Some of the most interesting enthusiasm at this gathering was for restrictions on the food and pharmaceutical industries. However there is a countervailing force in the Trump camp to strip away restrictions on corporations and drastically reduce government. The tension between those two things will be interesting to watch.

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Love this! I felt like I was actually there while reading. I’m most excited about the embrace of health and well-being at this conference. Seems like we will be able to live like every other country soon!

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It’s important to note both Kirk and Shapiro are controlled ops for the globalists. These are pretend conservatives, installed to promote the ultimate global agenda.

Don’t fall for Left vs Right. The globalists own both sides.

The globalist want to destroy the family, economy and western civilization. They do this by promoting abortion, LGBTQ insanity, war, digital ID, Military/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. Don’t fall for it folks..

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You forgot the filth which roars on pay for TV movies, shows.... pushing the boundaries of normalcy, focusing on breaking down family values, any sense of morality and making it embarrassing to sit in front of a tv screen with other family members. TURN THAT SNOT OFF.

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Except, for instance, for truly great old films on TCM - especially some of the classic Christmas films: It’s A Wonderful Life, It Happened On Fifth Avenue, Remember The Night, A Christmas Story - not to be confused with the many versions of Dickens A Christmas Carol. And there’s much more including reruns from 50-60 years ago!! 🤓

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Fantastic recap- Gonna be a Super interesting term ahead for trump and also with rfk jr in his cabinet . All eyes on jan 20 . Exciting times ahead

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I agree the whole week overall felt like a deserved victory lap, and the high energy reflected it. It was refreshing to see a younger crowd involved in such numbers and the networking happening in the hotels every night was off the charts. Excellent coverage here. James O’Keefe’s party was one to remember. Many of the speakers brought up RFK’s ideas on health, I noticed as speeches could be heard from TVs outside in the various halls. His impact is being made even before confirmation!

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For one, let's call a spade a spade. Amfest is really just a far right, extremist, inclusive Klan rally. I cant believe they paraded one of the only black people in attendance around the event dressed as a slave.

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Free country. You can call it what you want but you’re wrong.

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There were far-right elements in attendance, though I certainly wouldn’t classify everyone there as far-right. To be clear, when we’re talking about far-right I mean people who believe people of different races should not mix and that non-whites are inferior. The issue for Kennedy (and supporters) is whether the chance to make progress on issues of health is worth the risk of being in the same big tent as those volks.

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Kennedy? You mean the guy who shot up heroin for 14 years and is now telling us to get healthy? The guy who tried to use brain worms as an excuse to not pay child support?

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Clearly you know NOTHING about the world renowned program of Alcoholics Anonymous - nor of the fact that people CAN recover from drug and alcohol addiction to go on to have great lives of service to humanity.

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Wow! I guess you must believe that what you do in your teens and 20’s should drag you down for the rest of your life?! And you pulled the brain worm comment out of your clueless brain? How?! When you do some research on it I bet you’ll be very embarrassed you wrote something so stupid! Check the year he had the worm! You must listen to msm and the ladies on the view! He sure looks damn healthy to me now!! (Why are you even here since you dislike him so much?!) #MAHA

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Wow. You sound like the kind of woman that would help a man dump a dead bear in central park

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mole much ?

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You'll be ok.....it's all going to be just fine. Have a tea or maybe a decaf latté....call me in the morning.. get a good nights sleep.

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Seriously??? They did?? I hadn’t heard. Do you have visual proof?

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I guess you must have been at a different event. All I saw was a ton of people high on Adderall and cocaine, a few token black folks. The highlight of the entire event was a drunk Laura loomer and a method out Milo arguing over nonsense

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I fail to comprehend how an event like this "heals the divide in America."

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How sad. Thought RFK had more discernment.

I grew up in the right with their hidden harshness/callousness/more than occasional downright evilness.

Before the left turned into or was, turned into a frightening freak show the right was perfecting corruption on an unimaginable scale.

Nothing was to unethical in the fight against the evil commies.

God fearing monsters.

Well you'll find out.

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This is the funniest back handed compliment: “Armed with a fast tongue and a knack for dunking on 19-year-olds…”

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Wow, so interesting

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I don’t like myself sometimes for all the self censoring I do. It’s not just about having the guts, it’s about being alone as I age which is already happening.

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IMPORTANT: Klitschko family lawyer Sukhanov (https://t.me/zimovskyAL/34736) was arrested while accepting a million dollar bribe, which he accepted for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kiev city council.

The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.

War Reports - 2024-12-28 - Main Report, by



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Sounds a bit too religious for my liking.

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Sounds like a zoo I could feel at home in . . . if I were six decades younger.

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So much fun dancing in the champagne glass!

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