America is in the midst of an historic shift in public health policy... for the better.

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Landry's dedication to free speech has been commendable these last several years. He is a smart person, and of course he supports Bobby. Only the lazy non-thinkers don't.

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Jeff Landry describes the erosion of trust in our federal oversight agencies and the need to address the growing chronic disease epidemic in America. Yes, we desperately need Robert Kennedy at HHS.

The mantra ‘trust the science’ has been exposed as nothing but a way to promote the interests of the vaccine makers, and Americans are waking up to the reality of corporate controlled health care.


On the HHS website, we read:

"The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services."

Clearly HHS has failed in their mission, completely ignoring the chronic disease epidemic, especially when it comes to our children. Corporate interests are the main priorities of our government regulators, not the declining health of Americans.

The pathetic state of health care in the 21st century is not limited to the US. It is a global crisis, and it is up to health officials in America to wake up the world to this existential emergency.

For decades officials have casually looked on as America became a nation of the chronically ill and disabled. Control by Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Ag and Big Chem is insidious in the agencies that were established to keep us healthy.

To see the extent of the decades of cover up, see my recent stories on Substack:

RFK at HHS, the last hope for our children


How CDC Covered Up the Autism Epidemic https://annedachel.substack.com/p/how-cdc-has-covered-up-the-autism

Anne Dachel

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It ain't over till the fat lady sings .. but I'm feeling better and better after reading about the rising public support Mr K is getting from influential people ..

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Thank you for your commitment to truth and to the health and well being of US citizens. I know there are many powerful and dangerous forces out there presently that make your statements also brave. I hope you are able to encourage others who may be intimidated by Pfizer et al, the DOD and CIA, and Mike Pence, such as Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Bernie Sanders ( I know, but somewhere deep in his heart there still must some commitment to his country) to do the right thing. I know they know he is NOT anti vaccine and I pray they do not repeat that lie for money or power. I have said many times over the last 16 months that Bobby is the only one with the experience, knowledge, guts and commitment to take on the corrupt agencies and restore our health. Very similar to your convictions. Thank you sir. Marjorie Rodd

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Thank you Sen. Landry. I am praying for Bobby. I’ve sent letters to my Senators and signed letters supporting him. I reached out to Sen. Cassidy. The only thing left is prayer! 🙏

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Wow!! That’s quite an endorsement of confidence to RFK JR!! I read the letter, quite frankly I’m feeling very proud and confidence, we still have strong leaders in our government, with America’s future!!

Thank you, Adam Garrie, for posting the Senator’s letter, for everyone to read! I have faith and hope for our divided Americans, that with positive action and love of country, we’ll become unified!

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I’m very proud of our governor of Louisiana, Jeff Landry.

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I just wrote the following in response to another website. RFK, Jr. is at the center of this. I add that one of the Watergate burglars was also involved in his uncle's assassination and confessed to it on his deathbed. Yes, CIA and other Feds were involved. It was led, he said, by LBJ. May RFK, J r. rally the MAGA Dems to the glory that was once the Democrat party!

Dems need to rediscover their bright-eyed, bushy-tailed progressive roots. THEY were the MAGA party originally, and have fallen into decay functions like transgender, communism, reverse racism and so on. Once upon a time, they were for Equal Opportunity, science, the Space Race, cleaning up the rivers so they would not catch fire any more, and so forth. Then came LBJ. Equal Opportunity became Affirmative Action, biggest crybaby wins, rewarding incompetence and all that. NASA lost half its funding. “Science” continued, but corrupted, leading to the Repeatability problem. “Feminism” went from women’s rights to man-bashing, and ironically deprecating the role of womanhood, homemaking, etc. leading to malnourished unhealthy citizens, sexual depravity, more divorces and fewer marriages, turning away from God, and killing children–including born ones. LBJ helped greatly to turn America away from God by IRS 501C(3) designations, which denied the First Amendment rights of churches to influence public (that is, political) debate. We need to research all that and revive an honorable, God-loving Democrat Party.

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Meanwhile, over at the New York Post, they've published the mother of all smears of Kennedy. Makes the NY Times' slime jobs read like a wedding announcement in comparison. https://nypost.com/2025/01/27/opinion/senators-vote-no-to-rfk-jr-whos-still-a-radical-left-lunatic-hazardous-to-our-health/

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