The Democratic Party's propaganda machine will use this tragedy in arguing for gun control that, if successful, would facilitate imposition of totalitarian rule over the American people by the Democratic Party!

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The right is also doing just fine for themselves on the same topics. The two parties merge at the top but let all that pretend world below look like government functioning. It isn't.

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"“RFK has been on the warpath against glyphosate for a long time, motivated by his erroneous belief that the compound is linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. As a lawyer, he has been able to extract millions from agro-chemical giant Monsanto through a lawsuit."

Poor Monsanto and its misunderstood product history.... hat tip Bill Wirtz for shill of the week!

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uh right?! he's definitely NOT the only lawyer involved in this issue. glyphosate has been banned in the EU (among other places) for what, no reason at all? Mexico doesn't want our GMO/glyphosate crops and the Biden regime is attempting to force them on them. according to this Monsanto whore, its some kind of slam on RFK jr to care about chemical ag and its effect on people's health? oooooh, god forbid.

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Let's hope people see right through how the corporate media is shaping the horror in Lewiston. They blatantly said that he pushed conspiracy theories, setting up anyone who doesn't want to go along with horrific war agenda and criminal government corruption program will try to be silenced. Again, the accused was involved in military base in Saco and treated with what medications during his stay at a psychiatric hospital? The Breggins and RFK Jr have it right, these events need to be looked at far more closely but instead we barely get any real extended or deep journalism as the public moves onto the next horror. Yesterday journalists were absolutely angry that they gave so little information and you could hear them yelling "you've haven't told us anything" as they shut down the question and answer session. Today they felt forced to release far more details but had to add their little opinion that means zero.

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I submit that speaking truth to power is an ego-gratifying exercise in futility -- a tragic waste of emotional and intellectual resources.

On the other hand, speaking truth ABOUT power to those victimized by power's savage, self-perpetuating acts is the key to weakening and ultimately releasing power's stranglehold on our lives and dreams.

JFK, MLK and RFK, Sr. instinctively understood this distinction. Acting upon it cost them their lives.

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I am wondering how RFK jr can have a 'voting record' (according to DT jr) if he's never held public office before. serious question. what is he referring to??

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Dear Gayle:

I disagree with your characterization of the federal government on the grounds that the positions of the Democratic and Republican parties are diametrically opposed on the issue of governmental confiscation of guns.


Terry Oldberg

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will continue to pray

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