Jul 2Liked by Liam Sturgess

Wow! Dems just straight up BUYING VOTES!

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Jul 2Liked by Liam Sturgess

What in the world do they expect? Gen Z can’t afford to buy food AND fuel in the same week, their rent is so out of whack skyrocketing high they often need multiple roommates. Now they are beginning to realize the bleakness of their futures: no home, no kids, just working for the man who makes the rules AND that guy wants them to vote for him? It makes me sick

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Well said. Rock and a hard place.

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succinct but incomplete comment

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Makes me amused. As if young, struggling folks will vote to perpetuate their dire situation over the only viable candidate who is expressing any real concern for them? More corporate Dem solipsism bound to backfire.

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and we can pretend that the economic demise did not exponentially increase with the Bidenista regime?? Maybe some lucid refugee off the Dem plantation can explain??

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Crazy !

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Jul 2Liked by Liam Sturgess

It would have been nice to have explained Gen Z as cohort born between ~ 1990 and 2005

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Excellent point, Boris, thank you for clarifying this.

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Further proof of Tucker Carlson's statement “There has never been a candidate for president the media hated more than Robert F. Kennedy Jr.”


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Get over the Republican Democrat Paradigm. It's Globalist Banksters that are funding the very real attack on democracy, and it is coming from both sides. Both Parties are infiltrated and controlled by the same people. Stop thinking you've only got 2 choices.

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I couldn’t agree more! The DNC & GOP are protecting their donor class! I personally think RFK Junior is the only real choice this election to fight this corruption. He knows the evil players, and how the system works.

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If only we could get him in. He's a very brave man for even running.

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What's wrong with just stuffing the ballot box? It worked before.

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Thankfully, to the extent this was a significant problem in the 2020 election, it's my understanding that many states have since patched up the loopholes that allowed for such stuffing of the ballot box. Mass mail-in voting opened up a lot of doors for fraud, ballot harvesting and low standards of signature match checking, but this should be far less of a problem in 2024.

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incomplete analysis, there is a way forward to prevent such stuffing

Mike Lindell has the details. There are other efforts including cleaning the voter rolls.

Proving dead people have been voting for a decade, addresses where its convenient to pick up hundreds of ballots etc etc etc

It will be less of a problem in '24 though the problem is hardly solved.

Lets be crystal clear. The reason for the discussion is that it is now safe to do so.

2020 was stolen from DJT. THAT IS THE ISSUE, and why the discussion is front row and center, not because RFK now admits it!!

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Awesome! Let them use their massive resources to inadvertently help the Kennedy campaign. If there is one thing we can count on from corporate Dems, it is pathological solipsism.

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Very amusing to watch the implosive shards of the Dem party further implode. They are in a state of absolute panic. Dems either allowed the party to be used for the Summer of Love, the destruction of libtard governed cities, repulsive child gendering assaults or were always that degenerate.

The fact that RFK is waffling so much on the important issues is unPresidential.

Let the word salad commence.

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There is a difference between nuance and waffling. Most issues aren't black and white, but multi-colored with various degrees of hue and intensity.

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that is true, but vague

No need to "most issues" the critical issues

Hence the assessment waffling

Lets not go into the weeds, the issues were clear

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