From the comments noted, it sounds like the NYT just dug themselves in deeper. They underestimate the American people’s ability to discern deception vs truth.

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The fake news is quadrupling down, the end draws near when they shut down.

Already guys like Rogan have greater readership. One is not simply finding out what

normies read in rags like the NYT's. One is being programmed, that is why they call it

programming. Think about it. Plenty of alternative options that support ones values.

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It is surreal how my left leaning family still believe all the covid BS and that RFK is a quack for not trusting vaccines, even though they all know that my sister and I were both harmed by fluoroquinolone antibiotics and that the governments of Canada and the US have been fighting us tooth and nail as we try to get additional warnings in the product literature or for ICD codes for our condition. The psy-op is so powerful that even a huge swath of the people who got "floxed" and who have been fighting with us still fell for it. Admins I hired blocked me and booted me from fakebook groups I built for being a quack anti-vaxxer, but I was vax injured long before the FQs got me. They wouldn't allow conversations about whether that might be a factor as to why some people got floxed. I'm just hoping and praying that during the next 6 months this campaign is successful and that this conversation about vaccine safety stops being so polarized. Sadly, the explosion of people being harmed may be why this conversation becomes possible.

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Believe me, they can change their mind. Just think, what changed your opinion? Isn't it fear that got hold of them? They can see again, just trust the fact that we all change.

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Anecdotal bullshit. Obviously, you’re an officer in the “confederacy of dunces”…….

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Thanks for dropping by and helping to prove which side in this debate relies on actual information and real world experiences and common sense and which side has nothing at all except name calling and coincidism, which is when people try to pretend something is coincidence when it so very obviously is not. You are a coincidist, which is right on par with fascist or communist.

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AHHHHHHHHHHHH Baldwin the 3rd, no relation to Sonny Drysdale th 3rd as he appears to be a tough guy, bit of a bully and one who makes his wife cry on the way home from a dinner party he humiliated himself at. Being a 3rd is very affirming.

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I’ll be more than happy to discuss policy or legislative mandate with you. I don’t do opinions.

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I repeat, anecdotal bullshit is not a winning debate point.

You’ve got some temerity to mention “actual information”, after furnishing none. Approach this engagement from the point of an honest broker or shut the fuck up

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Actually, HUGE numbers of similar anecdotes are data. My experiences are just one data point, but remarkably similar to those of HUGE numbers of other people, whether we are discussing how I was gaslighted by worthless incompetent medical professionals over and over again after they poisoned me with antibiotics and a collection of other drugs that were not supposed to be prescribed together, or when I had an adverse reaction to the BCG vaccine back in 1968. I'm sure you believe it was just another coincidence I was autistic before anyone ever heard of the word.

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I’m sorry, I’ve had far more than my daily limit of stupid. Between living in Missouri and sock puppets like you, occasionally it’s exceeded. Say hello to Felicia for me. Ciao

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Then produce it. Fucking claims mean absolutely nothing. Jesus Christ you’re stupid if you think I’m that stupid.

So far, you’ve done nothing but just say shit. Some of it, really stupid shit. Some irrelevant. None of it credible. Absolutely none

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Hudson, For the most part people who comment on Kennedy Beacon pieces are thoughtful and respectful in expressing disagreement with one another's opinions. I read your profile and it sounds like you are educated and doing good work in organic agriculture and sustainability. Therefore, your ad hominem attacks here strike me as out of alignment with what one expects from an obviously well-educated person engaged in those kinds of pursuits. What is your goal in calling this commenter out for sharing his and his sister's personal experiences with the Pharmaceutical Industry and medical mal-practice? You seem pretty quick to jump on the guy for merely sharing his insights gained from his personal journey. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who'd like to know why that is.

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I so hope that folks who treat the New York Times as gospel start to wake up. It would really help make the world a better place. They frequently outright lie, but they always deceive.

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This is the sort of thing that children do when given any power.

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Wow. Now I know that today the NYT is a biased tabloid... Young journalists taking over? Lack of education? Fear? What threatens the independent thinker today?

The one and only version of truth being pumped through the tube day by day?


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They filter the truth. They have always done it and will never stop doing it. They have been liars for decades. They lied about Stalin as he exterminated millions in Ukraine. They lie about Trump. They lie about RFK jr now but in the 1960’s they lied about JFK but he was on the right team at the time.

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The only way to battle truth is censorship and shutting down the true facts. All the news we see fit to print.

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Thank you! This is not much different than the conduct of certain congresspersons during "hearings." The more of this the better, frankly. It opens eyes.

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I love how they ask him questions about a scientific issue – vaccines – but then insert a voiceover saying they didn't want to talk about the science of it. What other part of it is there?

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Did you miss the message that we're too stupid to understand anything longer than a bumper sticker?

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This is an egregious and I daresay criminal act of malice against Robert F. Kennedy Jr. by the New York Times, the malice of objectification and disrespect intended to trivialize a legitimate presidential candidate. It is insidious election interference in the service of opposing candidates.

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The Times supports whatever the globalist money boys tells them to support. You don't get newspapers or political parties for free.

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Like many news outlets, the New York Times invariably makes a statistical error. The error is to mistake a "complex" physical system such as Earth's climate system for "non-complex" physical system, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties," each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such properties. This mistake leads the New York Times to disseminate falsehoods, amongst which is that mankind faces "catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming absent decarbonization of the world economy.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California



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As Abraham-Hicks says "who was burning fossil fuels to end the Ice Age?"

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You are spot on. I am very friendly with a retired physicist who has published dozens of papers about climate science during his career. He told me point-blank that climate science has been corrupted by climate scientists because they don't understand complex systems and are only looking at one variable in their models – CO2.

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I wish that someone with a more thorough understanding of the complexity of planetary climate dynamics would write a synopsis of the main reasons why the current paradigm of human-mediated climate change being spouted by those in power is erroneous. Are you that person?

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You call that blatant bullshit respectful and thoughtful?

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At its worst Pravda had more credibility than today’s NY Times.

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Stop giving them the opportunity !

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There is a site that fights back by limiting the ads, sort of...


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It appears they do not support free speech.

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I think rfk junior is going to be met with a lot of Dynamic silence from the Left MSM. The Wall Street Journal (Left on its news page and neo-conservative on its editorial page) article today on the VP announcement was brief, buried, and replete with non-journalistic bromides like “long shot”(front page) and “little chance of victory” (A4)..

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NYT and all others with mainstream medias are the real spoilers... they spoiled all of us of any chance of a future. Now blame it all on RFK 😂😡

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