The BEST explanation of election rigging I’ve come across. Kudos for bringing real light to a shadowy world. God help us.

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RFK Jr does not BS

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Yes. He’s easily swayed. He pulled out of a meeting with Moms for Liberty 🗽 because ADL labeled us a hate group. Come on.🤯.. Of all people, he should know what LABELS like this are being used for... to shut you up .. we have NO hate & want pornography out of schools... but he just took our Anti-Vaxer (oops hate) label & believed it 👿. Up until then I was really considering him

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If you are afraid of JFK Jr MORE than the other two candidates, then we can't help you here. If going against Big Industry polluters and the Big Pharma Vax SCAMMERS for many years isn't PROOF that he has We The PEOPLE in mind, then again, we can't help you here.

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Why don't you address the matter that Ms. Spatzier mentioned, instead of raising extraneous issues?

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...and scolding and shooing away...

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Well, then, he will "negotiate with the WHO from the inside" just like he's said.

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Wow. Just plain wow. I am reading Whittaker Chambers, "Witness," and learning that (1) the disinformation wall of sound from our government and press has been going on a long time and (2) one man can make a difference. Malraux wrote to Chambers after reading his book that at least he did not come back from hell empty-handed.

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I firmly believe that this is a pattern in our politics as anyone who mentions it gets silenced and smeared, thats when you know you were over the target. The corruption machine in our country is so big that it is becoming unbeatable. This should not deter us from trying.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Sounds just like what Trump said about the election process all along, only said more elegantly and from a more attractive personality. I'm sure it's all true. Debbie WS should be in jail, along with all her uni-party colleagues, which would mean basically the entire DNC/ RNC machine, and all the state and federal elected officials they helped get into office, less maybe 20%. Of the house Republicans, the eight who trashed that useless POS McCarthy should be spared, on the sole redemptive basis of giving us the beautiful performance art of ousting their own guy by voting with the Dems to do it, so that's 8 out of 222 or 3.6% (I was generous at 20%). Since it's Springtime For Hitler in Canada, we should immediately deport the other 214 Republicans to Canada so their bank accounts can be frozen pending trial until they prove themselves innocent (which is how jurisprudence works now, I take it). All the Democrats should be conscripted, given a used M-16, and sent to Ukraine to fight, or given a pair of flip flops and a surplus AIG t-shirt and sent to the Congo to mine cobalt by hand for EV batteries. Perhaps I'm missing some steps in due-process, but I'm not a lawyer, just a guy trying to make a living playing by the "rules," so forgive me if I'm bitter too.

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if you didn't catch Miss Debbie's nauseating performance at the 'censorship' hearing, go back and watch it, on an empty stomach. its that sickening. but hey, what a talent to violate the Constitution so many times in so few paragraphs. these people have no place in our leadership yet most people just swallow the lies whole.

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Brilliant comment Branson! Bravo!

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Spot on!! I could not agree more. Thank you so much for posting your comment!

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Sadly I believe both sides, especially in local politics can be guilty .. I think our whole election system needs an overhaul or something.. if neither side trusts an election anymore .. it’s bad

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This is a real eye-opener. RFK, Jr. Is already facing the corruption of the political process through denial of Secret Service protection. The Biden/Clinton/Obama/DNC machine is a pit of lies and corruption.

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Terrific read on the corruption of not only the Democratic Party but of elections. In Florida. I don't see how people can stomach being a Democrat. I left it in 2010 without looking back. Their supporters either are clueless listening to legacy media or entirely cynical and delusional.

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And former governor now senator Rick Scott plays the outsider now, but apparently was Unload th while pursuing his senate seat

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Again, my autocorrect.unload th is uniparty.

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yes definitely clueless and content with letting MSM dictate their opinions. too sad...

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Election fraud on every level. I'm curious, however, where was Timothy Canova's voice when Trump was claiming the same, with the same evidence? Mr. Canova, were you silent, or did you speak loud and proud to support President Trump's allegations? Imagine how those two voices (along with Bernie Sanders, that traitorous, piece of garbage sellout-for-the-bribe of a lakeside cottage in VT) might have changed the false narrative of "free and fair elections" in 2020.

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Tim Canova with Niko House on election fraud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1tfhZPNoTY

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The more I learn about the corruption embedded in our government, the more sad and disillusioned I feel. How can we even be patriotic to such a corrupt government that is not even following the laws or respecting the constitution & do not even care about the people they are serving!! No wonder people continue to be sheep - much easier to just believe what they tell you than struggle & fight against such a corrupt huge and powerful “unibody”! How can we even disrupt or change this? So sad :(

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I'm so discouraged also, however I can't put blinders on and pretend all is well. I am an optimistic at heart and have to believe change is possible and it will come. Reading articles like this makes me realize it will take a miracle to get Bobby in the White House, however I believe in miracles, they happen all the time.

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"much easier to just believe what they tell you than struggle & fight against such a corrupt huge and powerful “unibody”!"

The German Citizens of the 1930s thought the same thing and we know how that turned out!

The RFK Jr Team needs to get this grassroots going soon.

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a swamp creature of the DNC and the deep state. The tricks they pull are utterly unethical and have ruined our country. The deep state has created a Uniparty where the candidates are selected not elected.

I support RFK Jr even though I am a libertarian conservative and don’t support all his agenda. But I don’t support any of the Uniparty agenda. We need a real choice and that hopefully will come with the independent campaign of Kennedy.

One important point I have is RFK Jr wants peace in Ukraine and elsewhere. We are run by warmongers and a military industrial complex. We have our troops stationed around the globe not supporting peace but war.

Grassroots campaign for our candidate must turn to a wildfire. Talk and write to everyone you know. Most are utterly asleep but we must awaken enough to turn our country around.

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The ONLY WAY to turn our country around at this point is to ensure FAIR elections. As you can see in this story, votes do not matter especially in the states that "Suspended Vote Counting" in the 2020 election. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's a very long hill to climb AND their WILL be a deadly COVID outbreak close to the 2024 election. I'm willing to be a foot soldier in the army that we MUST create if We The People matter, but we need RFK Jr. leadership to get the Voter Integrity grassroots operation going.

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This is damning. Worse than I thought.. RFK Jr. should definitely run as an Independent, been one for about 10 yrs.. the Uni-party nothing but clear evidence of Predatory Corporate take over aka. Big Brother..running America and the G20.. most of America know the slime bags [ most of Congress] are nothing but lap dogs for the Gates WEF team ect...

Its super critical we abandon All Partisan BS and join political forces to vote them out.. Divide and conquer is BB's game... the more the left and the right squabble the more BB laughs.. and maintains it grip on the Nation as well as continues to execute the Poison Jab population reduction Plandemic..

Absolutely no computerized vote machines.. paper ballots.. we have to demand it..

Kennedy is our brightest most capable candidate.. lets get out in the trenches and do what we need to do.. There is a Way OUT of this Dystopia.. Volunteer today.. Never comply.. Nuremberg can be realized..

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"Absolutely no computerized vote machines.. paper ballots.. we have to demand it."

Totally agree, but the law NEEDS to change BEFORE the 2024 election, otherwise THEY will STEAL IT AGAIN! We only need a hand full of states to get the job done.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

I have met so many people who like myself always voted Blue but after watching the foul play they engage in, we can no longer do so. Wasserman Schultz’s display of hubris and bullying in that Congressional hearing with RFK Jr sealed it for me. My only question is how can this evil woman ever get elected to anything without cheating. She belongs in jail along with so many other politicians who claim to serve the public but only serve their wealthy powerful masters and themselves.

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you should hear Tulsi Gabbard talk about how DWStreets tried to gaslight her with Vice chair positions and other "favors" to get her to comply. She is a cockroach

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"She belongs in jail along with so many other politicians who claim to serve the public but only serve their wealthy powerful masters and themselves."

The Rabbit hole goes much deeper. The Oligarchs and Corporations need to get slayed, too, for any real change to take place. RFK Jr of 2024 WILL BE the Teddy Roosevelt of 1901 if we fix the voter fraud.


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How she treated Matt Taibbi was just as disgraceful when he was there to testify about the twitter files.

She has always been an obnoxious, self-serving, aggressive power monger since way back nearly 40 yrs ago when she would show up to bark out orders in the office where i worked part-time doing data entry for a new (at that time) PAC dedicated (allegedly) to environmental issues.

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It seems like US no judge ever stands up against even the most blatant voter fraud - how is 2024 going to be different?

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Isn't that something? Hot potato land broke out in all the state courts: get that voting fraud case out of here! One dismissal after another.

Now, years later and much too late, we see the truth unfold: credible evidence surfaces.

We can only learn and go forward. But we must do both.

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Thank you for telling your story. I am so sorry, you were treated wrongly. Being honest and conducting your campaign with a clear conscience, whether you win or lose, you are a hero of America and will be remembered as one. These people who run corrupt campaigns, who manipulate to win at any cost, bring disgrace to themselves while they abuse the privilege and honor to run.

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Interesting that they have moles in Senior Homes to ballot harvest. The fraud by DNC is a death by a 1000 cuts. They analog hack(mules and stealing ballots) and probably reflash voting machines in swing states with logic that tracks votes for the wrong candidate and starts the dotracing game.

I spoke to a UC Berkeley Professor on Cyber Security once on these machines. He said(cannot mention name) that it takes 2 minutes and a serial port connector to reprogram a machine. If you had a laptop with a multiport, factory-style programmer and an extension cord with multiple plugs I would say you could do 10 machines every 5 minutes if not more. I would love to see the electric bill of that Pennsylvania voting machine warehouse that was broken into before 2020 election. I bet there is a surge of energy being used at 3am in the morning or some quiet time of day. Unsecured warehouse. No cameras. Nobody investigated since nothing was stolen...except yer votes

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If voting made any difference, they would not let you vote. There are too many ways to adjust the count. Besides plausible deniability, they use plausible reality spin too. One to three precincts and you own the county. Get rid of absentee ballots. Only allow voting in person. Paper ballots, with a ten year before destruction. NO MACHINES counting. THREE people minimum, each party and an independent judge. Registration must be in person, two to three months before an election to count. Part of moving is having your registration deleted. Photo ID and a signature on the day of voting. As it stands now, voting is a waste of my time and energy.

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"as it stands now, voting is a waste of my time and energy."

Agreed--Big Time! The act of voting, i.e. engaging in the institution of democracy, provides legitimacy to a clearly illegitimate institution. --Boycott the vote until they fix this moronic shit show.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

i get your message and agree, however, not everyone can vote in person. in the end, it seems that voting being a waste of time and energy for voters is exactly the desired outcome of this corruption.

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If you don't like how the people voting elect people, move to where you do. I grew up in Minnesota. It did not matter who ran, they elected RINO and Democrats for the last 70+ years. Not a bad place to live. Until recently. South Dakota is exactly the same, except the elected people are all conservatives. Not a bad place to live, either. The best thing about SD is you only have to visit one day every five years to maintain residency. You may live anywhere else on the planet, and today, that means serious quality of life is available outside the plantation box USA.

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???? totally confused here, Michael. whaaat?? not everyone can vote in person is not always because they live out of the state or the country.

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Vote in person, or you don't vote. Simple. Figure out how to get there. FRAUD is rampant with absentee ballots. After my parents died, they suddenly became Democrats.

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good thing you're not in charge

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Your first sentence says it all 👍🏻

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such a clear indictment of the DNC and crony politics. I will be marking this one saved as ammo when the inevitable arguments come my way, with hard-core Dem family & friends.

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This is so sad, frustrating, third-world at its worst. This is what our government has become all because of the prostitution of our politicians ro corporate money.

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what can be done about Citizens United? That’s a big part of the problem.

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