Could you trust the secret service after what happened to JFK?

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I would trust Paul Blart more than I would trust the SS!?!

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Biden should be protecting RFK, Jr. Let's not be stupid.

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YES, absolutely!

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As usual, the Biden regime does as expected. This is disgusting and dangerous! The aims of the Biden campaign are clear. Security for RFK, Jr., now!

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Does Biden and the DNC want our candidate RFK Jr assassinated? Denial of the Secret Security protection definitely points towards that.

An assassination would assure Biden’s nomination, as they would try to blame the whole incident on Trump supporters.

This would help a senile Biden hide in the basement afraid of opposition assassins throughput the campaign and win a 2nd term in the general election.

Give RFK Jr Secret Security protection !!

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When it seems the Washington Mafia's malevolence and disdain for democracy can't be more glaring or in your face, the cabal do something more egregious. We are ruled by criminals.

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We have written to our own us senators requesting that they get involved immediately and demand White House action on this.it is in EVERYONE’S best Interest-and the interest of our failing democracy-that vigorous, fair, widespread active campaigning and debating take place for this and every presidential election.Mr. Kennedy is not only a viable candidate, he is a person of honour and integrity with widespread public support and influence who has a met every single threshold to have earned SS protection.I encourage every one of mr kennedys supporters to email their US Senator immediately.we are Republicans for Kennedy, our state’s senators are Republicans,but this is NOT a partisan issue. Only the embarrassment of a huge public outcry at this partisan spiteful denial will get the WH attention. WE THE PEOPLE demand that RFK jr gets the protection he has earned, deserves and NEEDS.Thank you GDBS for all you have done to date to protect him so he can be out in front of people who want to hear what he has to say.God bless you

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I am aware that several news reports have said that Adrian Aispuro was a Trump supporter. But does it really matter?

Whether he had pledged any form of support to any other candidate for office should NOT matter. It's entirely possible he was aware of the lack of Secret Service protection provided to RFK that he decided on his own that he would try to become famous while taking out a political candidate.

However, I have reached the point where enough is enough! I am sending my biggest possible contribution to the RFK for President campaign, and sending some extra to help cover his security. We do not need to devolve further into a nation of haters just because of political disagreements, and we don't need to see any more people murdered over their political viewpoints. Even if the government won't follow the rules. Biden's constantly flapping his dentures about people being shot, but when the law requires him to take specific precautions to prevent a person from being shot, he sits on his ass.

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Kennedy poses threats to so many at this point, they want him gone. I pray and SEE and KNOW daily that he is surrounded by BADASS Guardian Angels. Sorry for yelling.......

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The Washington Flat-Earthers are building Bobby's momentum for him. If that comes at the cost of Bobby funding his own protection for the time being, then he is probably getting the better deal. Get off-duty police resources on overtime and you can probably tap into FBI and police databases.

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Thank you. Also:

Origin of Covid & Whistleblowing w/Jeffrey Sachs -- VERY good but with idiot Napolitano


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