While the legacy media pretended there is nothing to see, the interview with Tucker Carlson several months ago showed that Vladimir Putin is well aware that Biden is not in control. He effectively pointed to the neocons as being in control, in other words the people behind the sanctions. You can be sure that other adversaries of America are better briefed by their intelligence services and diplomats than the American people are by the press.

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Yes, Mr. Conte, the signs of the "change of the old paradigm" are becoming clearer and clearer. Those of us who have seen this coming, continue to observe the layers of the old polar consciousness, peeling away. The only option for true evolution is a totally new path. The emperor's new clothes are no longer visible. I'm grateful to be in the crowds of RFK supporters who see the naked truth. We are ready for unity, equality, restoration of the health of our home and our bodies, and the PATH TO PEACE. We know it won't happen overnight, but the positive is already in motion through the candidacy alone, of RFK Jr.

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yes the paradigm is changing but the question is why??

Flowery lingo is an attempt but does not move the ball forward.

Naked truth, wow perhaps I should attach that one??

We already had peace. It comes first from respect. Last sentence needs serious help Yvonne.

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The paradigm is changing because we finally have a presidential candidate telling us the hideous truth. The United States has become a kleptocratic bully empire, and we’re rapidly losing respect around the globe. Citizens are paying less attention to mainstream news outlets - for good reason - they exist to make money and maintain the status quo.

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I do not think so. The election theft of 2020 and the fact that the greatest percentage of Americans know this is a far more likely reason. The MSM has tanked because people are seeking information that is reliable ELSEWHERE.

The US has not recently become the worlds bullys, it has always been so.

The Deep State is not a recent phenomema. WE do not finally have a truthful candidate, we had one in 2016 for 4 years. If you have EVIDENCE, that is contrary (not the fake news assertions) please do post.

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RIGHT ON, Louis !

This is the absolute TRUTH. My prayer and my wish is for my Baby Boomer generation ~ (the eternally youthful ones who gave us The Beatles, broke out of the generational box, and did all the heavy lifting for peace and freedom and human rights and Mother Earth back in the day) will wake up, reactivate their common sense and support the only candidate who cares about what really matters and take this national crisis seriously.

Bobby Kennedy is throwing us a life raft and if we don't grab it now, America is finished. Baby Boomers are in the 3rd act of their lives . Supporting the only candidate who cares about people over profits and who speaks the Truth is the legacy Baby Boomers can leave to their children and their children's children.. There is no greater legacy than saving your country.

"Give me a sword and a piece of ground to stand on and I will give you back the country that was taken from you."

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.

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Good article. Title not so good. Watergate was a minor event. There has been nothing like this for 248 years.

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Agree, this is way worse than Watergate and that president resigned! At least Nixon had some sense.

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Nixon was about to be impeached and convicted if he didn’t resign. Biden’s feet can’t be held to the fire that way. The Dems might have to play dirty with Hunter or Jill to get him to resign.

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not sense he was forced out just as Old Joe is being forced out

The Dems have no viable option, hence the panic

Time to wake up now that a sizable # have left the Dem plantation.

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Really?? how about the 2020 Pres election theft? That is actually far far worse.

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The Title is word salad, cobbling on to the fake news that is now happy to throw old Joe under the bus. The cognitive decline of the puppet was evident over 4 years ago.

Now that its "safe" to say so, and seriously tardy, we have articles like this...

Time to realize (real eyes) that former Dems were totally clueless.

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Well Biden resigns and Bobby Kennedy steps in. That would be the smartest thing the Democrats could ever do. Will they?

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Larry Fink would never allow it

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No they won’t.

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You seem to be assuming that some level of populist sentiment still exists, within the DNC. Let me disabuse you of your naïveté, no disrespect intended.

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Great article Lou! Clearly America is ruled by 2 Plutocracies who fight for control and the people are lied to, threatened and abused and we get morons like biden and trump. They laugh at us.

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@albert venezio

There is one "Plutocracy" to about the extent that there is one "Mafia". In reality, there are a number of "families"/factions among our oligarchy who may close ranks against outsiders trying to interfere with their "action" but who will also stick knives in each other's backs when it is profitable/more convenient.

It is getting harder and harder to consider the US government to be anything other than organized crime, as Smedley Butler noticed about 100 years ago now.


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I agree.

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Massive demonstration of the error of equivalency albert. We are laughing at foolish comments.

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I hear you loud & clear. RFK is the only candidate with the "huevos" to tell it like it is.

Keep up the good work.

Rob in Yautepec

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Nah, waffling is not huevos, accurate assessment is necessary, Try it

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Excellent piece, horrible graphics. Hilarious political cartoons abound, cagle.com — and actual stills from the debate are far more effective. No need to exaggerate the “where am I deer in headlights” look on Biden’s face.

The actual pictures speak thousands of words.

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I agree about the graphics. PLEASE remove them if at all possible and do so IMMEDIATELY. They are insulting to a man who is ill in a way that could happen to any of us in our old age. Those 2 pictures make it impossible for me to share this article with anyone that I would like to convince to listen to and possibly vote for RFKjr. I'm going to write to the Kennedy website to try to ask to have those two pictures taken out of this article.

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Anon, you can delete the graphics when you set up the page to forward it. That's what I'm doing.

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Good Point.

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Nope. Not the worst such thing in history of the US presidency, IMHO.

The whole business of Ronald Reagan having advanced Alzheimer's and merely being a figurehead for George Bush the elder (an ex director of the Central Intelligence Agency- and people whinge about Putin having been a GRU officer?!) to REALLY run the USA during Reagan's second term was worse, it also leads directly to where we are today.

To this day, not many will say negative things about Ronnie. However, his administrations were a major inflection point of the CIA/MIC/usual suspects going more overt in their machinations & transforming everything formerly worthwhile about the USA to PR, spin, fakery and bullshit.

No matter how much you might have liked him personally, Ronald Reagan was the smiling mask over the USA's turning towards fascism. Plus, it set the stage for the Bush's lesser spawn to be shoehorned into office ca. 2000, with all the hilarity ensuing from THAT stolen election and the need for a splashy, war worthy distraction to get people's attention past the theft.

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Very strong points. Let us not forget it was Reagan who signed legislation allowing the pharmaceutical industry to ramp up vaccine production by providing blanket protections from lawsuits. Now we have a population with a sixty percent chronic disease rate and incidence of autism has risen from one in ten thousand to one in thirty four children. He did this to us.

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The DNC and the RNC are run by the same group. Kind of like the AFC and the NFC of the NFL. They don't care who wins, because both sides are owned. Keep rooting for your team, while they steal your livelihood.

We need to shut down the federal agencies. This is where the controlling power exists.

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@U betcha

The DNC and RNC are FINANCED by the same group. A rather small investment to control the course of one of the world's largest economies (and militaries), no?

At some point, those who paid and therefore called the tune need to be held responsible for the millions of needless deaths they have caused since WWII. The trillions of diverted, stolen and just plain wasted resources too.

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We must stop referring to them as the Main Stream Media, they are the Corporate Press, period. The smart independent journalists who got out are now the MSM.

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Brilliantly stated.

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"What I have not heard in the media processing of this scandal is an emphasis on what really matters here: the American people. The nation is rudderless, bereft of leadership and vulnerable to any manner of catastrophe with a president who is clearly addled."

Dark days indeed.

I'm a recovering Democrat, alternately angry and panicked over what more will befall our nation.

The DNC, under the leadership of SC's egomaniacal, incompetent Jaime Harrison, is another layer of insult.

He and Jim Clyburn are two of the most reprehensible actors in this treasonous takedown of America.

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Rudderless, perfect analogy 😩

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What an incredibly corrupt nation the US has become. Rotten to the core.

What is propping up this travesty--think about it.


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Richard, thank you for all of your work. The people are not corrupt but the folks behind the curtain certainly are. Americans are good and we will be fine if we can get the government to be more like the people.

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inaccurate as many people are corrupt, you are finger pointing but need two hands

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DemonRat governance, very very simple. They were the KKK and they were fighting to keep slavery. Tracks in the sand Sage.

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Great article. I approve of it all with one caveat. "the greatest political scandal since Watergate" is hyperbole, it' should read "the greatest political scandal since Watergate - that the American people are currently aware of." As much of a scandal as this is, I am certain that there are scandals far, far worse waiting to be exposed to the American people.

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Since Watergate? Try President Wilson when his wife was running the country, kinda like now along with Team Obama!

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That was obscene as well, but it was before Watergate.

But I get your point.

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@Kevin Kiernan

Yup, I was going to bring up Wilson too. Although that one didn't have quite the impact of the present Alzheimer's driven DNC fiasco. But as I wrote elsewhere in comments, Reagan's decline into Alzheimer's with the attendant control of the USA by George Bush the Elder for at least 6 years before his official 4 year tetm had long term effects that overshadow the sequelae of either Wilson's or Biden's dementia.

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