I’m beyond grateful for RFK, Jr. I am a mom of 4, have autoimmune issues and want to live my best life and be healthy for my family. It’s difficult to find good that is healthy and healthy drinking water. I’ve been praying for a miracle and he brought us RFKjr
Hearts and prayers are with RFKJr as he works in a challenging atmosphere of industrial ramping up amidst deregulation, expanding energy grids and wireless radiation, and push back from entrenched and monied forces. "May the road rise up to meet him" ...again.
So brilliant! The change has already begun and takes root today with the NIH confirmation hearing of Dr. Jay Battacharya and tomorrow with the FDA hearing of Dr. Marty Makary. MAHA has permeated the country and the government. Nice 3rd week in office Secretary Kennedy.
RFK Jr is the CEO of EPA's chief. The California Supreme Court found the science valid that water fluoridation harms the IQs at fetal stage growing within the mother and that continues during brain growth periods during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. The EPAs own lead expert testified that fluoride harms the brain more than lead. The California Supreme Court ordered the US EPA to change its rules to conform with the science, but once again US EPA has not budged. US EPA has to be brought back into court as in contempt of court order. Otherwise, RFK Jr. can order EPA to comply with their court order within 30 days, which in effect should make water fluoridation impractical.
All the other toxins require downward regulation in the water. Only non-mandatory fluoride toxin is regulated upward in the water supply. Several decades ago, the science acknowledged that water fluoridation with fluoride being the most electro-negative charge in the periodic table of elements naturally pulled out lead and other positively charged metals within lead-containing water mains and other metal pipes, and/or metallic welds to those pipes. This caused lead to be in the drinking water. The root problem causing lead to be in the drinking water is fluoridation pulling the lead out of the metal pipes and welding solder, not the pipes themselves. Water works add excessively amounts of chemicals to control pH of the water, but that cannot control the extremely electro-negative fluoride atom from tightly grabbing onto lead atoms in the pipes and pulling lead out of the pipes where lead goes into the drinking water. How exactly did we know more about the science of chemistry decades ago than we admit today at the EPA? See the fluoridealertnetwork website.
I appreciate the lip service to RFK Jr and MAHA. It would be nice if Trump would consider backing him further by strengthening clean air and water regulations instead of crushing them. These are critical for the health of the people, even Richard Nixon realized this and set up the EPA. Although I know it turned into a captured entity it could be effectively run again if only there were interest in continuing environmental regulations. Also many farmers were implementing more healthy practices on their farms but the grants associated with these were cut and many farmers were left holding the bag, and are now questioning the viability of their farms. Where will all the healthy food come from when the air, water and soils are more polluted and the farmers have been forced sell off their precious lands? If the people can't access healthy foods what is the point of any of this? MAHA seems like a fantasy otherwise.
Deliberately, I did not watch Trump's speech and am thoroughly bewildered by this issue of The Kennedy Beacon and by the Comments, especially by Louis Conte whose work I have so admired.
Having read his books, I greatly appreciate RFK Jr. Also, I watched his many impressive videos critical of vaccines in the years before he became a presidential candidate. Kennedy's recent tepid public comments have made me uneasy, but I understand that, because of the relentless, vicious treatment by the corporate press, he may need to soften his approach for a while.
Over the years I've been an Independent, convinced America has morphed into an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy. I was born in 1929 (a Depression kid) and my generation, and a few after it, were fortunate to experience the expansion of a middle class. We firmly believed we had left the robber barons behind, but now the gap between the billionaires and the rest of us is wider than ever and, as Kennedy has made clear, Big Pharma and Big Ag are in charge. There's a word for that which begins with "F" and has more than four letters. SAD days in America!
I hope that at least some who are reading this will make it a point to read the reactions to Trump's speech by Bernie Sanders and Ralph Nader who clearly comprehend the principles of the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I don’t know the particulars of this poor child’s medical history, but his chances of reaching adulthood are not good. Cancer is caused by systemic hyperactivity of the mammalian stress mechanism that repairs tissues and regulates organs. In other words, it is a systemic disease that cannot be cured simply by removing tumors, which are merely localized manifestations of the systemic illness. Brain, lung, gonads and other tissues that are replete with “tissue factor” are invariably the sites of tumor formation. This child has obviously had a craniotomy to remove a malignant brain tumor, but the very act of surgically removing such a tumor inevitably releases more tissue factor from brain tissue into systemic circulation, and aggravates the stress mechanism hyperactivity that caused the brain tumor in the first place. As a result, brain tumors almost always re-occur, unless the victim is killed by blood hypercoagulability that precipitates other forms of critical illness, such as heart disease or critical illnesses. The true morbidity and mortality of cancer is thus disguised by statistics. The present crackpot theory of cancer---that it’s caused by “defective DNA”----cannot withstand critical scrutiny. This notion assumes that cancer can be cured by killing the “defective” cancer cells using toxic chemicals, harmful radiation, and mutilating surgery. These “treatments” are all known CAUSES of cancer. How on earth can the causes of cancer be used to cure cancer?????? This is madness that flies in the very face of science and common sense, and the results confirm the madness. Cancer is a systemic disease caused by unremitting environmental stress that sometimes causes a self-sustaing state of abnormal tissue repair. So-called “cancer” cells are actually normal tissue repair cells that are hyper-stimulated by the malignant state. This is a complex subject that can best be understood by reading my book called “50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism.” This book explains how cancer can theoretically cured by synergistic combinations of anesthesia, analgesia and an antidote to tissue factor in blood circulation. Corrupt medical corporations have ignored this possibility because they profit at the price of public health.
So much of what we are seeing is positive and unprecedented. And so many of you here fought for this change!
I’m beyond grateful for RFK, Jr. I am a mom of 4, have autoimmune issues and want to live my best life and be healthy for my family. It’s difficult to find good that is healthy and healthy drinking water. I’ve been praying for a miracle and he brought us RFKjr
I met RFK, Jr., at his first Maryland campaign appearance in Annapolis in 2023. What a distance we have all traveled since then.
We trust you Bobby: No more planscamdemics!
Hearts and prayers are with RFKJr as he works in a challenging atmosphere of industrial ramping up amidst deregulation, expanding energy grids and wireless radiation, and push back from entrenched and monied forces. "May the road rise up to meet him" ...again.
Loved when he joked with Bobby about Americans being healthier than he thought in regard to the SSA roll call including 360 year old.
Go Bobby!! We cannot wait to see the health of our kids take top priority!
We believe in you, Bobby!
So brilliant! The change has already begun and takes root today with the NIH confirmation hearing of Dr. Jay Battacharya and tomorrow with the FDA hearing of Dr. Marty Makary. MAHA has permeated the country and the government. Nice 3rd week in office Secretary Kennedy.
RFK Jr is the CEO of EPA's chief. The California Supreme Court found the science valid that water fluoridation harms the IQs at fetal stage growing within the mother and that continues during brain growth periods during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. The EPAs own lead expert testified that fluoride harms the brain more than lead. The California Supreme Court ordered the US EPA to change its rules to conform with the science, but once again US EPA has not budged. US EPA has to be brought back into court as in contempt of court order. Otherwise, RFK Jr. can order EPA to comply with their court order within 30 days, which in effect should make water fluoridation impractical.
All the other toxins require downward regulation in the water. Only non-mandatory fluoride toxin is regulated upward in the water supply. Several decades ago, the science acknowledged that water fluoridation with fluoride being the most electro-negative charge in the periodic table of elements naturally pulled out lead and other positively charged metals within lead-containing water mains and other metal pipes, and/or metallic welds to those pipes. This caused lead to be in the drinking water. The root problem causing lead to be in the drinking water is fluoridation pulling the lead out of the metal pipes and welding solder, not the pipes themselves. Water works add excessively amounts of chemicals to control pH of the water, but that cannot control the extremely electro-negative fluoride atom from tightly grabbing onto lead atoms in the pipes and pulling lead out of the pipes where lead goes into the drinking water. How exactly did we know more about the science of chemistry decades ago than we admit today at the EPA? See the fluoridealertnetwork website.
I appreciate the lip service to RFK Jr and MAHA. It would be nice if Trump would consider backing him further by strengthening clean air and water regulations instead of crushing them. These are critical for the health of the people, even Richard Nixon realized this and set up the EPA. Although I know it turned into a captured entity it could be effectively run again if only there were interest in continuing environmental regulations. Also many farmers were implementing more healthy practices on their farms but the grants associated with these were cut and many farmers were left holding the bag, and are now questioning the viability of their farms. Where will all the healthy food come from when the air, water and soils are more polluted and the farmers have been forced sell off their precious lands? If the people can't access healthy foods what is the point of any of this? MAHA seems like a fantasy otherwise.
One thing at a time, there is a LOT to balance just now.
Heartwarming!! (well all of it except Wasserman Schulz who cannot put aside her petty bipartisanship and did not applaud a young cancer-survivor!)
Deliberately, I did not watch Trump's speech and am thoroughly bewildered by this issue of The Kennedy Beacon and by the Comments, especially by Louis Conte whose work I have so admired.
Having read his books, I greatly appreciate RFK Jr. Also, I watched his many impressive videos critical of vaccines in the years before he became a presidential candidate. Kennedy's recent tepid public comments have made me uneasy, but I understand that, because of the relentless, vicious treatment by the corporate press, he may need to soften his approach for a while.
Over the years I've been an Independent, convinced America has morphed into an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy. I was born in 1929 (a Depression kid) and my generation, and a few after it, were fortunate to experience the expansion of a middle class. We firmly believed we had left the robber barons behind, but now the gap between the billionaires and the rest of us is wider than ever and, as Kennedy has made clear, Big Pharma and Big Ag are in charge. There's a word for that which begins with "F" and has more than four letters. SAD days in America!
I hope that at least some who are reading this will make it a point to read the reactions to Trump's speech by Bernie Sanders and Ralph Nader who clearly comprehend the principles of the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Go, Bobby, go! Thank you for all your sacrifices!
I don’t know the particulars of this poor child’s medical history, but his chances of reaching adulthood are not good. Cancer is caused by systemic hyperactivity of the mammalian stress mechanism that repairs tissues and regulates organs. In other words, it is a systemic disease that cannot be cured simply by removing tumors, which are merely localized manifestations of the systemic illness. Brain, lung, gonads and other tissues that are replete with “tissue factor” are invariably the sites of tumor formation. This child has obviously had a craniotomy to remove a malignant brain tumor, but the very act of surgically removing such a tumor inevitably releases more tissue factor from brain tissue into systemic circulation, and aggravates the stress mechanism hyperactivity that caused the brain tumor in the first place. As a result, brain tumors almost always re-occur, unless the victim is killed by blood hypercoagulability that precipitates other forms of critical illness, such as heart disease or critical illnesses. The true morbidity and mortality of cancer is thus disguised by statistics. The present crackpot theory of cancer---that it’s caused by “defective DNA”----cannot withstand critical scrutiny. This notion assumes that cancer can be cured by killing the “defective” cancer cells using toxic chemicals, harmful radiation, and mutilating surgery. These “treatments” are all known CAUSES of cancer. How on earth can the causes of cancer be used to cure cancer?????? This is madness that flies in the very face of science and common sense, and the results confirm the madness. Cancer is a systemic disease caused by unremitting environmental stress that sometimes causes a self-sustaing state of abnormal tissue repair. So-called “cancer” cells are actually normal tissue repair cells that are hyper-stimulated by the malignant state. This is a complex subject that can best be understood by reading my book called “50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism.” This book explains how cancer can theoretically cured by synergistic combinations of anesthesia, analgesia and an antidote to tissue factor in blood circulation. Corrupt medical corporations have ignored this possibility because they profit at the price of public health.
Someone once said: It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they were fooled.
Heartrending gobbledygook to distract from theatrics such as this: