RFK had his chance to reach across the aisle and truly establish himself as trying to bring America together and this isn’t showing that desire at all. She is nothing but a rich elitist lawyer with a golden spoon in her mouth who has helped fund the destruction of criminal justice in the San Francisco area. She worships at the alter of climateism ( a false god). So this independent minded person who thought RFK jr was serious about changing this country’s path now knows that he isn’t at all serious about it.

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Thank you for your selection. As I watched the announcement I noticed many negative comments about RFK's choice. If they ( whoever they are) trust RFK enough to back him as our President then why can't THEY trust his choice for VP ? One of the most important decisions he will ever make. This is the same man that we will be trusting to make good decisions about all phases of our government, and yet ..... I just don't get it....... For God's sake give her a chancer, hear her out. What is THEIR problem other than THEY just like to bicker and battle. We don't need anymore of that in this election process. Our current uniparty system creates enough of that. NO MORE FINGER POINTING and BLAMING. Time for solutions, and I think we have an opportunity with this duo.

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Count me out. Very revealing and very disappointng.

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Charlie Kirk says: “RFK's VP choice, Nicole Shanahan, is a six-figure donor to... George Gascon, the pro-crime, Soros-backed prosecutor who helped wreck San Francisco and is currently wrecking LA. She also spent big on Measure J, a Los Angeles measure to reroute spending from law enforcement and prisons to "social services" and "mental health treatment" - in other words, not putting criminals and dangerous psychos behind bars.

This is a far-left pick by RFK, who is apparently looking to shore up his progressive bona fides.

Major red flag for commonsense independents and centrist voters who are also sick of rising crime but intrigued by his campaign.”

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Whitney Webb said "The director of Shanahan's foundation is simultaneously part of Open Philanthropy, which financed Event 201, a pandemic simulation RFK Jr has routinely criticized, and is mainly funded by Facebook co founder Dustin Moskovitz"

This is wild 🤯

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I watched the entire announcement event. I am so pleased and I believe that she and Mr. Kennedy are kindred spirits - a match made in heaven. She said she has seen miracles of human resilience and she believes that the healing of America is possible. We need that hope and encouragement more than ever.

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Was disappointed at first because I'd read the spin about her, but she won me over to the point where I was crying with joy. She seems brilliant and heart centered and will serve as the voice for the younger generations. Easy to see why Bobby chose her.

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Nicole sounds like an amazing independent choice!

Thank you #Kennedy24!!

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What a bunch of fair weathered friends commenting! How disappointing to see. Hopefully you’ll all leave this substack too. You don’t want change. You want things your way! We have a country/world to save w/or w/out you!! #kennedy24

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I am a huge supporter of RFKJR, however, I am extremely disappointed in this choice, unfortunately it has the appearance of her buying her way in. I pray to God that is not the case, however….

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I helped get signatures for RFK in AZ and am donating to the campaign and I am very disappointed in this choice.

Politically not a good one for many reasons. She's clearly a woke SJW that will alienate the center right. And while this is terrible to say.. the fact that she looks like a little girl.. who has apparently had several affairs.. ending in divorce.. this will not help his campaign.

And she has a child with one of the world's worst humans, Sergey Brin.

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Totally support Bobby’s pick ! He Knows what he is doing! It’s important to get him on the ballot in all 50 states! Btw vp does not matter really. It’s the top of the ivory that counts! And sh was not born rich! Worked her way up!

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What? Who is Nicole Shanahan? This does not seem like a strong move to actually get elected.

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He said leading up to the announcement that it would be a “game changer,” that his supporters would “not be disappointed”. This choice is disappointing. He had an opportunity to hit a home run. Instead it’s a soft liner to the shortstop.

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At first I was skeptical but after learning more about her and listening to her speech, she won me over. Certainly the best choice of all the options

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

My initial concern about this man with so many GREAT qualities was that he would be used to usher in Technocracy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution... bc of his investments in the billionaires' Vantage Point Partnerships. Today, he names perhaps his biggest whale as his running mate. That may have topped the day he explained his hasbara Palestinian policy, with AIPAC's gatekeeper rabbi at his side. This Camelot will out-glitter Trump, I suspect, with the celebrity, google ex-wife, juicy divorce, Silicon Valley ingenue, patent attorney "promised" to a rich crypto guru -- all while Kennedy is pitching pitching pitching crypto, the launching pad to Blockchain, digital ID, and black mirror social credit system. They'll make the tabloids. I'm beyond disappointed. This is sad.

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