I loved this father-daughter column. Telling like it is for the average person out here and not one who lives in a bubble...such as Washington, DC (I can say this because I lived downtown DC, 8 blocks north of the White House, for 31 years..). More writing from Charlie LeDuff, please!

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Great comment, Liz! We love it, too.

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I was 18 when his father was running. I would have voted for him had he not been assassinated. Now I get to vote for his son.

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I have 4, 20 something’s.

This story is a tear jerker for me.

So much mess they are being left with.


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the mess is a Dem mess, but hey they just retired the demented dotard puppet

Gotta wonder about the tear jerker bit... It y'all supported Jo Jo its self analysis

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My "lean" is more like a full "tilt". Sure I don't agree with Bobby on everything, but he speaks well and has some great ideas.

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Great article!

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Your daughter is a smart young woman, nicely done dad. My youngest is in the same boat and it’s what keeps me up at night. Where will he live in 5 years? Will he need 4 roommates to pay rent? Can he buy a home on his own? Food is so out of control it’s hampering his savings. Our government is clueless- we need huge change AND it’s possible!

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Charlie Leduff is a Detroit icon who tells it like it is . He's kinda like Robert Kennedy Jr. Who trys to speak the truth but the politicians don't like it. Food for you Charlie in letting ur daughter speak, we need more young people like her

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Just saw RFK's VP pick Nicole Shanahan speaking about the absolute fail (set up) of the woketard incompetent DEI hire, SS director that clearly facilitated kill shots on DJT. Shanahan demonstrated great intelligence and a firm resolve. Traits that were not demonstrated in her previous public appearances. Not saying that renders her Presidential unless one compares to the ousted Dotard and his cackling shoe in.

Very heartfelt but more importantly a command of the topic and the unacceptable breaches.

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So refreshing. Thank you Claudette.

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I really like this. Thanks so much for posting and sharing.

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Power, politics, privilege, and persuasion perpetually prevails over all forms of human endeavor. Corporations are government creations; therefore, they should be bound by the same constitutional constraints as the government itself, including free speech. Corporations were founded on the notion that they are a legal facsimile of a living human being, but they live forever, like Dracula, and have powers and privileges that aren't granted to living human beings, like Frankenstein, including favorable tax policies. The "founding fathers" were opposed to them, but no sooner than they died, this British monstrosity raised its ugly head, and soon came to dominate the government itself. Their vast profits enable them to dominate congress. Even when they commit mass murder their officers remain immune from responsibility, and it is almost impossible to sue them. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court has always embraced the notion that they are "private" and therefore not subject to constitutional constraints. In other words, the Supreme Court has been corrupted by corporate largesse. True, corporations have brought many economic blessings, but in the process they are destroying the civilization that enabled their existence. Civilization is as fragile as it is priceless, and the "American experiment" has become an abject failure. If corporations are not constrained, then our civilization will collapse, with terrible suffering. This danger is now imminent.

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Sorry, but you lost me on this cavalier statement...

"or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Those things are important to her, to be sure, but they’re too nuanced to be at the top of her list."

You can do better, dad.

Really? The young people I am hopeful for are the ones protesting the genocide that our tax dollars and the Military Industrial Complex is executing. "too nuanced" really.

This is the one issue that would push RFK Jr. over the top if he actually came out in opposition to this policy of genocide, supported by America. This is not a "conflict", it is an all-out slaughter of innocents and he has not committed or made his opposition to this matter known well. Why?

I am supporting RFK Jr. but his lack of attention to this critical issue is extremely troubling.

Best of luck Ms. LeDuff. Maybe RFK Jr. will listen to you.

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Here is why Kennedy is the ONLY viable candidate, if you think as I do that viability should depend on the solid grasp of existential issues, where the other candidates are literally clueless. Vaccines? Medications? It’s no longer about BELIEF. It’s about facts.

All Americans … of all ages … need to become familiar with the human microbiome. Especially your own.

It is a seminal concept … a seminal reality … that has gained traction in our general awareness since Dr. Sabine Hazan explained the consequences of the COVID shots: the negative health consequences of wiping out the bifidobacteria in the gut.


As our immune response resides substantially in the gut, destruction of the microbiome by vaccinations compromises immune response. Dr. Hazan reported that her vaccinated COVID patients

hosted the SARS-2 pathogen. This is the non-sterilizing property of the shots … the pathogen gets free room and board in the gut. One consequence is repeat SARS-2 respiratory infections, as the patient has become the reservoir, rather than a bat cave in Wuhan. You don’t need to pick up the infection elsewhere. It is “With you always.” We need not digress for the moment on other COVID injection side effects such blood clots, myocarditis and sudden death (SAD). Sloppy DOD manufacture of the shots saved many lives. Perhaps millions. Just ask if that statement requires explanation. Sasha Latypova on Substack is your resource.

Similarly … back on topic … Dr. Andrew Wakefield discovered that cognitively impaired (autistic) children who had been subjected to MMR shots (along with the other shots on the childhood schedule) hosted the MMR measles strain in the gut. These children, like the above mentioned SARS-2 adult patients, presented IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

Another prominent example of the non-sterilizing property of vaccinations is the chicken pox vaccine. While it seems to suppress the chicken pox rash in school children, this does NOT mean the virus is not in residence. In fact, vaccinated children are by now known to come down with shingles at an unheard-of age … 10 or 11 years old. Shingles used to affect some seniors who had chicken pox as kids, but never got rid of the virus or had compromised immunity. And, in fact, the vaccine strain is responsible in the young shingles patients.

One can ask this question: what confidence can we place in the conduct of vaccine safety studies that never picked up on shingles in 10-year olds? My personal answer: none. Because understanding of the microbiome had no role in the study.

Of course, I have been influenced by Dr. Hazan and by Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ book “Dissolving Illusions.” Among other influences. Some heath authorities might not like that. The Maine State Board of Health is a good example.

How dare we question their authority? But can they be trusted? Or are they effectively incompetent? Yes! Yes! Yes! They pushed the COVID shots that killed 0.5M Americans. Hello, young person trying to sort out political realities! Put on your critical thinking helmet! Looks like we ALL have to be vigilant … do your own research (“DYOR”). As Dr. Scott Atlas said, “Credentials are no longer enough.”

Our right to question authority resides in our precious Constitution. Government’s efforts to censor information, the withholding of which undermines our ability to do so, is called “Constitutional Collapse.”

Fortunately, we have Bobby Kennedy’s superb organization Children’s Health Defense as a resource, among others.

I am a “Mandate Retiree.” That means I lost my job when I declined the COVID shots in September 2021.

Before my injection #1 deadline, I showed VAERS data from CHD, posted by Jessica Rose, to co-workers. The shots were killing people … but the CDC denied it. No one except the young lady in the mail room believed me. Two weeks after I left the company a colleague was dead … the day before his shot #2 deadline. He was only 46. ‘Nuff said. For now. Do I never shut up? No.

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For me, one simple plus for RFK Jr. and young voters is his stance on war. Congress is considering a bill to reinstate the draft, including for girls. The current administration would relish another VietNam.

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Older generations didn’t want to work? Give me an f’n break. EVERYTHING she has is because of the work of previous generations. Not just the “internet”. EVERY DAMN THING!!!!!!

I started working when I was 12 or 13, doing odd jobs for my elderly neighbors. Started working when I was 16 part time at a job that I stayed with through college and I paid for that college education myself as well. Spring Break during college meant I could work 50 hours at my job to earn my needed money.

Did she? Did any of her friends. I DOUBT it.

Yes, every generation has its slackers, but the average middle class person in my generation had to work. Mommy and Daddy didn’t pay for everything, nor could they.

Vote for whomever you want, because I really don’t care.

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Yes - but RFK Jr.'s stand on US genocide in Gaza...

Also -- An OUTSTANDING book by Alex Sasha Krainer – “Grand Deception” -- Abstract:

- Bill Browder, the false crusader for justice and human rights and self-styled No. ! enemy of Vladimir Putin, has perpetrated a brazen and dangerous deception upon the Western world. This book traces the anatomy of this deception, unmasking the powerful forces that are pushing the Western world toward yet another great war with Russia.

US/Can: https://www.redpillpress.com/shop/grand-deception-bill-browder-magnitsky-act-russian-sanctions/

Europe/UK: https://www.pilulerouge.com/product/grand-deception-truth-bill-browder-magnitsky-act-anti-russian-sanctions/

PDF format: "Grand Deception: the Truth About Bill Browder, Magnitsky Act and Anti-Russia Sanctions." - https://www.redpillpress.com/shop/grand-deception-pdf/

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