RFK had his chance to reach across the aisle and truly establish himself as trying to bring America together and this isn’t showing that desire at all. She is nothing but a rich elitist lawyer with a golden spoon in her mouth who has helped fund the destruction of criminal justice in the San Francisco area. She worships at the alter of climateism ( a false god). So this independent minded person who thought RFK jr was serious about changing this country’s path now knows that he isn’t at all serious about it.

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I’m thinking that you were never an RFK Junior supporter at all. Are you here is to try to divide? As a previous person said you didn’t listen at all to her environmental as well as technology qualifications. This is a new world technologically speaking and she sounds like she’s up to the task of bringing We The People up to what’s really going on in the now real world.

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Divide what? Another, 'don't contradict me narrative'?

Why are you assuming everyone reading this blog are ardent, die-hard, take a bullet for, supporters of RFKjr.

I suspect there are a lot of us that admire the man for most (key word, most) of his views and his willingness to state them and most likely stand by them. A lot of us that abhor what the Biden admin/Dem establishment is trying to inflict on his campaign and him personally.

At the same time, a lot of us don't meld with some of his views and directions. His pick of a VP candidate happens to be one of them, especially if you look into her history.

Support comes at different levels.

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Thank you. Well said.

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I could not agree more. A slap in the face for all the REAL independents that supported him and donated.

Ug. He courts Democrats with his pick...gee, thanks.

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Republicans don't seem to understand what it's like to be a lifelong democrat who comes to the jaw-dropping realization that the Democratic Establishment is corrupt and the media is their propaganda tool. She just recently woke up... give her some time to integrate it all and address the actions of her past - which were in many ways mis-informed.

I am speaking as a lifelong democrat - previous die-hard Bernie supporter - who had a serious wake up call in 2020. It's humbling, and she's taken the first steps forward... There's more to come and I imagine many conservatives will in time be relieved to see the shift in her thinking.

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I was NEVER united with most RFK Jr supporters to begin with. They don't want to hear from the people they tormented before they, just now, decided to be independents. They are so incredibly rude to longtime independents, your comment is a prime example. No attempt to listen to longtime independents was ever made. He never promotes or amplifies our voices. He promotes people like that jackhole, Holden Culotta. Ug. That guy has nothing to bring to the table.

I am crushed, but not shocked that big donor money decided this. My $25 monthly donations weren't a match for her massive wealth.

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Try not to be too tough on someone like RFK. I am 74 and have been an independent since I was 18. My father was an independent, small business person his entire life except WWII. I’ve never thought anyone was as good as RFK since I’ve been voting. He is a common sense guy that talks about the real issues. I know exactly where he is coming from! I am there with him on bringing back the middle class, big pharma, corporate agriculture, chronic illness, etc. I trust his integrity. How many years does a person have to create a pattern where you are going to trust them? He has helped his local community, county, state and fought in federal courts to protect people for 40 years. Give him and this gal a chance. I don’t know her but I trust Bobby. I do like that she is heavy into tech and I also believe Bobby chose her mainly because of that. Our world has rapidly been changing & we need someone in authority that has a good grasp on it. Like I said, please give them both a chance. The two alternatives are not really alternatives- they are what the two uniparty corporations have decided you have a choice of. I say bullshit; say it with me. :)

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I'm sitting it out. No way am I voting for a Biden donor to be a heartbeat away, when Biden doesn't want Bobby to have Secret Service protection. This is a no-brainer.

I won't be an accessory to their crimes. I haven't voted for a winner since Bill Clinton's second term. It's NBD to me to not vote. My voice is never heard anyway. Nothing changes for me.

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Perhaps listening to his speech and hers will help you feel differently. Kennedy is no fool. He's thoughtful, he's brilliant, and he cares about this country.

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Her tenacity for the named tasks at hand is sufficient.

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You clearly don't know anything about her nor did you listen to her speech

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So didn’t give money to the Soros DA in San Francisco nor she doesn’t believe in the false narrative that man kind is causing climate catastrophe? Those issues are pure deal breakers for those who are truly independent minded who actually follow the science. You can’t believe on one hand that the CDC FDA and USDA are captured and owned by the industry they are suppose to regulate and yet believe that the EPA isn’t owned by the climate change industry and it is and industry and billions of dollars are being made by pushing false science in exactly the same way that big Pharma does it in the medical world. If RFK Jr wanted to win he needs us on the center right and he just threw that chance away. He talks about reaching across the aisle and this isn’t doing that.

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As I said in other comments, you have a better candidate? A better serious candidate? One that would actually take up the offer?? I'm all ears...

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She used to believe that... she was indoctrinated as a Democrat just as I was. And if you've tried telling a democrat that their news is a load of lies, you know how they generally respond. That was me pre-pandemic... lifelong democrat who watched CNN and read the NYT. But the pandemic woke me up to a bigger picture... super humbling experience.

Shanahan has only recently seen that the party is NOT what she thought it was. Let's see how she handles the criticism of her past donations. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

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Where are the proof of that? Please provide links?

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I like her. This is what she is talking about:

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009


Part 2: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Apr 25, 2009


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Troll alert.

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Thank you for your selection. As I watched the announcement I noticed many negative comments about RFK's choice. If they ( whoever they are) trust RFK enough to back him as our President then why can't THEY trust his choice for VP ? One of the most important decisions he will ever make. This is the same man that we will be trusting to make good decisions about all phases of our government, and yet ..... I just don't get it....... For God's sake give her a chancer, hear her out. What is THEIR problem other than THEY just like to bicker and battle. We don't need anymore of that in this election process. Our current uniparty system creates enough of that. NO MORE FINGER POINTING and BLAMING. Time for solutions, and I think we have an opportunity with this duo.

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Also I am just wondering: for all the people bitching, who was the better choice? Tulsi Gabbard turned him down. No Republicans or Democrats were going to break ranks. Other names be floated were Aaron Rodgers, Jesse Ventura, and Tony Robbins. I mean seriously. This was actually a smart play politically and Shannahan is actually intelligent, eloquent and passionate about the cause, and is light years better than anyone the Uniparty is going to serve up. There were no slam dunks that would have appealed to everyone

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Thank you for your comment. I agree. People are going to bitch and moan whoever he selects. The older I get the less I understand humans. I know less and less about more and more on a daily basis. When younger, I naively thought all the craziness would make more sense when I became an elder...... well, just another misconception. This selection could be the best choice in the world. I think they will work well together and form some policy and reform some government which can actually get us back on track. !!!! At least that is my prayer !

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Michael Shellenberger would have been perfect. The two sharpest knives in the drawer.

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hear, hear!

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Count me out. Very revealing and very disappointng.

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I was originally skeptical but after listening to her speech, she won me over

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One speech won’t do it. Look at her donation record. What an awful choice.

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Many people have had a political change of heart over the past few years. Sasha Stone, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and Naomi Wolf were hard-core Democrats until just recently. Do you think all of them are also insincere? Personally, I mostly voted libertarian for president for the past 30 years but almost always voted for Democrats at the state level and Congress. In the last two election cycles, I stopped voting for Democrats and will never vote for them again.

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I’m not saying she can’t have a change of heart but for him to pick HER after talking about eliminating corruption and working for the middle class is a slap in the face. And the people you name may have had a change of heart as you say~ but I still wouldn’t trust them to run the country.

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I get the sense Nicole Shanahan has not been to honey-pot/trap video-taped parties and been blackmailed like so many members of Congress have.

She is fresh, open-minded, curious, with the attributes and work ethic of a leader.

If she were male, slightly overweight, and wearing a suit, would that look more acceptable? I love that she is full of energy, health, and good ideas.

Let's look to the future -- blabber mouth (Trump) and dementia-symptom Biden are not the answer.

Vote Kennedy/Shanahan2024. :)

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I don't get that *sense* at all. She's as bad as Trump & Biden.. She mingles with the same old kiddie diddlers.

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Nicole sounds like an amazing independent choice!

Thank you #Kennedy24!!

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Charlie Kirk says: “RFK's VP choice, Nicole Shanahan, is a six-figure donor to... George Gascon, the pro-crime, Soros-backed prosecutor who helped wreck San Francisco and is currently wrecking LA. She also spent big on Measure J, a Los Angeles measure to reroute spending from law enforcement and prisons to "social services" and "mental health treatment" - in other words, not putting criminals and dangerous psychos behind bars.

This is a far-left pick by RFK, who is apparently looking to shore up his progressive bona fides.

Major red flag for commonsense independents and centrist voters who are also sick of rising crime but intrigued by his campaign.”

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Charlie Kirk is a douchebag

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Ah, name calling… it means you cannot put up a logical or believable argument to his points.

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No. Sometimes a douchebag is just a douchebag. I don't need to spend an hour making a "logical" argument to win you over as to why Charlie Kirck is a douchebag...

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Not is, was. She has left the Democratic Party.

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Totally support Bobby’s pick ! He Knows what he is doing! It’s important to get him on the ballot in all 50 states! Btw vp does not matter really. It’s the top of the ivory that counts! And sh was not born rich! Worked her way up!

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Whitney Webb said "The director of Shanahan's foundation is simultaneously part of Open Philanthropy, which financed Event 201, a pandemic simulation RFK Jr has routinely criticized, and is mainly funded by Facebook co founder Dustin Moskovitz"

This is wild 🤯

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Yes, wild.

I trust Kennedy’s judgment.

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I'm still so dumbfounded with RFKJ VP picked ... she's so young what does she knows about geopolitics , the borders, inflation, crimes and wars ..

Why could he picked Rand Paul or Tulsi ?

And I trust Whitney Webb investigating reports ... I relied on her the last 4yrs to bring me news

But then again .. if votes count.. they wouldn't let us vote... everything is a chessboard ♟️

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I’m sure he has a strategy.

Biggest voting group is the younger ones.

She was steeped in tech, so an insider and a lawyer. And a Chinese American.

I appreciate Whitney’s reporting!! Great heads up.

That Nicole was a part of the woke club doesn’t mean she irreedeemable.

There was a mention by her of Kennedy dealing with foreign policy

and she focusing more on domestic.

She certainly seems genuine to me.

She has made her own way through.

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Additionally, she’s a radical that supports the destruction of cities. Look no further than her support for Soros backed Gascon in Los Angeles.

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Maybe you should listen to her speech. If you are looking for the perfect VP who did you have in mind? Rodgers? Ventura? It was a smart choice based on the options available

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I live in LA and I don’t have a problem w/Gascon! #kennedy24

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You are one of the few Cindy. Everyone I know in Los Angeles is trying to help recall him.

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The naysayers here are all talking about past history. People get to change. Like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan have changed. It doesn't even really matter that she has formally defected from the Democratic Party. Merely standing on that stage instantaneously and permanently ostracizes herself from her former comrades.

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I watched the entire announcement event. I am so pleased and I believe that she and Mr. Kennedy are kindred spirits - a match made in heaven. She said she has seen miracles of human resilience and she believes that the healing of America is possible. We need that hope and encouragement more than ever.

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Was disappointed at first because I'd read the spin about her, but she won me over to the point where I was crying with joy. She seems brilliant and heart centered and will serve as the voice for the younger generations. Easy to see why Bobby chose her.

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Same here. I actually had to delete the first comment I put on this post after I went and listened to her.

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Man, these endorsements almost sound like legacy media "talking points".

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What a bunch of fair weathered friends commenting! How disappointing to see. Hopefully you’ll all leave this substack too. You don’t want change. You want things your way! We have a country/world to save w/or w/out you!! #kennedy24

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I was skeptical of he myself but I listened to her speech and ended up being won over.

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Obama gave good speeches, too.

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It wasn't a "hope/change" speech. It was the speech of an intelligent woman who is informed about the various issues that America is facing right now.

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Obama did not give good speeches. Obama gave smarmy, condescending, stomach-churning speeches. Nicole gave a great speech. She clearly sincerely cares about the issues that are most important to me personally – chronic disease, regenerative farming, environmental pollution, and the corrupt pharmaceutical industry.

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I’ll be leaving in about two minutes after I gauge the comments here.

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I wish you wouldn’t leave based on some asking you to. You haven’t said you won’t vote to RFKjr, just voicing what you’ve read, deciphered for yourself. This also is something we want back in the US. We’ve got a bit to go before our votes are counted. (Playfully with integrity) Keep this an open forum.

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Take all the others w/you, pls.!

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Free speech needs to invite dissent or else it isn't free speech. Take all the others w/you pls.! is the intent to hamper the comments of people who don't agree with you. Thus, free speech. Surely you can understand that.

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Free speech

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I am a huge supporter of RFKJR, however, I am extremely disappointed in this choice, unfortunately it has the appearance of her buying her way in. I pray to God that is not the case, however….

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If you think that Bobby can be bought then you’re really not a supporter and you really don’t believe in his integrity over 40 years. You need to ask what do you want? the choice is simple between Biden Trump and Kennedy there is no choice. Kennedy is really the only answer we’ve got. I didn’t know her, but she sounds like she’s a good choice technologically speaking, which we need somebody in the White House that knows what the hell is going on with AI and technology in general.

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You should listen to her speech. I was originally skeptical but she won me over

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I helped get signatures for RFK in AZ and am donating to the campaign and I am very disappointed in this choice.

Politically not a good one for many reasons. She's clearly a woke SJW that will alienate the center right. And while this is terrible to say.. the fact that she looks like a little girl.. who has apparently had several affairs.. ending in divorce.. this will not help his campaign.

And she has a child with one of the world's worst humans, Sergey Brin.

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Same. I’ve contributed to the campaign. Have been registering people with We The People in California. Have administered two regional RFKJ support groups on Facebook. Have blogged on people4kennedy.com . I will vote for him if he makes the CA ballot (which I now doubt). But I’m hugely disappointed in his VP choice.

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You’re 2 minutes are up and you’re still here! Take your negativeness elsewhere!!

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Again, telling people to leave is tantamount to telling them to shut up. Freedom of speech doesn't thrive in circumstances like that. As I said earlier, the allowance of dissenting views is necessary to free speech. And, yet again, surely you can understand that.

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Said it before, I'll say it again. Freedom of speech.

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Learn to cope! FFS. A lot of people donated time & money. Stop trying to silence them, Karen. Get a grip.

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Thx for the early morning laugh! Guess I can’t have an opinion. Lighten up!! I can’t stop laughing. Cheers.

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Politically, the VP has such a small role. The main focus is still the top of the ticket.

Besides, she brings the young and the women.

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Aha so you were for who? The football player? Jesse Ventura? I was originally skeptical but found her speech refreshing

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Now Trumps VP pick will likely solidify my choice.. one way or the other. If it's Tulsi.. I will likely stop giving to RFK and be back with Trump.. sadly.

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Are you refering to "Operation Warp speed, take the boosters" Trump? I Love Tulsi, but even if he picks her, I cannot support him/. He didn't drain the swamp like he promised. He has still got the pedal to the metal on the deadly mRNA shots. NO way.

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You’re absolutely right. After doing more research on her.. I’m back to being RFK all the way.

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Trump also wrecked the financial health of the country. If you don't believe it, read David Stockman's new book. Biden may have made it worse, but Trump set the stage and just as I can trust him to handle another crisis any better than he did Covid, I can't trust him to do anything good for the long term economy next time around.

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Yes, go for the grifter who doesn’t give a damn about you or our environment!! Real smart!! #kennedy24

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Tulsi as Trump VP will be hard to resist, I agree. And Tulsi would wipe the floor with Nicole in a debate, I'm afraid. Shellenberger? Not so much. But too late for that.

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Is she Jewish? All three of her husbands have been.

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Please trust Bobby and don’t judge her by past mistakes because mistakes make people wiser and stronger! She clearly is one of those people! Don’t give up on him please!

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What? Who is Nicole Shanahan? This does not seem like a strong move to actually get elected.

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Actually it is. She could inspire people under 40 who are not into Trump or Biden. She is accomplished. She is saavy in the tech world. And she can help him financially get ballot accessa

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I agree. I believe she speaks to many millennials. And coming from a tech background myself, I like the way she is thinking about using tech in the service of humanity

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Having not met her but now after doing some quick reading:

From what I've read, I don' like her. She sounds like a "brilliant idiot".

Eye candy and funding for the campaign, otherwise she seems like a terrible choice.

She seems to have terrible judgement (but I don't want to be too harsh as we all make some poor choices in life at times).

This I see as a huge negative: "She has donated to Democratic politicians such as Hillary Clinton in 2016, Joe Biden in 2020, Pete Buttigieg in 2020, and her local Congressman Democrat Ro Khanna, along with a slew of Democratic politicians across the country."

The other huge negative I see is her environmental stance of embracing the whole "climate change" garbage.

This looks like RFK just gave the Trump campaign a huge boost! {face palm}

{face palm} Could RFK have picked a worse choice for VP???

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A lot of people have woken up since the Plandemic. I don't care who she voted for or what she did before that.

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We'd need perhaps a bit more information. Yes, people can be forgiven for bad judgement in the past. But Nicole seems to not be strong on opposing the mRNA shots, she seems to believe in the global warming nonsense. If she truly went from "rags to riches" as she appears to have done and hasn't lost her soul (assuming she had one in the first place) that is quite commendable.

All in all, most of us are "armchair quarterbacking" as we don't know Nicole at all and are making snap judgements from a few bits of information that has been dug up and reported.

I'd love to hear Nicole speak to see how she portrays herself and comes across.

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She did refer to the climate catastrophe in her speech. That was the one and only red flag for me, but I know what Bobby's position is on addressing environmental issues. And it is not at all about panic.

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Yes, I disagree with RFK about some "climate" issues, but he has a very reasonable attitude and as far as I know is focused on pollution (which we should be concerned about) and not on global warming (and government interference).

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Looking for a career politician as his choice? A Kamala Harris type? Who did you have in mind?

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Anyone that isn't "progressive".

My top choices would have been: Kristi Noem or Tulsi Gabbard

Unfortunately you're going to have a hard time finding non-politicians that are interested in running for office (but I'd love it if one could be found!).

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Tulsi is clearly all in with Trump. And Kristi Noem is ultra right wing. She and Bobby have very little in common. I can tell from the comments here that this choice is mostly upsetting to former Trump voters. Perhaps people who were going to vote for Trump regardless. However, Trump has almost universal support from the people who voted for him last time. I never saw Bobby peeling off many Trump supporters. And Never Trumpers are going to vote for Biden as are all of the liberal warmongers, Covidians, and culture warriors. I'm hoping that Bobby sparks interest in the folks who never rarely vote as well as the millennials and Gen X who are going to sit on the sidelines this time.

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Yes, the extremes aren't going to budge no matter what. Also we can consider that in modern times the vice president choice is 99% meaningless. After election they virtually disappear. So usually it's just a bit of election publicity to gain some votes.

Tulsi is former Democrat, like Bobby. She speaks very strongly against what the Biden administration has been doing. Tulsi is strongly anti censorship. Kristi Noem isn't perfect, she has upset the right wing by not supporting some right wing positions, but she generally shows a strong respect and understanding of the constitution and the limitations on government (much like Bobby). Either one of them could have pulled Bobby's image a little to the right and reinforced the position of being centrist and opposed to government tyranny.

In my opinion, either Tulsi or Kristi would have helped "balance" the ticket with Bobby. Much of the critique of Bobby is that he is too rich, too establishment, too Democrat. It doesn't seem that Nicole is going to help with that at all.

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Mmm hmmm...LBJ was so meaningless. The woman is a Biden supporter. Did you not notice Biden refuses to provide Bobby with security?

Nothing extreme about it. I care about his life enough to not vote for her. She definitely bought her way in and she can never be trusted. Ever. Certainly not with his life. Talk is cheap...her record is disqualifying.

Have fun trying to woo Democrats. They will never leave the party plantation, if they haven't by now.

Watch the media suddenly be fine with giving airtime and the pollsters will poll him fairly. She's a very dangerous rat to let on board.

Seasoned independents can see right through her cheap, empty suit. Right leaners will never vote for their tormentors, like her.

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Is she a Biden supporter or WAS she? Yes, she donated to Biden and supported him in 2020 but the hope is that she has seen the error in her ways and has changed dramatically and now sees the disaster that Biden is. Still, yes, as a former Hilary Clinton and Biden supporter she's shown herself to have very poor judgement in the past.

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Tulsi would serve with JFK if he is elected probably. Being a progressive is not a sin, better than woke.

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Many people would say that being progressive is equivalent of woke. For the past 120 years, progressive has promoted more and more government. RFK is not progressive, RFK is calling for less government.

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Oops! R not J

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He said leading up to the announcement that it would be a “game changer,” that his supporters would “not be disappointed”. This choice is disappointing. He had an opportunity to hit a home run. Instead it’s a soft liner to the shortstop.

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You were leaving! What happened? Get those jabs in fair weathered friend!! #kennedy24

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No jabs here. Just a proponent of freedom of speech. Censor people who have a different opinion and have the temerity to voice it? Doesn't look good.

Personally, I don't care who she is one way or the other. Or that RFK picked her. But I'm just sayin'. Practice what you preach.

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Have read your nonsense free speech comments and they make absolutely no sense to me. Maybe you need a refresher course on the meaning of free speech because I’m not hindering anyone’s!! Cheers. #kennedy24

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You are proposing that people with a dissenting view stop posting & "hopefully you'll all leave this substack too" That's what I'm talking about. If you believe in free speech, you have to accept dissenting points of view.

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At first I was skeptical but after learning more about her and listening to her speech, she won me over. Certainly the best choice of all the options

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My initial concern about this man with so many GREAT qualities was that he would be used to usher in Technocracy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution... bc of his investments in the billionaires' Vantage Point Partnerships. Today, he names perhaps his biggest whale as his running mate. That may have topped the day he explained his hasbara Palestinian policy, with AIPAC's gatekeeper rabbi at his side. This Camelot will out-glitter Trump, I suspect, with the celebrity, google ex-wife, juicy divorce, Silicon Valley ingenue, patent attorney "promised" to a rich crypto guru -- all while Kennedy is pitching pitching pitching crypto, the launching pad to Blockchain, digital ID, and black mirror social credit system. They'll make the tabloids. I'm beyond disappointed. This is sad.

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