers.

My comment was not regarding personal preference. I simply stated that she is easy on the eyes.


Your further expose is the gold in your post. All have left tracks in the sand.

When it comes to who might be suitable choice to run the country there are few.

As always one must accurately assess.

Covidiocy was used to dethrone DJT. I have a liberal uber intelligent friend who opined this

2 days after Covid began. My retort AT THAT TIME, was that in any case OUR LIVES would never be the same. He had the look of horror in his eyes. Oddly both of us were correct!!

No need to assume the error of equivalency that is the most common error.

In no way shape or form is Bidenista regime modestly similar to DJT. THAT IS WHY DJT IS THE MOST HATED PERSON IN THE DEEP STATES CROSSHAIRS. Do pay attention to this fact.

If you allege corruption, please put your cards face up on the table.

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I think everyone should subscribe to the Kennedy Beacon. Including haters, to be reasonably informed about Kennedy since the media bias against him is undeniable.

In 8th grade I selected Anderson in our school straw poll, but I consider myself a pro-Life Republican. I am considering the possibility of voting for Kennedy.

I know that he is pro-Abortion, but he is the only candidate would address the millions of excess deaths from the injections marketed to protect people from Covid-2019, which is also a Pro-Life issue.

My problem is his selection of a Vice President. If Kennedy wins and is assassinated (which I naively place at 50/50 odds), I fear she might be a better puppet for the WEF than Biden. After all, she is younger and female and can complete sentences. I need to know more about her politics and charitable giving in 2012 and 2016.

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I know he chose her as the fastest and most efficient way to qualify for the ballot in as many states as possible, but I fear that he was setup. It was too fast and too easy. Money is dangerous.

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With this Biden, RFK2 would win over Trump by the sheer fact that Trump was behind DoD Operation Warp Speed to cull the population. But I'm afraid that the masons will push Michelle.

We won’t be able to find real solutions unless we identify “the powers that be” and their goals:


Is there any proof that they really want to murder all of us?


How to get out of this political genocidal mess?


1. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.

The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.

Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3

SSS = Satanic Secret Societies like freemasons, who in their documents worship Lucifer as their “Great Architect”.

Freemasonry is the church of Satan. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).

1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of (the masonic) religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (of other religions, like they did with lockdowns); or abridging the freedom of speech (like the massive masonic censorship since 2020), or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble (lockdowns), and to petition the government for a redress of grievances (like the wrongful COVID response).”


2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with trillions of fake money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

The way out of this mess:

If you really understand what your enemies are doing, you'd prioritize other things essential for survival:

1. Issue asset-backed money: gold, silver, flour, gasoline, whatever tokenizable

2. Ban money not backed by assets

3. No legal tender: let markets decide

4. 100%-deposits-backed bank credit: so they don't create money out of thin air

5. Kill the Federal Reserve

Force all social networks and media to kill algorithmic moderation (shadow banning, etc.) and reinstate all closed accounts. Only messages selling things can be blocked IF it comes from outside one's network. Let people decide who's in their social network and that's it.

Replace the internet with a new peer to peer protocol, not government controlled, not centralized.

Get out of the UN organizations (including WHO), get out of the IMF, WorldBank, OAS, IADB, etc. All have been weaponized. Create alternative cooperative organizations.


3. The full plan exposed and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Minimize the Federal Government. Repeal 16th amendment (income tax)

Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?

Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):

1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).

2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.

3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.

4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.

5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.

6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.

Appeal to science:

7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.

8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.

9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:

10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:






God willingly, I’ll soon post that with all the references.

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Prof, that was a run on post.

The assertion that DJT was behind the DOD is just that.

What fake news rag spoon fed you? Oh, let me guess the fake news rags.

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Facts: Making the taxpayer pay for his poison at Warp Speed


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Do NOT believe so.

The WOKE Silicon Valley Nazi chosen as V.P. was all necessary to know EXACTLY where Mr. Kennedy falls and it's exactly where his past Political Speeches painted him to be.

He's ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL EXACTLY AS THE CURRENT DEMONIC U.N. UNIPARTY NAZI'S scheming, conniving, lying; TALKING THE TALK and NOT WALKING THE WALK in the United States Corporation located in the Sewer of D.C. overflowing into the whole EASTERN CORRIDOR.

That is exactly what this country DOES NOT NEED regardless of Kennedy's polish, sophistocation and stance with the Poisonous Injections and the Medical Complex he states, "NO NOT NEED TO BE DISMANTLED."

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Blaze, your assessment is accurate, but hey She is nice, rich, and easy on the eyes ok?

Presidential, well not so much.

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There is that. No doubts about her personal sexual appeal or level of attractiveness..But, when it pertains to 'Security'; am not so willing to trust the WOKESTERS in positions once defined CEO having connotations of The Munchkins from Munchkinland who are in actuality as the Wicked Witch of the West.

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I need no convincing was being flippant

There are thousands of lurkers, "we" are pointing out the blatantly obvious

on this issue.

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🤔Well...Hm, didn't necessarily find her attractive; but then have never been one to like the Bimbo's or Marilyn Monroe-Types even though they're often very much appealing to men as the Kennedy's if the tabloids were correct. With that Birthday song to John with Jackie present...It's pretty clear about the types the Kennedy men are predisposed to.

I'm persinally more as the Katherine Hepburn type...Or, Mareen O'Hara and perfer the John Waynes, Patrick Swayze's or Sam Elliots. Was Jr.'s V.P. pick more as they, it may be a bit more kosher as they made their own money instead of divorcing to get it. Strong, resilient and more honorable while being self-reliant without Addictive Personalities and multiple divorces or associates as Communists would be a better fit for the nation currently.

Who else would EVER choose a 'Global Joy Officer' as a member of any group named 'The Schoomoo Institute'? Swear...The WOKE go out of their way to sound STUPID and BENIGN when they're as toxic as an Australian Brown Snake and contaminating as the BioElectroChemicalNanoTech Injections cultivating the human gut to manufacture the poisons Pharma is using covertly towards Mass Murder, Disability, Sterilization and Cyber-Digital Slavery...And, further, the Bimbo actually developed an NGO focued upon lengthening Female Fertility and EQUITY. EQUITY as in equal outcome for all?

Wow, DEEP THINKERS on the Kennedy ticket turn me to Trump even though he's about as corrupt as they are.

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Interesting read. More reasons to vote for Robert Kennedy.

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"Looks like we're in a real pickle Dick" B.O. to J.B.

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It would be Aaron Bushnell’s 26th Birthday today. Happy birthday Aaron, you had more humanity than 99% of all of us my dear brother.

You showed the world what it truly means to regret being a part of a genocide.

You showed us what it means to be a human being.


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"Uber evil"? Trump Derangement Syndrome is the biggest turn-off. You just drowned out your own message. Understand this primary principle - the people do not want deranged mentally ill representatives. That includes those who suffer from TDS.

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Blake, your article has a built in Derangement Syndrome theme.

RFK can not beat DJT, in fact he can not even come close

Oddly his "debate" retorts have been taken down on HIS OWN SITE.

Bidens blunders began long ago. The Fact that the DNC and the fake news has tossed

him under the bus is simply evidence of how evil the Dems are. The old dementia patient

has been used and abused by the Dems.

Pay attention! the debate was hardly the pinacle of blundering.

ALL BY DESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!

RFK full term "choice" Abortions

fine with the wars Ukraine and Israel but is flippant

Now that it is safe to Support the Wall he agrees with DJT

Now that it is safe to be against open border he agrees with the wall

RFK// Not Presidential

Once a Dem always a Dem

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Bobbie as president?

Just what we need....another climate crazy environazi.

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they are also referred to as Climatards

not to be conflated with environmental stewards where he cut his teeth

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Actually 11 million views on X🙏🇱🇷👍

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actually tom, that # is likely to be 25 mil yeah?

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keeps getting more juicy

CNN at least 60 mil, the most viership on record!!!

that is not because of the Dementia Patient

Some Beaconite was happy to lie suggesting 2 mil

Once a Dem always a Dem??

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It won't happen. The Dems hate RFK almost as much as they hate Trump.

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"Only Kennedy Can Beat Trump"

What a load of organic fertilizer... I can think of a few others... say Mike Tyson? Chuck Norris? Jackie Chan?

Your statement sounds like Democratic party propaganda - did you use to write for them before?

We need a patriotic leader and none of them is... I mean Kennedy is, if we were Israel...

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one foolish statement exposed, then the Derangement Syndrome??

Why Hubris do you have it?? DJT is unpatriotic? I mean... where does that load of organic fert. come from???

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