What if the DNC doesn't really care if it wins or loses?

They were happy with Trump in office, blaming him for every issue.

The uniparty marches Left, Right, Left, Right and ignores the real issues by blaming the other.

But these days with what happened in East Palestine and Hawaii, the government crying about not having funds while spending multiples of that on the military and the non-war war is waking people up to the corrupt machine on both sides.

That's why Bernie had a lot of support, but unfortunately he bent the knee to the empire.

Cornell West is doing the same by playing it safe and holding his tongue on the biomedical state etc.

Trump said a lot but then played dumb and powerless in office.

Kennedy, you know to avoid these fake populists by not repeating their actions.

Keep on talking about the issues and don't be afraid to upset some of the hardliner followers who are trained to vote red or blue no matter who anyway. The biggest group these days are the ones who stopped voting or left the two party system. That's your target.

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totally agree. the strategy seems to have been (still is), use anything and everything, no matter how petty, to throw at Trump in order to keep the public completely distracted away from other massive, REAL issues. absolutely no fan of Trump here but during that media circus over the incitements, I had to think: for folks that supposedly hate DJT, you sure are letting him suck all the oxygen out of the room. the legacy media was practically pissing themselves with glee. it was reprehensible, and beyond bad taste. I was appalled. so clearly politically motivated, they handed DJT the 'victim card' on a sliver platter.

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DJT is a warrior and a compassionate person. He commands the attention of everyone in the room and they are breathing. It matters not whether you are a "fan" or not, as you are not going to lunch with him. What matters is who is the best person to be commander in chief. We will see... He will win hugely...

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If not just Bigly.

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He either played dumb as you say or.... he realized that we the people must take back their gov... That is what we are witnessing... Any thinking person knows the gubmint and their lackeys are criminals along with all the ABC agencies. We are fast headed into chaos,

what will rise from the ashes is the question...

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Maybe they are betting on a new pandemic out of Wuhan or Ukraine, and they know that Biden (or whomever) won't have to wage a real campaign.

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If its Occam's razor... What is the simplest explanation?

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Who knows with politics. 😂

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Dems believe Trump will self-destruct. By people seeing him and not Biden, people will remember just how much they loathe the orange man, and forget just how decrepit (and corrupt) Biden is. I think that is the Occam's razor explanation of their rationale.

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Well written history. Thank you. I am not a democrat ... any longer. The party is so corrupt and compromised that even if by some miracle RFKJr won the primary I could never support the dem party again. But I WILL support and follow RFKJr! Because he is so much more than a democrat. He is attracting independents (like me) and republicans. I hope and pray he jettisons himself from the party of the elites and runs instead as a people's independent. I think he would win the White House this way!

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You made the wise rational decision to get off the plantation as there is exactly nothing to be salvaged. Many of us at different times realized how criminal the party is and has been.

I don't think RFK has any chance in any case. Many do not understand Trump. I also did not.

That said he is winning "bigly" His lead will only increase which puts the evil Elephant party in a very unfavorable position. RFK must know this in spades, perhaps their demise is his objective...

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Does RFK have a chance? As Democrat, no. As 3rd party, who knows? If he can win states in a 3 or 4 way race, the contest could go to the House, and anything can happen there. We haven't had that happen in 200 years. Just imagine - Trump v Harris v RFK v Hogan, with the latter two getting 1 electoral vote each in ME and NE - and Trump and Harris getting 268 each. Say the House is evenly split with R and D both having 25 state delegations. The Senate has 51R, and picks Trump's running mate for VP. The Presidency is deadlocked until the horse trading begins. And there will be very serious horse trading in this scenario. Anything can happen.

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Any D voters still under the impression their party is “democratic” have learned nothing from 1948, 1968, 2016, 2020.

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You got it just right. The Democratic (sic) Party has become an open sewer. Time to DEMEXIT, Bobby, as all your fans are insisting. Don't they also insist that any candidate pledge to support the eventual (rigged) winner? That's what happened to Bernie. To have to endorse Biden ought to make you ill!

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I wish I could come up with an even more accurate image for the Democrats other than “open sewer,” I can’t. “Open sewer” is exactly right.

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I would be very disappointed if Bobby were to do that too.

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I have lived many years. If this is not the time for RFK Jr. bringing on a third party, when so many in both of the Uniparty factions are so disenchanted, then there will never be such a time. Almost everyone with whom I chat from either side would consider ANYTHING credible that was different this year. The DNC clearly feels that RFK Jr. is a loyal Dem and will just slink away into the night when denied almost everything for which democratic elections are supposed to stand. I hope he proves them wrong.

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There will never be a time. Third parties are spoilers.

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Ross Perot came close, and if he hadn't been crazy he could have got the election to the House. 1948 came close to sending the election to the House as well. The last time a president was picked by the House was 1824 - and the 200th anniversary is coming up next year.

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Great Exposure Article Mr. Biggs-Chiropolos!

The DNC Controllers are a bunch of Cowardly Totally Un-Democratic Reptilians. Wasserman-Schultz is the leading TOTALITARIAN CLOWN TRYING AND FAILING TO CENSOR RFK JR. AT A CENSORSHIP HEARING!


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omg, that Wasserman-Schultz was just pathetic. talk about showing true colors. regardless of how anyone else out there might feel about RFK jr, that was a slap in the face to ANYONE who values our Constitution. our Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves. just too sickening.

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a Constitutional Republic!

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They are not cowards. They are exercisers of power. This is why the D party punches above their weight.

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wondering how, exactly, it is 'saving democracy' by refusing debate and demonizing decent? treating the voting population as if they are completely blind and ignorant is already backfiring. the DNC can be viewed as a criminal cabal at this point. I would not be surprised if Biden is 'installed' as puppet-in-chief, completely regardless of the results of the popular vote, thus sealing the impression that we are now just another Banana Republic. as a life-long democrat voter, I'm afraid this scenario may be the death knell of our nation.

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it is getting more complicated for the DNC because they are trying to enforce their will but the they are getting pushed back from different fronts. Kennedy is been love by the people that hear him and that is contagious. we need to keep making noise and raise the waves.

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Biden is a puppet in chief and was from the beginning in 2017

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We all know, as a matter of fact, that the Bidet administration, I mean Biden, has carried out Crimes Against Humanity in our hospital system where COVID wards were operated by the military whereby unethical protocols euthanized patients by the hundreds of thousands, cynically using those fatalities ... clearly NOT due to the virus ... as fear propaganda to sell the shots to the public.

We know, as a matter of fact, that effective SARS flu remedies were suppressed by a vigorous censorship/propaganda campaign sponsored by the government in partnership with mainstream media.

We know as a matter of fact the universal failure of informed consent in COVID injection mandates by the failure to inform mandated employees about the DOD sourcing of the shots, the low quality of manufacture, horrendous contamination and unknown vial contents. This was critical information uniformly withheld by employers who were obligated to provide truthful information to employees who had to weigh the facts against the CDC narratives in choosing between their jobs and the risk they were asked to take on. Those employees who died from their shots made a bad call ... but they were fooled by affirmative misrepresentation that violated State consumer protection laws in 50 States. They were moreover NOT informed by employers about a high rate of fatalities and injuries reported to VAERS, information omitted from CDC guidance. The 30% of vials with no effect (placebo-like) doubly puts the lie to the shots as a public health measure at all.

The States have taken no action to enforce their laws. The Federal DOJ has taken no action to investigate poisons such as the shots and remdesivir approved by fiat rather than the merits of safety and efficacy testing results. The data presented by the CDC have been cherry picked to support safety and “reduced hospitalization” when it has been by now shown that the shots attack the microbiome, leading to repeat infections, blood clots, sudden death among many other heath issues. This puts the lie to the HHS agencies

beyond rational dispute. The damage to the microbiome means that the shots fundamentally cannot and did not help anyone.

The Biden administration eviscerated our military with “woke” policies and COVID injection mandates, brazenly lying to the public about death and injury among personnel. This is no less than treason, compromising the common defense.

In the face of all these complaints, many DEMS stil support the administration largely because the truth is not published by mainstream platforms and because members of Congress refuse to talk about Crimes Against Humanity. Moreover President Trump insists … irrationally … that that shots saved millions of lives. That is a ludicrous statement that he uses to maintain immunity under the PREP act. This is the basic reason the “red wave” failed in the mid terms. Trump will have to take responsibility.

I suggest the Kennedy campaign write a comprehensive essay like this one and publish it however and in as many places it can be done.

Advise Trump that he does not have to cling to a false characterization of the shots … this posture is damaging to the nation … to avoid prosecution. The true outcome was not his fault even though he should not have caved to Fauci. It would be a huge step forward to repudiate the COVID shots. Call upon him to do so.

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please just jump to independent status. run against biden and trump in the GE and let the Dems continue to twist in the wind

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Why can the DNC decide (superdelegates) and not the voters decide who is the nominee.

I support RFK Jr 100% over Biden. And I believe most people are coming around to the fact the censorship and outright lies about our candidate are an arrow through the heart of democracy

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Why? Because political parties are private corporations (SCOTUS) and can choose their nominees any way they want.

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Believe nothing. Everything a politician says is a lie. Nobody telling the truth can be elected. I hope you have a little fluff in your lifestyle because everyone is paying a $3800 annual "immigrant tax". Expect that to go up these next two years and from the looks of things, it will more than double.

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Ain’t got no fluff

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Good article.

Never let it be forgotten that by fixing that election against the will of the voters in favor of the disgusting war criminal Hillary, the democratic party enabled Trump's election. Bernie has revealed himself as a fraud and took of the billionaire oligarchs he was trashing during his campaign. Nonetheless, his abolish the billionaires platform was just the left populism that could have defeated the right populism of trump at the time. Bernie would have defeated Trump.

That catastrophic loss sent the Dems into a state of madness in which they cast the clear disapproval of their working class voters as a combination of racism sexism and homophobia and/or Putin's meddling. Both utterly false! They've been slandering the working class since then in such shrill tones that virtually only the economic elite supports them, which seems to be all that matters in this totally anti worker, anti democratic country.

Their conversion from a party of the workers to party of the intelligence agencies and war criminals and golden identities was completed with their doomed war on Russia in Ukraine which has staked all of humanity on a losing bet made by a ruling class driven insane by visions of its own fall from power in the world.

I hope Kennedy can restore some basic democratic rights in this country, but I think any move in that direction will have to be done outside the blood soaked, billionaire party of the Democrats.

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Bernie would have beaten Trump in the 18-30 demographic. The people who are clueless.

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." A misquote used by others, but a good one.

Roger T

The Occupied South

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I have lived 65 years in New Hampshire. I have never voted anywhere else. I have written to my Senators and Congressional representatives, all Democrats, and my Republican Governor, no response from any of them. I’ve been a registered Independent voter for more than 15 years, voting Democrat in every presidential race since Obama....I’m deeply ashamed of the DNC, of each of my Senators and Congressional representatives. For the first time in my life, I feel a deep unrest for our future and that makes me profoundly sad.

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so get off the plantation and get that the Democrat party is worse than criminal

The PubCons are perhaps worse if that be possible. There is a way forward.

RFK knows this as does DJT...

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Thank you, Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos, for clarity. I believe we need it more than ever.

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Absolutely Warrior Mom!

We need More Warrior Moms1

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The DNC and Biden's team (I say "Biden's team" not "Biden" since it's pretty obvious Biden makes very few decisions anymore--not even when he will stop speaking at a press conference) are behaving very foolishly in regards to RFK, Jr. You would think that in our angry, populist times they would understand that the more you try to censor and repress and not give someone a fair chance, the more you make him attractive to everyone but your true blue buddies, and, in case the Dems have somehow forgot, you can't win an election on your base alone. Given the Democratic base--and it's complete lack of interest in anything these days but a. prosecuting Trump; b. continuing to support with hundreds of billions of dollars the war in Ukraine and c. trans rights--there's really little chance that even someone with the integrity, intelligence, and anti-corporatist bona fides of Bobby Kennedy could win the nomination. And if Biden won a long campaign in which no credible charges of rigging could be leveled (when you say you won't count the votes in primaries like NH and caucuses like Iowa where your candidate sucked in 2020 that sounds like rigging to most people), an independent campaign by Kennedy would just look like sore loser-dom. But with his overall approval numbers better than Biden and Trump in national polls, if the Dems force Kennedy to go independent early, he will continue to be a powerful insurgent candidate for months to come and, while Dems might think he'd take more from Trump than Biden, they should look at Kennedy's appeal to independents, which Biden can't win without, even in a three way race. Add to that the fact that even Biden's base would prefer someone else while Trump's is all in for the orange madman and you can see that Biden's efforts to derail Kennedy not through campaigning but through DNC anti-democratic decisions will not serve him well come November. Add to that the apparent efforts of the Biden administration to make it easier for another kind of madman to actually assassinate (yet another) Kennedy and solve Biden's Kennedy problem, and you can see just how desperate and despicable Biden's approach is to his chief rival--like Henry II one can imagine Biden saying (if he still had the wherewithal to say it) "will not someone rid me of this pestilent populist?"

Driving Kennedy into an early independent campaign means he will hit the ground running in 50 states for the next 14 months and the more people actually hear Kennedy speak and interact with him on the campaign trail--where his humanity and genuineness is palpable in comparison to every other candidate in the race--the more they like him. (That's why he has surged in polls in SC, Biden's supposed firewall.) The result just may be the first independent campaign to actually win the White House. Yes, it's unprecedented, but, if you've noticed, we are living in unprecedented times. And if it happens, Biden will only have himself--and his handlers--to blame.

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exactly the way i view this situation, too. thank you, David Charbonneau, for putting it all so elegantly and accurately.

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An RFK Jr. independent run will be even more powerful if Hogan-Manchin runs on the "No Labels" banner. This will cut the percentage needed for a plurality to about 30% in favorable states, and make it easier to win electoral votes. The thing about third parties is voters totally ignore them unless the third party has a plausible shot at winning. If both RFK jr and Hogan are running, it is possible that the Media will dump Biden (or Harris) and back Hogan or RFK, and swing voters and independents could abandon Trump as well. The election could go to the House for the first time in 200 years.

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I think far more Democrats will vote RFK than even independents. RFK represents the old school that has not gone off the rails. Unfortunately the D party has. THere are many who vote D and would do so right up till the moment that they are sent to the gulag (and then they would still vote thinking there was a mistake that could be rectified. What passes for the D party has doubled the cost of energy, given us all a 20% pay cut from inflation and saddled us each with $3800/year in caring for the millions of migrants who have with our open arms come illegally to our country. THat number will double by the time of the next election. Imagine what we could have done with $7600 per person annually to make the lives of our homeless better. Right now we are spending $100K a year for each migrant. We could have easily institutionalized all our homeless with that money. We could have provided day care for everyone. But instead, we are paying to care for the worlds poor in a place where it costs far more to do it. And shutting down our energy sector while China and India consume ever more power (as if they were going to stay poor and hungry to satisfy our needs) making our "sacrifice" superfluous.

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