If I knew I had a chance to move the needle on a vital issue that affected millions of people and millions more downstream, locally and even globally, I would hope I had the courage and maturity to work alongside anyone who gave me a massive platform from which to do so. Even if I disagreed with them on just about everything else. And esp if I knew I had only about 10 years or so to do it. I am very inspired by Bobby's willingness to risk so much to make even more of a difference.

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Well said, thank you!

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The below episode of Sabby Sabs reminds me that RFK would be aware of everything Whitney and Saby are talking about.


In which case I do not see how anyone can assume what we are seeing is not either delusional or worse

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Yes! Totally agree!

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Reeeeeeeealyy, "just about everything else?

Plllllleeease try harder, Yup the clock be ticking

Nah, a collaboration requires..... collaboration Malika

He is not risking anything, he is making the best possible decision.

All by design

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Bobby has literally risked his life and the lives of his family to do this! There have been four attempts on his life, all thwarted by his private security firm, Gavin de Becker which cost his campaign $1 million per month because Joe Biden refused to give him Secret Service protection! So yes Bobby is the king maker here and millions of people who follow him and are dedicated to him, such as myself, are counting on him to make a difference! it will be the only real difference in a generation or longer and Bobby’s Courage, intelligence, humility, and dedication deserve all the respect we can give…

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No kidding Denny, putting yourself in the line of fire goes with the territory.

DJT has well over a dozen such attempts.

No RFK (not Bobby) sounds like a 6 yr old neighbor kid not a 70 year old patriot is hardly the King Maker. DJT has north of 150 million American voters is support.

If there is a king he holds the throne, however that language is for simpletons.

STop the cheerleading already, RFK got SS protection because of one phone call made by DJT. The Biden Controlled SS has already rescinded the protection!!

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Sue, have you something to offer?

Do you prefer cheerleading over facts?

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I am behind RFK, Jr. on this decision. The genocidal Dems must be thrown out. But please keep the Beacon going.

Richard Cook

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And we can still vote for him all the states that are not swing states. We just need to get 5% of the vote and there will be a path to still see this man as our next President. This is my only vision.

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I'm in Texas where he did take his name off the ballot. I'm so bummed about that but I'm keeping my yard sign out.

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Yes, Marjorie! We need to do whatever we can to make sure everyone knows this.

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Same here.

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then you are sightless

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Now we have to pray that Trump has a conscience and some integrity to go with it.

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This will be the main issue. Even if he wants RFK to deal with HHS or AG job, other internal department heads(bought and paid for) will slowly pressure Trump to force Bobby to resign. The main issue with Trump 45 admin was the thrash, indecision and eventual poor nomination of neocons, industry insiders getting into Trumps pants. Bolton?? Pompeo???

Maybe this go round, Trump doesn't care since he only has this 4 year term to finish and he can name RFK, Gabbard and other shake up people to high places to blow up the corporate capture

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Cocoa thinks weeing on the collaboration is the way forward.

Reeks on End Stage Derangement Syndrome. Blather on

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Trump has no conscience. He is a con man, a liar and a cheat. I have a family member who was put out of business by Trump refusing to pay his bills to a large contractor firm. This is the way Trump ran his businesses. He would refuse to pay knowing he could outlast people in court, so his victims would just fold. Everything about the guy is a fraud. Do some homework folks. There is a long list of reasons reasons Trump cannot be trusted and should not be President.

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You may be right. Weve all heard these stories before but Ive lived in California for 50 years and can tell you Kamala is a puppet, as most if not all Democrat politicians out here are, of the Getty and Soros fortunes… the destruction of a State which used to have the seventh largest economy in the WORLD accelerated under “progressives” like Harris and Newscum. Nearly 1 Million people were driven out by the policies of Harris and Newscum! The tyrannical unConstitutional California “lockdown” and “One man rule” which shut down two of the three branches of Californias government while our governor played “Chief Surgeon” daily for 3 years and bankrupted tens if not hundreds of thousands of small businesses makes Trump’s digressions almost pale in perspective. “Cut throat businessman from New York” is the standard not the exception there, just as we see the cut throat tactics of the New York Democrats against Trump and Kennedy. Im no Trump fan, but life threatening experiences and the humbling experience of being flayed alive in open kangaroo court by your political enemies just may have humbled our favorite whipping boy… if he is sincere or has a shred of sincerity in him, I trust Bobby will know. RFK Jr didnt win all those lawsuits against DuPont and Monsanto, etc by misjudging people in high places or being a pushover! He is deeply sincere, extremely intelligent, hard working and gave me hope where none existed before! Just maybe some of his humility will rub off on Trump and I think an alliance might be just what both of them need. Bobby should not settle for anything less than his fathers job as Attorney General though! He is the PERFECT MATCH!

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Serious Derangement Syndrome from a reader of the fake news.

What you are stating is that previous Guru, RFK has really poor judgement.

Or... that you are clueles. "everything about" spoken like a true Snowflake

the Inside Poop needs a litter box

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You must believe in miracles, because the evidence is already there to show us that he doesn't.

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and do edify us with that evidence? Yeah?

However list if clearly and succinctly in order of importance.

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links are not evidence, they are propaganda

Try harder to express something you know Will.

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No not at all. What about collaboration do you not comprehend??

Crowing about what "we" have to pray about, Try harder.

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Pray A LOT that DJT stays safe, & honest, & that RFK jr stays safe & wields much power in the next administration!

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or realize that the plan is unfolding exactly as it should

That is called Trust

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Bravo! Well said! Thank you for your commentary. RFK, Jr. is a brilliant, honest, ethical, inspiring human being who is a great leader in whatever he chooses to do. Thank God he is there for us! Make America Healthy Again! Yay! Great new slogan!

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Make America Health Again?? 34 years in those trenches, sort of.

It is impossible to make anyone do anything. It is possible to educate and defund bloated agencies that allow the Corporate Pig to feed off clueless Americans.

Anyone not knowing that "seed" ois are toxic at this late date is?? RFK has that rogue hog in the crosshairs and brings much to this party.

Thank God for the collaboration

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Totally agree! If at all possible I love Bobby and what he stands for even more. What a classy act done eloquently and with purpose. Onward soldiers, carry the message.

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Bobby has done more for human health & environment than all of Congress combined in my lifetime.. folks are so clueless about the Rockefeller-Gates-Monsanto-IGFarben-Bayer Biotech Mafia who have treated the population like lab rats for a century.

America is now the fattest sickest population on the planet for several reasons. One is a population wide feeding study with Roundup Ready gmo diets that were put into our food supply with nothing more than Monsanto believes glyphosate soaked novel proteins are the same as traditional foods using evil genius loophole by Monsanto FDA revolving door spinner Michael Taylor.. over and done Roundup Ready Nation Dying for Profits!!

Biotechnology Consultation Memorandum of Conference BNF No. 000001 - September 19, 1994

Compositional Analysis

Based on the nature of the genetic modification, it was not expected that glyphosate-tolerant soybeans would differ compositionally from other soybean varieties. To confirm this expectation, Monsanto carried out compositional analyses which focussed on analysis of whole beans but also included compositional analyses of major soy-derived products, including toasted soybean meal, soy oil, defatted soy flour, and soy protein isolate.

Based on their analysis of whole beans (and, for certain parameters, various soy products), Monsanto has concluded that glyphosate-tolerant soybeans are not significantly different from other soybean varieties in protein, fat, fiber, ash, carbohydrate, amino acid, fatty acid, trypsin inhibitor, lectin, isoflavone (genistein and daidzen), phospholipid (lecithin), phytate, stachyose, or raffinose content. Monsanto's analysis of some of these parameters in glyphosate-treated soybeans led them to similar conclusions.

In order to verify that glyphosate-tolerant varieties of soybeans express levels of soybean allergens no greater than traditional varieties, Monsanto carried out immunoblot analysis using pooled serum from individuals allergic to soybeans. Monsanto reported that there was no difference between glyphosate-tolerant and control lines of soybeans in the level of expression of immunoreactive material.

Wholesomeness Studies

Monsanto described the results of wholesomeness studies they carried out in rats, chickens, catfish, dairy cattle, and bobwhite quail. On the basis of their consideration of the totality of these studies, Monsanto has concluded that there is no significant difference in the wholesomeness of glyphosate-tolerant and traditional soybean varieties, as expected from their compositional analysis. These data are summarized on page 49 of Monsanto's September 2 submission.


Monsanto has concluded, in essence, that the glyphosate-tolerant soybean variety they have developed is not significantly altered within the meaning of 21 CFR 170.30(f)(2) when compared to soybean varieties with a history of safe use. At this time, based on Monsanto's description of its data and analysis, the agency considers Monsanto's consultation on this product to be complete.

F. Owen Fields, Ph.D. - Page Last Updated: 06/18/2009


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All true, and more. That is not news except to the clueless you mention.

Monsanto was bought out years ago, it is now Bayer.

You have hijacked this thread. The topic is... Time to play nice instead of infecting Beaconites with The Derangement Syndrome.

It is not about "doing more than" is about being part of a collaboration and unifying, that is happening...

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Lucky to have nameless poster pop in to tell me what of my decades of research is relevant. Real knee slapper to relegate campaigns for safe food that RFK Jr has worked on like getting glyphosate recognized as a carcinogen hijacking the thread.

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Decades of "research" is useful if the person "researching" has adequate bandwidth Not a "knee slapper", go back to Composition 101

RFK is hardly the first to blow the whistle on RoundUp, now he has a magnified bullhorn, imagine that. And yes you did hijack the thread.

Poster Pop, that is clever


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The speech was brilliant and emotional powerful. There has been a total media blackout— but on Kennedy’s platform alone 1.5M were listened. I pray Trump wins and he holds good on his word to RFK.

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You really need to get something

The "media blackout" is a good thing!!

The Fake News Echo Chamber is for dupes that want to take another dose of Programming

Subs and T-Gram, PodCasts, X, Truth Social are the media!!!!!

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Maybe not good but to expect otherwise would be to misunderstand the current situation. I’m mostly disappointed in The Free Press. The rest don’t (or shouldn’t) surprise me.

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Trying to get you and others to see that the Fake News Echol Chamber is for the Programmed.

I do not misunderstand the insanity of normalizing the Fake News.

Somehow I knew this 35 years ago...

If you have a concern about DJT keeping promises please do provide the example where he has not! Anyone who thinks they have something put the card face up on the table, please

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RFK Jr. is, without a doubt, the bravest & most decent would be politician we have seen in a lifetime.

His intelligence coupled with a deep spiritual life & boundless human compassion, married to hard nosed pragmatism is, I think, the most powerful configuration I have ever seen.

May more Americans wake up to the treasure they have in their midst who is willing and able to serve all of us!

God Bless Bobby Kennedy & may God also hold DJT's feet to the fire so that he gives this good & wise man the power he so deserves to right the wrongs done to our children & all Americans by the sewer of corruption we call our Federal Government & all of it's appendages. May he keep all his promises going forward!!!

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So well said. Thank you!

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Thank you!

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no need to play the "bravest" card, Its a collaboration

No Potus, much less DJT, needs his "feet held to the fire"

That is your lack of comprehension and Derangement syndrome rearing its ugly head

Tis now a game of strategy, and possibly the most Brilliant Collaboration in history...

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F@@# I say. DJT threw Kennedy under the bus for Billy Boy Gates in 2016. How did that little collaboration work out for Humanity, I ask?

Hell yes, daddy OWS needs his feet held to the fire, this go around. Maybe he's a bit brighter now, after 17 million dead from his jab? Millions more disabled? Heart attacks? Strokes? Cancer? Infertility? If Trump hadn't made it, Biden couldn't have mandated it!

And the 3.3 million bankrupted American Businesses? Mine included.

Worldwide disruptions of supply chains?

Trump either was in on it all, got played, or blackmailed. No other possibilities.

I'm willing to consider the getting played, but DeSantis figured it out; why not DJT?

Blackmailed? Well, what's to stop that the next time?

Kennedy looks much more solid to me- he called it all AS IT WAS HAPPENING.

So yes. What I wrote is 100% on point, imho.

You can buy the hero worship for the one guy who let the whole world down last time around, but I'm just not that easily conned. Actions speak louder than words, every time!

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You are demonstrably clueless. RFK was not near "the bus" in '16 and neither was BG, who has always hid in the shadows. Your second point is another clueless assumption from the Fake News Echo Chamber.

Someone can see a little further down the road sweet pea.

I realize you Lefties recently migrated off the Dem Plantation and were dense enought to think RFK has a subdivision for y'all.

The first consideration is to have an Accurate Assessment,

You Katherine have failed that metric.

You are entitled to your false beliefs, and I to expose them, for the benefit of all...

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To hear RFK Jr's speech replete with serious content, well expressed, was (sad to say) startling. I don't think we have heard that sort of thing since JFK and Nixon debated. Another contrast was between the outline of his policies and viewpoints, and the content-free personal attack on him by some of his relatives. When I say that someone has betrayed values, I like to say exactly what values and how they were betrayed!

My husband comments: "I wonder if what Trump and RFK Jr just did isn't much larger than the 2024 election. Maybe this is the genesis of a political system where third-party voters don't have to throw away their votes... maybe leading to two parties with platforms that are many times greater in length than they are today. This is a good kind of diversity!"

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Every speech Bobby has given since he announced his campaign 15 months ago has been replete with critical facts, precise policies to correct our many issues and important historical relevance. The primary difference in this speech is he did it with a broken heart.

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and the sadness is for you all, not because the way forward is darker

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Kennedy's switch to Trump is the definitive proof against those who call him a self-serving narcissist. His mission is all that matters to him politically and if he can do it as a Trump functionary, so be it.

Can't wait for the Reality Bites cartoon showing Kennedy flushing a DNC-labeled floater down the punch bowl.

P.S. Tell us more about that "psychopathic PR mistress."

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Can not even believe the condescending language you choose.

A "Trump functionary" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

It's an absolutely BRILLIANT and TIMELY collaboration against the Deep State that clearly

co-opted the Dem party. If you are unaware of the 2 homeruns RFK has hit in the first inning pay attention.

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"Trump functionary" in that context means making lemonade from a lemon.

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so then its simply an Inaccurate Assessment

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Many Trump supporters wished all to happen with RFK Jr. for months as we believe the weakness and frailty of both men could be strengthened with the other to make both better. Trump's penchant towards egotism and rambling is perfectly complemented with Bobby's empathetic nature and polished, organized thought processes to clearly, concisely and accurately express priorities which are now being addressed by Trump. Bobby's inclination towards unified Centralized Govt./Corporatism/Totalitarianism is compatible with Trump's Conservative leanings towards 'State's Rights' or Federalism.

These strong men have loving, strong wives who DISAGREE with their husband's current politics. Both have great kids, Grandkids...With intellect, courage, manners, honorability, integrity. BOTH TOGETHER have the capacity to CLEAN-HOUSE of the Treasonous Uniparty Nazi mess in the United States Corporation located in the Sewer of D.C. Both have the AUDACITY to remove the regulations from code which SUSPENDED our Constitution to reactivate it; thus removing all the Novel Lawfare in support of Constitutionally protected Unalienable/Civil Rights. Both need the support of the other in this forced dystopia the U.S. now lives in leading to this next Fraudulent/Cheat Election and they will need support and the gifts of one another upon arrival in D.C.

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I pray your thoughts are absolutely accurate, that more Americans quickly wake up & figure out who tells the lies & who tells the truth, & what needs to be done, NOW, to protect our lives & our liberties, going forward!

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and about that "waking up" its incremental yeah?

Now to prevent or stop WW3 that is the first

Next fix the economy and Stop the invasion

Next gut or defund the ABC agencies

Protect Americans from their own stupidity

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Have no problem with what you're defining here at all. I wasn't writing to define the issues or priorities as anybody listening to the Arizona Rally should have a very clear notion of the priorities addressed by both men.

For me, it's important to know the PERSON we're voting for at a psychological level and it's clear both men ARE MAKING THE OTHER BETTER which is a sign of some level of mutual respect and THAT is important among such giants as these two men. Both do maintain ground closer to Moderate which is the actual MAINSTREAM instead of the Progressive defined mainstream...Which is FASCISM. Each leans slightly opposite in liberal/conservative economics/spending and liberal/conservative Social Issues. BOTH HAVE PROVEN TO BE ANTI-WAR and Kennedy has slowly enterred the CONSERVATIVE REALM towards Invasion at the Borders as well as CLEANING-UP THE TREASONOUS MESS IN D.C.; especially with Intel and Medical Complex and all now know both areas are those the Uniparty uses as FRONT to hide the encroachment of Totalitarianism.

I was addressing the personality/characteristics of the men...And, don't dislike either. Both are worthy of far more trust than Kackles or any of the Uniparty Nazi's identifying as Democrat or Republican. Seeing the faults, weakness or frailty of human beings is not necessarily a good or bad thing; nor judgment...It's just relevant towards predictability in given circumstances.

For what reason are you so angry in your comment?

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Inaccurate Assessment regarding the alleged anger.

As you mention there are faults, however its time to extroll the genius propelling the collaboration. Who most likely masterminded this?

More than likely the person known for making deals with those having very different positions.

Those afflicted with late stage Derangement Syndrome, (a consistent feature here on the Beacon from both participants and editors), that needs to be extinguished. Very happy to call it out. It is hatred and vitriol at its basest, it is also absurd, dishonest, and .... stupid. If the word stupid triggers anyone do consider whether it fits!

That is the psychology that is of interest here on the Beacon.

Occam's Razor suggests the simplest explanation is likely the best.

Once again This following question begs answers, however requires consideration for the afflicted, especially those in rank denial:


That question is for anyone to opine on... not specific to Blaze.

The public explanation that RFK gave for his endorsement is interesting and convenient...

Withdrawing from the swing states is beyond brilliant.

The Dems are in full panic mode... We are taking back this Constitutional Republic, it is likely the greatest timely collaboration ever.

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I stated a wish towards this Team Effort months ago...And, saw it coming from the moment Kennedy announced his candidacy. It was a given that the OBASTARDS would view him threatening and would do as they've done...Evil is as it's played it's hand to be. What was unpredictable was the Family Contribution to this situation; which served to keep him from becoming the force he now is for this fight. Actually, don't believe Kennedy envisioned the actual enemy as he does now and it's come with freshly bleeding.

There is an Interview with Kennedy on Tucker Carlson in Rumble you really should catch. The details surrounding this clearly PAINFUL decision paint the characteristic of DNC's Mediocre and Dementia-Ridden Puppets installed for the Cabal to rule over to be as pithy and shallow as assumed from a distance.

In all likelyhood, it's very clear about Kennedy's prime motivation for this genius maneuver to be vengeance as opposed to altruism; however...Those he's given the proverbial middle finger are deserving.

I have no argument with you and there is no accounting for the Pundits, Campaign Managers, Workers or any of those surrounding the actual Strategies and Tactics surrounding this recent genius choice...Many in the real world saw it coming...Clearly, you seem to have expected it and I know I did. There were others...Carlson, Gabbard and any number of those closer to the actual locus of power than anybody here.

You bet the Uniparty and Deep State are in Panic Mode...Which is not all good. Evil has NO boundary and it's went all out to expose itself GLOBALLY as never before. There's any number of threats they can implement to create misery and suffering if not outright Conventional War. We all know a cornered animal is the most dangerous...So? The wise are prepared for ANYTHING.

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Great evaluation, honest and accurate. More for the edification of Beaconites and editors that for myself. Not suggesting my thoughts were early insights, just that there most definitely was a common tone deaf condition, and lack of vision here on the Beacon Further what is best for the Republic was less or even unimportant compared to simple minded cheerleading.

As you mention do not be surprised at ANYTHING the worst of which is WW3.

Train derailments, bridge collisions, torched food processing plants, AntiFa uprising in libtard cites, murderous terrorist cells, or some combination of the above.

While we are itemizing The WHO goons chose the Monkey Pox as virus of the day, when the truth is its a SIDE EFFECT of the Quaxcine.

Trump got the country out of the WHO long before most considered it a threat. He will do so again, this time with widespread support.

The human Immune system is very poorly understood.

There is no Vax or Quax that is safe or effective.

RFK is hardly the first to publish on this though his efforts add to the list.

Renegade MD's are now a dime a dozen, those with conscience.

The bloated ABC agencies are in for a defunding or trimming.

The corporated Pig is about to be roasted.

For those of us that survive, the future looks bright.

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Boy...I do, too. Every time thinking takes a positive turn in this period of history; it's suspect to be just 'wishful thinking.' Hoping and praying for the U.S. and all patriots loving this nation for what it was designed to be as opposed to what evil has saturated it to become.

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"penchant towards egotism and rambling" ???

hmmmm if the shoe fits

the alleged opinion of M Trump disagrees? Howz about some evidence of that assertion.

I have asked many Beaconites for evidence, so far nada. There is the fake news that simpletons read and regurgitate... Please do not make that error.


The Best Possible Decision was made, in the Spirit of Collaboration, for all the right reasons

Not more or less complicated.

RFK hit two homers in the bottom of the first inning post collaboration...

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Well, I still envision Bobby as President. We can vote for him in all but the swing states and if we get 5% of the vote he has a good path to the White House. If enough people do not wake up and realize he is the man that can save us, one possibility is that Trump’s ego will just ride on the good that Bobby does and take credit for it! He can boast how smart he was to pick Bobby or that he told Bobby what to do; I think he may gile enough to see how much Bobby can really improve things in this country and then just say, “look what I did”. I am voting Kennedy/Shannahan as well and I am going to continue as an active volunteer and canvass for them.

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He may be the question is when??

Visionaires have... visions

Patience brings.... Roses

There is no such path in '24, RFK is assureing the DemonRats get defeated and pacifying

those still suffering from Derangement Syndrome. He may have a cure for y'all

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Mr. Kennedy is a most courageous and honest man! While I am grieving for what might have been, I respect his decision, which I know he believes is God's will for him right now. I wish I could believe in Trump to keep his word; I do not. Thank you for keeping The Kennedy Beacon going. May it continue to help light the way as we fight for the truth and for our country.

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Check out his site childrenshealthdefense.org

They are on it.

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Well...sort of, anyway. Maybe suing ppl isn't the most effective strategy for defeating the problem.

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I loved watching the look on Trumps face when Robert finally made it to the mic and began to address the crowd at his rally! It was as those he realized how powerful Bobby’s message and connection with the people actually is!

Did anyone else see that moment?

In real time it looked and felt like Bobby is the President and Trump is a businessman/spokesperson. Trump looked on and listened with almost a suspicious look on his face. It caught me off guard.

How will Trump maneuver the next few months and years? Is he jealous and resentful? Or does he plan to include and promote the health and censorship free agenda we need so badly? Either way, because of my location I’m voting Kennedy/Shanahan.

Kennedy is brilliant for having changed course like this. It was the best use of the media to put himself into the spotlight that he could have ever dreamt up.

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You mis characterize the look. And yes you do not understand.

The look is eternal optimism, having the way forward be revealed.

The Collaboration may appear to be sudden, ask a better question!

Definitely not about RFK putting himself in the spotlight. Totally not the motivation.

Beaconites really need to sit, the Best Possible Decision course, and soon.

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Trump wavered regarding the experimental injection for our country’s people. Hopefully Bobby is allowed to really be affective in his administration.

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So says Jennifer. It was then and now always about free choice, never about mandates (which are not lawful)

You do not need hope Jennifer, however clear vision is useful

Peeps already drank the Vax kool aid, he CLEARLY said that and extrolled the efficacy of "options" Said he felt better in 12 hours than in the past 20... after therapeutic post Covid Dx.

If that is wavering for you, that is your issue.

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Whew! SO grateful to see this Kennedy Beacon message (as always, eloquently written) from Louis Conte! I would have preferred that Kennedy proceed on his own because he's immeasurably better-suited for the presidency than the four candidates being foisted off on us.

All along, I've been extremely uneasy about Kennedy's failure to denounce the shameful, inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people. On at least three videos, I saw his passionate defense of Israel that matched the horrifying applause by the U.S. Congress for Netanyahu. In those three videos, it was as if Kennedy was a totally different person from the one I've been watching nearly every day for four years because I was drawn to those medical and scientific professionals who rejected the Covid vaccine. I definitely know that his inexplicable support for Israel's genocide policies was unacceptable to many voters.

I often remind others that the parents of autistic children are Kennedy's solid supporters - and who can deny that they are people who know a thing or two about vaccines? Kennedy said he's not ending his campaign but "suspending" it. Naively, I realize, but I'm holding out hope because, otherwise, there isn't any.

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Pat, Bobby is only removing his name from the I-10 swing states. He said his name will be on the ballot and we can vote for him. I am voting for him. We only need to get 5% of the vote and there is a path for him winning the election.

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Pat is clueless about collaboration. Having foisted pillow beating sessions is advisable.

Some of us knew the truth about the Vaxs and now the Quaxs 30 years ago and we were not the first at the party...

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