Yes!Yes! Yes! Offense from the “third party” candidate! #Kennedy2024

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I am not a Trump supporter, but I do believe that the election in 2020 was probably a lot closer than reported and maybe even Trump was the actual winner if there had been honest management of votes.

Biden will ignore the RFK proposal. He has tricks up his sleeve. One happened two days ago when he released sanctions against Russian Banks' transactions the finance of oil sales. He wants to keep gasoline prices low. Then there are Dominion voting machines. The company is run by former Clinton people and is completely corrupt. In 2020 there were all sorts of discrepancies between at poll voter counts and votes as determined by the Dominion machines. There were also many discrepancies between exit polling and the Dominion counts

It appears the Trump is preparing to be ready for vote manipulation with more careful observation at the polls. This will not stop the Democratic machine localities from attempting to stuff the boxes.

I sincerely believe that once RFK is on the ballot in 50 states and is allowed to spend money campaigning as opposed to fighting Democrat lawyers and corrupt local officials that people will start to listen to his message. I believe that he can beat both candidates sufficiently to obtain the required 270 electoral votes.

We are a long way from the goal line. Our quarterback is about to take the field.

God bless America,

John Hamilton.

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Let's be honest, it's the 'Biden administrstion' making decisions, not the senile biden himself!!

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At 68, I have never given a dime to a candidate and never participated in a paper petition of any sort. If it gives you a sense of the energy here John, I gave the campaign $6,300 and accrued 180 signatures of the 113,000 needed for the Texas ballot. We're well over 200,000 and rolling. Yeah the quarterback is on the field, but it's all of our's blood in this revolutionary war.

Lets all give till we bleed and be glad that we are not freezing, bleeding real blood, losing life and rotting limb in the forests and trenches.

Let's fight!

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Yes! Biden Needs to Drop out now! Kennedy24👍💕

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Yes!!! Boom!!! RFK goes on offense. This is BRILLIANT.

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Get in his face all over the place!!!

Don't forget to accidentally drop that JFK jr. wrote Biden that he was a traitor, or at least, allude to it.


Biden 2007: "You Leave Weapons Behind In Middle East, They’ll Be Used Against Your Grandchild"


And what did Biden do in Afghanistan in 2021? The very thing he warned against 4 years earlier ...

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Well - it depends on what you believe the democrat strategy is to win. If they think they can jail the Orange man, they will not do this poll until he is Jailed. If they think the win by their extensive machine, boots on the ground and ballot harvesting - they will not take this up. If by some fluke the votes are actually tampered by machines they control (We did this in Chicago for years and this is public info from decades ago) then they will not take this up. If they think google and facebook will shadow ban the Orange man and RFK, they will not take this deal. Basically, if they are dishonest cheaters, they will not take this up. What do you think?

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DNC is a corrupt Evil entity !!

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What do I think? I think that everything they say and do for the next 6 months will backfire, boomerang and shoot themselves in the foot. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't at this point. Everything works for the good for those who love the truth. Everything goes to shit for the lovers of lies. The house of cards ca not stand and in the end truth stands alone.

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nice try but its a no go. Democrats never give up power RFK Jr. knows this.

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Mr Biden is in every way incapable of functioning as a president...

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I have always had a feeling that an independent candidate would become President within my lifetime. And I believe it happened in 2016. Donald Trump was nominally a Republican; he used the party to have ballot access in all 50 states. But he ran the campaign on his message, not the message of the Republican Party. In fact, he expressed disdain for the party apparatchiks while running under their banner.

In 2024, we have a chance to repeat this event. There is no automatic reason that there has to be a Democrat Party nominee for President. The Democrat Party, under the direction of Joe Biden, has turned a blind eye toward Kennedy. If Biden had a positive reason for being in the race this year, I might consider that. But he has shown contempt for most of the country while running on the narrowest of messages in over 60 years.

It's time for Joe Biden to step aside. Just as Lyndon Johnson did in 1968.

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Where is this fresh poll? The last I see on the John Zogby Strategies website talking about, the state of the race, is from March 2024. I see no numbers. I see no real analysis or even cited references - this 'national' poll said that, this 'significant' poll said this...what polls. All the while lauding Biden's 'perky' upbeat 'gains' in the past couple of weeks. Really? This is the type of obfuscation and gaslighting that I'd expect from the Biden cabal.

I'd like to see Biden drop out so it becomes a Trump/RFKjr race. I really would. Biden won't do it on his own though.

But I don't think Biden will be in the race, at the end. It will take the DNC and his/their masters/handlers to insert an alternate candidate at their opportune time before November.. Leaving us still, a three way race.

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Pretty sure the polls were part of the power point he showed live announcing this yesterday. When was the last time either of the other 2 running for POTUS showed a power point?! #kennedy24

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I can, have, made numerous powerpoint presentations. All of course, supporting my viewpoint, advancing whatever it was I was promoting. Sorta like the old say about statistics.

The article is light on substance, heavy on rah-rah.

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You miss understood my answer! I was talking about Biden or Drumpf showing a power point, not you!

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here in Chicago, as they prepare for the DNC convention, all I can think is what a MASSIVE WASTE OF MONEY it is. because they're gonna decide WHAT exactly? why on earth are they even bothering? is some state delegate gonna vote for Jill Stein just for show? how the TV talking hairdos keep a straight face is beyond me. the city's services are already strained to the breaking point, what with all the illegals that Biden's regime has encouraged into the country, yet the understaffed law enforcement community will be on red carpet detail for party big-wigs. as a former democrat, I find it sickening.

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I love RFK. But this doesn't sit well. Asking Biden to stand down limits voter choice which is the dirty trick the DNC has been up to this whole time. As much as I detest Biden and Trump if RFK won't win against trump with Biden in the race then that is the way it is.

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Mo - you say it doesn't sit well. I think it's all in how you look at it. I think he knows Biden won't take him up on the proposal, but is giving the people a show that will reveal how vulnerable his opponent truly is when he refuses.

RFK is just challenging the overused "spoiler" label by applying the facts from a large scale poll to invalidate how it's being used by his opponents to label him. Then, he's taking it a step further by throwing the same label back to his opponent with a challenge that breaks all the rules of the game they are expecting voters to blindly play.

People are tired of their game and want something real. RFK is giving the people just that by revealing exactly how much he has been underestimated. RFK's not the long-shot underdog, but rather, our incumbent president is the underdog that hopes we all foolishly believe otherwise.

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Biden is the Spoiler!!

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I fully agree - we have an administration elected on deceit, trying to stay in power on deceit, importing millions of illegal migrants to Blue Cities, where they will not lose the vote, and keep house seats that they were to lose due to drops in populations in those states - like in NY and Chicago. Biden even gave an executive order to count migrants in the census to assured seats in the house are not moved to other areas of the country. An administration founded in deceit and trickery is not capable of leading and hence the Ukraine war, inflation, and so on.

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This is too brilliant. Maybe Nicole has been fooling around with AI again?

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