When one has to attempt to figure out the point a guest editor is making they have clearly missed the mark. DJT had a thriving economy and a very very bright future. The installment dotard, Bidenista, is deliberately destroying this Republic. Beating him is not the issue, as he has beaten himself. DJT is so far ahead he is not touchable. RFK clearly knows this... What theatre are we watching?

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I wish the writer would have included information about what Kennedy plans to do to reduce the cost of living and promote "economic healing." Aside from Kennedy's plans to help first-time home buyers and to stop spending so much money on maintaining approximately 800 military bases around the world, what economic programs does he propose?

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I think part of it is to reduce spending on Military, Big Intel and move that money back domestically to other agencies in government. The real issue is each agency is so corrupt and full of lifer public union employees that are really inefficient.

He will also be in charge the the FED chairman nomination, which has been going to the money printers for a long time.

I would hope and I think he has advocated for cleaner, healthier agriculture with some subsidies to covert over. Thats a main product of the US.

I have seen him cite manufacturing as a big push domestically plus killing off some of the tax giveaways to multinationals

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thinking and hoping, got it

RFK has destroyed the already stinking fetid Democrat party. That was his mission, and he has delivered.

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