The most disturbing aspect of the assassinations of the 1960s in America is how they exemplify the way lies become orthodoxy. Our entire political culture has to change. RFK Jr is by far the best candidate to lead that change. The Allen Dulleses and Arlen Specters of this world of fakery belong on history’s ash heap.

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If what you say is true, what would be the reason to socialize and fraternize with the Criminals Against Humanity as documented in numerous photo's as RFK Jr. has allowed? Sorry, I'm not going into the past research to again find these...But, they do exist.

The Allen Dulleses and Arlen Specters were merely AGENT CAPO'S OF THE CITY OF LONDON'S INTERNATIONAL DEATH CULT CRIME SYNDICATE working through Mi5/6 and every other TWIN Deep State Agency and organization like; 'The Council For Foreign Relations and Natl. Security Council FOLLOWING THE ORDERS ORIGINATING with the Committee of 300 led by the Rothschilds.

About time we assign FAULT AND GUILT TO THE ORIGIN OF THE POISON NOW SATURATING OUR GOVT. AS A SHADOW GOVT. IMPOSSIBLE TO DENY after over 120 yrs. of escalating covert attack with TREASONOUS FASCISTS making Benedict Arnold appear an infant.

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Dulles was merely a puppet of the war supplies machine. His successors still are and will be for likely the eternal future. Layers of front men are in place to keep them comfortably ensconced. Morality is the least of their concerns.

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In Spring of 2020 with lots of time on my hands, I decided to read the James Douglass book, I was just 13 when JFK was murdered and almost 12 during the Cuban Missile crisis and still can remember the fear and sorrow I experienced. The book made one thing clear - without the dedication to peace that Kennedy pursued while inspiring Krushchev to see it as well, there is a good possibility many of us would have ben obliterated by the warmongers who were very much against him and wanted him removed.

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Yes, Curtis Lemay at the time of the Cuban missile crisis wanted to do a first strike, but Kennedy wouldn't do it.

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The Joint Chiefs also wanted to do a total obliteration of the USSR, planned that way in 1962 and to be carried out in Nov. 1963 once enough bombs were manufactured. The idea was to destroy every Soviet city over 25,000. In a related vein, if JFK didn't want to allow Operation Northwoods, Ed Lansdale could easily put him down as the sacrificial lamb in place of a dozen Cuban exiles and a dozen Floridians. That's how things got serious for the realization of LBJ's historic dreams.

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Absolutely true. All humanity owe there lives to John Kennedy

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When JFK, RFK, and MLK were murdered, America lost its soul. I still cry when I remember. Until the conspired evil that killed them is recognized on the front page of everyone's brain, the nation will continue on the corrupt, tyrannical path it is on. I pray RFK, Jr with his pure mind, honest speech and good heart can cleanse history and heal the nation. . . .This is an excellent article. Thank you.

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If there is one name to be deleted from our history maybe we could consider renaming a certain Washington airport...Dulles could be renamed, Benedict Arnold Field

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Ignorance on this topic has led to what we are dealing with today which is a rogue and fascistic operation on steroids. I may have waited too long but when it was clear something was very wrong in 2014 and 2015 and even before, where did I have to begin to find the truth? With that horrific moment in our history that we allowed them to sweep under the rug, JFK's murder. It was the launch of a far more open criminal takeover. Your book is great. Silence and ignorance is a severe infection we are all suffering the consequences of.

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Garland Nixon has pointed out a psychological problem of Americans:

"I refuse to believe it."

Not that it isn't true. Massive denial.

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What's at the core of that self denial? Fear? Laziness? Psychologically brain whipped to throw up the white flag? Many are coming around. Family protection of kids and loved ones kicks in at some point in spite of the drugs and mind solution they've poured in. Why the At&t name? I see that name lined up on the list of the worst companies of all.

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At and t is my provider and automatic name not my choice.

I think people have a hard time accepting very difficult things esp. if not socially validated thus "I refuse to believe it" rather than "It's not true." Like denial a loved one has died. An idealized image of America died.

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The criminals running Washington these days are real Psychopath's - as it is pure & plain FEAR, FEAR & FEAR that is running their stupid agenda - which is now bringing down the once great dream of the American Empire to it's knees & into the abyss.


"Lügen haben kurze Beine!"

"Lies have short legs", as we say in Germany!

Right now the lies are popping up & open to ever more Americans coming out of that satanical FEAR of their totally corrupt leaders, who built their empire of lies on the CIA-MURDER-MACHINE starting with the killing of America's honestly by "We The People" elected President John F. Kennedy in 1963 & cowardly lying & hiding the TRUTH for 60 years now out of pathological FEAR, FEAR & FEAR like all Psychopath's do . . . !


With the rapidly growing "BRICS" alliance - half of the planet has already woken up & left the sinking US-Dollar-ship - of that insane war-machine called the American "DEEP STATE".


The little German "HANSE" lasted more than 500 years - as it was built on honest commerce & on equal rules - a winner for ALL participants in the north of Europe.


If "BRICS" continue on their path of honest & equal WIN-WIN partnerships, instead of American LIES, WARS, SLAVERY & BLACKMAIL - "BRICS" will be our common glorious future - when in ten years from now, the American WAR-MACHINE will be gone forever . . . !

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I wish that BRICS were the solution, but it's as much into the WEF agenda as any corrupt government. Check out Edward Slavsquat's Substack for analysis on Russia's part in BRICS. I'm afraid no external savior is forthcoming. It's up to us to fix our own nations. We in the US are lucky to have Bobby as a spokesperson. He is getting us on our feet.

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I agree, but here is an interesting pushback worth considering.


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Here is a translation from Russian site "Katyusha" about educational reforms.

Russia has entered into an open confrontation with the West and anti-values alien to the majority of our citizens. But how can we win this fight if our education continues to be driven by the very fifth column of globalists, “digital transformers”, turning it into something soulless, networked, cosmopolitan and digital, in order to then connect to the global “university of millions” and destroy all borders, how do foresighters dream?

It is clear that this draft resolution must forever remain a draft. But this will not solve the main problem - personnel. Kravtsov, Falkov and other digital fraternity, equal to the PISA standards of the OECD global structure, the entry of Russia into which, fortunately, is frozen indefinitely, it's time to retire. And it's time for parents and teachers to massively delve into what is happening and protect traditional education in the legal field. Do we want to win and survive?

RIA Katyusha


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Kolokol writes:

"Russia has entered into an open confrontation with the West"



But way tooooo late, to avoid greater harm to the world, as I see it living in Europe.


Listen to Jeffrey Sachs, who is an American with great knowledge of all those vital data that are censored in USA & Europe. Don't forget: JULIAN ASSANGE is still in prison in London on behalf of those psychotic American War Criminals that hate the truth!



"Jeffrey Sachs Interview - The Biggest Mistake Imaginable."

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I think I agree. What keeps me guessing is that I'm not privy to consultations, pressures and subterfuge behind the Kremlin walls.

There was nothing more irritating than the Russians constantly referring to the West as "Our partners". Ugh, Paul Craig Roberts also has some strong commentary on this seeming naivety coming from the Russians.

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Well, I am a naive German of 76 years - and I have seen ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD AS MY PARTNERS - as I come from a family of medical doctors who would help you with or without money, until solid & irrefutable PROOF entered into my life, when my younger brother, my younger sister and three of my best friends from school turned CRIMINALS for money, when I allowed them through my own naivety and insouciance to steal from my always unlocked properties . . .


I do NOT regret the experience though - because this has made me learn the hard way - that REAL friends show up when you are fragile & in need, as REAL friendship is REAL & unconditional love, and has nothing to do with family or education . . .

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When talking about the CIA involvement what it really means is the MIC--huge business and their lawyers and private armies--who were able to get the US government to fund their covert actions via the CIA to protect huge business interests. Alllen Dulles and the Bushes were their hirelings, and they operated for the fascist plutocrats whether inside or outside the CIA. MIC also includes the Military. Fascists there too. Talbot describes this well.

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Bottom line for culpability is the guys who make billions manufacturing armaments. Big pool of loot to buy whoever they want and hire killers to eliminate the rest. Half of the CIA's money comes from drug trafficking, courtesy of bought-off border sheriffs and U.S. Senators, so lotsa luck stopping that funding source.

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Pretty difficult. More power to RFK JR for at least making it clear.

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The kill shot on JFK came from a shooter behind the fence on the grassy knoll. He amazingly got a hour long video produced revealing the details of the shot, and how he left the spent cartridge on the rail of the fence. He was naturally using a hollow point bullet which is why it blew out the right rear of JFKs skull onto the trunk of the car, which is what Jackie leaped onto the trunk to retrieve.

Daddy Bush was running the CIA at the time and LBJ's secretary in a taped video interview stated that Bush came to Dallas a day or two before the event, and met with LBJ to work out some details for making him the next president.

LBJ was the most evil scheming mother trucker ever to walk the earth.

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The Bush family starting with Prescott is pure evil and for sure had a hand in the murder of JFK. But there are many others that skim the cream off the top of people’s hard work that wanted him dead. JFK made the remark he was going to destroy the CIA. They couldn’t let that happen so murder was needed.

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Two more of the many interests (oil and other plutocrats) who wanted the Kennedys gone. This is why it's a big conspiracy fact.

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The guys behind the fence are visible in Zapruder 475 to the right of the tree with yellow leaves, along the fenceline. To the right of the yellow leaves a foot at the fenceline is a Hitler helmet that is actually a green fedora. Two feet to the right of him is a straw hat with a thin black hatband, tilting around from frame to frame. These two were just distractors with noise and smoke-making party favors minus the confetti. They were there to distract from the shooter straight ahead (where the fence meets the concrete of the triple underpass) who didn't make a shot. Also to distract from the storm sewer shooter of Z286 and the guy in the passenger train up on the grassy knoll who made the final shot at Z342-343. Which is why the train is airbrushed out of all the stills Linda Willis's dad took. Which is why they tried to roll the train out of there by 1pm but Lee Bowers wouldn't allow it, which is one of the reasons why Lee Bowers was shoved off the road by a black car near Midlothian after he had been given doped coffee. Lee Bowers saw the two guys of Z475 and knew they weren't carrying any rifles. Made him dangerous. Look at the James Darnell film of the grassy knoll made minutes after JFK was hit, and you see the passenger train plain as day with Roger Craig walking past and waving his left arm. It was up beyond the cars in the grassy knoll picket fence parking lot.

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Some witnesses saw a shooter on the overpass but never testified before the Warren Commission, according to Arlen Specter, which was told by one of the Parkland Hosp. doctors who talked to Specter, was there when Kennedy's almost dead body was brought to Parkland.

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JFK's frontal shot at Z220 into the throat (instead of his head, oops!) came from the southern grassy knoll. Look at the angle from the windshield hole to JFK's tie knot and throat hole. The Z286 shot to his right forehead came from the storm sewer. There may have been a guy on the overpass, but if so he didn't put any wounds into JFK. The right temple shot came from the passenger train at the top of the grassy knoll, behind the cars, and exited obliquely out the right occipitoparietal area.

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So, Oswald didn't fire the fatal shot. According to E. Howard Hunt, a couple of years before he died, an assassin named Lucien Sarti was hired. Sarti was a member of the French Corsican mafia.

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Oswald didn't fire any shots, just like he had already practiced with Gen. Walker. Oswald expected it would be a sham assassination to scare JFK into invading Cuba. By pretending to be the Castro sympathizer attacker, Oswald would get the adulation of his CIA buddies for being the sheep-dipped genius that stampeded JFK into an invasion of Cuba. Kind of like Tippit would pick up Oswald from the bus stop across from the Gloco station, drop him off at the theater, then go to Tenth and Patton to get last-minute instructions from Westbrook about blowing away Oswald back at the theater. His big chance to become the international hero who got publicity and movie and book deals for being the guy who cornered and neutralized the presidential assassin. Tippit didn't realize he was just an excuse so his death would peel cops away from Dealey Plaza toward Oak Cliff, where a big-deal unpaid movie ticket would then get the cops specifically to the theater. After Ruby's pals made 4 more calls about the movie ticket after ticket girl Julia Postal made the first phone call but nobody came.

We don't know how involved Hunt was and we don't know how many Corsicans were actually involved including for back-up sniper positioning. It is certainly credible Hunt was involved and it is certainly credible that Corsicans were invited to play ball with everybody else. Among this crowd it was sort of a badge of honor to be invited, and the Joint Chiefs and the CIA wanted all sorts of people (especially mafiosi and Cuban exiles) to be involved so that if the Oswald gambit failed for some reason, fingers could be pointed. Even the Boston Mafia was invited to have a piece of the action, but their attitude was "Nah, we have no beef with the Kennedys."

Papa Joe Sr. and his sons made sure to screw over mafiosi from far away, to have a little peace and quiet in their home turf. Even so the New York mob had a contract out on Papa Joe in the 1930's over Kennedy rum running scams, and Papa Joe had to grovel to Sam Giancana in Chicago to get the contract lifted. After that favor then his sons started locking up Giancana's pals in the 1960's. What gratitude. For instance to earn his contract, Joe Sr. liked to make midnight sales of truckloads of booze to mafia distributors, get their money for the merchandise, then have another Kennedy crew hijack the same load of booze on its way to the buyer's stash-- so he could re-sell the same batch of whiskey. Joe was careful to do that at a distance but not so much in his own back yard. But by 1963 the resentments and the operations were long distance and interstate. The CIA didn't have to invite the mob boys twice, ditto for the Cuban exiles who had been promised so much and short-changed so much.

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Is this the ultimate "cold case"?

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"Cold case" means the case is old and unsolved and neglected. The JFK case is solved to the extent we know it originated with the Joint Chiefs and the CIA, various mafia and Cuban exile interests were drawn in for triggermen [maybe Corsicans too], there was a lot of interest and help from LBJ and Texas oil and Dallas Police, and Oswald was recruited as the patsy with Richard Case Nagell a wise back-up who had sense enough to get himself dug out and away beforehand. We don't know which shooter was standing where, but that doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot compared to the big picture, which has been clear for years. They got away with it in 1963, but a repeat performance would be difficult to pull off. Especially with cameras and computers all over the place in 2023.

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Was Johnny Rosseli the storm drain shooter?

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Some of the mafiosi claim Johnny Roselli was the storm drain shooter. Other people make other claims as to Roselli's location and as to who was in the storm drain for the Z286 shot. Some claim Roselli was too elegant to be a shooter at all. He was central to getting Operation 40 up and running in early 1960 to kill Castro, since Nixon contacted Howard Hughes, Howard Hughes contacted Robert Maheu, and the first wise guy Maheu went to was Johnny Roselli. The real reason Nixon wanted the Watergate DNC offices burglarized in 1972 was to find out how much the Democrats knew about him originating Operation 40, since by then one of Howard Hughes's longtime lawyers had gone to work for the DNC leadership.

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The big problem is the their are so FEW real journalists remaining 😞

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I just finished reading ‘The Devil’s Chessboard” yesterday. Should be required high school reading. We should understand what our tax dollars empower.

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I read it a few months ago and have been sharing some of what I learned with my two teenagers.

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Nobody wants to hear truths that make them uncomfortable in their made up belief systems. The truth is often painful as is getting to it. Sometimes getting to it can be fatal. May all of these victims of our shadow government rest in peace knowing that there will be justice, just not in this life. Satan is hard at work among us.

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I read “The Unspeakable” and your book. No question. Resolved. And looking back at the Military Labs and when they began their “mind” experiments, it’s not a far reach to assume both Sirhan Sirhan & Oswald could have had their minds tampered with.

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YES HUMANS 'CONSPIRE' (Latin 'con' = 'together' + 'spirare' = 'to breathe') because we are interdependent parts of a whole. There is a key conspiratorial difference between:

1) the $$ Oligarch owned cabal which for 7000 years of 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') Colonial Empire control (including the US fake money bought 'revolution') exemplifying fear, fantasy & hate &

2) all humanity's ancient 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') Circle-of-Life conspiracy to nurture & care with, by & for all. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s model is to positively, proactively heal America & the world, through each of us in our own way. RFKJr's focus on the environment & peace Bobby's efforts include those Hormone Mimicking Complex Synthetic Chemical Pesticides, PCB Electric Transformer liquid, 24-D, 245T, Plastics, Petro-chemical based Drugs, Untested mRNA & other shots, Electro-Magnetic-Fields, Microwaves in Cell-Phones & associated 5-G, Foreign Oligarch commanded wars of destabilization & wars of aggression against Arab nations, Ukraine & others with the USA, Canada, Britain, France, Netherlands & Belgium used as convenient 'rip-them-to-shreds' bulldogs.

While Bobby's method is positive, it needs to go beyond exogenous Colonial thinking as top-down implementation within the institutionalized state towards bottom-up implementation in humanity's many 10s of 1000s of years of Indigenous abundance & practice. Bobby's organization of Children's Health Defense is an excellent example of organizing society from the TREE-ROOTS but can be streamed more effectively, in the Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes where 70% of people live today.

CULTURAL 'FRACTAL' (Fraction, Multiplier, Building-block, where-the-Part-contains-the-whole') 'ECONOMY' as an indigenous mathematical practice involves recognizing & organizing: loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale, Indigenous Peoples & 1st Nations here implemented fractal organization, empowering individuals, families, extended-families, ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), towns, cities, regions, nations, confederate, continental & hemispheric councils based on the empowered bottom fractal. Today 70% of humanity live in Multihomes with average 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of Multihome-Dwellers are extended families, living intentionally in both privacy & proximity for Social & Economic collaboration. Multihomes are the equivalencies of multi-million dollar earning, spending & infrastructure economies. Multihome-extended-family contribute trillions of $ of the most individually appropriate talents, goods, services, sharing caring/year as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are web-based Community-Circular-Economy software:

A) CATALOGUE talents, goods, services, resources & dreams. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership

B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in Tiohtiake, greater Montreal archipelago. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/5-tiohtiake-mohawk-placenames

C) ACCOUNT collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

D) COUNCIL PROCESS Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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One of many interests who wanted the Kennedys gone.

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As a student at the University of Michigan, I ran teach-ins on when I was 19. Here is the last one., was 20. https://findingaids.lib.umich.edu/catalog/umich-bhl-0566

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David, The weblink goes to a general U. Mich catalog page. What are the step by step instructions to find your teach-in?

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on the left click on subjects to see who spoke

below that on the bottom click on last heading Who's in Control Teach In

click on show more for each of the seven tapes

Donald Freed on RFK starts at 9:30 https://findingaids.lib.umich.edu/catalog/umich-bhl-0566_aspace_9a3b0e374b0c0ac5c9f80cde4486ecf4#contents

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actually , Freed (who won a Pulitzer Prize) makes a intro there. He plays a recording of RFK at 25:24.

and he talks about Sirhan and plays a tape of his deprogramming at 34:18 https://findingaids.lib.umich.edu/catalog/umich-bhl-0566_aspace_237d5dbe37a1002941ae8bea4998cb4f#contents

I haven't seen this since then!!

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David, Thank you for this particularly relevant web-link to the Ann Arbor, U. Michigan Session on Assassinations 1975. I'm glad you are playing this cognitive safety role in Robert-F Kennedy Jr.'s Presidential Election Campaign, who is particularly vulnerable for the humane role he is playing in restoring peaceful communication, human health, love & personal agency for all. I believe we must create Cultures of Peace in order to achieve these goals & safety for our loving friend RFKJr as well as all of us. I realize these loving 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') practices are unheard of in our 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') institutionally controlled still colonial society.

My own voyage of the past 60 of my 70 years of age has been with 1st nations of Turtle-Island & 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') people worldwide. Mohandas Gandhi's leadership of the 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') movement which brought 'Swaraj' (H. 'Self-rule'). As part of India's ancient Swadeshi, Gandhi also rebirthed Council Process through 'Satyagraha' (H. 'Truth-Search'). Our Indigene Community (1983) & Sustainable Development Association (Canadian Non-Profit since 1994) is focused on Sustainability rooted in all humanity's worldwide ancient indigenous heritage. In 1998-2000 while I was coordinating a GIS mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames with 36 Elders from Kahnawake & Kanehsatake Onkwawen:na Language Centre & McGill University's Department of Geography. A few elders encouraged me to bring all humanity's worldwide ancient way called the 'Kaianere'kowa' (Haudenosaunee 'Great-good-way-of-kindness, aka Great-Law-of-Peace aka Constitution) back to the mainstream of all human community. This indigenous Cultural approach of human Fractal economic association, lays a loving psychological & social foundation for peace through intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). The three parts of the Kaianere'kowa are the: 1) ~100 person Multihome, 2) time-based , equivalency accounting on the worldwide String-shell Value System & 3) Council-Process. i.e. Our ancestors are positively, proactively saying "Intergenerational-collaboration as a way of living, brings peace to all generations as well as the complementary employment of talents, goods, services, resources & dreams for all" much better than the negative reactive 'Thou-Shalt-Not', 'Noahide Laws', 10 Commandments, which our colonial societies are fearfully founded upon. This worldwide Great Good Way is the foundation of Mohandas Gandhi's work as well as is named in all indigenous societies worldwide. I'd love to guide you through these very practical indigenous steps to peace as our common human heritage. www.indigenecommunity.info PS A film-maker friend Larry Levin shared with me about meeting you in Montreal many months ago. Through Chris Lindstrom, in 2004 at Bard College I presented Indigenous Economy practices at the EF Schumacher Society international Local Currencies in the 21st Century conference, where I spent many hours singing & speaking with Pete Seeger, most interested in these practices. Our Indigene Community have developed a four part web-software Community Economy program called 'Do-we-know-who-we-are-?' based in animating the ~100 person Multihomes where 70% of people live together worldwide & here. Our method is loving ecological multistakeholder Participatory livelihood first for all, right where we already live & work, with peace & environmental justice as culturally determined through the ancient way.

DouglasJack@indigenecommunity.info 514-365-9594

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almost 50 years ago

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It's wonderful to have such amazing contributors & longtime favorite David Talbot who did a fab new show on Rumble too but can't find it anywhere.. Devil's Chess something.. found it on Rokfin awesome show folks should subscribe *Devil's Chess Club* https://rokfin.com/post/147864

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His book is "The Devil's Chessboard". I don't know about his Rumble show.

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Correct on the book title but the show was just launched w twist on that & my memory being a fuzzy place got the site wrong but the show name almost right because it's close to the book lol it's *Devil's Chess Club* Rokfin https://rokfin.com/post/147864

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