Very good article. Word now is that Kamala Harris will take Feinstein's Senate seat with Gavin Newsom named VP. Then Biden drops out of 2024 race. That lives Newsom and RFK Jr to duke it out. As I've written elsewhere, RFK will clean his clock.

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RFK Jr has only until 10/15/23 to declare he will be running outside the DNC. This is not the DNC of old.....they are worse than ever. They will NEVER let him win. They will continue to smear him and pretend he doesn't exist. He stands against everything this party stands for. It has been broken for a very long time. Independent is his only road to victory.

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I can't wait to see that upper crust fop flop like a fish out of water (just like Kamala Harris) once he gets out of his horribly dysfunctional one-party state.

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"Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress." Will the House, with a 9-vote GOP majority, confirm Newsom, even when a) it is such an obvious election ploy and b) the will of the people was that Kamala Harris serve as vice-President?

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You mean the will of the mail in ballot harvesters. 2020 was a fake election. They were installed not elected.

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RFK Jr should totally jump ship and run as an Independent. I don't think he can fit into the Libertarian box anyway. If he runs as an Independent, he's not beholden to any party or their positions. He can just be a free agent which I think best fits him anyway. He needs to get busy tapping Tulsi Gabbard as his VP partner. She's legit and could carry some serious weight. Just my 2 cents......which is way overvalued.

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I agree Run with Tulsi. I prefer not Libertarian but would vote for him in any party.

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interesting that you proclaim that whatever party matters not to you. That would include all that the Dems currently represent. Apparently the ridiculously long laundry list of party criminality currently on offer is irrelevant to you...

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You are correct.

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The Libertarians love him. Lew Rockwell’s blog is cheering for RFK. Ditto left, right, center, unaffiliated, Independent and the entirety of the cancelled. Run with Tulsi.

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I've read that they love him over at LewRockwell, but he deviate from libertarian orthodoxy in several key areas. So, it's unclear if they love him because of his stance on Covid and because he is sticking it to the dictator Biden or because they would actually support him push come to shove. Lotta folks over there are pretty fond of the Donald also. Of course, he is also anathema to many of them because of the way he handled Covid and his continued cheerleading for the vaccine. 🤷🏻

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Announcing Tulsi as his VP running mate, pre-nomination ... as Reagan did Schweiker in 1976, is an intriguing possibility. It doubles your horsepower... for a campaign that needs horsepower since it has received and will receive zero free media. But he can do that now without bowing out of the Democrat race. Tulsi never reregistered as a Republican after she "left" the Democrat Party, I dont believe.

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RFK and Tulsi make an exciting prospect that can galvanize citizens. YES

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Tulsi is listed as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Am not sure about her.

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Pay attention to her positions and her obvious sincerity and depth.

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she's legit.

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So what? Is it true anyway. Edward Snowden was working for the CIA, NSA before. When he discovered the truth, he did what we all know.

Tulsi Gabbard his walking the talk. She is a true patriot.

Snowden | Official Trailer [HD] | Open Road Films https://youtu.be/QlSAiI3xMh4

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So word on the Internets is now that RFK Jr WILL make his run outside the inaptly named “Democratic” party. Hooray! I enjoyed reading this article, because I agreed with all the positive things Anne said about RFK Jr, and could see that the justification for his staying in their primary was weak. I think even Anne knows it is weak, and the fact that this case out just before the news broke about RFK Jr’s independent run is interesting. It is almost as if these arguments were presented so they could be dispensed with, avoiding too much second-guessing when he makes his announcement.

I was at the Clapton event in LA on September 18, and Tulsi was there, showing her support. I will not be surprised if RFK Jr taps her for VP, or certainly for a Cabinet position. I will also love seeing people like Del Bigtree, and maybe Drs Malone and/or McCullough, being elevated into positions of power. RFK Jr will assemble the best team of any President in living memory. We are so fortunate we have him. Now let’s support his campaign and protect him too. We won’t get another chance.

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Are you sure about Drs Malone?

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Yeah, I like Dr. McCullough, but I'm still unsure about Malone. It's pretty clear that his blog is being ghost written by somebody with a specific agenda.

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Let's tick off some boxes for people we know who are going to support him wholeheartedly when he announces and think about how diverse they are as a group and how much reach they have. Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and I would not rule out Bill Maher. Probably also people like John McWhorter and Glenn Loury. I bet he also gets a lot of support from black and Hispanic small business communities. Those folks are running from Biden, but I'm sure they would prefer somebody other than Trump.

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Agreed, that’s a good list. I am not sure what Musk will do, but I have hopes. Were he to give a paltry one billion to RFK Jr’s superPAC, that would go a long way towards evening the playing field.

There is also the spiritual community that is represented by supporters such as Aubrey Marcus and Charles Eisenstein. I am a part of that demographic, and I think it is a natural fit for RFK Jr, because he has his own spiritual core, aside from his religion. Also because compassion is one of his fundamental values. I think a lot of people in this demographic are rather lost politically, and do not fully recognize who RFK Jr is, in part because many of them followed the authorities and took the covid vaccines. Some are (misguidedly, in my view) supporting Marianne Williamson. I would like to see and support some efforts directed toward reaching out to this segment of the population. I was at the Clapton event, and I did notice that most of the people I met there are spiritually awake. It was a great atmosphere to be in!

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Both parties are now disliked in America. The person who ran for the Democratic nomination for president and then left the party is a great hero, Tulsi Gabbard. In addition to this she was the first democratic congress person to endorse Bernie Sanders in 2016. The best endorsement she ever got was when Hillary Clinton called her a Russian agent. Tulsi sued Clinton and got a cash settlement.

Bob, I'm an old man and I remember the enthusiasm of the campaigns of both your uncle John and your father. I remember how American youth changed. You can bring those days back in spite of the corruption of the DNC. They will arrange something like Biden has a mild heart problem in March, a new candidate comes forward and takes the Democratic nomination after a lot of skulduggery. They feel protecting their power far more important than letting the voters express their will.

Leave the party! Bring forth Tulsi Gabbard to be your vice presidential candidate. Together you will win!

John Hamilton

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Completely agree about Tulsi as VP.

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Tulsi's recent appearance on the Rogan show was awesome. 100% genuine person. these days all the MSM and/or political opponents seem to have to do is utter one of two phrases: anti-vaxxer or Russian asset. then poof! you are toxic. well the American people are not buying their bullshit anymore. RFK jr and Gabbard would give them a run for their money.

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Just announced he's going to declare that he's running as an Independent Oct 9th in Pennsylvania.

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and ya thing the Sanders endorsement a good thing? I would suggest we were totally hoodwinked by Sanders. Time to get off the plantation.

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Partially accurate. Smartmatic has been indicted by the DOJ. No more machine cheating. That means no Democrat has any chance. The means that no RINO has any chance. That means we already have a President. Free and fair elections, what a concept....

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most interesting that no one seems to comprehend this issue...

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I’ve been waiting to hear this opinion from someone in his camp. Yes - he needs to stay as long as possible. However, he will have to run independent at some point (please pick Tulsi as VP!). The libertarians already nominated their guy. It would be nice if he could wait until after they throw Biden’s replacement in the ring so that RFK Jr. can show the world what he’s about in a debate. But then even if he wins the primaries (via vote tally) in a landslide, the DNC will never nominate him. Especially after all this anti-Blackrock talk, which is badass and brave. What a chess game. I’m on the edge of my seat. Feels like our country’s future, my children’s future, is at stake.

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He apparently has to move quickly by around October 15 if he wants to get ballot access in all 50 states.

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Yes that’s right, I remember hearing him talk about that on Theo Von’s podcast. Well I’m sure you’ve seen all the buzz about him announcing running as an independent. Buckle up! I’m excited!

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Indeed everything is at stake. We are not fearful of a commie takeover, as the coup already occurred. We are in the twilight zone of chaos. With the indictment of Smartmatic, it appears the machine voting is finished. That means free and fair elections. RFK is an insider. He knows... Looks like the UniParty has a very short life span.

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You mean FASCIST takeover. The early CIA and Allen Dulles were close to the German Nazis they imported post WW2.

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Looks like Biden's replacement won't have to enter the ring. A Gerald Ford type thing in the works thanks to Feinstein.

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Why would he not have to enter the ring? He has to file for the primaries ... and soon. Unless they want to try to pull having Biden winning all the primaries and then bowing out just before the convention for "reasons" and have the convention pick the nominee. But then they're running the risk of pissing off the electorate that a back room deal was struck from the beginning. And do you really want to run a candidate who did not receive a single vote in the primaries?

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What happened with Gerald Ford? Her death definitely throws a wrench in things. Could it work to the advantage of the Kennedy camp?

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RFK, Jr is telling the truth about a lot of stuff.........the Dems don't like it.

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"Right now, the Democratic Party is run by an arrogant gang of unimaginative cowards." Telling that RFK Jr seems to get more support from Republicans than Democrats.

Can RFK Jr. please issue a statement about the ethnic cleansing of Christian Armenians in Artsakh? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/artsakh-christian-armenian-genocide-azerbaijan

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LEAVE the Dems!! You’ll win. Nobody wants either party.!! Now is the time for new.

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"They were Democratic leaders during a seismic moment in the nation’s history, when centuries’ old traditions of white supremacy, patriarchy and colonization ..."

JFK and RFK would not have used those words. That's a 2020s post-woke retcon. They were relatively traditional men ... who just believed in fairness and opposed oligarchs.

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Even if the DNC gets out of his way do you really believe Democrat voters will support RFK? Look where he stands in the democrat polls. The voters have been poisoned against him by the media as much as the DNC. I simply don't see any path in his party. I will trust his judgement and support him whatever he decides but I would prefer an Independent President over a frustrated Democrat trying to make a point.

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Why would it be "pressure"? It seems pretty simple, if the Democratic party won't give Kennedy the nomination then run as an Independent.

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He would gain a far broader base by running Independent . Both parties are trying desperately to shut out RFK Jr and Tulsi, Lara Logan, Naomi Wolf, Tucker,, Musk, Taibbi, Mark Steyn, Drs. McCollough Malone,Kuldorff,Kory,Battacharaya,Ladapo,Ruby,Cole,Nass,Risch,Atlas,Hatfill,Smith,Yeadon,Oswui,Shiva,Makary,Mercola,Mikovits, Stella… Mark Steyn,Bret Weinstein,Glen Beck,Rogan, Andy Ngo, Sharyl Attkisson,Ian Miles Cheong,Steve Kirsch,Mark Marano, Patrick Bet-David,Jimmy Dore,Nicolas Wade,Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Eric Epstein,Ric Swier,Russell Brand, Megyn Kelly,Ron Paul,Lew Rockwell,Eric Clapton, Max Blumenthal,David Stockman,Roseanne, Rabbi Boteach, Jeffrey Tucker, Eric Clapton, Dorsey,Robert Barnes,That’s a mere sampling of RFK’s spectrum of supporters. People that wouldn’t have shared a a sidewalk are aligning. It’s no longer Dem vs Rep. it’s “ Them vs Us”. Nobody has our back. The Reps are not as horrific as the Dems, but they’re a choice between death and dying .. Despotic and despondent,, criminally corrupt, racist, violent, hateful, sociopathic,avaricious, power hungry vs corrupt, craven, cowardly,clueless , both parties complicit in warmongering and selling out America… taking away our rights, our voices, our ability to engage with one another…Trump was right on several issues. Rigged elections, immigration, war, corporate inversion, unfair trade, globalism, the Middle East, NATO, healthcare costs… but he surrounded himself with snakes and zealots, replaced bad with worse, acted on terrible advice, ignored good advice and his stupid compulsive tweeting, puerile nicknames, preemptive ad hominem attacks and not fighting for the unfairly entrapped and removed appointments… the best of his picks , particularly Flynn, Rudy, McFarland, Ezra Cohen,Atlas, his vaccine safety panel and farming out Pence to put together his “ Pandemic Response Team”, sending Pence to address the Latinos in Miami,ignoring all the grassroots minority movements that crossed the aisle for him, pandering to the way fundamentalist religious right , ignoring everybody else and fishing from the Swamp was inexplicable. I couldn’t stomach the the unwarranted, disgusting attacks on Elon Musk,Nancy Mace,Youngkin, Chao( I can’t stand her, but the racial slurs were heinous),DeSantis,McIneny,Manchin,DavidFriedman… But most disappointing was not pardoning Assange,Brandon Straka,Dr Gold,Papadopoulis,Parnas,not declassifying the JFK files,Mueller investigation,Clinton emails,Libya,Not calling out the WEF YGLs,Great Reset,Event 201,Agenda 2030,Soros,the complete criminal cabal operating in Ukraine( Kerry,Soros,Mitt,Pelosi,Hillary,Kent,Bolton,MCCain,Graham,Cofer-Black,Podesta,DeVine,Glenn Simpson, Neil Bush,Lanny Davis, ,Sid Blumenthal, Klobuchar,Leahy,Sheehan,Lofgren,Attkisson,Murphy,Epstein, Vindman,Volker,Fiona Hill, ,The Atlantic Counsel, Mueller,the DOD/CIA/Hunter Biden/Metabiota Biolabs,he had the opportune to DRAIN THE SWAMP! He did nothing!Corrupt globalist CommunoFascist WEF UN warmongering Brave New World .

But the worst is his refusal to take any responsibilty for the devastating Covid policies. That is all on him. He opened the door to the Brave New World.Not deliberately. Cluelessly. RFK Jr would not have made such a fatal error. He has my vote.

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Your list is better than mine.😀 let's face it. Trump had his chance and he failed. It's time for fresh blood. RFK would be 70 by the time he takes office. His birthday is January 17, 1954, so he will turn 70 exactly a few days before inauguration. However, if you're talking about fitness and mental acuity at a certain age, he could run circles around most 50 year olds… literally!

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Of course, thank you. Especially, since is nearly certain that another populist candidate, Trump, will be one way or other, by outright fraud or "justice", prevented from winning.

On a slightly different but related subject -- I believe that suspicions about “Nazi rally” in Canadian parliament are justified. So far, there have been two assertions that may be worth pursuing:

1. Obviously someone trusted organized and brought in the 98-year-old Nazi – he didn’t just drive into parliament. Moreover, apparently there was a reception before standing ovations and he attended that reception.

2. The same Nazi was reportedly introduced in the parliament 16 years ago, in 2007, and that was criticized by Jewish community

The amount of Russophobia created is astonishing and the reason for official hatred of capitalist and peaceful Russia has never been explained.

PS: Worth remembering -- the full name of “temporary” The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 acronym is -- Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act

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Kennedy does not need a debate. They used to be run fairly when the League of Women Voters ran them. Now it is the MSM. Times are different...we have Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan , Elon Musk etc.. Mr. Kennedy’s biggest opponent is Dominion. The Deep State wants to take away our “Free Elections” which is the first step toward Socialism and the New World Order.

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If RFK Jr runs third party, everybody who has been hesitant to vote Dem or Rep will flock to him. Particularly those who don’t want to vote at all, which is becoming endemic.

Neither party gives a damn about America as a functioning collective. Neither party sends a message inviting all Americans to put aside their partisanship. A message that we’re stronger , healthier and are one people, comprised of many, but we’re all Americans, no matter our race, creed, religion,cultural heritage, , economic circumstances. We’re not each other’s enemies… we’re manipulated to distrust each other- hate each other. We’re easier to control when divided.

RFK Jr is the IONLY candidate exposing the rot. Not capitulating to fear or hyper ideology. Not buckling to crazy or corrupt. Or spewing imbecilic talking points..

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The Democrats want Gavin in and they will do anything to make that happen! Surely your team must know that. Unless they know something we don't, I think RFK Jr. has a better chance running as an Independent.

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I cannot wrap my head around why Robert Jr. would WANT to call himself a Democrat, after what the party has done to his family. And aside from his own family, what other great achievements has the Democrat party brought to American politics? The Clintons were total slime, and still are. Carter was a moron. Barack Obama is a fake, fraud, media invented character who is really a gay guy married to a radical transvestite, and wasn't even born in America.

The unions have not been a good thing for America. Just as predicted what they eventually did was drive manufacturing out of the country. The same people who killed both senior Kennedys also murdered MLK Jr. and Malcolm X. And I assume everyone is familiar with Johnson's infamous quote regarding what he really felt about African Americans - the Democrats truly were, and currently are, the real racists, and the KKK.

Both parties have gone to absolute shit. See how the RINO Republicans have fought so hard to keep Trump from even being in their party? Even now, with MAGA literally taking over the Republican Party, they are still on board with trying to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, even when that clearly means they would have about 10% left of their base without Donald Trump.

Trump and Kennedy need to run together. This isn't politics as usual, people! Ouyr country has literally been hi-jacked by Communist Nazis who now call themselves Democrats and Republicans. Congress, for the most part, if full of these bad actors. You see them today trying desperately to defend Joe Biden taking bribes from all of our enemies. Roughly 1000 Americans are sitting in a federal pen, literally for just showing up at a rally. Why are Democrats, like Robert Kennedy, not even speaking out about this?

How many Democrats do you really think there are anyway? I think if we knew the truth of the matter, less than 30% of Americans affiliate themselves with the Democrat party. Why? Because they are absolute whack job, tyrants, and no America does not want them governing anything. It's undeniable they stole the last few elections and they are stealing it by over-inflating the voter roles through driver license registrations. How does anyone imagine that will pan out in the future, when Democrats have not only allowed in but FLOWN in over 3 million illegal aliens in the past few years??? No, we will not ever have a fair election again, if we sit on our collective hands and allow them to get away with this.

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I don't see any chance that Trump and Kennedy are going to run together. Kennedy is definitely not a fan of Trump.

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Where are you getting the idea that Kennedy has anything against Trump? They actually have a lot in common. They're on the same page on many issues. It looks to me like the two campaigns are kind of coordinating with one another.

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This is an accurate assessment. No thinking person currently can suggest loyalty to the party at this point. Speculation about a TK ticket is speculation though well reasoned. The hand may be forced, sooner than later... Smartmatic who controls all the software for the voting machines has been indicted by some honest person in the DOJ... Game over for the vote fraud...

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No, sadly SmartMatic was NOT indicted. Byrne came back on Locals the next day and said the Federal Prosecutor in Florida "recommended" SmartMatic be indicted, didn't actually indict them and it wasn't even for stealing OUR elections anyway, but they stole the election in the Phillipines in 2016. The Democrat party has ramped up stuffing the voter roles even more than they were in 2020, in many states. The election fraud situation is worse, not better.

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The tides are turning in our favor as we unveil the shocking truth about Smartmatic. The

Justice Department has officially filed money laundering charges against former Filipino election administrator Andres Bautista and four executives from Smartmatic subsidiaries. These individuals are now implicated as uncharged co-conspirators, and this development carries profound implications.

The Lindell Offense Fund is closely monitoring this situation because the consequences are monumental!

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that is not true, as even Snowflake CNN cites the case.

Here is Burne: https://rumble.com/v3l3cv4--breaking-sep-24-2023-patrick-byrne-biggest-news-since-nov-3rd-2020-thx-joh.html

the fake news CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/22/business/smartmatic-bribery-scheme-indictment/index.html

as Burne suggests the fake news is waffling, there is an indictment!!

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