Can RFK,jr get on all 50 state ballots.? Time is moving quickly.

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He's actually ahead of schedule. Many states don't have deadlines until August.

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You bet he can, and that train is moving full speed ahead!

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Yes! Possibly 49 depending on what Georgia decides to do with their shenanigans.

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He's officially on the ballot in Georgia.

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As an example of Georgia's shenanigans, look at Cop City where they criminalized dissent and ignored the will of the people to hold a referendum. Not surprised.

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Some states aren't accepting petitions yet. Campaign volunteers are gathering 2-3x more signatures than required for each state in order to combat shenanigans from the dems.

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Thanks to all for your comments. I do keep up and collected names before he was put on the Reform Party in Florida.

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More info: https://www.kennedy24.com/ballot-access

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"which could make the 2024 election a two-candidate race between former president Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr."

Imagine the dilemma of Democratic faithful who realize voting for Harris is a useless gesture. Unthinkable to vote for Trump because Hitler. Unthinkable to vote for Kennedy because antiVAX.

Their heads will explode.

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"Unthinkable to vote for Trump because Hitler."

Tard is about right

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Thank you for this alert! Looking forward to the press conference!

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Trump should offer him Fauci’s old job.

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No, head of HHS.

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A deal has likely been made.

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silly blue team... maybe you guys should have considered an actual primary...

'save democracy' by denying it. how very 1984 of you all.

Harris, geez, what a box-o-rocks. I guess technically she was 'voted' for. sheesh...

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The Democratic party has never been in such disarray. The party leadership, from top to bottom, is to blame for nominating Biden and Harris in 2020 and for locking RFKJr and others out of the primaries this year. Bobby should make a move now, with the support he has amassed, to make a move to change the leadership as well as win the nomination of that party, with a promise to change it radically, repudiating its policies of censorship and deception. The party undemocratically committed itself to the Deep State and its bioweapon/pandemic prevention partnership with Big Pharma, whose interests are well represented on the DNC. No better opportunity has or woll come to remake a major party, which Bobby will meed to get a sympathetic House and Senate elected with him.

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Will RFK be broadcasting today’s news conference via an alternative to x?

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It looked like that was the plan, but we were only able to locate the YouTube livestream via the Associated Press: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXrysxb8_m4

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“Traditional commitment to democracy?”

That’s some crazy historical revisionism there. Perhaps rfk jr isn’t aware that after the 2016 election where Sanders was torpedoed by the DNC, it argued in court that it had no obligation to run a fair democratic election. Or maybe RFk just forgot the civil war and Jim Crow. Such a deplorable statement for him to make.

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just call it stupid, deplorable has already been misused

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cackling Harris has been endorsed by BiDOOM!!!she is a Doofus!

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It cannot be Kennedy against Trump because the Democrats will nominate somebody. The dynamics really haven't changed much.

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You bet the dynamics have changed. No matter what you think about Biden, he was the only candidate on the Democratic side (besides Kennedy) that polled anywhere near close enough to challenge Trump. Harris? Not so much.

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Fake news, fake polls, fake everything.

Surprise surprise surprise here comes RFK

Never in a thousand years could anyone see that happening, Haw haw

The Dem party has tossed in the towel, I seriously do not think RFK is stupid enough

to attempt to salvage the party after he blew a hole in their battleship.

DJT is so far ahead it is the largest landslide in American history.

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RFK is going to need some very very fat checks sooner than later.

Oh yeah, that is what the VP is for.

Problem is Musk (45 mil a month pledge) and other billionaire donors are on team Trump.

She is outfunded.

If a restaurant is as good as its last meal, Mr. Musk is serving great food.

His influence is huge, and international.

Hence the assassination attempt, train derailments, bridge collisions, "wildfires", Antifa,

Open borders, _hithole libtard "sanctuary" cities, DEI, LGBQ++ etc etc etc

Lawfare, Russian collusion lies, H Biden laptop lies, Convictions for non existent crimes etc

Tisk Tisk

For those in end stage Derangement Syndrome crisis, there is no known cure

but very bright Physicians are working tirelessly. Preliminary "studies" indicate admission of political stupidity is a necessary first step

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Wow here you are again being nasty. This does not support RFK. Chill dude

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what 'cha got Beaconites????

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The reason RFK Jr has a great chance is that he speaks brilliantly with integrity, honesty and humility. His policies and solutions on issues are always clearly laid out. He doesn’t give lip-service with one-line platitudes

like most politicians but instead gives solidly thought out solutions. He inspires hope while most politicians use warn out messages of fear and divisiveness. His environmental and regenerative policies alone would heal people and planet.

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Ignore Truthseeker He def is not.

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Did you try to say something intelligent Maureen?

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policies are solutions?? Please do reveal 2 of the most important Gayle.

do be clear, and do not post the platitudes you refer to ok??

Env., and regenerative "policies" are plattitudes until you clarify

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Here's an interesting comment thread about RFK Jr. dropping out...


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The plane ride (with his family years ago) is old news that Kennedy addressed. Also, his choice of Nichole Shanahan is excellent. She will add her knowledge of AI and Regenerative Farming (great for reducing CO2 in the atmosphere, as well as healing people and creating a greater environment and life for animals). Both of them are brilliant, have integrity and a heart for the working middle class. Both want to end corruption and capture of government by ending Citizens United. They are very closely aligned on issues.

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Yes those contributions are admirable though not remotely Presidential.

CO2 is the molecule of life, high school biology to Gayle and other climatards.

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I like Kennedy but some of his ideas are too far left and that’s where he will get his support from .

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Left and right are meaningless. He supports Israel’s genocide.

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you forgot end term aboutions and "we are in the Ukraine for all the right reasons"

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Jul 22
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incoherant replies, trying to play the education card, using words like "funny"

Brilliant high level "heartfelt" reasoning skills

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no it is not "funny"

You might try asking a moderately good question

The only reason I engage fools is to expose the failed logic

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