“To ensure more Americans than ever before can take part in the democratic process.” That is rich, coming from the DNC! I think, after recent years, that a lot more Americans can better sense who is lying to them, who is posing, and who truly has their interests at heart.

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Yes, I couldn't help but give a painful chuckle when I first heard that in the video. It's a dark irony.

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I encourage everyone to click on the most recent data link, and then click on DNC SERVICES CORP in a new tab. Fun times at the FEC! The DNC isn't what everyone thinks it is. They're honest only when they have to be.


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Thanks for highlighting this, Peter!

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Has everyone seen Jeffery Sacks speech at the Munich Security Conference?

US foreign policy for the last thirty years. The truth.

Short version with transcript.


Long version with transcript.


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