So, I'm reading a book today entitled, "DIABETES Type I & II CURE IN 72 HRS"

By Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury and he's talking about how corrupt the medical establishment is. He's saying they train doctors to sell product, not to heal people. If you get healed, there is no more need for the product; they lose profits. Amazing that we tolerate this skullduggery with our lives.

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Look at the Gary Taubes book, Rethinking Diabetes. Very well documented and he has been at this a long time. The diabetes Assn still recommends the high carb, low fat diet. Yes complex carbs, but that does not matter.

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Thanks, I've picked it up on your recommendation.

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Love the term 'Vaxcists' and Cult together.

Denotes the true comradery of this pharma educated and inspired group.

I'm proud to be of the other persuasion.

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Great article! The tide is turning. I hope there will be more opportunities for us to show our support for this amazing man.

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Thank you for taking on the Vaxcists. What gives this label its power is Mr. Kennedy's book on Fauci, et.al., which first provided me the background I needed to see into the present evil. Let there be no doubt that the Vaxcists are part of a huge genocidal conspiracy against the human race. Maybe a lot of them are dupes; but many aren't.

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Perhaps it was news for you, some of us have known for over 3 decades.

RFK is the only person who was positioned to blow this up.

The medical cartel cannot be repaired.

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Well, I have known a lot about the conspiracy for 60 years. Please take a look at my new book, "Our Country Then and Now."


Also see:


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Pesticidists, Asbestosists ... assuring us that a corporation will never harm you.

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And cigarettists.

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OVFO - love it! But how is Kennedy going to fire all the corrupt and compromised agency employees when there are laws in place protecting their jobs? I'm sure Kennedy know a way around that!

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He's done wonders in court, and has been taking names. Not everyone in those agencies want the corruption to continue (for the benefit of the few).

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Presidents appoint the heads of the Federal agencies. Bobby will then task those new leaders to clean house within their respective agencies.

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you are promoting the fix it from within idea, that is not possible

RFK must know this

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A timely and prescient reveal. Let us be crystal clear. The Dems have always been in bed with Big Pharma, so its actually a very good thing that RFK has distanced himself and blown an irreparable hole in their battleship. Vaccine or Quaxcines, none are safe and none are effective.

Some of us have know this for over 3 decades despite the liberal press (fake news) advocacy.

At this jucture it is no longer useful to reference the fake new or think it possible to reform.

The avalance has broken off the cliff and we are in freefall.

The medical cartel is headed the same direction, not possible to remove a few bad apples when the entire bushel (greater than 99%) is rotten.

RFK knows this, many supporters do not. It is hardly a partisan issue.

The Deep State has been outed, and the terrorist attacks well underway...

World Views decimated.

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They don't make money with us when we are healthy. They don't make money with us when we are dead. We have to be in between and this is where, the Big Pharma, will keep us for the rest of our life... so they can sell us their drugs that will not heal us, but keep us sick!

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MS G, ou are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Call it callous if you will, it is true and if anything, a real reason for no one else to die. Further, excuseing choices for employment is actually irrelevant. If that is ok before, it will be ok again!

Could of course mention one of my good friends who chose not to take "it" and lost his lucrative employment of 25 years. He has zero regrets.

There is no example in history of conforming ones way to freedom. Unfortunately a large percentage of peeps do not realize this.

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Thank you. My (adult) nephew died within hours of his Covid vaccine. Unfortunately, he and my sister believed the lies. His death was not only devastating to her, but even more so to the wife and children left behind.

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I am so sorry. I wish that I was wrong about this issue. I wish that I did not feel compelled to write about this. But I do. I will continue to write about this on-going tragedy.

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You are hardly wrong, though you most definitely are late to the party.

None the less, you arrived.

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It is very sad, one of millions. He chose and believed the lie. The evidence was available 30 years ago, most simply believed the fake news. The medical cartel and their bossed Big P must topple.

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Ok, from someone who hasn't been vaccinated for over 60 years, i.e. since childhood, who never vaccinated my children, and successfully helped my grown children to make decisions not to vaccinate my grandchildren - I still do not appreciate the callousness of saying "he chose and believed the lie". It was a requirement of his job. The emotional wound is still very, very raw, so maybe I'm taking your words incorrectly, but please be careful about your comments.

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It might be valuable for others to know exatly how you knew not to do this.

That could be a gold mine. It certainly was not because of "data"

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You're right, not because of data. It was more a combination of having a severe reaction to a tetanus vaccine as a young teenager combined with learning from observation not to make personal decisions based on what everyone else was doing. Even though not an overly confident person, I trusted my own intelligence about health choices.

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My last vaccine was a tetanus shot 30 years ago. Didn't feel well for 6 months. I didn't want to have the shot but they wouldn't let me go to college without it. I was later 30's at the time and that was my first vaccine since childhood. Have never taken another and never will. Common sense prevails along with research.

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that gold mine is extremely useful for countless readers

I have a 83 yr old patient who also knew somehow not to do this to her two grown daughters. She is not able to say why...

For the record Tetanus is considered to be among the least problematic of the Vaxs, and as you disclose none are safe, and we now know none are effective.

In fact its worse All are harmful!

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Tragic. I am so sorry.

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My son was vaccine injured over twenty years ago. Vaccines don’t cause autism is ingrained in the conversation and therefore no one talks about it cause it is so “controversial “. So millions more kids are diagnosed and families destroyed. The media has normalized autism and made it more acceptable. Years ago before COVID, Adam Schiff wrote a letter to Google, Facebook, Amazon and Netflix for them to remove all the vaccine disinformation off their platforms effectively silencing any vaccine conversation. When will this ever end? I am still waiting for someone in our government to act on subject of vaccines. The corruption is so deep I really don’t think Kennedy will be able to expose this atrocity and reverse the destruction of our children’s health.

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almost 90 Never Vaxed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Healthy!!!!!!!!

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OxyContin, the highly addictive painkiller opioid, is still available in the United States with a prescription. Purdue Pharma. How is it possible?

OXYCONTIN - Dopesick with Michel Keaton playing the doctor.

Dopesick | Official Trailer https://youtu.be/x3Z4NFUPbZ0XYC

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Bobby is at war with “STUPID.” So are his followers.

The Soviet botanist Lysenko formulated the concept of “class struggle” among plants. This was supremely STUPID but pleased the political elites of his day. So it is with our “safe and effective”shots, Ukraine policy and open border. Train wrecks. No more QA. Pilots dying in-flight.

Everybody knows this is all STUPID and unconstitutional. But policies protected by the DOJ are implemented on a “whatchagonna do about it” basis require extensive litigation to challenge. Citizens versus the infinite resources of the gov’t.

Yes, we CAN vote our way out of it.

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Are Covid vaccines to blame for RFKJr siding with Putin's dictatorship over Ukraine's democracy?

Are Covid vaccines to blame for Kennedy parroting Putin's lie that somehow Biden poses a bigger threat to democracy than Trump?

Are Covid vaccines to blame for the MAGA extremists in Congress holding up funds desperately needed for Ukraine to defend itself?

In short: are Covid vaccines to blame or just to distract?

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You're seriously more concerned about Ukraine? Has it become the 51st State of the Union while I wasn't looking? $113.4 billion is more than $2 billion per state. How do you suppose homeless Americans who were displaced by the federal government's open border policy to allow anyone who wishes to enter the country illegally feel about that? Their government officials care more about Russia annexing Ukraine? What's not adding up here?

"People think that the "Project for the New American Century" was a new idea dreamed up by the new conservatives, the neo-con. The new CONS as opposed to the old CON. However, that's nonsense, because Kipling, when he read his poem in the Senate, was sent over on behalf of The Royal Institute for International Affairs to tell them that they were taking over. It was their job to take over and push the rest of the agenda through. The U.S. was already chosen to take over and supply the manpower, the financing, the tax base, the weapons base from Britain to be the policemen of the world. This is a hundred years ago.

We must remember that we are being managed. We tend to forget that fact. We give our world to people when we vote for them. You're voting for someone you don't know at all. You're voting for someone who belongs to organizations you never even think to ask of with other agendas.

You vote thinking you're going to have something for nothing, which is what socialism has

always been about, promises, promises, the poor man's lotto. That's what voting is. However, it's essential to have the public vote to keep the con game going. In this legal system, this strange psychological prison that we live in of politics and voting, we don't know what to do when we find the leaders take off in some direction, obviously preplanned, because they can't move quickly on anything by themselves."


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I feel so angry that your information sources did that to you.

We, as a society, can do better. Information reform is coming, hopefully.

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It would appear you are the one trying to distract from the topic here.

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