They screwed themselves. They deserve to lose the presidency! Bobby 24!

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They do deserve the annihilation. However it is not RFK that is a frontrunner though he expertly fired the most important kill shot.

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Brooks's deep affiliations with the war machine, the CFR, the big philanthropies, and the Federalist Society tell us all we need to understand just how corrupt the Democratic Party is. Taylor Swift? Oprah? Michelle Obama as moderators of "forums?" Everything about the DNC is putrid. It's astonishing how many Americans remain the dupes of the Dems' "Save democracy" cri de coeur. Great piece Liam.

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Thanks, Elizabeth!

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I appreciate the kind words, Elizabeth! :)

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Very astute assessment. Putrid is too kind a descriptor. The Dem party is finished.

If they try to handoff to RFK I would not be surprised.

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Let the corrupt DNC reap what they sow.

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They've left themselves without options. This is why allowing primary challengers was always the correct choice, and it's the fault of the DNC for actively blocking them.

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question remains when did they begin sowing?

Hint: it was long before RFK made his bid...

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Why no mention of Democratic Candidate Marianne Williamson who has support of younger voters and has remained clear and strong in her commitment to reclaim a government of the people.

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The Kennedy Beacon specifically supports Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign for the presidency. We supported him when he was running for the Democratic nomination, and now as an independent. We recognize there are other candidates with great ideas, many of which Kennedy also champions!

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would have never guessed, Why do you not just use your name Louis?

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This is a good job of revealing the deep state integration of the two Democratic Party luminaries who put forward the blitz primary idea. It looks like Democratic Party voters would be served a short menu of potential candidates acceptable to the deep state. Not democratic, and it would not be seen as democratic by many in the public either.

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Definitely not democratic! About time the party changed its name, methinks. Thanks, Ches :)

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Well summarized, Ches. Thank you!

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It is likely much worse. The Deep State controllers has already chosen the next installation.

Fortunately it is a total failure as there is no viable option.

Expect more train derailments, bridge collapes, fertilizer plant torching, Antifa, shootings, virus non science, "wild fires", WW3? etc etc

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Cultural icons, Michelle maybe, Oprah as a TV star okay, Swift?? what’s her importance - get real?

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Fascinating, right? She's certainly an icon in the pop music world, and one shouldn't underestimate her sway over zoomers. Still, it's a bit contrived elevating her to political kingmaker.

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contrived? no need to candy coat It is insane suggesting that such a person is suddently Presidential

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Mike, Adreno Oprah, Swifty, none are fit for dog catcher of small municipality

Matters not, as the People have chosen.

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Voters can learn important facts from a recent Kennedy speech delivered at the Nixon Library in which he makes clear that the ever-increasing influence of corporations is destroying this country. (The reason he's so strenuously opposed by the oligarchs!) He emphasized that the health of Americans compares unfavorably with even some of the poorest countries. Asked in 2013 if they were proud of America, 85% of respondents said Yes, but in 2024 only 18% did. Kennedy declared that he would cut the military budget by 50% and spend that money on health care, education et al. Alleluia! His delivery seemed rushed, but his stated values could lead to an overwhelming win IF voters outsmart their betrayal by the corporate-captured MSM and urge family and friends to listen to what he's saying. We owe it to those who come after us to prevent more billionaires and endless wars. Kennedy said America should not try to dominate the world but to inspire it.

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Thanks, Pat!

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, RFK's running mate must be a multi billionaire, So what?? Kennedy is a multi millionaire, so what?? The corporate hog has always been allowed endless feeding opportunities.

The Chevron decision prevents ABC agencies from facilitating the frenzy. Hand on its going to be a rough landing.

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LMAO that's how they are going to get rid of the Kamala problem without offending the KHive

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On the other hand, this idea requires Kamala to go along with it. Tough sell.

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The politics of skipping over Kamala are dang near impossible to overcome, for multiple obvious reasons.

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Best line was from Trump who told a rally thart Kamala was brilliant pick and best insurance policy ever, if she were halfway competent Joe would have been retired years ago.. lmao true story!!

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you said it, and the assessment is accurate though unpopular here

The truth is generally unpopular.

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Hence the handoff shuffle and the timing.

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Crystal clear. There is zero chance a plan is not in full swing.

Offending people is the least of the Deep States concerns.

KH is widely despised.

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In my view the so called elite seem to think they can win with crafty behavior. Like witches in a Shakespeare play - they sit around the caldron plotting and planning with evil intent it would appear.

However, they are simply dumping Biden because he is losing. If he was winning, they would be happy to have him - how sick is that? Somehow they think they can do a switcharoo of candidates and the voters will not care. I have my doubts - I think we do care. Not all of us, but enough that their poll numbers will likely worsen if they toss Biden.

On a positive note, the idea that the Democrats cheated to beat Trump is challenged by this panic. If they truly can cheat on a massive scale they would stay with Biden. It would seem Trump's lead is too big to overcome by ballot harvesting, boots on the ground and the occasional stuffing the ballot box.

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Far worse, it is election theft pure and simple, as in 2020.

The problem is that in '24 if will be far far more difficult.

Hence giving millions of illegals SS# and the "right" to vote.

We are witnessing another American Revolution.

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Sadly true - eventually when they give them the right to vote. Today in California, get a drivers license - you are automatically registered to vote -even if yo are not a citizen. And the Dem's in congress voted against a law that would prevent this unless you showed proof of citizenship. Hence defeating Biden with Trump or RFK is mandatory.

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Indeed, however perhaps another landmark Sup. Ct. decision can stop the invasion in its tracks??

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A Trump vs Bobbie matchup will put the democrat party deep into the toilet.

Bobbie"s only leg to stand on, his anti-vax stance will be knocked out from under him when Trump shows how criminals Birx, Fauci, and Bourla mislead him on mRNA technology and besides that, the democrat party will not abandon their current Whitehouse dream team because they don't need, or desire anyone smarter for their evil tyrannical plans.

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Trump admit he was a fool? Never

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It doesn't appear to be in his skillset, unfortunately!

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And what skillset would that be author?? I and others are listening!

Please do use your skillset, all of them.

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If he did admit that he was duped by deep state entrenched lifetime bureaucrats, he'd be joining the 230 million or so folks that also took the bait thus, increasing the odds of re-election.

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Nah, he needs no such admission. However the character assessment is fully accurate for many...

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Accurate Assessment. Hence the panic. Former Dems off the Plantation are ever so slowly waking up.

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I think RFK's going to take America by storm. It has started to happen. I believe he will be our President.


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Great job outing Rosa Brooks, as she much prefers conducted affairs from the cobwebs.

Mostly false about the Dem party imploding post debate. RFK expertly shot an irreparable hole in their battleship long before. We are witnessing pure theater.

The failed DNC has no good option having painted themself into a corner.

In any case DJT is so far ahead he is out of site. That is a very very good thing.

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By the time the presidential election is over, it will be time for a Democratic Party makeover, which needs to be deeper than cosmetic. Further fissures will become a festering fistula...or something like that.

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It's already settled that Biden will continue as planned, but the media attention on alternatives shows not only the media bias for Trump (most media CEOs are Trump donors) but the Dems who might switch sides.

It seems that Kennedy could capitalize on this, but his message is too low-key to overcome brain worm, anti-vax, druggie history.

I saw this video explaining how we tend to remember the bad parts of an experience less if it end on a positive note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4r71kEdYME

I immediately thought of election campaigns, and it seems tRump is doing it.

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Erroneous. Many wealthy donors have abandoned the Dem Plantation with the shuffling of the chairs that has occurred migrating in support of DJT who is country miles ahead and uncatchable. As mentioned that is a very very good thing.

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