There is another problem to face, e-voting. ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES (EVM).
There is no electronic or online voting in Canadian federal elections. Paper ballots are hand-counted.
Electronic voting machines fraud is known since a long time. I don't understand why it is still being used and legal. It should be banned. It should be only Pap…
There is another problem to face, e-voting. ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES (EVM).
There is no electronic or online voting in Canadian federal elections. Paper ballots are hand-counted.
Electronic voting machines fraud is known since a long time. I don't understand why it is still being used and legal. It should be banned. It should be only Paper Voting.
US Lab Says Electronic Voting Machines Easy to Hack 3:08 min
There is another problem to face, e-voting. ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES (EVM).
There is no electronic or online voting in Canadian federal elections. Paper ballots are hand-counted.
Electronic voting machines fraud is known since a long time. I don't understand why it is still being used and legal. It should be banned. It should be only Paper Voting.
US Lab Says Electronic Voting Machines Easy to Hack 3:08 min
America's Voting Machines Are Extremely Vulnerable to Hacking 5:13 min
Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea - Computerphile 8:20 min