Regrettably RFK Jr is doing one step in the right direction, but then he stops. The evidence is long since in that there was no "pandemic," and seemingly no provable virus, or at least not a viral cause of the disease, see the work of Denis Rancourt and several others, as well as Dr. Mike Yeadon, who has very carefully come to that same assessment.

Pasteur at the end of his life admitted defeat to Antoine Béchamp when he stated that "Le microbe n'est rien, le terrain est tout," the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.

As long as we do not deal with our very dysfunctional model of disease, we will continue chasing shadows and ghosts, for there are no "safe" vaccines, the concept of vaccination itself is idiotic.

Any insurance agent understands why it is impossible to sort out in a chain collision who is responsible for the accident, but medical doctors want to kill the driver of the car behind me in the chain, who may have braked on time, but was pushed into me by the cars behind him, etc. Allopathic doctors have eroded the very concepts of health and healing and shifted the emphasis to fighting symptoms with drugs or vaccines. Medicine systemically mistakes the symptom for the disease, because it is more profitable, even if it does not help the patient. The farce of Evidence Based Medicine which sounds so good, has stood all of medicine on its head, and put the disease first and the patient last. Dr. Joseph Mengele done proud! It is time for a rigorous change of healthcare, but Bobby is stuck in reaffirming the old paradigm which is the very cause of the problem. He is right on the vaccine injuries, but wrong on the virus, even if the whole story about Wuhan is true. It is not to the point, it is not the root problem.


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Not seeminly, there is no "virus" and the profession of Virology like Psychiatry is one giant

medical fraud. RFK has done irrepairable damage to the Dem battleship.

The Medical Cartel is complacent and complicit in genocide.

Pfizer and Moderna manufactured no mRNA quax, they simply distributed it.

The Gubmint was the manufacturer. The evidence is not for the faint of heart.

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Totally agree.

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The DNC is scared of Bobby because he tells the truth! Everything is bring revealed now and they are running scared!

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I'm not so sure, judging by the people commenting on this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl4Y6TvBbM8

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I know! People are not educated and listen to legacy media !

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Wuhan Lab seems to be a False Flag set up to be used for plausible deniability.

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But unfortunately, Kennedy is supporting the genocide in occupied Palestine. Kennedy's position on Israel needs to be rethought. It feels likely he's going to uphold white nationalism just like the uniparty. I think he's lost out on a lot of votes by supporting the apartheid racist state of Israel.

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Will someone pls. tell Pamela that he doesn’t support the genocide in words she’ll understand? He wants peace! Thx. #kennedy24

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It seems to me that Robert or any candidate for that matter, will be dissed for stating agreement with either side of Israel/Palestime's irreconcilable quagmires of forever conflict. This is a pros and cons war with pros and cons arguments where no side of either the war or the argument has winners. It is just loss, a very sad thing, yes. Can anyone advance peace by giving either of them guns and money? I think not. A next step forward will require something different. So far, Robert appears to be flexible with his positions if he is shown that he is mistaken. I'm certain he wants peace and so far, he has brought new twists to every old stale conversation. We will see how this shakes out. Resolution to this one may need postponed. We have bigger fish to fry.... the ones that threaten all life on Earth. Then we can return to banging our heads on the wall trying to un-pickle Israel and Palestine's forever pickle if they're still alive. All things won't always end nice in the short term. It's a very dangerous threshold of planetary evolution no matter what. I promise you it will get uglier before it gets better. There's too much coming over the horizon that we've ignored. Pray it's not too late.

If it IS too late, well, it's good to know there are a billion other planets out there.

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really Cindy, cause you say so

Evidence is required, not whatever you are suggesting.

DJT has stated "it never would have happened" he is not joking

Beaconites love to crow about Democracy, Howz about the lawfare show cases against DJT??? Crickets

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I wish that were the case. He has stated his support for Israel. Maybe he or an official from his campaign can clarify his position, if he misstated it previously.

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Are you listening to these? This is the first episode and #2 is now out, Path to Peace. Pls. do!


Are you going to rejoice if he doesn’t become POTUS?! Do you know anything about what he wants to do for America and Americans?! Does that matter to you at all?! We are so lucky this man is running!! #kennedy24

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he is not remotely in the running, DJT has north of 150 mil in support

We are not lucky, we are fortunate RFK has sunk the Dem battleship and called out Big P for their fraud. There is much more concerning this issue!

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Believe what you want! Deny, deny, deny exactly like your savior! 43% of Americans are done w/the corrupt, corporate owned, do nothing for us parties. The question is, why aren’t you?! We’ll see in November! Cheers. #kennedy24

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Thanks for sharing this! Happy to watch and learn. And I actually will do that... But I understand his position is that Hamas is to blame, that a ceasefire is not realistic because it does not solve Israel's problem and that Israel has acted in good faith to a 2 state solution. Well, that ignores the fact that white people from Europe used racism to steal land from the Palestinians who were custodians of the most revered sites of all 3 major religions living in peace with Jews, Christians and Muslims for centuries before they were removed at gunpoint by people who bizarrely believe that they are "indigenous" to the region - something all of our eyes can see they are not and something that DNA tests now irrefutably prove false. This ignores the fact that Israel has made a 2 state solution impossible by sending violent settlers to illegally build cities in the occupied West Bank. This also ignores the fact that Hamas is not in the West Bank. It also ignores the fact that Israel will not allow elections and makes them logistically impossible. Whereas, by international law, the Palestinians are entitled to military resistance (albeit not targeting civilians), Israel, as an occupying force, is absolutely not entitled to violent revenge that has entailed killing more than 35K civilians, half children. (I also want to point out that there is a question about the way Israel hides behind civilians, when the people living on the kibbutz near Gaza are physically occupying homes and land that were Palestinian in such recent memory that many of the refugees they displaced are still alive. Are the illegal settlers in the West Bank, who are armed and protected by the IOF, civilians?) I don't see a path to peace that does not involve Israel withdrawing the illegal settlements or agreeing to end apartheid and become a legitimate multiethnic democracy. Here too, we have white democracy, which is not really democracy, so it's not surprising that those who are conveniently blind to this see no problem with the existence of Israel as a (predominantly white) Jewish only state. To be clear there are non white, Arab and African Jews inside Israel, but they are treated even worse than Black and brown people here in the US. I agree that there is so much good that Kennedy could do, but not while aligning with a racist apartheid genocidal state.

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Accurate assessment is always the first clue.

Hamas was created by Israel. Psyop of psyops.

Clear and concise. Lets not crow about democracy when

lawfare cases are happening on our own soil after the stolen 2020 election.

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so you are making the case that it's somehow ok to "rethink" ones position on war and at the same time be Presidential?? I think not.

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I have no dog in this fight and I see the following - Hamas spend may hundreds of millions of western money, not to improve the lives of Palestinians, but to build hundreds of miles of tunnels and buy arms for a war with Israel in Gaza. They then baited Israel with murdering 1,400 innocents and kidnapping others. They then announced they would do this again and again. In my view they expected to beat Israel in this war and wanted the war, with no regard to the innocent Palestinian population. What may I ask would you expect Israel to do? (PS - there are no humane solutions).

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This conflict did not start 10/7/23. Hamas may have expanded the tunnels, but Israel built them when Gaza was part of Israel. We keep talking about one state or two state "solutions." But Israel has chosen a 3rd option: "the final solution" - genocide toward ethnic cleansing. Your numbers and facts are too far off for me to correct all of your misunderstandings here. Since you seem sincerely interested, my honest suggestion is for you to do more research on your own. I also think Kennedy should consider if his support of Israel as a Jewish only state is inconsistent with his defense of children. I am very disappointed in Kennedy. I've followed and appreciated his work for years. He could show real leadership by stating that he has done more learning on Palestine and has changed his position.

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February 2020 - Dr. Francis Boyle said in an interview on Infowars that covid was a bioweapon.

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In case you are wondering how this is done, the forces to suppress are massive, Matt Taibbi today posted the followng - do read the last paragraph. "Last June, in the Washington Post, University of Washington academic Kate Starbird complained that outside queries about work in the anti-disinformation field were taking a toll. “The political part is intimidating, to have people with a lot of power in this world making false claims, false accusations about our work,” said Starbird, her quote nestled between plaintive photo portraits.

“Right now, there’s a lot of bad actors who are using freedom of information requests to harass academics working at public universities,” added Alice Marwick of the University of North Carolina. “And that wasn’t something we saw until a few years ago.”

In the last year, newspapers, magazines, and even broadcast programs like 60 Minutes have been aggressively arguing that civic-minded “anti-disinformation researchers” are suffering under assault by outside investigators, who misuse tools like congressional subpoenas and the Freedom of Information Act to slow or halt their crucial work. The “bad actors” are almost always described as “right-wing activists,” “conservatives,” “Trump’s allies,” and so on, who attack beleaguered protectors of the informational realm out of “bias” and bad faith.

Bullshit. These are publicly funded researchers who’ve spent years developing tools for suppressing or deamplifying the speech of the very people paying their salaries. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to use FOIA to find out what these programs do or how they’re funded, but a look under the hood makes clear why they want things that way."

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The "leak due to spillage" hypothesis was as weak as the current Red Lobster going out of business because of their "all you can eat shrimp" special.

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In the interest of accuracy in this important article, are you sure the quote on disappearing emails should be attributed to Daszak? I read elsewhere it was a lesser known advisor to Fauci.

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You are right. This article mistakes Peter Daszak, the CEO of a company, with Lawrence Tabak, a government bureaucrat who was a deputy to Tony Fauci.

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Feel free to correct me - as I said, I have no dog in this fight. I am sick of wars, have worked in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, met generals that have fought in wars with Israel, officers from Iraq that fought in the war with Iran, am saddened by the abject hate from probably centuries of eye for an eye, tooth for tooth treatment of each other.

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This article is full of fact errors and argument holes. Peter Daszak didn't talk about deleting emails before he got FOIA requests. That was Lawrence Tabak, one of Tony Fauci's deputies. And Peter Daszak is a CEO of a company, not a government bureaucrat.

Bobby Kennedy is not alone in thinking the Covid-19 virus came out of a lab leak in China. Millions of Americans agree, from comedian Jon Stewart to former CDC director Robert Redfield. His book on the origins of the virus is good research, but it's journalism, laying out what other people have found, not original research.

We need people actually working on preventing pandemics and watching over gain-of-function research, not politicians falsely claiming credit for leadership as a boost to their struggling campaigns.

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Why would I change my name?

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There was no Covid 19. No novel disease, no virus, no spread, no excess death. Talk to Mike Yeadon, Professor Rancourt. People are losing faith in you.

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Bobby needs to become prime minister

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Unfortunately, supporting Junior helps Trump.

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Their are virtues, stupidity is not one of them.

No you will not see me, as invisibility is useful for the truth.

De Nile is not a river in Egypt. Now that you have moved off the Libtard Dem plantation,

try thinking and rational thought. I do have a savior but apparently unknown to you.

Crowing about parties? Try harder.

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DJT called out the Chyna leak early on, where was RFK???

At that time it was the wisest call. Now the evil doers have been outed.

That is why the full on panic mode.

Not a word here on the Beacon about the lawfare or the "threat" to Democracy in the lawfare cases. Crickets from the champions of Democracy. Something is very wrong here.

RFK is a "virus" chaser wanting "safe" quakcines.

There is no "virus" or viral cause of infectious disease. It's all a Big P / Medical Cartel scam.

Time to wake up peeps!!

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