I’m very disappointed that this article about the escalating vitriol uses escalating vitriol to make its point. The full quote the Trump said that included the word “bloodbath” was regarding the auto industry and the continuation of Biden’s green agenda and push for electric vehicles.

I voted for Trump last election but I actually sported my “Kennedy for President” shirt at a local music festival just yesterday. This morning reading this article I thought it was a safe place for me to get a break from two party political mud slinging. I’m very disappointed.

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Agree with the lack of context re: bloodbath. I expect better than that from this campaign... which I’ve supported from Day One.

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I wonder why does the situation matter? The point is the language used is harmful, the word itself effects human bioenergetics. That word feels low vibration and even painful to me.

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Exactly. So why use that language? You would’ve had to have lived under a rock for the last eight years to not see the two party system cannibalizing each other.

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I'm not going to attack the writer Helena for being human. And maybe some people need to hear what's been used. Cannibalizing also makes my skin crawl, but I don't dislike you for using it.

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tis not a matter of humanity, tis a failed journalism attempt in a PUBLIC forum!!

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Well stated and appropriate. I cannot fail to notice how very difficult it is for an independent (51% of Americans say that they are Independent now) to actually have their name featured on the ballot.

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Omitting context does not support Transparency. Lack of Transparency is a power/control tactic.

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I agree with you but I think this idea of let’s heal the divide is going to be very difficult- though ideally what those of us following RFK dream of

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worse than disappointing, you are being patient and charitable

Tis a two party system no more

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Jul 21
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All except for support of Ukranian war (Cspan interview) full term abortions, (not peaceful or postive for the unborn), Gaza waffling

Try harder Maureen

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This is beautiful!

Separately could someone on Kennedy’s team please write about his view of project 2025?

I think the left is blowing it up unnecessarily and can’t imagine that it would ever come to be, in its totality, exactly as written.

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Part of project 2025 has been put in place already. The Supreme Court has a majority that has been accomplishing parts of the plan, even giving tRump immunity like a king despite that being against what the Constitution says in the impeachment clause and the situation which brought about founding this country in the first place.

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The Supreme Court ruling exempts all presidents, not just 45. I’d guess they’re all sighing in relief.

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facts matter?? not to peeps like Joy

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Actually, the ruling is very vague and lawyers looking at it say that most things fall under presumptive immunity which has to be guessed at, and the appeal will come back to the Supremes, which will rule as they see fit. So, no, it's not all presidents for everything, and it's the biased majority deciding, which is not what the Constitution says at all.

The justices took an oath to the Constitution too, didn't they? Yet they have broken that oath. They should be impeached for that alone.

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you are simply stating that you do not comprehend the "ruling" or its nuances

You simply do not have the reasoning capability but realize that there is Constitutional remedy. That is a good place to start, Joyster

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Joe the simple is remarkably simple

Once a Dem always a Dem

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I typed Joy

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As a somatic therapist who specializes in the dance of the narcissist and the empaths, I find this article to be spot on! Kudos to the author! I believe this issue is at the forefront of our evolution as a species and, as you speak to, is applicable to all of our relationships macro and micro . If we choose, being in relationship with a narcissist can be the greatest teacher of boundaries. If empaths can learn not to absorb the pain, sadness and suffering of the narcissist and develop healthy boundaries then, and only then, will we hinder the manipulations, gaslighting, and avoidance of accountability of the narcissist. Only then will those Machiavellian behaviors stop working for the narcissist and they would ‘hit bottom’, so to speak, in their addiction to winning at someone else’s expense. As they vampire energy (takers) the empath (givers) willingly offers up their neck. Since a narcissist has the most shame of all the pathologies, they will almost never look in the mirror, for a pattern of unaccountability is the marking of the narcissist. Therefore it’s up to the empaths to learn to stop enabling and develop healthy boundaries which will lift ALL of society up. Once an empath gets their healthy boundaries on board, the gift of their beautiful and healing heart-centered nature can truly shine.

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Fake profession for fake issues for fake people, thanks for outing thyself

Prattling about Narcissism? Self love is the first step to be able to do anything.

Healthy boundaries require accurate assessment. That is missing.

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Why the attacking vibe? Why not not just discuss? Peace out!

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your vibe assessment like others is inaccurate

I have no "attacking vibe" I do recognize false beliefs.

Little tolerance for false beliefs in public forum...

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Infamous old quote to keep firmly in mind at all times!

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

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Thank you Helena. Our government (major party candidates) demonstrate the collective codependent relationships mirroring the personal. I find the Kennedy supporters have done the psychological work and come from the heart, without being victims.

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Well said! 👏

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Your finding are incorrect as is your assessment.

Try accurate assessment, the mind controls the heart

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Jul 21
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Sweet pea, happen to be a physician with 34 years of clinical experience.

Try schooling Beaconites. The heart is controlled by the mind although feedback loops are intricate. What else ya got??

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Masters in Biology, sweet pea

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This is why I'm voting for RFK Jr for president!

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Bobby, I know you didn't write this, but it is putting words in your mouth... As probably the biggest fan of both you and your father, I hate to say this but... I quit reading halfway through. You are not keeping the promise to not run a "mean spirited" campaign. You have mentioned that several times, and I for one, was impressed and proud to support that. Yet I read here what amounts to lies, the typical spins that MSM uses against you. A couple Trump quotes in here are spun to imply an entirely different meaning than how they were said. Here is the example; "In a March 16 speech in Ohio, Trump said, “If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath.” Later in this same speech he emphasized, “I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country if we don’t win this election.” Threats and promises. Few details about issues that matter for Americans." I watched that speech. Those were not threats and you know it. Trump was talking about the health of our auto industry and the real fear for our freedom should we have another 4 years of what we have now. If those are not "issues that matter for Americans", I don't know what is. I had to double check I wasn't reading some childish, sticks and stones piece (that do hurt) from MSM.

Added.... I think we, with Bobby, can accomplish it all without lowering ourselves to their level.

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it is not "Bobby" it is very simple Beaconites using talking points from the fake news

RFK does not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning, however he is sucking the life blood out of what remnants are left of loyal Demon Rats

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Are you not doing the same thing?

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Thank you for your article, Helena. The vitriol in many responses proves your point, and I find myself wondering if these responders are planted to sabotage RFK Jr's campaign. Their harshness is distancing, and highlights the qualities of Robert F Kennedy Jr which cannot be taught or manufactured and which illuminate the presence of a brilliant and authentic individual, a leader with a calling to serve the citizens of the country he loves and the citizens of the planet. Some people weather life's crises by descending into symptomatology and remaining broken; others ascend to prioritize every type of health for themselves, nature, and all people.

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“Let’s Heal the Divide” as Bobby says! There is too much vitriol. And it does NO good! Kennedy IS the REMEDY ❤️Kennedy24🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️

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nice attempt at cheerleading, but it ain't remotely Presidential

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Appeals for unity and to tone down the rhetoric are appropriate, but what made me support Kennedy's campaign was his acknowledgement of the damage the deep state is doing. The people behind the curtain are pulling the strings and it is becomming increasingly obvious the deep state was involved in the assassination attempt. I think Kennedy is also at more risk because his background would make him more effective at dismantling the deep State than Trump.

We need accountability for the damage done to our system of democracy or the perps will just continue to subvert whomever is President. Saying, can't we just be nice in the sandbox is a niave position.

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RFK is doing just that. Obviously he is aligned with a higher power. How else could he be so courageous? He says the truth but doesn’t lower his standards of respectful communication.

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Well said, and we do need that accountability, but I doubt we will ever see that. Scary too, how those on the far left seem to not have a clue. As to the last line, remember RFK jr is "Running on Truth". As you know, he is a lot smarter and more knowledgeable than his opponents. He also is a lot more dignified and does not need to lower himself to their level. He is certainly capable of being honest and forthright and open-minded in the sandbox. So not naive at all to expect that, especially to the point of not playing games like spin the message.

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Just saw where Biden withdrew and endorsed Harris. Maybe a debate with Kennedy, Trump and Harris... could be a game changer. Pass the popcorn!

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Bobbie needs to stand back and observe his party's descent into violent communist behavior before trying to blame Republicans.

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This CBT take on the situation is spot on. Thank you.

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Thank you, Helena, and Kennedy Beacon, for this insightful post on the society-wide upsurge in narcissistic manipulation and abuse, and the critical necessity of learning from the experience. For people who are trusting, compassionate, forgiving, and caring, when trust is extended to narcissists without being earned, being ensnared and subjected to narcissistic psychological violence can be one of the hardest, soul-crushing experiences to endure. But surviving, healing, and thriving happen when we cultivate discernment so that it never happens again, and when it bolsters our boundaries through strengthened self-love so that we are no longer vulnerable or available to it.

This experience also enables us to see such patterns in the world around us, and teach others about the mechanisms of coercive control, projection, blame shifting, smearing, love bombing, mind control, toxic shame, trauma bonding, and Stockholm syndrome, which is when target/victims begin to adopt the views and lies of their abuser in order to survive the abuse. Can we see the examples, the patterns?

This type of abuse happens in personal relationships, and in work environments, schools, governments, NGOs, and other institutions because narcissists seek positions of power and domination (for example, CEOs are quite often narcissists) – and, sadly, it's happening more and more on a global scale as these deeply troubled people leverage technology and mass communication to brainwash others and cultivate legions of 'flying monkeys' (others who join in the manipulation and abuse). They can often be persuasive, even at times charming or charismatic, but the destructive behavior patterns are always the same.

As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, and one who learned greater discernment as a result, I was acutely aware during the pandemic that this was narcissistic abuse on a global scale, and it continues now and will recur even more destructively if we don't stop it.

The pandemic had all the hallmark characteristics of narcissists, including:

- Isolating their victim/target from friends, family, and associates (lockdowns)

- Lying perpetually in order to deceive, confuse, and gain an advantage (widespread misinformation and nonsensical, changing narratives coming from the authorities and their complicit accomplices in mainstream media, social media, corporations, schools and universities, hospitals and HMOs, NGOs, and government agencies)

- Driving wedges between people (shaming the unvaccinated and sowing division and mistrust of our fellow humans)

- Projection, which is accusing others of doing what the narcissist is doing (claiming that it was the truth tellers who were spreading misinformation, when the opposite was true and in reality those presenting and parroting the mainstream narratives were the ones spreading misinformation while those labeled as 'conspiracy theorists' were proven right)

- Blaming their victim/target for the narcissist's own problems, failures, and weaknesses (blaming and scapegoating the unvaccinated using twisted, absurd logic, instead of admitting the truth that the shots didn't prevent infection or transmission and in fact prevented herd immunity as well as caused untold suffering and loss of life)

- Using coercive control (mandates, lockdowns, incessant propaganda and schemes to coerce)

- Gaslighting and mind manipulation through repeatedly saying the opposite of the truth in an attempt to sabotage their victim/target's perception of reality and what they know to be true (gaslighting and dismissing vaccine-injured people saying they're lying; denying the suffering and loss of people harmed by the hospital protocols; denigrating and punishing doctors who were treating covid with great success using cheap, safe, readily available drugs; disparaging proven preventatives and remedies like vitamins C & D, zinc, quercetin, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. and the many people who successfully used these strategies)

- Emotional and psychological violence (relentless manipulation, fear-mongering, shaming, blaming, thought manipulation, de-platforming, shadow banning, guilt-tripping, firings, and forced medical experimentation with a grossly under-tested and under-performing drug)

- Financial abuse (massive job loss and widespread, wholesale destruction of small and medium sized businesses, most of which will never come back, and severe economic downturn for the masses but not the over 500 new billionaires created during the pandemic when one was created each day)

- Shaming their victim/target (shaming guilt trips for anyone questioning or rejecting the official narrative or daring to honor their values and engage in independent critical thought)

- Sinister motivations to wear down and subjugate their victim/target (mass trauma, depression, and PTSD through endless fear-mongering, blaming, shaming, coercion, and retaliation to gain domination and turn people against one another)

- Hyper-criticism to make the victim/target second-guess themself (incessant criticism of those exercising their right to bodily autonomy and questioning an illogical narrative, in an attempt to convince the masses to doubt their own powers of perception and sense of what is true and right)

- Creating dependency on the narcissist (endless messages that the government experts know best and are the only ones with the solutions; all others were dismissed, ridiculed, punished or fired)

- Intermittent reinforcement and love-bombing (telling the public, via a captured and controlled media, that everything the powers that be are doing are genuine attempts to help everyone, that all the measures are in everyone's best interest, as though from a beneficent, compassionate, caring parent or authority figure, despite the years of planning by dark organizations with eugenicist agendas)

- Smearing and slandering their victims behind their back to turn others against them and assert control and dominance, and cultivating 'flying monkeys' to join in the abuse (fostering a herd mentality to engage in cruel character assassination of colleagues, classmates, neighbors, and strangers, and the rejection and shunning of loved ones)

- Inducing Stockholm Syndrome, trauma bonding, and acquiescence as victim/targets of narcissistic abuse begin to involuntarily identify with the viewpoints of their abuser, adopting the abuser's perspective as the brain's way to overcome cognitive dissonance and survive the abuse (mass adoption of the official narratives and glorification of those giving the orders, proclamations, and dictates, regarding them as infallible saviors)

- Rage and punishment alternating with silent treatment (rage and retaliation toward anyone questioning the absurd and oppressive official narratives, punishment and retaliation through threats of job loss, firings, travel restrictions, ignoring those harmed by the pandemic measures, dismissing or ignoring the reports of adverse reactions and deaths that began to mount quickly following the rollout of the shots)

TO CONCLUDE, narcissists seek power, control, and domination, and their primary objective is the cruel destruction of other people. Demanding accountability directly from narcissists is a fool's errand since they lack the capacity for self-awareness, self-responsibility, self-correction, or empathy toward others (though they may feign this, often convincingly and with a deceptively charming personality).

Achieving governmental and institutional accountability for the crimes of the pandemic may or may not happen in our lifetimes due to deeply entrenched corruption and mass brainwashing at all levels of society, including within the courts and justice system. Many are calling for a Nuremberg-type trial to expose truth and deliver justice. When RFK, Jr, is elected, the full truth will be communicated to all Americans and his expertise in prosecuting corrupt corporations, institutions, and government agencies will be brought to bear and will serve to change the course of history.

To begin the healing process and a better way forward for humanity, we must appreciate the enhanced discernment we have gained from this experience, honoring our increased ability to recognize the red flags and warning signs of abusive pathological behavior. Individually and collectively, we ought to look inward at our own availability or susceptibility to manipulation and develop in ourselves and our children a sense of strong self-determination and self-love so that we can effectively resist coercion, brainwashing, and tyranny – and, instead, steadfastly restore and defend our human, civil, and constitutional rights and freedoms.

Thus, we can manifest a silver lining to this global nightmare of coercion and manipulation that may serve to bolster and protect us in the face of even worse schemes in the future.

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I have no desire to heal the divide with a group of people that somehow think its ok to "abort" a fetus up until birth. Its over 10 states and counting. Its called murder at that point, and just because its legal means our country is broken. The pure definition of evil.

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I’m also disappointed in an apparent anti Republican slant. Pointing out specific( and also inaccurate) “vitriol” of President Trump- but not pointing out the specific vitriol/self righteousness of DNC against all related to Trump and DEI racism against SWM etc. I’ve been a big supporter of RFK.

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