I was there! it was awesome; totally well organized and supported! (and kept intentionally small scale).

we were LOUD and IN THEIR FACES, as convention attendees (and a few official motorcades!) passed by within feet of us. they tried to ignore us but no way could they!

I was THRILLED to meet & get a picture with Michael! to meet and network with other like-minded citizens made me feel so empowered. some traveled from as far as Ohio and Iowa. one man I chatted with says that he was never politically active before, yet spent a month on the streets in Chicago, collecting 500 ballot petition signatures!

as the mom of a young adult son with autism, I support Bobby 1000% because he supports OUR community even though he knew at the outset, that it would cause him to be ridiculed and marginalized. he even chose a member of the Warrior Mom Sisterhood as his running mate!!


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Bobby is an amazing person who cares about people and the environment. He chose a brilliant running mate. I know that the DNC is committed to stopping him. The polls do not include his name. I was a Democrat…now I’m proud to be one of the growing number of Independents. I will never vote for the duopoly again.

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1000% ^^ me as well. I WAS a life long Democrat in the industrial region of NW Indiana. (we are the only 'blue' area of an otherwise 'red' state). my dad put in 40 yrs of his life in the steel mills here and I gotta tell you, it was disheartening (but not surprising) to see the USW (United Steel Workers, which also include our local oil refinery workers) and IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) representatives walk past, on there way to pay their homage to the DNC. ugh.

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Union workers supporting Wall Street. What the hell have we come to?

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Teamsters supported Trump. (or more specifically, Pres of Teamsters support VP pick, Vance. introduced him at GOP convention.) go figure. its upside down clown world.

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The Teamsters Union has ALWAYS been a Republican supporting union.

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really?? I'm surprised by that. I have a relative who's Teamsters out of Chicago and he's as solid Blue as you can get. even volunteered for Obama's campaign.

when I listened to the Teamsters pres introduce Vance, he said they never specifically endorsed a candidate at a convention. I guess that's a qualifier.

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wake up if you are a Warrior.

RFKJr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining forces with Trump, in order to prevent a Harris/Walz administration!

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what would this rumor have to do with my being awake? trust me, I have been 'awake' for over 15 yrs.

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RFK Jr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining forces with Trump, in order to prevent a Harris/Walz administration!

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Yes, Bobby has many who were once blue. He has many that were once red & why the DNC has been playing so dirty.

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RFK Jr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining forces with Trump, in order to prevent a Harris/Walz administration!

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do you have direct first-person source on that?

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I think he's referring to a recent Nicole interview on YT Impact Theory. The YT headline sez this, but Nicole did not say this was definitive.

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thanks. all I saw was someone's 'headline' out-of-context as well. click bait as far as I'm concerned. unless/until there's something official from the campaign, I count it as rumor.

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I am very glad you were there! NOW we just need to multiply the number by a factor or 1000!

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agreed. but in the appropriate setting. this was not that. I believe there were permits and security arrangements involved. it was NOT a 'free for all' type event; it was specifically targeted. a larger group would not have gotten to go where we went. and I believe participants were vetted before being given the location and other details.

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Yes correct. We had to get past a soft security perimeter that rhe Secret Service had around McCormick Place, so we had to be very strategic in our approach

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You say the demonstration for Bobby was "kept intentionally small"? Why in God's name would you do that?? It just adds fuel to the fire of RFK Jr being a "fringe lunatic candidate"...

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I already explained the reasons as I understood them. I was not an organizer, merely a participant. you will have to ask an organizer for anything more specific than that.

and I don't believe your 'logic' quite tracks. we didn't need massive numbers to accomplish being seen and heard by attendees entering the convention. believe me, they saw and heard. press saw and heard. plus this was not the only activity planned for the week; there were/are several more (which are not yet made public and I am not in any position to do that.)

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Because we had to get past a soft security perimeter set by Secret Service. A lot of intentional planning went into our approach. It was not simple.

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I so wish I could have joined the Kennedy group, the only candidate that makes all the sense in the world.

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Happy this is happening but sad to see that there were “dozens” of supporters. Rather see there were hundreds, or thousands.

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actually there were nearly 40 of us and it was planned to be that number intentionally.

there were limitations at the chosen location meet up; we were inside the perimeter of 'foot traffic only' and just barely outside the 'searched & vetted' area. that's why the sidewalk area you see in the photos has very little people in the background (police presence and official attendees - milling crowds were not a thing up close, like we were)

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Good to know! Thanks for the clarification! We just so desperately need RFK Jr in the White House. And getting him there is only the beginning because he’s going to be fighting against basically the most evil people in the world.

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Thank you for doing this!

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💯 💯 💯

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Thank you for turning out!! I am glad to know that the 'dozens' were only because of limited space and ability. I agree that we HAVE to get Kennedy in the White House and the fact that the Dems were happily picking up merch and getting their pictures taken with all of you means we are getting somewhere...My Kennedy buttons and stickers get people asking me questions that normally they would NEVER ask (in my case, being a Democrat in academia)--let's keep it up and get our man in the White House!! Thanks again!!!

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oh believe me, there were plenty of attendees purposely getting on the opposite side of the street to avoid us, giving us dirty and ridiculing looks & eye rolls, refusing to interact or take the cards we were attempting to hand out. but maybe only 2 or 3 overtly hostile comments/gestures. but mostly positive, true.

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In Warrior Mom's comment she said she was there and they intentionally kept it small scale.

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Thank you so much for fighting for our democracy!!

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RFK Jr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining forces with Trump, in order to prevent a Harris/Walz administration!

Democracy, has taken a sharp turn it appears... Haw Haw

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I wish so badly I could join you all! It's now school season and my mom hat is on strong. I support you all in spirit. Go RFKJR!

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Please go to the Kennedy24.com website and look for local events in your area you can join. Lots of highway bannering, farmers market tabling, and other events as well as back-to-school events at colleges ramping up. If you only drive by a highway bannering event and toot your car horn that is super!

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the banner events are supposed to be taking place on MAJOR expressways around Chicago this week.

heck in the state of Indiana alone, there are 10 regional organizers, doing exactly the things you mention. farm markets and local harvest festivals are coming up and the Indiana volunteers say they are gaining a good momentum. I live very close to Chicago so that's the event I participated in.

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Wish I could be there with you. Am in Colorado. Together We Will Prevail 👍🇺🇸❤️

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RFK Jr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining forces with Trump, in order to prevent a Harris/Walz administration!

that is what "prevailing" looks like

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It’s increasingly evident, the Democrats, DNC, Republicans, MAGA, are very confident, and comfortable, “manipulating” primaries, conventions, with big help by the media outlets, very well funded (all probably stolen money) from their puppet-masters, corporate-elites, pharma, all the other so-called powers that be!! They seem so confident & happy?? The whole world is watching..especially our enemies who want America to fall..elites and all, including the all-mighty dollar!! Where will all this madness, lawlessness, corruption end?? God only knows!! My heart tells my mind, stay with TEAM KENNDY, until the end..God Bless us all!

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oh lord, the local coverage & attention that this convention is getting here in Chicagoland is nothing short of nauseating. they're spending millions upon millions of dollars putting on this farcical spectacle. WHY? its not like the candidate wasn't already CHOSEN! spend the same money on infrastructure, homeless, toxic clean-up in MY (yes literal!) backyard! (industrial NW Indiana) Makes me wanna rip my hair out. It was out of my comfort zone, as an older gal alone, to get on a train up into the city to attend but I am SO GLAD I did!! it was empowering!

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Thank you!

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So thankful for you!! Much appreciated!!

Go RFK Jr 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙

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You lost me with your first line. Biden has been demented for YEARS. Not months, years. All the top politicians knew this. Who is running the country while we are potentially on the brink of another world war? I could give a sweet fuck about Biden or his daughter.

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that is the exact truth, despite the fake news suggesting otherwise

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happy to hear that there was indeed, some media coverage of us. I saw Michael being interviewed and many photos were taken of us. However that evening, the local Chicago TV news had plenty of gushing pieces about glitterati at the convention, they covered the pro-Palestinian protests, even aired a clip of Jill Stein (fringe Green Party candidate) giving a speech in a nearby park. us Kennedy people, with our bold signage and 2 hours of loud chanting... crickets.

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It’s totally safe for them to do a clip of Jill Stein and then mentioned that third-party candidates really have no chance. They can’t risk doing a clip of Kenadee. He’s so intelligent and he he actually has more than a chance to win and they know it. So they’re going to ignore him.

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That’s the absolute truth. Personally, I believe Bobby is playing for D chess. I believe his announcement on Friday is going to be that he’s absolutely staying in the race, but in the meantime, he’s getting a lot of coverage by this move.

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Of course they want to pretend we do not exist!!

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you do of course exist, however not exactly in the same costume

RFK Jr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining forces with Trump, in order to prevent a Harris/Walz administration!

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Go Bobby!!! God willing America will have a Kennedy back in the White House.

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Bravo !!

RFK Jr Campaign Mulling "Joining Forces With Trump" Because We 'Run The Risk Of Enabling A Harris/Walz Presidency' -- https://x.com/zerohedge/status/1825942902519865797

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As you know, Kennedy is not joining Trump. That was Nicole being tongue in cheek.

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Unintended consequences? If so, DNC should only blame themselves for smearing, censoring & BLOCKING BALLOTS. This is from someone who loathes the orange & who, in the past, always supported blue.

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will be most interesting to watch the Beacon explode tomorrow.

Beaconites have 9 weeks to figure things out. They are slow however

the greatest % will make the right decision...

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If you read the comments, we don’t want to join Trump.

Trump has proven himself to be a bad manager, a debt creature of the worst kind, constitutionally inadequate in his thinking, verbally abusive, a liar, and committed to corporate interests and corruption before the people who worship him. He got rolled by his own bureaucratic incompetence and failed to follow his own instincts during Covid, which destroyed the economy and millions of lives, and then doubled down on the government stupidity by releasing an vaccine that was not properly safety tested that maimed and killed millions in his tunnel visioned quest for reelection. No thank you.

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Who are “Beaconites”?

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Paul is very persistent. Too bad for Paul we are al Pro Kennedy here.

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It's time Bobbie. Get on the Trump train and help us bring this country back from the demonic democrat party.

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Letting all I know about RFK JR!!!!!!!!

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I hope he does not drop out and endorse Trump, as Just The News is reporting. The media, I mean the Democrat Propaganda Machine, is ignoring Kennedy. They are cheerleading and lying about Harris. They certainly influence people. But there are a lot of Democrats who won't vote for Harris for many reasons. They won't vote for Trump either. If it won't cost too much, why not stay in and see what happens.

Someone should hold the DNC to account for its Totalitarian behavior.

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does not matter what you "hope" what matters is what is best for this Constitutional Republic

the way to hold the DNC accountable is to annihilate them, RFK knows this now as before

Beaconites are late to the party but invited

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RFK is selling out if he drops out. Just like Bernie Sanders sold out. RFK dropping out will not annihilate the DNC. The people voting for RFK will not vote for Trump. They'll vote for Harris.

I like RFK because I thought he had integrity. We will see if that's true. But I do not like the Socialistic policies.

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I have a dream.

I have a dream that the DNC wastes millions of oligarchs dollars on trying to steal ballot access from Bobby, only to have Bobby’s supporters rise up and educate and convert the masses about the real change that only happens when we stand together and vote for someone who will represent our best interests in all things political.

Like I said, it’s just a dream.

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